
#' limma gls.series adapted for varying covariates across genes
#' This function tests for divergence between two species
#' in one molecular phenotype at a time. The current version is tuned 
#' for Brett's diffphos analysis.
#' @param M Matrix of gene by sample.
#' @param cov_matrix Matrix of gene specific covariate information (gene by sample).
#' @param design Model matrix, the part that is fixed across genes, indepenent of cov_matrix.
#' @keywords Humanzee
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' M <- phos_data
#' cov_matrix <- protein_pheno_data
#' individual <- as.numeric(str_extract(colnames(phos_data), "[0-9]+"))
#' design <- model.matrix(~ 1 + as.factor(individual))
#' block <- block
#' correlation <- mrho
#' ndups = 1; weights = NULL; spacing = 1

gls.series_multiple_designs <- function (M, 
          cov_matrix = NULL, design = NULL, ndups = 1, 
          spacing = 1, block = NULL, 
          correlation = NULL, weights = NULL, ...) {

    M <- as.matrix(M)

    # narrays: number of samples
    narrays <- ncol(M)
    if (is.null(design)) 
        design <- matrix(1, narrays, 1)
    design <- as.matrix(design)
    if (nrow(design) != narrays) 
        stop("Number of rows of design matrix does not match number of arrays")
#    if (is.null(correlation)) 
#        correlation <- duplicateCorrelation(M, design = design, 
#                                            ndups = ndups, spacing = spacing, block = block, 
#                                            weights = weights, ...)$consensus.correlation
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
        weights[is.na(weights)] <- 0
        weights <- asMatrixWeights(weights, dim(M))
        M[weights < 1e-15] <- NA
        weights[weights < 1e-15] <- NA

    if (!is.null(cov_matrix)) {
        nbeta <- ncol(design) + 1        
        coef.names <- c(colnames(design), "cov")
    } else {
        nbeta <- ncol(design)
        coef.names <- colnames(design)
    if (is.null(block)) {
        if (ndups < 2) {
            warning("No duplicates: correlation between duplicates set to zero")
            ndups <- 1
            correlation <- 0
        if (is.null(spacing)) 
            spacing <- 1
        cormatrix <- diag(rep(correlation, len = narrays), nrow = narrays, 
                          ncol = narrays) %x% array(1, c(ndups, ndups))
        M <- unwrapdups(M, ndups = ndups, spacing = spacing)
        if (!is.null(weights)) 
            weights <- unwrapdups(weights, ndups = ndups, spacing = spacing)
#         design <- design %x% rep(1, ndups)
#         colnames(design) <- coef.names 
    } else {
        if (ndups > 1) {
            stop("Cannot specify ndups>2 and non-null block argument")
        else {
            ndups <- spacing <- 1
        block <- as.vector(block)
        if (length(block) != narrays) 
            stop("Length of block does not match number of arrays")
        ub <- unique(block)
        nblocks <- length(ub)
        Z <- matrix(block, narrays, nblocks) == matrix(ub, narrays, 
                                                       nblocks, byrow = TRUE)
        cormatrix <- Z %*% (correlation * t(Z))
    diag(cormatrix) <- 1
    ngenes <- nrow(M)
    stdev.unscaled <- matrix(NA, ngenes, nbeta, 
                             dimnames = list(rownames(M), 

    beta <- stdev.unscaled
    sigma <- rep(NA, ngenes)
    df.residual <- rep(0, ngenes)
    for (i in 1:ngenes) {
        design_gene <- cbind(design, unlist(cov_matrix[i,]))
        y <- drop(M[i, ])
        o <- is.finite(y)
        y <- y[o]
        n <- length(y)
        if (n > 0) {
            X <- design_gene[o, , drop = FALSE]
            V <- cormatrix[o, o]
            if (!is.null(weights)) {
                wrs <- 1/sqrt(drop(weights[i, o]))
                V <- wrs * t(wrs * t(V))
            cholV <- chol(V)
            y <- backsolve(cholV, y, transpose = TRUE)
            if (all(X == 0)) {
                df.residual[i] <- n
                sigma[i] <- sqrt(array(1/n, c(1, n)) %*% y^2)
            } else {
                X <- backsolve(cholV, X, transpose = TRUE)
                out <- lm.fit(X, y)
                est <- !is.na(out$coefficients)
                beta[i, ] <- out$coefficients
                stdev.unscaled[i, est] <- sqrt(diag(chol2inv(out$qr$qr, 
                                                             size = out$rank)))
                df.residual[i] <- out$df.residual
                if (df.residual[i] > 0) 
                    sigma[i] <- sqrt(array(1/out$df.residual, c(1, 
                                                                n)) %*% out$residuals^2)
    cholV <- chol(cormatrix)
    QR <- qr(backsolve(cholV, design_gene, transpose = TRUE))
    cov.coef <- chol2inv(QR$qr, size = QR$rank)
    est <- QR$pivot[1:QR$rank]
    dimnames(cov.coef) <- list(coef.names[est], coef.names[est])

    list(coefficients = beta, stdev.unscaled = stdev.unscaled, 
         sigma = sigma, df.residual = df.residual, ndups = ndups, 
         spacing = spacing, block = block, correlation = correlation, 
         cov.coefficients = cov.coef, pivot = QR$pivot, rank = QR$rank,
         design = design)
jhsiao999/Humanzee documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:28 a.m.