
############## somewhat general TMLE framework takes initial data, and a tmle parameter spec todo: reimplement truncation (can just be a
############## separate submodel) implement gradient for optimization approaches handle parameters which require fluctuating g

# combined Q+g loss individual losses?  default ICs support different depsilons support different submodels/loss fns

# IC as gradient MSMs multiple A values

#' @title gentmle
#' @description General TMLE function that takes care of the bookkeeping of estimation and update steps.

#' @param initdata, dataframe with the following names: A is the treatment vector, Y is the outcome
#' Qk is the initial prediction for the outcome, Q1k is the initial prediction setting A to 1,
#' Q0k is the initial prediction for the outcome setting A = 0.  gk is the initial fit
#' for the treatment mechanism.
#' @param params, named list of parameters to estimate. See define_param for details
#' @param submodel, submodel along which to fluctuate
#' @param loss, loss function to optimize
#' @param depsilon, small epsilon, used for the recurisve approach only
#' @param approach, One of initial, recursive (small delta), line, full
#' @param max_iter, Maximum number of iteration steps. 100 is almost always more
#' than sufficient for full or line approach.  Try 10000 for recursive approach and
#' very occasionally you might need more.
#' @param g.trunc, To keep treatment mechanism probs between [g.trunc, 1 - g.trunc].
#' Prevents practical positivity violations from making highly variant estimates
#' @param Q.trunc, To keep outcome prediction probs between [Q.trunc, 1 - Q.trunc].
#' This prevents infinite loss in case of log-likelihood loss
#' @export
#' @example /inst/examples/ey1_example.R
#' @example /inst/examples/ATE_example.R
#' @example /inst/examples/sigmaATE_example.R
#' @example /inst/examples/eysigmaATE_example.R
gentmle <- function(initdata, params, submodel = submodel_logit, loss = loss_loglik,
                    depsilon = 1e-4, approach = "full", max_iter = 100,
                    g.trunc = 1e-4, Q.trunc = 1e-4, simultaneous.inference = FALSE, ...) {

  # truncating to avoid NA, Inf or nan loss initially
  initdata$gk = with(initdata, truncate(gk,g.trunc))
  initdata$Qk = with(initdata, truncate(Qk,Q.trunc))
  initdata$Q1k = with(initdata, truncate(Q1k,Q.trunc))
  initdata$Q0k = with(initdata, truncate(Q0k,Q.trunc))

  tmleenv <- list2env(initdata)
  converge <- F
  last_risk <- Inf

  initests <- NULL
  n <- length(initdata$Y)
  for (j in seq_len(max_iter)) {
    # print('Qks') print(mean(tmleenv$Qk)) print(mean(tmleenv$Q1k)) print(mean(tmleenv$Q0k))

    # calculate parameters and associated values
    evals <- lapply(params, eval_param, tmleenv)
    Dstar <- sapply(evals, `[[`, "IC")
    ED <- apply(Dstar, 2, mean)
    ED2 <- apply(Dstar^2, 2, mean)
    psi <- sapply(evals, `[[`, "psi")
    if (j == 1) {
      initests <- psi
    # get HAs (for each param)
    HAs <- sapply(evals, `[[`, "HA")
    H1s <- sapply(evals, `[[`, "H1")
    H0s <- sapply(evals, `[[`, "H0")

    if (approach == "full") {
      # optimize across multidimensional HA
      HA <- HAs
      H1 <- H1s
      H0 <- H0s

    } else {
      # combine into single HA
      EDnormed <- ED/norm(ED, type = "2")
      HA <- HAs %*% EDnormed
      H1 <- H1s %*% EDnormed
      H0 <- H0s %*% EDnormed

      if (approach == "initial") {
        eps <- 0
      } else if (approach == "recursive") {
        eps <- depsilon
      } else if (approach == "line" || approach == "full") {
        init_eps <- rep(0, ncol(HA))
        risk <- risk_eps(init_eps, HA, tmleenv,submodel=submodel,loss=loss)
        if (is.nan(risk) | is.na(risk) | is.infinite(risk)) {
          converge = F
        opt <- try(optim(par = init_eps, risk_eps, HA = HA, tmleenv = tmleenv,
                         method = "L-BFGS-B", submodel=submodel, loss=loss),silent=TRUE)
        if (class(opt)=="try-error") {
          converge = F
        eps <- opt$par
    risk <- risk_eps(eps, HA, tmleenv,submodel=submodel,loss=loss)

    # If loss is NA,Inf or nan, end the process
    if(is.nan(risk) | is.na(risk) | is.infinite(risk)) {
      risk <- Inf
      last_risk <- 0
    # check for improvement
    if ((risk >= last_risk) || all(abs(ED) < sqrt(ED2-ED^2)/n)) {
      # we failed to improve, so give up
      converge <- T
      j = j - 1
    } else {
      # update Qk
      tmleenv$Qk <- as.vector(eval(submodel, list(HA = HA, eps = eps, Qk = tmleenv$Qk)))
      tmleenv$Q1k <- as.vector(eval(submodel, list(HA = H1, eps = eps, Qk = tmleenv$Q1k)))
      tmleenv$Q0k <- as.vector(eval(submodel, list(HA = H0, eps = eps, Qk = tmleenv$Q0k)))
      if (any(tmleenv$Q0k==0)||any(tmleenv$Q0k==1)||any(tmleenv$Q1k==0)||any(tmleenv$Q1k==1)) break

  ED <- sapply(evals, function(param) mean(param$IC))
  ED2 <- sapply(evals, function(param) mean(param$IC^2))
  ED3 <- sapply(evals, function(param) mean(param$IC^3))
  names(psi) = paste0("psi",1:length(psi))

  result <- list(initdata = initdata, tmledata = data.frame(as.list(tmleenv)), initests = initests, tmleests = psi, steps = j,
                 Dstar = Dstar, ED = ED, ED2 = ED2, ED3 = ED3, converge = converge,
                 simultaneous.inference = simultaneous.inference)

  class(result) <- "gentmle"


#' @export
ci_gentmle <- function(gentmle_obj, level = 0.95) {

  n <- nrow(gentmle_obj$initdata)
  n_ests <- length(gentmle_obj$tmleests)
  if (gentmle_obj$simultaneous.inference == TRUE){
    S = cor(gentmle_obj$Dstar)
    Z = rmvnorm(1000000, rep(0,ncol(gentmle_obj$Dstar)), S)
    Z_abs = apply(Z,1,FUN = function(x) max(abs(x)))
    z = quantile(Z_abs, level)
  } else {z <- qnorm((1 + level)/2)}
  ldply(seq_len(n_ests), function(i) {
    est <- gentmle_obj$tmleests[i]
    se <- sqrt(gentmle_obj$ED2[i])/sqrt(n)
    lower <- est - z * se
    upper <- est + z * se
    data.frame(parameter = names(est), est = est, se = se, lower = lower, upper = upper)

#' @export
print.gentmle <- function(gentmle_obj) {
  cat(sprintf("TMLE ran for %d step(s)\n", gentmle_obj$steps))
  # EDtext <- sprintf("E[%s]=%1.2e", names(result$ED), gentmle_obj$ED)
  # cat(sprintf("The mean of the IC is %s\n", result$ED))



jeremyrcoyle/gentmle2 documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:08 a.m.