

R Package for accessing the Follow The Money API

The followr package provides access to the Follow the Money API and provides all output as tidy data frames. This is a work in progress and at this time nothing should be considered stable or working!

That being said, the plan is for all functions to use the flw_ prefix.


Version of this package is not yet available from CRAN.

The development version (this repo) may installed with devtools:

```{r, eval=F} library(devtools) install_github("jhollist/followr")

## API Keys

The Follow the Money API requires an API Key.  The `followr` package will look for the API keys stored as environment variables named `follow_the_money_key`.   You can manually add this to your `.Renviron` file or use the helper function, `flw_set_api_key()` which uses the method suggested [here](  For example:

flw_set_api_key("yourapikey") ```

You will need to restart R, but once the key is there you are good to go on that machine. followr will access the key via Sys.getenv("follow_the_money_key") Alternatively, you can include the API key directly in the functions, but you wouldn't want to do that if you are sharing your code with someone else. The flw_set_api_key() method is preferrable.

In my experience, locating your API key is not very straightforward. I had to go to and log in. Once in, scroll down to the "Export" section. Clink on on of the download options (I chose json) and that will open a page with the API link with your API key in it.


jhollist/followr documentation built on June 2, 2020, 5:10 a.m.