
Defines functions lakeMaxLength

Documented in lakeMaxLength

#' Calculate maximum lake length
#' Maximum lake length is defined as the longest open water distance of a lake.
#' This function determines the maximum lake length of lake by comparing the
#' lengths of a user defined number of lines.  The user specifies a number of
#' points to distribute along the lake shoreline and the point to point line
#' lengths are checked for multiple intersections (i.e. line not just open
#' water),starting with the longest line first.  Function is currently very
#' sensitive to \code{pointDens} and slows down considerably for larger values.
#' Small values of point dens are acceptable for lakes withtout complex
#' shorelines.  Care needs to be taken in selecting an approriate
#' \code{pointDens} and multiple values should be checked to ensure stability
#' in the estimates.
#' @param inLakeMorpho An object of \code{\link{lakeMorphoClass}}.  Output of the
#'        \code{\link{lakeSurroundTopo}} function would be appropriate as input
#' @param pointDens Number of points to place equidistant along shoreline. The
#'        maximum point to point distance that does not also intersect the
#'        shoreline is used.  To total of n*(n-1)/2 comparisons is possible, but
#'        in practice is usually significant less.
#' @param addLine Boolean to determine if the selected max length line should be
#'        added to the inLakeMorpho object.  Defaults to True
#' @export
#' @return This returns a numeric value indicating the length of the longest
#'         line possible in the lake. Units are the same as the input data.
#' @references Florida LAKEWATCH (2001). A Beginner's guide to water management
#'             - Lake Morphometry (2nd ed.). Gainesville: Florida LAKEWATCH,
#'             Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
#'             \href{http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdffiles/FA/FA08100.pdf}{Link}
#' @import sp methods
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @examples
#' library(lakemorpho)
#' data(lakes)
#' lakeMaxLength(inputLM,25)

lakeMaxLength <- function(inLakeMorpho, pointDens, addLine = TRUE) {
    if (!inherits(inLakeMorpho, "lakeMorpho")) {
        stop("Input data is not of class 'lakeMorpho'.  Run lakeSurround Topo or lakeMorphoClass first.")
    result <- NA
    #lakeShorePoints <- spsample(as(inLakeMorpho$lake, "SpatialLines"), pointDens, "regular")@coords
    lakeShorePoints <- st_coordinates(sf::st_sample(st_cast(inLakeMorpho$lake, 
                                                    pointDens, type = "regular"))
    dm <- dist(lakeShorePoints)
    md <- nrow(lakeShorePoints)
    x0 <- lakeShorePoints[which(lower.tri(matrix(1, md, md)) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1], ][, 1][order(dm, decreasing = TRUE)]  #[30:md]
    y0 <- lakeShorePoints[which(lower.tri(matrix(1, md, md)) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1], ][, 2][order(dm, decreasing = TRUE)]  #[30:md]
    x1 <- lakeShorePoints[which(lower.tri(matrix(1, md, md)) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2], ][, 1][order(dm, decreasing = TRUE)]  #[30:md]
    y1 <- lakeShorePoints[which(lower.tri(matrix(1, md, md)) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2], ][, 2][order(dm, decreasing = TRUE)]  #[30:md]
    xydf <- data.frame(x0, x1, y0, y1)
    xylist <- split(xydf, rownames(xydf))
    #myLines_old <- SpatialLines(lapply(xylist, function(x) Lines(list(Line(matrix(as.numeric(x), 2, 2))), row.names(x))),
    #    proj4string = CRS(st_crs(inLakeMorpho$lake)$wkt))
    myLines <- st_sfc(lapply(xylist, 
                             function(x) st_linestring(matrix(as.numeric(x),2,2))),
                      crs = sf::st_crs(inLakeMorpho$lake))
    #myInd_old <- gContains(as(inLakeMorpho$lake, "Spatial"), myLines_old, byid = TRUE)
    myInd <- sf::st_contains(inLakeMorpho$lake, myLines, sparse = FALSE)[1,]
    if (sum(myInd) == 0) {
      myLine <- myLines[myInd][sf::st_length(myLines[myInd]) == max(sf::st_length(myLines[myInd]))]
    } else {
      myLine <- myLines[myInd][round(sf::st_length(myLines[myInd]),8) == round(max(sf::st_length(myLines[myInd])),8)]

    result <- as.numeric(sf::st_length(myLine))
    if (addLine) {
        myName <- deparse(substitute(inLakeMorpho))
        inLakeMorpho$maxLengthLine <- NULL
        inLakeMorpho$maxLengthLine <- myLine
        class(inLakeMorpho) <- "lakeMorpho"
        assign(myName, inLakeMorpho, envir = parent.frame())
jhollist/lakemorpho documentation built on Jan. 12, 2024, 11:49 p.m.