
Ilaria Prosdocimi (prosdocimi.ilaria@gmail.com) and Thomas Kjeldsen

An R package to compute the Hosking and Wallis goodness of fit measure and the bivariate extension presented by Kjldsen and Prosdocimi. The measures are useful to quantify the goodness of fit to a set of possible distribution function for a sample of observations of region of influence. These are typically used in flood frequency analysis.

This package implements the measures discussed in:

Kjeldsen T. R. and Prosdocimi I. (2015) A bivariate extension of the Hosking and Wallis goodness-of-fit measure for regional distributions. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015912

It can be loaded in R by typing

# the devtools package is needed to be able to load the package
# install.packages("devtools")

The main function implemented in the package is GOFmeasures. See the vignette for a more detailed discussion of how to use GOFmeasures.

An example

amaxs <- list("river1" = c(192.92, 199.96, 178.90, 243.00, 182.93, 268.22, 263.52, 
                           166.82, 195.41, 251.65, 206.08, 174.34, 212.21, 253.74, 
                           195.69, 177.14, 193.33, 218.09, 233.69, 242.53, 191.09, 
                           243.20, 201.50, 206.58, 204.83, 226.49, 288.78), 
              "river2" = c(85.96, 87.15, 103.27, 117.50, 83.41, 83.12, 88.35,  89.98,
                           96.89, 77.54, 113.98,  99.61, 91.87, 89.30, 87.98, 117.62,
                           95.97, 80.20,  95.71,  87.70,145.84, 90.92, 84.53,  94.03,
                           79.07, 89.10,  85.84,  150.35),
              "river3" = c(183.56, 148.95, 175.88, 281.85, 392.15, 164.53, 199.99, 
                           163.22, 224.35, 264.79, 179.50, 201.19, 149.69, 247.65, 
                           237.57, 226.09, 197.34, 184.54, 235.66, 235.51, 452.03, 
                           209.25, 159.34, 350.17, 144.94, 220.09, 279.39, 288.47, 
                           236.48, 210.82, 267.95, 184.70, 269.45, 160.18, 204.24, 
                           271.61, 291.15, 136.23, 157.99, 262.34, 225.62, 204.39, 
                           227.14, 180.47, 216.58)

GOFmeasures(amaxs, plot = TRUE)
##            GLO    GEV     GNO     PE3
##   HW_GOF 0.6989 0.0460 -0.2572 -0.8083
##   KP_GOF 1.2918 0.0556  0.0578  0.8101

ilapros/GOFmeas documentation built on July 19, 2020, 9:43 p.m.