
Defines functions check_date

# Parse and chek date
check_date <- function(x) {

  if (!lubridate::is.Date(x)) {
    test1 <- tryCatch(lubridate::dmy(x), warning=function(w) w)
    if (!any((class(test1) == "warning") == TRUE)) {
      z <- test1
    } else {
      test2 <- tryCatch(lubridate::ymd(x), warning=function(w) w)
      if (lubridate::is.Date(test2)) {
        z <- test2
      } else {
        stop("All formats failed to parse to date. No formats found.")
  } else {
    z <- x


# Use polite backend
polite_GET <- polite::politely(httr::GET)

# old api -----------------------------------------------------------------
# split_dates <- function(start, end, min = 90) {
#   seq <- seq.Date(start, end, '1 day')
#   dummy <- (seq < (lubridate::today("GMT") - min))
#   if (length(seq[dummy]) != 0) {
#     bdmep <- range(seq[dummy])
#   } else {
#     bdmep <- TRUE
#   }
#   if (length(seq[!dummy]) != 0) {
#     sonabra <- range(seq[!dummy])
#   } else {
#     sonabra <- TRUE
#   }
#   list(bdmep = bdmep, sonabra = sonabra)
# }
# get_form <- function(session, start, end) {
#   code_cript <- session %>%
#     rvest::html_nodes("img") %>%
#     rvest::html_attr('src') %>%
#     stringr::str_extract("(?<==)(.*?)(?==)")
#   p1 <- key[key$code == stringr::str_sub(code_cript, 1, 3), "key"][[1]]
#   p2 <- key[key$code == stringr::str_sub(code_cript, 4, 6), "key"][[1]]
#   form <- rvest::set_values(
#     rvest::html_form(session)[[1]],
#     `dtaini` = format(start, "%d/%m/%Y"),
#     `dtafim` = format(end, "%d/%m/%Y"),
#     `aleaNum` = paste0(p1, p2)
#   )
# }
# get_data <- function(session, form) {
#   x <- 0
#   repeat {
#     data <- tryCatch(
#       {
#         suppressMessages(rvest::submit_form(session, form))
#       },
#       error=function(e) NULL,
#       warning=function(w) NULL
#     )
#     x <- x + 1
#     if (!is.null(data)) break
#     if (x > 15) break
#   }
#   data
# }
# get_table_cws <- function(nodes_table, start, end, n_row) {
#   if (inherits(nodes_table, "try-error")) {
#     table <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n_row, ncol = 12))
#     table[ , 1] <- rep(seq(start, end, by = "day"), each = 3)
#     table[ , 2] <- c(0, 12, 18)
#     if (end == Sys.Date()) {
#       if (t < 13) {
#         table <- table[-c(nrow(table),nrow(table)-1), ]
#       } else if (t < 19) {
#         table <- table[-nrow(table), ]
#       }
#     }
#   } else {
#     table <- rvest::html_table(nodes_table, header = TRUE)[-1, ]
#   }
#   table
# }
# get_table_bdmep <- function(id, start, end, n_row, token, proxy) {
#   start_f = format(start, "%d/%m/%Y")
#   end_f = format(end, "%d/%m/%Y")
#   con <- con_bdmep(proxy)
#   param <- glue::glue(
#     "http://www.inmet.gov.br/projetos/rede/pesquisa/gera_serie_txt.php?&mRelEstacao={id}&btnProcesso=serie&mRelDtInicio={start_f}&mRelDtFim={end_f}&mAtributos=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"
#   )
#   txt <- try(get_txt_bdmep(con, param, token), silent = TRUE)
#   aux_error <- stringr::str_detect(txt, "disponiveis")
#   if (inherits(txt, "try-error") | aux_error) {
#     table <- table_if_error(id, start, end, n_row)
#     return(dplyr::as_tibble(table))
#   } else {
#     table <- try(
#       txt %>%
#         stringr::str_replace("VelocidadeVentoInsolacao", "VelocidadeVento;Insolacao") %>%
#         read.csv(text = ., header = T, sep = ";"),
#       silent = TRUE
#     ) %>%
#       dplyr::mutate(Hora = Hora / 100)
#     if (inherits(table, "try-error")) {
#       table <- table_if_error(id, start, end, n_row)
#       return(dplyr::as_tibble(table))
#     }
#     table$X <- NULL
#   }
#   dplyr::as_tibble(table)
# }
# con_bdmep <- function(proxy) {
#   session <- rvest::html_session(
#     "http://www.inmet.gov.br/projetos/rede/pesquisa/inicio.php",
#     proxy
#   )
#   form <- rvest::set_values(
#     rvest::html_form(session)[[1]],
#     mCod = "repunuwof@golemico.com",
#     mSenha = "qs7jsxwr"
#   )
#   x <- 0
#   repeat {
#     data <- tryCatch(
#       {
#         suppressMessages(rvest::submit_form(session, form))
#       },
#       error=function(e) NULL,
#       warning=function(w) NULL
#     )
#     x <- x + 1
#     if (!is.null(data)) break
#     if (x > 15) break
#   }
#   data
# }
# get_txt_bdmep <- function(con, param, token) {
#   rvest::jump_to(con, param) %>%
#     rvest::html_nodes(xpath = "//pre") %>%
#     rvest::html_text() %>%
#     gsub(token, "", .)
# }
# table_if_error <- function(id, start, end, n_row) {
#   table <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n_row, ncol = 19))
#   table[ , 1] <- id
#   table[ , 2] <- rep(seq(start, end, by = "day"), each = 3)
#   table[ , 3] <- c(0, 12, 18)
#   names(table) <- c(
#     "Estacao",
#     "Data",
#     "Hora",
#     "Precipitacao",
#     "TempBulboSeco",
#     "TempBulboUmido",
#     "TempMaxima",
#     "Temp.Comp.Media",
#     "TempMinima",
#     "UmidadeRelativa",
#     "Umidade.Relativa.Media",
#     "PressaoAtmEstacao",
#     "PressaoAtmMar",
#     "DirecaoVento",
#     "VelocidadeVento",
#     "Velocidade.do.Vento.Media",
#     "Insolacao",
#     "Nebulosidade",
#     "Evaporacao.Piche"
#   )
#   if (end == Sys.Date()) {
#     table <- table[-nrow(table), ]
#   }
#   table
# }
italocegatta/inmetdown documentation built on Feb. 19, 2022, 9:22 a.m.