
#' Pathway based Sum of Powered Score tests (SPUpath) and adaptive SPUpath (aSPUpath) test for single trait - pathway association. (vector version, fast when n is large)
#' It gives p-values of the SPUpath tests and aSPUpath test. Faster than aSPUsPath function when n is large (N > 10^4).
#' @param Y Response or phenotype data. It can be a disease indicator; =0 for controls, =1 for cases.
#' Or it can be a quantitative trait. A vector with length n (number of observations).
#' @param X Genotype or other data; each row for a subject, and each column
#'     for an SNP (or a predictor). The value of each SNP is the # of the copies
#'     for an allele. A matrix with dimension n by k (n : number of observation, k : number of SNPs (or predictors) ).
#' @param cov Covariates. A matrix with dimension n by p (n :number of observation, p : number of covariates).
#' @param model Use "gaussian" for a quantitative trait, and use "binomial" for a binary trait.
#' @param snp.info SNP information matrix, the 1st column is SNP id, 2nd column is chromosome #, 3rd column indicates SNP location.
#' @param gene.info GENE information matrix, The 1st column is GENE id, 2nd column is chromosome #, 3rd and 4th column indicate start and end positions of the gene.
#' @param pow SNP specific power(gamma values) used in SPUpath test.
#' @param pow2 GENE specific power(gamma values) used in SPUpath test.
#' @param n.perm number of permutations.
#' @param usePCs indicating whether to extract PCs and then use PCs of X.
#' @param varprop the proportion of the variations explained (cutoff) that
#'                 determines how many top PCs to use.
#' @export
#' @return P-values for SPUpath tests and aSPUpath test.
#' @author Il-Youp Kwak and Wei Pan
#' @references
#' Wei Pan, Il-Youp Kwak and Peng Wei (2015)
#' A Powerful and Pathway-Based Adaptive Test for Genetic Association With Common or Rare Variants, The American Journal of Human Genetics, 97, 86-98
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{dat1<-simPathAR1Snp(nGenes=20, nGenes1=5, nSNPlim=c(1, 20),
#' 	       nSNP0=1, LOR=.2, n=100, MAFlim=c(0.05, 0.4), p0=0.05 ) }
#' \dontshow{dat1<-simPathAR1Snp(nGenes=20, nGenes1=5, nSNPlim=c(1, 20),
#'             nSNP0=1, LOR=.2, n=40, MAFlim=c(0.05, 0.4), p0=0.05 ) }
#' # p-values of SPUpath and aSPUpath tests.
#' \dontrun{p.pathaspu<- aSPUpath2C(dat1$Y, dat1$X, snp.info = dat1$snp.info,
#'          gene.info = dat1$gene.info,
#'          model = "binomial", pow=1:8, pow2=c(1, 2, 4, 8), n.perm=1000) }
#' \dontshow{p.pathaspu<- aSPUpath2C(dat1$Y, dat1$X, snp.info = dat1$snp.info,
#'          gene.info = dat1$gene.info,
#'          model = "binomial", pow=1:8, pow2=c(1, 2, 4, 8), n.perm=30) }
#' p.pathaspu
#' ## pow = 1:8 and pow2 = 1,2,4,8
#' ## So, there are 8*4 = 32 SPUpath p-values.
#' ## SPUpathi,j corresponds pow = i , pow2 = j
#' ## The last element, aSPUpath gives aSPUpath p-value.

aSPUpath2C <- function(Y, X, cov = NULL, model=c("binomial", "gaussian"),
                     snp.info, gene.info, pow=c(1:8, Inf), pow2=c(1,2,4,8),
                     n.perm=200, usePCs=F, varprop=0.95 ){

    model = match.arg(model)

    ## some input checking stuff in here
    if( any(is.na(X)) ) {
        stop("NA exist in gene matrix. ")

    if( any(is.na(Y)) ) {
        stop("NA exist in phenotype. ")
    n.gene <- nrow(gene.info)
    GL <- list(0)
    i = 1
    for(g in 1:n.gene) { # g = 2
        snpTF <- ( snp.info[,2] == gene.info[g,2] &
                      gene.info[g,3] <= as.numeric(snp.info[,3]) &
                          gene.info[g,4] >= as.numeric(snp.info[,3]) )

        if( sum(snpTF) != 0){
            GL[[i]] <- which(snpTF)
            i = i + 1

    X = X[, unlist(GL)]

    nSNPs0<-rep(0, length(nSNPs))
    if (usePCs){
        for(iGene in 1:length(nSNPs)){
            if (iGene==1) SNPstart=1 else SNPstart=sum(nSNPs[1:(iGene-1)])+1
            Xpcs<-extractPCs(X[, indx], cutoff=varprop)
            Xg<-cbind(Xg, Xpcs)
            if (is.null(ncol(Xpcs))) { nSNPs0[iGene]=1
            } else nSNPs0[iGene]=ncol(Xpcs)
    } else { Xg=X; nSNPs0=nSNPs}


#######construction of the score vector:
    if (is.null(cov)){
        ## NO nuisance parameters:
        U<-as.vector(t(Xg) %*% r)
    } else {
        tdat1<-data.frame(trait=Y, cov)

        if(is.null(colnames(cov))) {
            colnames(tdat1) = c("trait", paste("cov",1:dim(cov)[2],sep=""))
        } else {
            colnames(tdat1) = c("trait", colnames(cov))
        XUs<-matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=k)
        Xmus = Xg
        for(i in 1:k){
            tdat2<-data.frame(X1=X[,i], cov)
            XUs[, i]<-(X[,i] - Xmus[,i])
        r<-Y - pis
        U<-t(XUs) %*% r


    ## test stat's:
    StdTs <- rep(0, length(pow) * nGenes)
    for (j in 1:length(pow)) {
        for (iGene in 1:nGenes) {
            if (iGene == 1) {
                SNPstart = 1
            } else SNPstart = sum(nSNPs0[1:(iGene - 1)]) + 1
            indx = (SNPstart:(SNPstart + nSNPs0[iGene] - 1))
            if (pow[j] < Inf) {
                a = (sum(U[indx]^pow[j]))
                StdTs[(j - 1) * nGenes + iGene] = sign(a) * ((abs(a)/nSNPs0[iGene])^(1/pow[j]))
            } else {
                StdTs[(j - 1) * nGenes + iGene] = max(abs(U[indx]))
    Ts2 <- rep(0, length(pow) * length(pow2))
    for (j2 in 1:length(pow2)) {
        for (j in 1:length(pow)) {
            if (pow2[j2] < Inf) {
                Ts2[(j2 - 1) * length(pow) + j] = sum(StdTs[((j - 1) * nGenes + 1):(j * nGenes)]^pow2[j2])
            } else {
                Ts2[(j2 - 1) * length(pow) + j] = max(StdTs[((j - 1) * nGenes + 1):(j * nGenes)])

    if(max(pow) == Inf) {
        pow[which(pow ==Inf)] = -1

    if(max(pow2) == Inf) {
        pow2[which(pow2 ==Inf)] = -1
    s <- sample(1:10^5, 1)    
    Results = aSPUpathEngine(t(XUs), r, pow, pow2, nGenes, n.perm , k, nSNPs0, Ts2, s)

    minp0 <- Results$minp0
    pPerm0 <- Results$pPerm0
    P0s <- Results$P0
    Paspu <- (sum(minp0 <= min(pPerm0)) + 1)/(n.perm + 1)
    pvs <- c(pPerm0, Paspu)
    Ts <- c(Ts2, min(pPerm0))

    if(min(pow) == -1) {
        pow[which(pow == -1 )] = Inf

    if(min(pow2) == -1) {
        pow2[which(pow2 == -1)] = Inf

    nmvec <- NULL
    for (ii in pow2) {
        for (jj in pow) {
            nmvec <- c(nmvec, paste("SPUsPath", jj, ",", ii, 
                sep = ""))
    nmvec <- c(nmvec, "aSPUpath")
    names(Ts) = nmvec
    names(pvs) = nmvec
    list(Ts = Ts, pvs = pvs)
ikwak2/aSPUc documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:03 p.m.