
zǔ (組, 组) to to organize, group and MW for groups

This is a BCB420/JTB2020 project in computational systems biology at the University of Toronto. If you are not enrolled in this course, this code is unlikely to be useful to you.

This package follows the structure and process suggested by Hadley Wickham in:

R Packages

Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:

Rebase your branch and Check your branch before every push. DO NOT PUSH CODE that does not pass without error, warnings and notes. To merge, push your branch to GitHub and create a pull request. Then tap someone from your team to review your code and merge it.

Load the package (outside of this project) with: devtools::install_github("hyginn/zu")

hyginn/zu documentation built on May 3, 2019, 9:38 p.m.