
#' Fish price analysis
#' @description
#' @param prices a table that has prices for different fish
#' @return a list containing the following elements: 1) the value of the average price across different fish species (average_price) 2) a tibble indicating the least valued species and its price (least_valued) 3) a tibble indicating the most valued species and its price (most_valued)
#' @export
#' @author Lina Barbosa, Ignacia Rivera & Rucha Thakar
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"

fish_price_analysis<- function(prices = NULL){
  ##### Average price #####
  #Obtain max by site and identify most frequent species
  average_price <- mean(prices[,2])
  #### Least valued species and its price ####
  min_price <- min(prices[,2])
  least_valued <- prices %>% 
    filter(prices[,2] == min_price)
  #### most valued species and its price ####
  max_price <- max(prices[,2])
  most_valued <- prices %>% 
    filter(prices[,2] == max_price)
  return(list(average_price= average_price,
              least_valued = least_valued,
              most_valued = most_valued))
ignacia-rivera/Package_fisheries_Barbosa_Thakar_Rivera documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:05 a.m.