knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Multiple Site Saturation Mutagenesis -- Active site

You can find the lastest version of this file at

Experimental Workflow

Target sequence

open reading frame YfeX in pCA24N (Chloramphenicol resistance)

Clone into

seperate gene fragments into pAGM9121 first\ then reassemble into pAGM22082_cRed

Genomic sequence YfeX


Restriction Enzyme

Level 0


Recognition site: GAAGAC

Level 2


Recognition site: GGTCTC

Envisioned Mutations

Aspartic Acid - 137 - NDT\ Aspartic Acid - 143 - NNN\ Asparagine - 147 - DBK\ Arginine - 232 - NDT\ Serine - 234 - NDT\

R Workflow


The domesticate function checks for internal cleavage sites. If corresponding sites are present silent mutations are introduced to destroy the recognition sites. The functions returns a list containing the position of the choosen amino acid residue for silent mutation.

mutations_bbsi<-domesticate(input_sequence, recognition_site_bbsi, cuf=cuf)
mutations_bsai<-domesticate(input_sequence, recognition_site_bsai, cuf=cuf)

The mutate_msd function designs the necessary set of primers for the desired mutations.\ \ The function has the following parameters:\ prefix: Additional nucleobases in 5' position of the recognition site [default: TT]\ restriction_enzym: Recognition site sequence of the respective restriction enzyme [default: GGTCTC]\ codon: The codon which should be used in the mutagenesis [default: NDT]\ suffix: Spacer nucleotides matching the cleavage pattern of the enzyme [default: A]\ vector: Four basepair overhangs complementary to the created overhangs in the acceptor vector [default: c("AATG", "AAGC")]\ replacements: The desired substitutions\ binding_min_length: The minimal threshold value of the template binding sequence in amino acid residues [default: 4]\ binding_max_length: Maximal length of the binding sequence [default: 9]\ target_temp: Melting temperature of the binding sequence in °C [default: 60]\ replacement_range: Maximum distance between two randomization sites to be incoporated into a single primer in amino acid residues [default: 5]\ fragment_min_size: Minimal size of a generated gene fragment in base pairs [default 100]\ \ It will return an object of the class Primerset.\ The primers for multiple site saturation mutagenesis have an additional slot called "NDT". This slot contains a non-binding region in which (the) NDT site(s) is/are located.

#If domestication is necessary follow the workflow of the Point Mutagenesis vignette
#We will use a structure similar to the Point Mutagenesis workflow to insert different kinds of Multiple Site Saturations here.
mutations<-list(c(137,"NDT"), c(143,"NNN"), c( 147, "DBK"),c(232, "NDT"), c(234, "NDT"))
primers<-mutate_msd(input_sequence, prefix="TT" ,restriction_enzyme=recognition_site_bsai, suffix="A", vector=c("AATG", "AAGC"), replacements=mutations, replacement_range=5, binding_min_length=4 ,binding_max_length=9, target_temp=60, fragment_min_size=60 )

The primers are generated for direct cloning into the Level 2 vector.\ The function primer_add_level modifies the primers for individual cloning into Level 0 vectors and subsequent assembly in Level 2.\ The parameters prefix, restriction_enzyme, suffix and vector can be set similar to the mutate-function.

primers_lvl0<-primer_add_level(primers,  prefix="TT", restriction_enzyme=recognition_site_bbsi, suffix="AA", vector=c("CTCA", "CTCG"))

Objects of the classes "Primer", "Primer MSD" and "Primerset" can have a slim textual output by using the function print_primer.


The textual output can be printed into a file.

sink("primers.txt", append=FALSE, split=FALSE)

ipb-halle/GoldenMutagenesis documentation built on Sept. 1, 2020, 3:24 p.m.