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This R package allows you to more easily convert Rmarkdown (.Rmd) files to markdown (.md) acceptable for use with jekyll and by extension github pages.

There is one principle function rmd2md() that has the following arguments:

|Argument|Description| |---|---| |path_site|The base directory of the project. If none specified, this defaults to getwd()| |dir_rmd|The directory within the base directory in which the .Rmd files are stored. Defaults to _rmd.| |dir_md|The directory within the base directory to which the .md files are written. Defaults to _md.| |figures|The directory into which the resulting figures should be stored. This defaults to getwd().| |out_ext|Extention to be used for the files which are produced. Defaults to .md.| |in_ext|Extension of input files found within dir_rmd. Defaults to .Rmd|

Installing the package

The package can be installed with the devtools package with devtools::install_github('ivyleavedtoadflax/rmd2md').

Using rmd2md()

From the terminal

Launch as terminal instance and run: Rscript -e 'rmd2md::rmd2md()', being sure to specify the arguments as required. Unless launched from the project directory, as a bare minimum, you will need to set path_site to the appropriate dir. It may also be necessary to prefix the url_images dir with the same dir used in path_site, although this behaviour seems to be intermittent (and will be fixed in future).

From an R session

Launch an R session as normal and run the following (again setting the arguments as required):


ivyleavedtoadflax/rmd2md documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:14 a.m.