
Defines functions classifyRnaseq filterRnaseq preprocessRnaseq predictRnaseq

# inbixPredictRnaseq.R - Bill White - 4/10/15
# Functions to support Insilico Bioinformatics (inbix) RNASeq 
# classification pipeline:
#   * predictRnaseq
#   * preprocessRnaseq
#   * filterRnaseq
#   * classifyRnaseq
#' Predict a response based on RNASeq gene expression.
#' \code{predictRnaseq} 
#' @family RNA-Seq functions
#' @family classification functions
#' @param rnaseqCountsTrain \code{matrix} RNASeq counts.
#' @param groupLabelsTrain \code{vector} group labels.
#' @param rnaseqCountsTest \code{matrix} RNASeq counts.
#' @param groupLabelsTest \code{vector} group labels.
#' @param preprocessMethod \code{string} pre-processing method: none, scale, log2, log2scale.
#' @param filterMethod \code{string} filtering method to reduce the dimensions for classification.
#' @param topN \code{numeric} top number of genes to keep in the filter step.
#' @param classifierMethod \code{string} classifier used to build a model and predict new data.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} verbose for more output set TRUE.
#' @return \code{list} with ranked genes, classification metrics.
#' @examples
#' data(simrnaseq)
#' predictResult <- predictRnaseq(rnaseqCountsTrain = predictorsTrain, 
#'                                groupLabelsTrain = responseTrain, 
#'                                rnaseqCountsTest = predictorsTest, 
#'                                groupLabelsTest = responseTest, 
#'                                preprocessMethod = "none", 
#'                                filterMethod = "randomforests", 
#'                                topN = 2, 
#'                                classifierMethod = "svm",
#'                                verbose = FALSE)
#' @export
predictRnaseq <- function(rnaseqCountsTrain =  NULL,
                          groupLabelsTrain = NULL,
                          rnaseqCountsTest = NULL,
                          groupLabelsTest = NULL,
                          preprocessMethod = "none",
                          filterMethod = "none", 
                          topN = 1,
                          classifierMethod = "svm",
                          verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) { cat("\tCalling preprocess(", preprocessMethod, ")\n") }
  preprocessResult <- preprocessRnaseq(preprocessMethod, rnaseqCountsTrain, 
                                 rnaseqCountsTest, verbose)
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Before preprocessing:\n")
    print(rnaseqCountsTrain[1:5, 1:5])
    cat("After preprocessing:\n")
    print(preprocessResult$train[1:5, 1:5])
    cat("\tCalling filter(", filterMethod, topN, ")\n")
  filterResult <- filterRnaseq(filterMethod, preprocessResult$train, groupLabelsTrain,
                               preprocessResult$test, groupLabelsTest, topN, verbose)
  if (verbose) { 
    cat("Genes before filtering:", ncol(preprocessResult$train), 
        "after:", ncol(filterResult$train), "\n")
  if (verbose) { cat("\tCalling classifier(", classifierMethod, ")\n") }
  classifyStats <- classifyRnaseq(classifierMethod, filterResult$train, groupLabelsTrain,
                            filterResult$test, groupLabelsTest, verbose)
  list(stats = classifyStats)

#' Pre-processing step of the predictRnaseq function.
#' \code{preprocessRnaseq} 
#' @family RNA-Seq functions
#' @family classification functions
#' @param method \code{string} Pre-processing method: none, scale, log2, log2scale.
#' @param countsTrain RNASeq counts \code{matrix} for training.
#' @param countsTest RNASeq counts \code{matrix} for testing.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} Verbose flag for more output set TRUE
#' @return \code{list} with preprocessed training and testing matrices.
#' @examples
#' data(simrnaseq)
#' preprocessResult <- preprocessRnaseq(method = "svm", 
#'                                      predictorsTrain, 
#'                                      predictorsTest, 
#'                                      verbose = FALSE)
#' @export
preprocessRnaseq <- function(method = "none", countsTrain, countsTest, verbose = FALSE) {
  returnTrain <- countsTrain
  returnTest <- countsTest
  if (method == "scale") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tscale\n") }
    returnTrain <- scale(countsTrain, center = FALSE)
    returnTest <- scale(countsTest, center = FALSE)
  if (method == "log2") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tlog2\n") }
    returnTrain <- log2(countsTrain + 1)
    returnTest <- log2(countsTest + 1)
  if (method == "log2scale") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tlog2scale\n") }
    returnTrain <- log2(countsTrain + 1)
    returnTest <- log2(countsTest + 1)
    returnTrain <- scale(returnTrain)
    returnTest <- scale(returnTest)
  # make return values integer (counts)
  returnTrain <- apply(returnTrain, c(1, 2), function(x) { (as.integer(x)) })
  returnTest <- apply(returnTest, c(1, 2), function(x) { (as.integer(x)) })
  list(train = returnTrain, test = returnTest)

#' Filtering step of the predictRnaseq function.
#' \code{filterRnaseq} 
#' @family RNA-Seq functions
#' @family classification functions
#' @param method \code{string} filtering method: none, relieff, edger, deseq2, randomforests.
#' @param dataTrain \code{matrix} RNASeq counts.
#' @param labelsTrain \code{vector} group labels.
#' @param dataTest \code{matrix} RNASeq counts.
#' @param labelsTest \code{vector} group labels.
#' @param nTopGenes \code{numeric} number of top genes to remain after filtering.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} verbose for more output set TRUE.
#' @return \code{list} with filtered training and testing data sets.
#' @examples
#' data(simrnaseq)
#' filteredGenes <- filterRnaseq(method = "svm", 
#'                               predictorsTrain, 
#'                               responseTrain, 
#'                               predictorsTest, 
#'                               responseTest,
#'                               nTopGenes = 10, 
#'                               verbose = FALSE)
#' @export
filterRnaseq <- function(method = "none", dataTrain, labelsTrain, dataTest, 
                        labelsTest, nTopGenes, verbose = FALSE) {
  topGenes <- colnames(dataTrain)
  if (method == "edger") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tedgeR\n") }
    y <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = t(dataTrain), group = factor(labelsTrain))
    y <- edgeR::estimateCommonDisp(y)
    dgeResult <- edgeR::exactTest(y)
    topGenes <- rownames(dgeResult$table[order(dgeResult$table$PValue), ])[1:nTopGenes]
  if (method == "deseq2") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tDESeq2\n") }
    dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = t(dataTrain),
                                          colData = data.frame(response = factor(labelsTrain)),
                                          design = ~response)
    dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds)
    res <- DESeq2::results(dds)
    topGenes <- rownames(res[order(res$pvalue), ])[1:nTopGenes]
  if (method == "relieff") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tRelief-F\n") }
    classData <- as.data.frame(cbind(dataTrain, labelsTrain))
    colnames(classData) <- c(colnames(dataTrain), "Class")
    classData$Class <- factor(classData$Class)
    relieff <- CORElearn::attrEval(Class ~ ., classData, estimator = "Relief")
    topGenes <- names(sort(relieff, decreasing = TRUE))[1:nTopGenes]
  if (method == "randomforests") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tRandom Forests\n") }
    classData <- as.data.frame(cbind(dataTrain, labelsTrain))
    colnames(classData) <- c(colnames(dataTrain), "Class")
    classData$Class <- factor(classData$Class)
    modelRF <- CORElearn::CoreModel(Class ~ ., classData, model = "rf")
    rf <- CORElearn::rfAttrEval(modelRF)
    topGenes <- names(sort(rf, decreasing = TRUE))[1:nTopGenes]
  if (verbose) {
    print("Top genes from filter:")
  list(train = dataTrain[, topGenes], test = dataTest[, topGenes])

#' Classifying step of the predictRnaseq function.
#' \code{classifyRnaseq} 
#' @family RNA-Seq functions
#' @family classification functions
#' @param method \code{string} filtering method: none, relieff, edger, deseq2, randomforests.
#' @param dataTrain \code{matrix} RNASeq counts.
#' @param labelsTrain \code{vector} group labels.
#' @param dataTest \code{matrix} RNASeq counts.
#' @param labelsTest \code{vector} group labels.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} verbose for more output set TRUE.
#' @return \code{list} with classifier stats for method.
#' @examples
#' data(simrnaseq)
#' classifyStats <- classifyRnaseq(method = "svm", 
#'                                 predictorsTrain, 
#'                                 responseTrain, 
#'                                 predictorsTest, 
#'                                 responseTest,
#'                                 verbose = FALSE)
#' @export
classifyRnaseq <- function(method = "none", dataTrain, labelsTrain, dataTest, 
                     labelsTest, verbose = FALSE) {
  classStatsTrain <- NULL
  classStatsTest <- NULL
  if (method == "svm") {
    if (verbose) { cat("\t\tSVM - Linear\n") }
    yTrain <- factor(ifelse(labelsTrain == 1, -1, 1))
    yTest <- factor(ifelse(labelsTest == 1, -1, 1))
    fitControl <- caret::trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5)
    fit <- caret::train(dataTrain, yTrain, method = "svmLinear", 
                        verbose = TRUE, trControl = fitControl, metric = "Accuracy")
    predictionsTrain <- predict(fit, newdata = dataTrain)
    classStatsTrain <- classifyPredictedValues(yTrain, predictionsTrain, 
                                               classLevels = c(-1, 1))
    predictionsTest <- predict(fit, newdata = dataTest)
    classStatsTest <- classifyPredictedValues(yTest, predictionsTest, 
                                              classLevels = c(-1, 1))
  if (verbose) { 
    cat("\t\tCV10 ", 
        "SENS:", classStatsTrain$TPR, 
        "SPEC:", classStatsTrain$SPC, 
        "ACC:", classStatsTrain$ACC, 
        "SENS:", classStatsTest$TPR, 
        "SPEC:", classStatsTest$SPC, 
        "ACC:", classStatsTest$ACC, 
  list(statsTrain = classStatsTrain, statsTest = classStatsTest)
insilico/Rinbix documentation built on June 7, 2020, 6:19 a.m.