Extend big.char and bigmemory's big.matrix to support larger-than-RAM data.frame-like objects in R. Current package build status via use of Travis CI:

The Travis CI build is failing because I haven't yet configured it to install big.char from GitHub (it's probably only looking at CRAN).

Getting Started

You'll need big.char, first:

> require(devtools)
> install_github('big.char', 'jayemerson')
> install_github('', 'jayemerson')
> library(

Development notes (10/14/2014)

For the moment, don't do anything with factors. That is, the is actually only storing columns of numeric or character data (via big.matrix and big.char). Rivisit this once big.factor is available.

Note that data frames always have row and column names, with subsetting preserving them (whether you like it or not). Need to consider this. I suppose a subset needs to be in-RAM, anyway.

jayemerson/ documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:57 p.m.