
Defines functions iex_user_agent iex_base iex_endpoint iex_api print.iex_api tops last market stats intraday_stats recent_stats records_stats monthly_stats daily_stats

Documented in daily_stats intraday_stats last market monthly_stats recent_stats records_stats stats tops

# API ---------------------------------------------------------------------
iex_user_agent <- function() {

iex_base <- function(version) {

iex_endpoint <- function(path, version = "1.0") {
  httr::modify_url(iex_base(), path = paste0(version, "/", path))

iex_api <- function(path, query = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  # End points throttled: 5 requests per second. Enforce this
  resp <- httr::GET(iex_endpoint(path, version), query = query, iex_user_agent())
  if (httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
    stop("API did not return JSON", call. = FALSE)
  parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(resp, "text"),
    simplifyVector = FALSE)
  if (httr::http_error(resp)) {
    stop(sprintf("IEX API request failed [%s]\n%s",
      httr::status_code(resp), parsed$error), call. = FALSE)
  structure(list(content = parsed, path = path, response = resp),
    class = 'iex_api')

#' @export
print.iex_api <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("<IEX ", x$path, ">\n", sep = "")

# TOPS --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Top of book data (TOPS)
#' Provides IEX's aggregated bid and offer position in near real time for
#' all securities on IEX's displayed limit order book.
#' @param symbols a vector of tickers (case insensitive). Special characters
#'   will be escaped. A list of eligible symbols is
#'   [published daily](https://iextrading.com/trading/eligible-symbols/) by the
#'   IEX. When set to `NULL` (default) returns values for all symbols.
#' @param fields a vector of fields names to return (case sensitive). When
#'   set to `NULL` (default) returns values for all fields.
#' @param version the API version number (default: `"1.0"`) which is used to
#'   define the API URL.
#' @return an S3 object of class `iex_api` which has three accessible fields:
#'   `path`, `response` and `content` containing the API path, the unparsed API
#'   response and the parsed content from the API's response (the latter usually
#'   being a list). Note that this package causes R to pause 0.2 seconds after
#'   executing an API call to avoid the user being throttled by the API (which
#'   enforces a 5 request per second limit)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tops(
#'   symbols = c("AAPL", "FB"),
#'   fields  = c("symbol", "bidSize", "bidPrice", "askSize", "askPrice")
#' )
#' }
#' @references [IEX API TOPS documentation](https://iextrading.com/developer/#tops-tops)
#' @export
tops <- function(symbols = NULL, fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  query <- list(
    symbols = paste0(symbols, collapse = ","),
    filter  = if (!is.null(fields)) paste0(fields, collapse = ",")
  iex_api("tops", query, version)

#' Last trade data
#' Provides IEX near real time last sale price, size and time. Last is ideal for
#' developers that need a lightweight stock quote.
#' @inherit tops return params references
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' last(
#'   symbols = c("AAPL", "FB"),
#'   fields  = c("symbol", "price", "size")
#' )
#' }
#' @export
last <- function(symbols = NULL, fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  query <- list(
    symbols = paste0(symbols, collapse = ","),
    filter  = if (!is.null(fields)) paste0(fields, collapse = ",")
  iex_api("tops/last", query, version)

# Market ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Market volume data
#' Provides exchange trade volume data in near real time.
#' @inherit tops params return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' market()
#' }
#' @references [IEX market API documentation](https://iextrading.com/developer/#market-market)
#' @export
market <- function(fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  query <- list(
    filter = if (!is.null(fields)) paste0(fields, collapse = ",")
  iex_api("market", query, version)

# Stats -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Trading stats
#' A set of functions that return trading statistics.
#' @inherit tops params return
#' @param date should be a string of the format `"YYYYMM"` or `"YYYYMMDD"` which
#'   is a valid option for `daily_stats()` or `NULL` (default) which returns the
#'   prior trading date's data for `daily_stats()`  and the prior month's
#'   trading data for `monthly_stats()`
#' @param last can be used in place of `date` to retrieve the last `n` number of
#'   trading days' data. If this is supplied, any value supplied to `date` is
#'   ignored.
#' @references [IEX stats API documentation](https://iextrading.com/developer/#stats)
#' @name stats

stats <- function(type, date = NULL, last = NULL, fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  path <- paste("stats", type, sep = "/")
  query <- list(
    date = date,
    last = last,
    filter = if (!is.null(fields)) paste0(fields, collapse = ",")
  iex_api(path, query, version)

#' @rdname stats
#' @export
intraday_stats <- function(fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  stats("intraday", fields = fields, version = version)

#' @rdname stats
#' @export
recent_stats <- function(fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  stats("recent", fields = fields, version = version)

#' @rdname stats
#' @export
records_stats <- function(fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  stats("records", fields = fields, version = version)

#' @rdname stats
#' @export
monthly_stats <- function(date = NULL, fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  stats("historical", date = date, fields = fields, version = version)

#' @rdname stats
#' @export
daily_stats <- function(date = NULL, last = NULL, fields = NULL, version = "1.0") {
  if (!is.null(last)) date <- NULL
  stats("historical/daily", date, last, fields, version)
imanuelcostigan/iex documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:44 a.m.