
Defines functions drawing.features srezoom sClickOnZoom bar.coor region.bbox win.ratio name.match subByLim outerLim innerLim lim.inside re.scale col.fun order.match data.trans shape.extract

Documented in bar.coor col.fun data.trans drawing.features innerLim lim.inside name.match order.match outerLim region.bbox re.scale sClickOnZoom shape.extract srezoom subByLim win.ratio

##' extract the information from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object.
##' the function will also returns a global object which called global.objects.
##' @title extract and create a shape object
##' @param shp a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object, see \link{readShapeSpatial}.
##' @param column.index Index of the region column in \code{shp}
##' @return a shape object.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @import maptools
##' @importFrom methods slot
##' @export
shape.extract <- function(shp, column.index = 2) {
    polygon.data <- list()
    j <- 0
    col.index <- 0
    poly.out <- length(shp@polygons)
    index <- 0
    for (i in 1:poly.out)
        poly.in <- length(shp@polygons[[i]]@Polygons)
        col.index[i] <- poly.in
        for (ii in 1:poly.in)
            j <- j + 1
            polygon.data[j] <- list(shp@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[ii]]@coords)
            index[j] <- dim(polygon.data[[j]])[1]
    latlon <- do.call(rbind, polygon.data)
    latlon.data <- data.frame(latlon = latlon)
    colnames(latlon.data) <- c("lon.x", "lat.y")
    region <- shp[[column.index]]
    cents <- coordinates(shp)
    area <- sapply(slot(shp, "polygons"), slot, "area")
    max.area <- tapply(area, region, max)
    i.region <- region[area %in% max.area]
    center <- cents[area %in% max.area, ]
    center.region <- data.frame(lon.x = center[, 1], lat.y = center[, 2], i.region = i.region)
    obj <- list(
        latlon = latlon.data, center.region = center.region, ## data frame
        each = index, region = region, col.index = col.index
    ) ## list
    class(obj) <- c("shape.object")

##' @title Transform the data into the range of [0,1].
##' @param x a numeric value or vector.
##' @param transform the method for transformation, can be linear,log,sqrt,exp,power and normal.
##' @param data.range ??? range of \code{x}
##' @param mean ??? mean of \code{x}
##' @param sd ??? standard deviation of \code{x}
##' @param max.prob ???
##' @return a transformed numeric vector.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @importFrom stats dnorm
##' @export
data.trans <- function(x, transform = "linear", data.range, mean, sd, max.prob) {
    a <- x
    b <- a - min(data.range, na.rm = TRUE)
    transform.option <- c("linear", "log", "sqrt", "exp", "power", "normal")
    impossible.number <- 0.091823021983
    bio.color <- c("bi.polar")
    if (!(transform %in% transform.option)) {
        stop("Invaild transform method,please select one method from:

        linear = {
            b <- b
            data.length <- diff(data.range)
        log = {
            b <- log(b + 1)
            data.length <- log(max(data.range))
        sqrt = {
            b <- sqrt(b)
            data.length <- sqrt(max(data.range))
        exp = {
            b <- exp(b)
            data.length <- exp(max(data.range))
        power = {
            b <- b^2
            data.length <- max(data.range)^2
        normal = {
            x <- (a - mean) / sd
            b <- dnorm(x, 0, 1)
            data.length <- max.prob

    percent.data <- b / data.length
    if (length(a) > 1) {
    } else {

##' re-order the region name in shape file
##' @title re-order the region name in shape file
##' @param shp.region a character vector.
##' @param data.region a character vector.
##' @return an integer vector.
##' @author Jason Wen
order.match <- function(shp.region, data.region) {
    order <- match(shp.region, data.region)
    orderd.data <- order
    na.data <- shp.region[is.na(orderd.data)]

##' Choose a type of color that helps read the map nicely.
##' @title Color Specification
##' @param data a numeric vector that should lie on the range of [0,1].
##' @param color.index an integer vector from inzshapemap object.
##' @param display a character value, the method for display colors. It should be choosen by one of the following display method: "hcl","hue","heat","rainbow","terrain","topo","cm","gray","r","n","e".
##' @param na.fill a character value that specify the color that use to fill the unmatch region/country.
##' @param offset a numeric value within the range of [0,1] .
##' @param col the color for fill the match region/country, it only needs to be specify if display = 'hue'.
##' @return A color vector.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @import RColorBrewer
##' @importFrom grDevices cm.colors col2rgb gray hcl heat.colors rainbow rgb terrain.colors topo.colors
##' @importFrom stats runif
##' @details hcl,HCL Color Specification, whith c = 35 and l = 85 see \link{hcl}. hue, when display = 'hue', then the 'col' arg need to be specified. The alpha will depend on the data, see \link{rgb}. rainbow,terrain,topo,cm are the method from \link{RColorBrewer}. r,n , the color filled randomly expect n will fill the entire map even the region is unmatch. e, equal color for all matched region.
col.fun <- function(data, color.index,
                    display = "hue", na.fill = "#F4A460", offset = 0, col = "red") {
    display.option <- c("hcl", "hue", "heat", "cm", "rainbow", "terrain", "topo", "cm", "bi.polar", "r", "n", "gray", "e")
    impossible.number <- 0.091823021983
    bio.color <- c("bi.polar")
    if (!(display %in% display.option)) {
        stop("display method not found,please select one method from:
            'hcl','hue','heat','cm','rainbow','terrain','topo','cm','bi.polar','r','n','grat','e' ")

    data <- round(data, 2)
    if (display %in% bio.color) {
        fill.float <- ifelse(is.na(data) == TRUE, impossible.number, data)
    } else {
        fill.float <- ifelse(is.na(data) == TRUE, impossible.number, data * (1 - offset) + (offset))
    ### the color can not be offset if it is bio-color
    ### display transform
        hcl = {
            fill.col <- hcl(as.numeric(fill.float) * 100, l = 85)
        hue = {
            char.col.trans <- col2rgb(col) / 255
            fill.col <- rgb(char.col.trans[1], char.col.trans[2], char.col.trans[3], fill.float)
        heat = {
            over.col <- heat.colors(length(color.index) * 100 + 1)
            orderd.col <- over.col[length(over.col):1]
            id <- fill.float * length(color.index) * 100 + 1
            fill.col <- orderd.col[id]
        rainbow = {
            over.col <- rainbow(length(color.index) * 100 + 1)
            orderd.col <- over.col
            id <- fill.float * length(color.index) * 100 + 1
            fill.col <- orderd.col[id]
        terrain = {
            over.col <- terrain.colors(length(color.index) * 100 + 1)
            orderd.col <- over.col
            id <- fill.float * length(color.index) * 100 + 1
            fill.col <- orderd.col[id]
        topo = {
            over.col <- topo.colors(length(color.index) * 100 + 1)
            orderd.col <- over.col
            id <- fill.float * length(color.index) * 100 + 1
            fill.col <- orderd.col[id]
        cm = {
            over.col <- cm.colors(length(color.index) * 100 + 1)
            orderd.col <- over.col
            id <- fill.float * length(color.index) * 100 + 1
            fill.col <- orderd.col[id]
        bi.polar = {
            col.center <- mean(fill.float)
            fill <- ""
            re.scale <- 1 / max(abs(fill.float - col.center))
            alpha <- ifelse(fill.float >= col.center,
                (fill.float - col.center) * re.scale,
                (col.center - fill.float) * re.scale
            fill.col <- ifelse(fill.float >= col.center,
                rgb(1, 0, 0, alpha = alpha),
                rgb(0, 0, 1, alpha = alpha)
        gray = {
            fill.col <- gray(round(1 - as.numeric(fill.float), 5))
        r = {
            r <- ifelse(fill.float == impossible.number, impossible.number, runif(fill.float))
            g <- ifelse(fill.float == impossible.number, impossible.number, runif(fill.float))
            b <- ifelse(fill.float == impossible.number, impossible.number, runif(fill.float))
            fill.col <- rgb(r, g, b)
        n = {
            r <- runif(length(fill.float))
            g <- runif(length(fill.float))
            b <- runif(length(fill.float))
            na.fill <- rgb(r, g, b)
            fill.col <- rgb(r, g, b)
        e = {
            char.col.trans <- col2rgb(col) / 255
            fill.col <- rgb(char.col.trans[1], char.col.trans[2], char.col.trans[3], 1)
    color.each <- ifelse(fill.float == impossible.number, na.fill, fill.col)
    color.out <- rep(color.each, color.index)

##' rearrange the limit by given a ratio.
##' @title rearrange the limit
##' @param x a vector of length 2.
##' @param ratio a numeric value.
##' @return a vector of length of 2, re-sized by the ratio.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @export
re.scale <- function(x, ratio) {
    mid <- mean(x)
    l <- diff(x) / 2
    l.r <- l * ratio
    c(mid - l.r, mid + l.r)

##' is the latitude and longitude within the limit?
##' @title identify the which set of latitude and longitude are within the limit.
##' @param x a numeric matrix of n*2 dimension.
##' @param lim a numeric vector of length 4.
##' @return a logical vector of length of n, indicates which row in x is within in the limit.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @export
lim.inside <- function(x, lim) {
    (x[, 1] > lim[1] & x[, 1] < lim[2]) &
        (x[, 2] > lim[3] & x[, 2] < lim[4])

##' Calculate the inner limit.
##' @title inner limit
##' @details the limit is computed by calculate the limit of the given region.
##' @param obj an inzshapemap object.
##' @param d.region a character vector that specify the region or country.
##' @return a numeric vector with length 4, the inner limit/bbox of the map.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @export
innerLim <- function(obj, d.region) {
    latlon <- obj$latlon
    each <- obj$each
    col.index <- obj$col.index
    region <- obj$region
    bbox <- obj$bbox

    logic <- region %in% d.region
    if (all(logic == FALSE)) {
        lim.sub <- bbox
    } else {
        polygon.index.fill <- rep(logic, col.index)
        each.sub <- each[rep(logic, col.index)]
        latlon.sub <- latlon[rep(rep(logic, col.index), each), ]
        lim.sub <- c(
            range(latlon.sub[, 1], na.rm = TRUE),
            range(latlon.sub[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)

##' Calculate the outer limit.
##' @title outer limit
##' @details the limit is computed by calculate the limit of the given inner limit. If there is a region been cut by the inner limit, then the outer limit will extend up to the limit of the region.
##' @param obj an inzshapemap object.
##' @param lim a numeric vector of length 4.
##' @param ignore.region a character value or vector, specify which regions are been ignored when calculate the limit.
##' @return a numeric vector with length 4, the outer limit/bbox of the map.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @export
outerLim <- function(obj, lim, ignore.region = c("Russia", "Antarctica")) {
    latlon <- obj$latlon
    each <- obj$each
    col.index <- obj$col.index
    region <- obj$region

    with <- lim.inside(latlon, lim)
    id <- rep(1:length(each), each)
    each.index <- unique(id[with])
    log.pre <- id %in% each.index
    log.pre[rep(rep((region %in% ignore.region), col.index), each)] <- FALSE
    latlon.sub <- latlon[log.pre, ]

    lim.sub <- c(range(latlon.sub[, 1]), range(latlon.sub[, 2]))

##' Subset by limit.
##' @title subset by limit
##' @param obj an inzshapemap object.
##' @param lim a numeric vector of length 4.
##' @return an inzshapemap object.
##' @author Jason Wen
##' @export
subByLim <- function(obj, lim) {
    latlon <- obj$latlon
    each <- obj$each
    col.index <- obj$col.index
    col <- obj$col
    region <- obj$region

    with <- lim.inside(latlon, lim)
    id.index <- 1:length(each)
    id <- rep(id.index, each)
    each.index <- unique(id[with])
    each.sub <- each[each.index]
    latlon.sub <- latlon[id %in% each.index, ]
    lim.sub <- c(range(latlon.sub[, 1]), range(latlon.sub[, 2]))
    region.id <- rep(rep(region, col.index), each)
    with.sub <- lim.inside(latlon, lim.sub)

    latlon.out <- latlon[id %in% id[with.sub], ]
    each.sub.index <- unique(id[with.sub])
    each.out <- each[each.sub.index]

    ## some regions have multiple length
    e <- rep(rep(1:length(region), col.index), each)
    e.index <- unique(e[with.sub])

    ## out
    region.out <- region[e.index]
    col.index.out <- col.index[e.index]
    col.out <- col[each.sub.index]
    lim.out <- lim.sub
    obj <- list(
        latlon = latlon.out, each = each.out,
        col.index = col.index.out, region = region.out,
        xylim = lim.out, col = col.out, center.region = obj$center.region

##' @title Match names between map and data
##' @param shp.region Map object
##' @param data.region Data
##' @return a 2*2 numeric matrix
##' @author Jason
##' @import countrycode
##' @export
name.match <- function(shp.region, data.region) {
    s <- countrycode(shp.region, "country.name", "iso3c")
    d <- countrycode(data.region, "country.name", "iso3c")
    if (all(is.na(s))) {
        d <- data.region
        s <- shp.region
    n <- nchar(as.character(data.region))
    if (all(length(n) == 2)) {
        d <- countrycode(data.region, "iso2c", "iso3c")
    list(d = d, s = s)

##' compute and return the xlim and ylim within aspect ratio
##' @title win.ratio
##' @param xlim a numeric vector of length 2
##' @param ylim a numeric vector of length 2
##' @return a numeric vector of length 4, the first two componets specified the new xlim and the last two componets specified the new ylim.
##' @author Jason
##' @import countrycode
##' @export
win.ratio <- function(xlim, ylim) {
    x <- diff(xlim)
    y <- diff(ylim)

    w <- convertWidth(current.viewport()$width, "mm", TRUE)
    h <- convertHeight(current.viewport()$height, "mm", TRUE)

    if (h / w < y / x) {
        x.tmp <- y / (h / w)
        x.r <- x.tmp / x
        xlim <- re.scale(xlim, x.r)
    } else {
        y.tmp <- (h / w) * x
        y.r <- y.tmp / y
        ylim <- re.scale(ylim, y.r)
    lim <- c(xlim, ylim)

##' Calaudate the bbox of a country
##' @title Calaudate the bbox of a country
##' @param obj the iNZight Shape Map Object
##' @param name a character vector, the name of the country
##' @param vector logical value, if it is TRUE then return a vector of length 4 otherwise return an 2*2 matrix
##' @return a 2*2 numeric matrix or a vector of length 4
##' @author Jason
##' @export
region.bbox <- function(obj, name, vector = FALSE) {
    latlon <- obj$latlon
    each <- obj$each
    region <- obj$region
    col.index <- obj$col.index

    region.ind <- rep(rep(region, col.index), each)
    nn <- region.ind %in% name
    lat.lim <- range(latlon[nn, 1])
    lon.lim <- range(latlon[nn, 2])
    bbox <- c(lat.lim, lon.lim)
    if (vector == FALSE) {
        dim(bbox) <- c(2, 2)
        colnames(bbox) <- c("lat", "lon")

##' a function for create a bar object
##' @title create bar object
##' @param obj a inzightshapemap object
##' @param var a character vectror, the column name of data
##' @param data the data set
##' @param xmax the maximum weight of the bar
##' @param ymax the maximum height of the bar
##' @param bar.col the color of each bar
##' @return NULL
##' @author Jason
##' @export
bar.coor <- function(obj, var, data, xmax = 0.85, ymax = 2,
                     bar.col = c("#E0FFFF", "#FAFAD2", "#FFA07A", "#C71585", "#DC143C", "#B8860B", "#00BFFF", "#ADFF2F")) {
    region <- obj$region
    col.index <- obj$col.index
    each <- obj$each

    a <- rep(rep(1:length(region), col.index), each)
    b <- rep(rep(region %in% data$Country, col.index), each)
    s.region <- unique(region[unique(a[b])])
    region.lim <- do.call(rbind, lapply(s.region, region.bbox, obj = obj, vector = TRUE))
    ind <- match(s.region, obj$center.region$i.region)
    x <- obj$center.region$lon.x[ind]
    y <- obj$center.region$lat.y[ind]

    l <- apply(region.lim, 1, function(x) c(diff(x[1:2]), diff(x[3:4])))
    plot.num <- as.character(length(var))
    bar.weight.tot <- as.numeric(plot.num) * xmax
    s.length.x <- ifelse(l[1, ] > bar.weight.tot, xmax, l[1, ] / as.numeric(plot.num)) / 2

    n <- as.numeric(plot.num)
    if (n %% 2 != 0) {
        if (n == 1) {
            a <- 1
        } else {
            a <- c(n, rep(seq(n - 2, 1)[c(TRUE, FALSE)], each = 2))
    } else {
        if (n == 2) {
            a <- c(2, 0)
        } else {
            a <- c(n, rep(((n - 2):2)[c(T, F)], each = 2), 0)
    out <- c(-a, a[length(a):1])
    xtot <- rep(x, length(out)) + rep(s.length.x, length(out)) * rep(out, each = length(x))

    xl.sub <- (1:length(x)) + rep(seq(0, n * 2 - 1, 2), each = length(x)) * length(x)
    xr.sub <- (1:length(x)) + rep(seq(1, n * 2, 2), each = length(x)) * length(x)

    rep(seq(0, (n - 1) * 2, 2), each = length(x)) * length(x)

    xl <- xtot[xl.sub]
    xr <- xtot[xr.sub]

    data.sub <- data[which(data$Country %in% s.region), ]
    data.in <- data.sub[var]
    data.in[is.na(data.in)] <- 0
    data.t <- apply(data.in, 2, data.trans)
    data.matrix <- as.matrix(data.t)
    dim(data.matrix) <- c(dim(data.matrix)[1] * dim(data.matrix)[2], 1)
    yt <- rep(y, length(var)) + data.matrix * ymax
    yb <- y
    sep.n <- nrow(data.in)
    a <- cbind(xl, xr, yb, yt)
    x.coor <- a[rep(1:dim(a)[1], each = 5) + rep(c(0, dim(a)[1], dim(a)[1], 0, 0), dim(a)[1])]
    y.coor <- a[rep(1:dim(a)[1], each = 5) + rep(c(2 * dim(a)[1], 2 * dim(a)[1], 3 * dim(a)[1], 3 * dim(a)[1], 2 * dim(a)[1]), dim(a)[1])]

    d1 <- cbind(x.coor, y.coor)
    each.polygon <- rep(5, dim(a)[1])
    col <- rep(bar.col, each = sep.n)
    bar.obj <- list(d1 = d1, col = col, each = each.polygon)

##' Zoom in/out when click the plot
##' @title Zoom in/out
##' @param ratio a numeric value, define the ratio of zomm in or out
##' @param resize resize the map?
##' @return NULL
##' @details if ratio < 1 then zoom in, if ratio > 1 then zoom out, if ratio = 1 then shift the plot.
##' @author Jason
##' @export
sClickOnZoom <- function(ratio = 1 / 2, resize = FALSE) {
    s.obj <- inzshpobj$s.obj
    bar.obj <- inzshpobj$bar.obj
    name <- inzshpobj$name
    latlon <- s.obj$latlon
    cols <- s.obj$col
    shade.each <- s.obj$each
    region.name <- inzshpobj$region.name
    value <- inzshpobj$value
    sbbox <- inzshpobj$bbox
    ylim <- c(-10, 10)

    ox.lim <- inzshpobj$s.obj$xylim
    center.x <- s.obj$center.region$lon.x
    center.y <- s.obj$center.region$lat.y
    region.name <- s.obj$center.region$i.region

    if (inzshpobj$num == 1) {

    if (resize == FALSE) {
        pushViewport(viewport(0.5, unit(1, "char"), 1, unit(2, "char")))
        grid::grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "red"))
        grid::grid.text("Click a point on the map to zoom",
            x = 0.5, y = 0.5, default.units = "native",
            gp = gpar(col = "white")
        p.center <- as.numeric(grid.locator())
        xylim <- c(current.viewport()$xscale, current.viewport()$yscale)
    } else {
        p.center <- inzshpobj$click.point
        xylim <- win.ratio(inzshpobj$bbox.record[1:2], inzshpobj$bbox.record[3:4])

    nx.lim <- rep(p.center[1], 2) + c(-1, 1) * diff(xylim[1:2]) * ratio / 2
    ny.lim <- rep(p.center[2], 2) + c(-1, 1) * diff(xylim[3:4]) * ratio / 2
    n.lim <- c(nx.lim, ny.lim)

    if (resize == FALSE) {
        inzshpobj$bbox.record <<- c(nx.lim, ny.lim)

    s.obj <- subByLim(s.obj, c(nx.lim, ny.lim))
    if (ratio > 1) {
        if (diff(range(nx.lim)) > diff(sbbox[1:2]) & diff(range(ny.lim)) > diff(sbbox[3:4])) {
            n.lim <- win.ratio(sbbox[1:2], sbbox[3:4])

    vp <- viewport(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, name = "VP:map", xscale = n.lim[1:2], yscale = n.lim[3:4])

    grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "#F5F5F5"))

    grid.polygon(s.obj$latlon[, 1], s.obj$latlon[, 2],
        default.units = "native", id.lengths = s.obj$each,
        gp = gpar(col = "#B29980", fill = s.obj$col)
        bar.obj = bar.obj,
        latlon = latlon, cols = cols,
        shade.each = shade.each, region.name = region.name,
        value = value, name = name,
        center.x = center.x, center.y = center.y
    grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))

    inzshpobj$num <<- inzshpobj$num + 1
    inzshpobj$click.point <<- p.center

##' change the zoom within the center point
##' @title change the zoom within the center point
##' @param zoom a numeric value between 0.1 to 0.9(minimum zoom to maximum zoom)
##' @return NULL
##' @author Jason
##' @export
srezoom <- function(zoom) {
    if (zoom > 2 | zoom < 0.1) {
        stop("invalid zoom")
    sClickOnZoom(ratio = zoom, resize = TRUE)

##' a function for drawing bar char, display the value and/or region name
##' @title drawing features
##' @param bar.obj a bar object see \link{bar.coor}
##' @param latlon a n*2 numeric matrix the first column specifies the latitudes and the second column specifies the longitudes
##' @param cols a color character strings vector
##' @param shade.each a numeric vector
##' @param region.name a character vector
##' @param data.region region data
##' @param value a numeric vector
##' @param name a character vector
##' @param center.x a numeric value
##' @param center.y a numeric value
##' @param y.shift a numeric value
##' @return NULL
##' @author Jason
##' @export
drawing.features <- function(bar.obj, latlon, cols,
                             shade.each, region.name,
                             data.region, value, name,
                             center.x, center.y,
                             y.shift = 0.5) {
    full.option <- c("bar", "r", "v", "b")
        "bar" = {
            xmax <- 0.004 * diff(range(latlon[, 1]))
            ymax <- 0.1 * diff(range(latlon[, 2]))
            grid.polygon(bar.obj$d1[, 1], bar.obj$d1[, 2],
                default.units = "native", id.lengths = bar.obj$each,
                gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bar.obj$col)
            out.str <- countrycode(region.name, "country.name", "iso3c")
            center.y <- center.y - y.shift
        "r" = {
            out.str <- region.name
        "v" = {
            center.x <- center.x[!is.na(value)]
            center.y <- center.y[!is.na(value)]
            out.str <- value[!is.na(value)]
        "b" = {
            value[is.na(value)] <- ""
            out.str <- ifelse(value == "", paste(region.name), paste(region.name, value, sep = "\n"))
    if (name %in% full.option) {
            x = center.x, y = center.y,
            just = "centre", default.units = "native",
            gp = gpar(fontsize = 9), check.overlap = TRUE
iNZightVIT/iNZightMaps documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 4:42 p.m.