
# name:taxonomic_review_template

taxonomic_template <- function(target_col = "species"){
#  ```{r echo = T, results = "asis", eval = F}    
txt <- paste('

#### Taxonomic review ####
## If you just want simply summarise the species names
# tx <- as.data.frame(table(dat$',target_col,'))
# names(tx) <- c("',target_col,'", "Frequency")
# write.csv(tx, file.path(outdir, gsub(".csv","_taxonomic_coverage.csv", outfile)), row.names = F)  

## Alternately to use taxize to check the list do the following 
tx <- as.data.frame(table(dat$',target_col,'))
names(tx) <- c("',target_col,'", "Frequency")
splist <- tx$',target_col,'
sources <- gnr_datasources()

## the following lists have been selected as likely to be reasonable in australia
eol <- sources$id[sources$title == "EOL"]
gbif_backbone <- sources$id[sources$title == "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy"]
ipni <- sources$id[sources$title == "The International Plant Names Index"]
zk <- sources$id[sources$title == "ZooKeys"]
zb <- sources$id[sources$title == "ZooBank"]
#c(eol, gbif_backbone, ipni, zk, zb)
## this next big uses the internet to check lists
out <- gnr_resolve(splist, data_source_ids=c(eol, gbif_backbone, ipni, zk, zb), stripauthority=TRUE)

out2 <- unique(out$results)
out3 <- sqldf(\'select submitted_name, matched_name2 as match_via_database, max(score) as max_database_score, "" as change_note, "" as update_to
  from out2
  group by submitted_name, matched_name2\')
out3[which(out3$submitted_name == out3$match_via_database),"max_database_score"] <- ""
out3[which(out3$submitted_name == out3$match_via_database),"match_via_database"] <- ""
## write out the result for clerical review
tx_file <- gsub(".csv","_taxonomic_coverage.csv", outfile)
write.csv(out3, file.path(outdir, tx_file), row.names = F)  

#### TODO: 
# you should go to this CSV file and edit the final columns, 
# take notes on decisions and create the updates list.  Save.

# Post review merge fixed names and remove old names
# check the tx file is there, appropriately named
tx <- read.csv(file.path(outdir, tx_file), stringsAsFactor = F)
tx[tx[,grep("change_note", names(tx))]!="",]                                          

# check that linking variable is identical
# there are a variety of reasons why these may have gotten out of sync during the clerical review
idx <- as.data.frame(names(table(dat$"',target_col,'")))
names(idx) <- "v1"
idy <- as.data.frame(tx$submitted_name)
names(idy) <- "v1"
# which target do not appear in source
sqldf("select *
from idx
left join idy
on idx.v1 = idy.v1
where idy.v1 is null")
# which source do not appear in target
sqldf("select *
from idy
left join idx
on idy.v1 = idx.v1
where idx.v1 is null")

# if all good then merge
dat <- merge(dat, tx, by.x = "',target_col,'", by.y = "submitted_name", all.x = T)

# reorder cols (col names need to be changed)
paste(names(dat), collapse = "\',\'", sep = "")
namelist <- c("visitcode","surveyyear", "',target_col,'")

dat <- dat[,namelist]
names(dat) <- gsub("update_to" , "',target_col,'", names(dat))

', sep = "")
#  ```

ivanhanigan/exploratoryanalysistemplate documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:13 a.m.