
#' Political Independence Index
#' Returns a numeric vector of PII scores for each vertex in network.
#' @useDynLib pii
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @param g An igraph graph
#' @param pii.beta Should the vertex and edge names be added to the rows and columns of the matrix.
#' @param e.dist (optional) an edge.distance matrix, if calculated ahead of time.
#' @param t.table (optional) the triad table, if calculated ahead of time
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pii(g)

pii <- function(g, pii.beta = -0.8, e.dist = NULL, triadic = F, pii.delta = 0.1, max.degree = NULL, t.table = NULL) {
  if(!("igraph" %in% class(g))) {
    stop("The graph object must be an igraph object.")
  if(!("valence" %in% names(edge.attributes(g)))) {
    warning("Valence attribute not found. Assuming all ties are positive.")
    E(g)$valence <- 1
  if(!(is.numeric(E(g)$valence))) {
    stop("Valence attribute is not a numeric vector.")
  if(length(E(g)) < 2) {
    warning("At least one component has fewer than two edges in the network.")
    x <- rep(NA, vcount(g))
    names(x) <- V(g)$name
  if(pii.delta == 0){
    warning("Delta set at zero. Running non-triadic PII")
    triadic = F

  # Also, if they don't want to calculate for the "whole-network" then we still want PII values for
  # each node, but just run pii for each component. If you are doing the whole network though, calculate
  # 'x' first and use the same 'x' value for each run.
  if((cl <- igraph::clusters(g))$no > 1) {

    maxdeg <- max(degree(g, mode='total'))
    graph.list <- list()
    for(i in 1:cl$no){
      graph.list[[i]] <- induced.subgraph(g, which(cl$membership == i))
    x <- do.call('c',lapply(graph.list, function(g) {
      pii(g, pii.beta=pii.beta, triadic = triadic, pii.delta = pii.delta, max.degree = maxdeg)
    x <- x[V(g)$name]
  if(is.null(e.dist)) {
    e.dist <- edge.distance(g)

  e.dist <- matrix(as.integer(e.dist), nrow=nrow(e.dist)) # convert to an integer matrix
  max.distance <- max(e.dist)
    max.degree <- max(degree(g, mode='total'))
  edgevalence <- E(g)$valence
  pii.x <- (log(2) - log(abs(pii.beta))) / log(max.degree)
  if(triadic) {
    triads <- cliques(g, min = 3, max= 3)
    triads <- do.call('rbind', lapply(triads, function(x) { as.integer(x) }))
      warning("There are no triads in the component. Returning non-triadic PII.")
      x <- piiCalc(e.dist, edgevalence, pii.beta, pii.x, max.distance)
      names(x) <- V(g)$name
      triad_table <- triad.table(g, triads)
      triad_table <- triad_table[order(triad_table$focalNode), ]
    else{triad_table <- t.table}
    x <- piiTriadicCalc(e.dist, edgevalence, pii.beta, pii.x, max.distance, triad_table, pii.delta)
  } else {
    x <- piiCalc(e.dist, edgevalence, pii.beta, pii.x, max.distance)
  names(x) <- V(g)$name

#' The Sampson Monastery network.
#' This network contains nodes representing monks in a monastery.
#' @format An igraph object with 18 nodes and 90 edges:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{name}{name of the monk}
#'   \item{valence}{valence of the edge}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/datasets/sampsonmonastery}
jfaganUK/pii documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:16 a.m.