freshdeskr: An R Package for the Freshdesk API

Authors: John Januszczak License: MIT

Travis-CI Build Status

This R package acts as a wrapper for the Freshdesk API. Currently, the package contains functionality for retrieving ticket, agent, company and contact data from Freshdesk. This data can be used in subsequent analysis.


You can install freshdeskr from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The following examples demonstrate how to retrieve ticket, agent, company and contact data from Freshdesk.


Using the tickets method, retrieve a data frame of tickets and get the status, priority and subject of all tickets updated since May 1, 2018:


# create a client
fc <- freshdesk_client(my_domain, my_api_key)

# gets tickets undated since May 1, 2018
ticket_data <- tickets(fc, updated_since = "2018-05-01")

# subset by columns of interest
ticket_data[, c("subject", "status", "priority")]
#>                              subject status priority
#> 1                 Where is my flour?   Open      Low
#> 2                       I need flour   Open      Low
#> 3 Vintage table lamp - Out of stock?   Open      Low
#> 4   Mary Jane shoes - Shipping rates   Open     High


Using the companies method, get a list of companies:

# retrieve all companies
comps <- companies(fc, max_records = 2)

#>            id      name description note domains          created_at
#> 1 42000100795  ACME Inc          NA   NA    NULL 2018-05-13 06:29:55
#> 2 42000100791 Freshdesk          NA   NA    NULL 2018-05-13 02:33:13
#>            updated_at
#> 1 2018-05-13 06:29:55
#> 2 2018-05-13 02:33:13


Using the agent method, get data on an agent based on the agent ID:

# get agent based on agent id
ag <- agent(fc, 42001318960)

# get the agent's name and email
cat(ag$contact$name, ",", ag$contact$email)
#> Customer Service ,


Use the contacts method to add contact name and email to a list of tickets

# get tickets updated since January 1, 2018
ticket_date <- tickets(fc, updated_since = "2018-01-01")

# get data on all contacts
contact_data <- contacts(fc)

# join data frames
tickets_with_contact_info <- merge(x = ticket_data, y = contact_data, by.x = "requester_id", by.y = "id")

# show contact name and email with ticket number and subject
tickets_with_contact_info[, c("id", "subject", "name", "email")]
#>   id                            subject            name
#> 1  1   Mary Jane shoes - Shipping rates      Emily Dean
#> 2  2 Vintage table lamp - Out of stock?     Matt Rogers
#> 3  5                 Where is my flour? Maria Christina
#> 4  4                       I need flour Maria Christina
#>                       email
#> 1
#> 2
#> 3  
#> 4  

Interacting Directly with the API

For lower level control and flexibility, use the freshdesk_api function to call the Freshdesk API directly to retrieve the following:

In the following example, we retrieve the ticket subject from the parsed response object:


# create a client
fc <- freshdesk_client(my_domain, my_api_key)

# query the api and view the details of ticket #3
apidata <- freshdesk_api(fc, "/api/v2/tickets/3")

# get useful data from the parsed response
#> [1] "Chat with Norman Jones on Missing order."

One can also inspect the http response directly, for example:

#> [1] 200

Rate limit information is also returned by calls to the freshdesk_api function:

# get current status of rate limit at time of api call
#> [1] "976"

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


1The freshdesk_api method automatically handles pagination. If more than one api call was made to fetch data, a list of http response objects will be returned.

jjanuszczak/freshdeskr documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:05 p.m.