knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

GridFS API in mongolite will be a new top level object class, consistent with the current API to instantiate regular mongodb collection objects.

fs <- mongolite::gridfs(db = "test", url = "mongodb://localhost")

The initial API will focus on basic read/write/delete operations.

Error Handling

All methods will automatically translate mongoc exceptions into R errors.

Listing Files

Returns a data frame with files and fixed meta data (size, date, content-type, etc).

list <- fs$list(filter = '{}', options = '{}')


Reading Files

A file can be read either into a buffer, or streamed to a file or connection. The default behavior is to read the entire file and return the data in a raw data vector:

buf <- fs$read(name = "myfile.bin")

Alternatively the user can supply an R connection object that we can use to stream data to e.g. a file or network socket.

fs$read(name = "myfile.bin", con = connection)

The latter will be a memory efficient way to incrementally read from the GridFS and write out the data. It is similar to the export() method for regular mongo collection objects.


Writing Files

Analogous to reading, a write operation can either write a raw data vector from memory or stream data from a local file or connection object.

fs$write(name = "myfile.bin", data = buffer)

When the data argument is an R connection object, it will incrementally read from the connection and upload to GridFS.

fs$write(name = "myfile.bin", data = connection)


Removing Files

Removes a single file from the GridFS collection:

fs$remove(name = "myfile.bin")

Here the name argument can be vectorized in standard R fashion such that multiple files can be removed with a single call.


Drop GridFS

Requests that an entire GridFS be dropped, including all files associated with it.



jeroenooms/mongolite documentation built on Jan. 12, 2024, 10:11 p.m.