
# windows version.  creates a .bat file and prints a SQL command to run on the database once completed
shp2pgis <- function(infile,d='postgis',u='postgres',host='localhost',srid=4283,schema='public',os='linux',
                     pgutils = 'C:\\pgutils\\'){
  if(os == 'linux'){
  cat('in a terminal run:\n\n')    
  cat(paste("shp2pgsql -s ",srid," -D ",infile,".shp ",schema,".",infile," > ",infile,".sql",sep=""),"\n")
  cat(paste("psql  -d ",d," -U ",u," -W -h ",host," -f ",infile,".sql",sep=""),"\n")

  } else {
  cat(paste("\"",pgutils,"shp2pgsql\" -s ",srid," -D %1.shp ",schema,".%1 > %1.sql",sep=""),"\n")
  cat(paste("\"",pgutils,"psql\"  -d ",d," -U ",u," -W -h ",host," -f %1.sql",sep=""),"\n")
  cat('copy these two lines to make your batch file with the name doshp.bat\n\n')
  cat('now in the cmd line run:\n\n')
  cat(paste("doshp.bat ",infile,sep=""))
  cat('\n\nOnce uploaed to postgres you may want to run:\n\n')
  cat(paste("\n\nCREATE INDEX idx_",infile,"_the_geom ON ",schema,".",infile," USING gist(the_geom);\n",sep=""))
  cat(paste("VACUUM ANALYZE ",schema,".",infile,";\n",sep=""))
  cat(paste("CREATE INDEX \"",infile,"_gist\"
            ON ",schema,".",infile,"
            USING gist
            ALTER TABLE ",schema,".",infile," CLUSTER ON \"",infile,"_gist\";\n",sep=""))
  if (srid!=4283){	             
      sprintf("SELECT AddGeometryColumn('%s','%s','gda94_geom',4283,'MULTIPOLYGON',2);
              ALTER TABLE %s.\"%s\" DROP CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_gda94_geom;
              UPDATE %s.\"%s\" SET gda94_geom=ST_Transform(the_geom,4283);",
ivanhanigan/delphe documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:13 a.m.