#' @title List closed tickets
#' @description List of closed tickets from the indicated repository.
#' @param instance instance from ixplorer (Ejm: "secure", "masterclass",
#' "prueba")
#' @param lag is the time in days that you want to look back. For example if
#'you want to see the issues closed in the last 7 days, lag = 7.
#'By default it shows all the issues without any lag..
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
list_closed_tickets <- function(instance = "saved",
lag = NULL) {
# Look for instance ---------------------------------------------------------
if (instance == "saved") {
instance <- get_instance()
if (instance == "none") {
stop("There are no saved instances. Try the authentication gadget")
} else {
saved_instances <- keyring::keyring_list() %>%
select(keyring) %>%
filter(keyring == paste0("ixplorer_", instance))
if (nrow(saved_instances) > 0) {
instance <- toString(saved_instances[1])
} else {
stop("No credentials for ", instance)
# Keyring llavero ------------------------------------------------------------
raw_tickets_data <- gitear::get_issues_open_state(
base_url = keyring::key_get("ixplorer_url", keyring = instance),
api_key = keyring::key_get("ixplorer_token", keyring = instance),
owner = keyring::key_get("ixplorer_project", keyring = instance),
repo = keyring::key_get("ixplorer_repo", keyring = instance))
if (nrow(raw_tickets_data) == 0) {
repo <- keyring::key_get("ixplorer_repo", keyring = instance)
stop("No ticket data found in ", repo)
# Ticket list ---------------------------------------------------------------
list <- raw_tickets_data %>%
mutate(created_at = lubridate::ymd_hms(created_at) -
updated_at = lubridate::ymd_hms(updated_at) -
closed_at = lubridate::ymd_hms(closed_at) -
user.last_login = lubridate::ymd_hms(user.last_login) -
user.created = lubridate::ymd_hms(user.created) -
milestone.due_on = lubridate::ymd_hms(milestone.due_on) -
assignee.last_login = lubridate::ymd_hms(assignee.last_login) -
assignee.created = lubridate::ymd_hms(assignee.created) -
lubridate::hours(6)) %>% #Deja hora Costa Rica
{if (!is.null(lag) == TRUE) {
dplyr::filter(., closed_at >= Sys.Date() - lubridate::days(lag))
} else {.}} %>%
dplyr::select(number, title, milestone.title) %>%
dplyr::arrange(milestone.title, number) %>%
dplyr::rename(nr = number, #traducciones
Titulo = title,
Hito = milestone.title) %>%
#' @title Lista de tiquetes cerrados
#' @description Listado de tiquetes cerrados del repositorio indicado.
#' @param instancia instancia de ixplorer (Ejm: "secure", "masterclass",
#' "prueba")
#' @param dias es el tiempo en días que se quiere ver hacia atrás. Por ejemplo
#' si
#' se quiere ver los tiquetes cerrados en los últimos 7 días, lag = 7. Por
#' defecto muestra todos los tiquetes sin ningún lag.
#' @return No hay valor de retorno - se llama por su efecto secundario
#' @export
listar_tiquetes_cerrados <- function(instancia = "guardada", dias = NULL) {
if (instancia == "guardada") {
list_closed_tickets(instance = "saved", lag = dias)
} else {
list_closed_tickets(instance = instancia, lag = dias)
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