Defines functions LGC

Documented in LGC

#' Latent Gaussian Count model builder
#' Main execution function for latentGaussCounts package.
#' @param x data
#' @param count.family desired marginal distribution (Poisson,mixed-Poisson,etc)
#' @param gauss.series desired structure of your latent Gaussian process
#' @param estim.method method used for estimating parameters
#' @param max.terms maximum number of terms used to truncate Hermite expansions
#' @param p AR order
#' @param d don't use it
#' @param q don't use it
#' @param n.mix number of Poisson distributions in mixed-Poisson count.family
#' @param n Not sure what this is
#' @param print.progress Should progress be printed as optim() is run
#' @param print.initial.estimates Should initial estiamtes be printed
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass to optim
#' @return list object which are results from optim() run
#' @export

LGC <- function(x, count.family = c("Poisson", "mixed-Poisson", "negbinom", "GenPoisson"),
                   gauss.series = c("AR","MA","FARIMA"),
                   estim.method = c("gaussianLik","particlesSIS"),
                   max.terms = 30, p=NULL, d=NULL, q=NULL, n.mix=NULL, n=NULL,
                   print.progress=FALSE, print.initial.estimates=FALSE, ...)

  # ---- count.family input ---------------------------------------------------

  # DEFINE a cdf function from count.family input. Make sure it accepts a vector
  #        valued input.
     cdf = function(x, lam){ ppois(q=x, lambda=lam) }
     pdf = function(x, lam){ dpois(x, lambda=lam) }
     count.mean = function(lam){ lam }
     count.initial = function(data){ mean(data) }
     theta1.min = 0.01
     theta1.max = mean(x) + 30
     theta1.idx = 1
  #-------------------------------------Stef--May 22---------------------------------------------#
    else if(count.family=="GenPoisson"){
     cdf= function(x,parameter) { # using Yisu's code for the cdf function
       cdf.vec <- rep(-99,length(x))
       for (i in 1:length(x)){
         cdf.vec[i] <- sum(pdf(0:x[i],parameter))
     cdf = function(x, parameter){pgpois(x, parameter[1], parameter[2])}
     pdf = function(x, parameter){dgpois(x, parameter[1], parameter[2])}
     count.mean = function(parameter){
       lambda = parameter[1]
       eta = parameter[2]
     # FIX ME: I ll use method of moments to get initial values but this will only work when
     # lambda is between 0 and 1
     count.initial = function(data){
       # FIX ME: solving the system of two first moments
       # as functions of parameter: the variance equation yields two solutions with plus/minus
       # need to compute likelihood for both and select the best, instead here I am taking the plus
       eta.hat = 1 - sqrt(mean(data))/sd(data)
       lambda.hat = mean(data)*(1-eta.hat)
       if(eta.hat<0 | eta.hat>1){eta.hat = 0.5} # FIX ME: chat with Robert/Jim about this
       return(c(lambda.hat, eta.hat))
     theta1.min = c(0.01,0.01)
     theta1.max = c(mean(x) + 30,0.99) #FIX ME: I am not sure this is ok for lambda
     theta1.idx = 1:2
   }else if(count.family=="mixed-Poisson"){
    if(is.null(n.mix)) stop("you must specify the number of Poissons to mix,
                             n.mix, to use count.family=mixed-Poisson")
    if(n.mix==1) stop("n.mix must be greater than 1")
       cdf = function(x, theta){
         theta[1]*ppois(x, theta[2]) + (1-theta[1])*ppois(x, theta[3])
       pdf = function(x, theta){
         theta[1]*dpois(x, theta[2]) + (1-theta[1])*dpois(x, theta[3])
       count.mean = function(theta){
          theta[1]*theta[2] + (1-theta[1])*theta[3]
       count.initial = function(data){
         n = length(data)
         n2 = floor(length(data)/2)
         p.hat = 1/2
         theta1.hat = mean(sort(data)[1:n2])
         theta2.hat = mean(sort(data)[(n2+1):n])
         return(c(p.hat, theta1.hat, theta2.hat))
       theta1.min = c(0,0.01,0.01)
       theta1.max = c(0.5,20,20)
       theta1.idx = 1:(n.mix+1)
    if(n.mix>2) stop("mixed-Poisson is not currently coded for n.mix>2")

   } else if(count.family=="Binomial"){
     if(is.null(n)) stop("you must specify the number of trials,
                             n, to use count.family=Binomial")
     cdf = function(x, theta){ pbinom(q = x, size = n, prob = theta) }
     pdf = function(x, theta){ dbinom(x = x, size = n, prob = theta) }
     count.mean = function(theta){ n*theta }
     count.initial = function(data){ mean(data)/n }
     theta1.idx = 1
   } else if(count.family=="negbinom"){
     cdf = function(x, theta){
       pnbinom(q = x, size = theta[1], prob = theta[2])
     pdf = function(x, theta){
       dnbinom(x = x, size = theta[1], prob = theta[2])
     count.mean = function(theta){
       theta[1] * (1-theta[2]) / theta[2]
     count.initial = function(data){
       n = length(data)
       m = mean(x)
       v = var(x)
       theta1.hat = m^2 / (v-m)
       theta2.hat = m/v
       return(c(theta1.hat, theta2.hat))
     theta1.min = c(0.01, 0.1)
     theta1.max = c(10  , 0.9)
     theta1.idx = 1:2
   }else{ stop("please specify a valid count.family") }

  # ---- Gauss.series input ---------------------------------------------------

  # DEFINE a gamz function from gauss.series input. Make sure it accepts a
  #        vector valued input.
  # FIX ME: using CLS estimates as initial points, instead of acf (for p=1 I left the acf one)
    q = NULL #FIX ME: I do this here cause it will allo me to deal with optimization when I dont have LB and UB
    if(is.null(p)) stop("you must specify the AR order, p, to use
      theta2.min = -.99
      theta2.max = .99
    gamZ = function(h, phi){ ARMAacf(ar = phi, lag.max = 1000)[h+1] }
    gauss.initial = function(data){
    # assuming Poisson I can use method of moments for lambda, then apply inverse transform to obtain
    # some Z's. These will not be normal r.v's as they will not take values on interval, however they still
    # retain some of the AR structure and so I can use them for initial estiamtion. This
    # FIX ME: allow for other distributions too
        lhat = mean(data)
        tmp = ppois(data,lhat)
        z = qnorm(tmp) # this doesnt take values on an interval but may still be used for initial AR estimates
        return(arima(z,order = c(p,0,0),include.mean=0)$coef)
          return(acf(data, plot = FALSE)$acf[2:(p+1)])
      n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
      theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + p)

    p = NULL #FIX ME: I do this here cause it will allo me to deal with optimization when I dont have LB and UB
    if(is.null(q)) stop("you must specify the MA order, q, to use
      theta2.min = -.99
      theta2.max = .99
    gamZ = function(h, theta){ ARMAacf(ma = theta, lag.max = 1000)[h+1] }
    gauss.initial = function(data){
    # assuming Poisson I can use method of moments for lambda, then apply inverse transform to obtain
    # some Z's. These will not be normal r.v's as they will not take values on interval, however they still
    # retain some of the AR structure and so I can use them for initial estiamtion. This
    # FIX ME: allow for other distributions too
      lhat = mean(data)
      tmp = ppois(data,lhat)
      z = qnorm(tmp) # this doesnt take values on an interval but may still be used for initial AR estimates
      return(arima(z,order = c(0,0,q),include.mean=0)$coef)
        return(acf(data, plot = FALSE)$acf[2:(q+1)])
    n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
    theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + q)

  if(gauss.series=="FARIMA"){ # currently only FARIMA(0,d,0)
    gamZ = function(h, d){ acf.farima0d0(d = d, h = h) }
    gauss.initial = function(data){ 1/4 }
    n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
    theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)

#   if(gauss.series=="MA"){
#     gamZ = function(h, tht){
#         if(h==0){
#             return(1)
#       } else if(h==1){
#             return(tht/(1+tht^2))
#       } else{
#             return(0)
#       }
#     }
#     gauss.initial = function(x){ acf(x, plot = FALSE)$acf[2] }
#     n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
#     theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
#     theta2.min = -.99
#     theta2.max = .99
#   }

# ---- Estimation Methods -----------------------------------------------------

    g <- function(k, theta1){
      #her <- as.function(Polys[[k]]) # polys[[k]] = H_{k-1}
      N = which(round(cdf(1:5000, theta1), 7) == 1)[1]
      if(length(N)==0 |is.na(N) ){
        cat(sprintf("The max cdf value is %f and N=%f",max(round(cdf(1:10, theta1), 7)),N))
        stop("Haven't reached upper limit for cdf")
      terms = exp(-qnorm(cdf(0:N, theta1))^2/2) *
              Hermite_poly(k = k, x = qnorm(cdf(0:N, theta1)))
             #her(qnorm(cdf(0:N, theta1)))

    gamX = function(h, theta2, gamZ, g.vec, max.terms=30){
      sum(g.vec^2 * factorial(1:max.terms) * (gamZ(h, theta2))^(1:max.terms))
      lik = function(theta, data){
        if(print.progress) cat("theta = ", theta, "\n")
        theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
        theta2 = theta[theta2.idx]
        # Adding a check on invertibility codnition for MA=2
        # FIX ME: I assume here that the MA polynomial is 1+th1*x+th2*x^2+...
        if (any(abs(polyroot(c(1,theta2)))<1)){
          out= Inf
          n   = length(data)
          h   = 0:(n-1)
          g.vec = c()
          for(k in 1:30){g.vec[k] <- g(k=k, theta1 = theta1)}
          gamX.vec = c()
          for(i in 1:length(h)){gamX.vec[i] = gamX(h[i], theta2, gamZ, g.vec)}
          Sigma = toeplitz(gamX.vec)
          mean.vec = rep(count.mean(theta1), n)
          out = -2*mvtnorm::dmvnorm(as.numeric(data), mean = mean.vec,
                                    sigma = Sigma, log = TRUE)
        if(print.progress) cat(" lik = ", out, "\n")
        if(out=="Inf"){ return(10^6) }
      lik = function(theta, data){
        if(print.progress) cat("theta = ", theta, "\n")
        theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
        theta2 = theta[theta2.idx]
        # Adding a check on invertibility codnition for MA=2
        # FIX ME: I assume here that the AR polynomial is 1-phi1*x-phi2*x^2-...
        if (any(abs(polyroot(c(1,-theta2)))<1)){
          out= Inf
          n   = length(data)
          h   = 0:(n-1)
          g.vec = c()
          for(k in 1:30){g.vec[k] <- g(k=k, theta1 = theta1)}
          gamX.vec = c()
          for(i in 1:length(h)){gamX.vec[i] = gamX(h[i], theta2, gamZ, g.vec)}
          Sigma = toeplitz(gamX.vec)
          mean.vec = rep(count.mean(theta1), n)
          out = -2*mvtnorm::dmvnorm(as.numeric(data), mean = mean.vec,
                                    sigma = Sigma, log = TRUE)
        if(print.progress) cat(" lik = ", out, "\n")
        if(out=="Inf"){ return(10^6) }

  if ((gauss.series=="AR") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){
    if(is.null(p)) stop("you must specify the AR order, p, to use
    if(p>2) stop("the ACVF is not coded for AR models of order higher than 1
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      if (is.vector(x)){
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
          phi = theta[theta2.idx]
          xt = data
          T1 = length(xt)
          N = 1000 # number of particles
          prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
          wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

          a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
          b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
          a = rep(a,N)
          b = rep(b,N)
          zprev = z.rest(a,b)
          zhat = phi*zprev
          prt[,1] = zhat

          wprev = rep(1,N)
          wgh[,1] = wprev

          for (t in 2:T1)
            rt = sqrt(1-phi^2)
            a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - phi*zprev)/rt
            b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - phi*zprev)/rt
            err = z.rest(a,b)
            znew = phi*zprev + rt*err
            zhat = phi*znew
            prt[,t] = zhat
            zprev = znew

            wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,t]

          lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
          nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

          out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
          phi = theta[theta2.idx]

          xt = data[,1]
          cvt = data[,-1]
          cvt = cbind(rep(1,length(xt)),cvt) # comment if intercept not included
          T1 = length(xt)
          dd = dim(cvt)[2]
          # dd=1 # if no intercept and just 1 covariate
          theta10 = theta1[1:dd]
          theta10 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta10,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
          theta1 = cbind(theta10,rep(theta1[dd+1],T1))

          N = 2000 # number of particles
          prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
          wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

          a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
          b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
          a = rep(a,N)
          b = rep(b,N)
          zprev = z.rest(a,b)
          zhat = phi*zprev
          prt[,1] = zhat

          wprev = rep(1,N)
          wgh[,1] = wprev

          for (t in 2:T1)
            rt = sqrt(1-phi^2)
            a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - phi*zprev)/rt
            b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1[t,]),0,1) - phi*zprev)/rt
            err = z.rest(a,b)
            znew = phi*zprev + rt*err
            zhat = phi*znew
            prt[,t] = zhat
            zprev = znew

            wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,t]

          lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1[1,])*mean(wgh[,T1])
          nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

          out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik

    } else if(p==2){
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      if (is.vector(x)){
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          # set.seed(1)
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          phi = theta[theta2.idx]

          if ( (phi[2]+phi[1]<1) & (phi[2]-phi[1]<1) & (abs(phi[2])<1)){
            xt = data
            T1 = length(xt)
            N = 1000 # number of particles
            prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
            wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

            a1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
            b1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
            a1 = rep(a1,N)
            b1 = rep(b1,N)
            zprev1 = z.rest(a1,b1)
            zhat1 = phi[1]*zprev1
            prt[,1] = zhat1

            wprev = rep(1,N)
            wgh[,1] = wprev

            phi0 = if(abs(phi[1])<0.9){phi[1]}else{0.9*sign(phi[1])}
            rt2 = sqrt(1-phi0^2)
            a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
            b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
            err2 = z.rest(a2,b2)
            znew2 = phi0*zprev1 + rt2*err2
            znew = c(znew2,zprev1)
            zhat2 = sum(phi*znew)
            prt[,2] = zhat2

            wgh[,2] = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,2]

            zprev = znew

            for (t in 3:T1)
              rt = 1/sqrt( ((1-phi[2])/(1+phi[2])) / ((1-phi[2])^2-phi[1]^2) )
              a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
              b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
              err = z.rest(a,b)
              znew = sum(phi*zprev) + rt*err
              znew = c(znew,zprev[1])
              zhat = sum(phi*znew)
              prt[,t] = zhat
              zprev = znew

              wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
              wprev = wgh[,t]

            lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
            nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

            out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
            out = Inf
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          # set.seed(1)
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          phi = theta[theta2.idx]

          xt = data[,1]
          cvt = data[,-1]
          cvt = cbind(rep(1,length(xt)),cvt)
          T1 = length(xt)
          dd = dim(cvt)[2]
          theta10 = theta1[1:dd]
          theta10 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta10,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
          theta1 = cbind(theta10,rep(theta1[dd+1],T1))

          if ( (phi[2]+phi[1]<1) & (phi[2]-phi[1]<1) & (abs(phi[2])<1)){

            N = 1000 # number of particles
            prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
            wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

            a1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
            b1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
            a1 = rep(a1,N)
            b1 = rep(b1,N)
            zprev1 = z.rest(a1,b1)
            zhat1 = phi[1]*zprev1
            prt[,1] = zhat1

            wprev = rep(1,N)
            wgh[,1] = wprev

            phi0 = if(abs(phi[1])<0.9){phi[1]}else{0.9*sign(phi[1])}
            rt2 = sqrt(1-phi0^2)
            a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1[2,]),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
            b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1[2,]),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
            err2 = z.rest(a2,b2)
            znew2 = phi0*zprev1 + rt2*err2
            znew = c(znew2,zprev1)
            zhat2 = sum(phi*znew)
            prt[,2] = zhat2

            wgh[,2] = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,2]

            zprev = znew

            for (t in 3:T1)
              rt = 1/sqrt( ((1-phi[2])/(1+phi[2])) / ((1-phi[2])^2-phi[1]^2) )
              a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
              b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1[t,]),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
              err = z.rest(a,b)
              znew = sum(phi*zprev) + rt*err
              znew = c(znew,zprev[1])
              zhat = sum(phi*znew)
              prt[,t] = zhat
              zprev = znew

              wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
              wprev = wgh[,t]

            lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1[1,])*mean(wgh[,T1])
            nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

            out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
            out = Inf
    } else{ stop("the p specified is not valid") }

  if ((gauss.series=="AR") & (estim.method=="particlesSISR")){ # VP change
    if(is.null(p)) stop("you must specify the AR order, p, to use
    if(p>2) stop("the ACVF is not coded for AR models of order higher than 1
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      likSISR = function(theta, data){
        theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
        n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
        theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
        phi = theta[theta2.idx]
        xt = data
        T1 = length(xt)
        N = 1000 # number of particles
        prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
        wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

        a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
        b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
        a = rep(a,N)
        b = rep(b,N)
        zprev = z.rest(a,b)
        zhat = phi*zprev
        prt[,1] = zhat

        nloglik <- 0
        for (t in 2:T1)
          rt = sqrt(1-phi^2)
          a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - phi*zprev)/rt
          b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - phi*zprev)/rt
          err = z.rest(a,b)
          znew = phi*zprev + rt*err
          wgh <- pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
          if (any(is.na(wgh))) # see apf code below for explanation
            #nloglik <- NaN
            nloglik <- Inf
          if (sum(wgh)==0)
            #nloglik <- NaN
            nloglik <- Inf
          wghn <- wgh/sum(wgh)
          ind <- rmultinom(1, N, wghn)
          znew <- rep(znew,ind)

          zhat <- phi*znew
          prt[,t] <- zhat
          zprev <- znew

          nloglik <- nloglik -2*log(mean(wgh))

        nloglik <- nloglik - 2*log(pdf(xt[1],theta1))

        out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
    } else if(p==2){
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      likSISR = function(theta, data){
        # set.seed(1)
        theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
        n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
        theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
        phi = theta[theta2.idx]

        if ( (phi[2]+phi[1]<1) & (phi[2]-phi[1]<1) & (abs(phi[2])<1)){
          xt = data
          T1 = length(xt)
          N = 2000 # number of particles
          prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
          wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

          a1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
          b1 = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
          a1 = rep(a1,N)
          b1 = rep(b1,N)
          zprev1 = z.rest(a1,b1)
          zhat1 = phi[1]*zprev1
          prt[,1] = zhat1

          wprev = rep(1,N)
          wgh[,1] = wprev

          phi0 = if(abs(phi[1])<0.9){phi[1]}else{0.9*sign(phi[1])}
          rt2 = sqrt(1-phi0^2)
          a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
          b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1),0,1) - phi[1]*zprev1)/rt2
          err2 = z.rest(a2,b2)
          znew2 = phi0*zprev1 + rt2*err2
          znew = c(znew2,zprev1)
          zhat2 = sum(phi*znew)
          prt[,2] = zhat2

          wgh[,2] = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
          wprev = wgh[,2]

          zprev = znew

          for (t in 3:T1)
            rt = 1/sqrt( ((1-phi[2])/(1+phi[2])) / ((1-phi[2])^2-phi[1]^2) )
            a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
            b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - sum(phi*zprev))/rt
            err = z.rest(a,b)
            znew = sum(phi*zprev) + rt*err
            znew = c(znew,zprev[1])
            zhat = sum(phi*znew)
            prt[,t] = zhat
            zprev = znew

            wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,t]

          lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
          nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

          out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
          out = Inf
    } else{ stop("the p specified is not valid") }

  if ((gauss.series=="FARIMA") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){
    z.rest = function(a,b){
      # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
    likSIS = function(theta, data){
      theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
      n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
      theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
      d = theta[theta2.idx]
      xt = data
      N = 1000 # number of particles

      T1 = length(xt)
      prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
      wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

      a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
      b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
      a = rep(a,N)
      b = rep(b,N)
      zprev = z.rest(a,b)
      phi1 = -(gamma(2)/gamma(2-d))*(gamma(1-d)/gamma(2))*(gamma(1-d)/gamma(1))*(if (d==0) {0} else {1/gamma(-d)})
      zhat = phi1*rev(zprev)
      prt[,1] = zhat

      wprev = rep(1,N)
      wgh[,1] = wprev

      rt = 1

      for (t in 2:T1)
        rt = rt*sqrt(1-(d/(t-1-d))^2)
        a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
        b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
        err = z.rest(a,b)
        znew = zhat + rt*err
        zprev = cbind(zprev,znew)

        phit = -exp(lgamma(t+1)-lgamma(t-d+1))*exp(lgamma((1:t)-d)-lgamma((1:t)+1))*exp(lgamma(t-d-(1:t)+1)-lgamma(t-(1:t)+1))*(if (d==0) {0} else {1/gamma(-d)})
        zhat = rowSums(phit*zprev[,ncol(zprev):1])
        prt[,t] = zhat

        wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
        wprev = wgh[,t]

      lik <- dpois(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
      # lik = dpois(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1],na.rm = TRUE)
      nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

      out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik

  if ((gauss.series=="MA") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){ # VP change
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      if (is.vector(x)){
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
          tht = theta[theta2.idx]
          xt = data
          T1 = length(xt)
          N = 1000 # number of particles
          prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
          wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

          a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
          b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
          a = rep(a,N)
          b = rep(b,N)
          zprev = z.rest(a,b)
          rt0 = 1+tht^2
          zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
          prt[,1] = zhat

          wprev = rep(1,N)
          wgh[,1] = wprev

          for (t in 2:T1)
            rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
            rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
            a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            err = z.rest(a,b)
            znew = zhat + rt*err
            zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
            prt[,t] = zhat

            wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,t]

          lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
          nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

          out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
          tht = theta[theta2.idx]

          xt = data[,1]
          cvt = data[,-1]
          cvt = cbind(rep(1,length(xt)),cvt)
          T1 = length(xt)
          dd = dim(cvt)[2]
          theta10 = theta1[1:dd]
          theta10 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta10,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
          theta1 = cbind(theta10,rep(theta1[dd+1],T1))

          N = 1000 # number of particles
          prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
          wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

          a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
          b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
          a = rep(a,N)
          b = rep(b,N)
          zprev = z.rest(a,b)
          rt0 = 1+tht^2
          zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
          prt[,1] = zhat

          wprev = rep(1,N)
          wgh[,1] = wprev

          for (t in 2:T1)
            rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
            rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
            a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            err = z.rest(a,b)
            znew = zhat + rt*err
            zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
            prt[,t] = zhat

            wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,t]

          lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1[1,])*mean(wgh[,T1])
          nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

          out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
    }else if(q==2){ # VP addition
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      if (is.vector(x)){
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          tht = theta[theta2.idx]

          if ( (tht[1]+tht[2]>-1) & (tht[2]-tht[1]>-1) & (abs(tht[2])<1) ){
            xt = data
            T1 = length(xt)
            N = 1000 # number of particles
            prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
            wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

            gam1 = tht[1]*(1+tht[2])/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
            gam2 = tht[2]/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)

            a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
            b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
            a = rep(a,N)
            b = rep(b,N)
            zprev1 = z.rest(a,b)
            tht11 = gam1
            zhat1 = tht11*zprev1
            prt[,1] = zhat1

            rt1 = ( 1 - tht11^2 )^(1/2)
            wprev = rep(1,N)
            wgh[,1] = wprev

            a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
            b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
            err2 = z.rest(a2,b2)
            znew2 = zhat1 + rt1*err2
            znew_all = cbind(znew2,zprev1)

            tht22 = gam2
            tht21 = (gam1 - tht11*tht22)/rt1^2
            tht_all = cbind(rep(tht21,N),rep(tht22,N))
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat1,rep(0,N))
            zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
            prt[,2] = zhat2

            rt2 = (1 - tht21^2*rt1^2 - tht22^2)^(1/2)

            wgh[,2] = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,2]

            rt_all = c(rt2,rt1)
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat1)

            for (t in 3:T1)

              a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              err = z.rest(a,b)
              znew = zhat_all[,1] + rt_all[1]*err
              znew_all = cbind(znew,znew_all[,1])

              thtt2 = gam2/rt_all[2]^2
              thtt1 = (gam1 - tht_all[1]*thtt2*rt_all[2]^2)/rt_all[1]^2
              tht_all = cbind(rep(thtt1,N),rep(thtt2,N))
              zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
              prt[,t] = zhat2

              rt = (1 - thtt1^2*rt_all[1]^2 - thtt2^2*rt_all[2]^2)^(1/2)

              wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
              wprev = wgh[,t]

              rt_all = c(rt,rt_all[1])
              zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat_all[,1])


            lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
            nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)
            out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik

            out = Inf
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          tht = theta[theta2.idx]

          xt = data[,1]
          cvt = data[,-1]
          cvt = cbind(rep(1,length(xt)),cvt)
          T1 = length(xt)
          dd = dim(cvt)[2]
          theta10 = theta1[1:dd]
          theta10 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta10,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
          theta1 = cbind(theta10,rep(theta1[dd+1],T1))

          if ( (tht[1]+tht[2]>-1) & (tht[2]-tht[1]>-1) & (abs(tht[2])<1) ){
            N = 1000 # number of particles
            prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
            wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

            gam1 = tht[1]*(1+tht[2])/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
            gam2 = tht[2]/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)

            a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
            b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
            a = rep(a,N)
            b = rep(b,N)
            zprev1 = z.rest(a,b)
            tht11 = gam1
            zhat1 = tht11*zprev1
            prt[,1] = zhat1

            rt1 = ( 1 - tht11^2 )^(1/2)
            wprev = rep(1,N)
            wgh[,1] = wprev

            a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
            b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
            err2 = z.rest(a2,b2)
            znew2 = zhat1 + rt1*err2
            znew_all = cbind(znew2,zprev1)

            tht22 = gam2
            tht21 = (gam1 - tht11*tht22)/rt1^2
            tht_all = cbind(rep(tht21,N),rep(tht22,N))
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat1,rep(0,N))
            zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
            prt[,2] = zhat2

            rt2 = (1 - tht21^2*rt1^2 - tht22^2)^(1/2)

            wgh[,2] = wprev*(pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,2]

            rt_all = c(rt2,rt1)
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat1)

            for (t in 3:T1)

              a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              err = z.rest(a,b)
              znew = zhat_all[,1] + rt_all[1]*err
              znew_all = cbind(znew,znew_all[,1])

              thtt2 = gam2/rt_all[2]^2
              thtt1 = (gam1 - tht_all[1]*thtt2*rt_all[2]^2)/rt_all[1]^2
              tht_all = cbind(rep(thtt1,N),rep(thtt2,N))
              zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
              prt[,t] = zhat2

              rt = (1 - thtt1^2*rt_all[1]^2 - thtt2^2*rt_all[2]^2)^(1/2)

              wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
              wprev = wgh[,t]

              rt_all = c(rt,rt_all[1])
              zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat_all[,1])


            lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1[1,])*mean(wgh[,T1])
            nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)
            out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik

            out = Inf


  if ((gauss.series=="MA") & (estim.method=="particlesSISR")){ # VP change
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      likSISR = function(theta, data){
        theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
        n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
        theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
        tht = theta[theta2.idx]
        xt = data
        T1 = length(xt)
        N = 1000 # number of particles
        prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
        wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

        a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
        b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
        a = rep(a,N)
        b = rep(b,N)
        zprev = z.rest(a,b)
        rt0 = 1+tht^2
        zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
        prt[,1] = zhat

        nloglik <- 0
        for (t in 2:T1)
          rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
          rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
          a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
          b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
          err = z.rest(a,b)
          znew = zhat + rt*err
          wgh <- pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
          if (any(is.na(wgh))) # see apf code below for explanation
            #nloglik <- NaN
            nloglik <- Inf
          if (sum(wgh)==0)
            #nloglik <- NaN
            nloglik <- Inf
          wghn <- wgh/sum(wgh)
          ind <- rmultinom(1, N, wghn)
          znew <- rep(znew,ind)

          zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
          prt[,t] = zhat

          nloglik <- nloglik -2*log(mean(wgh))

        nloglik <- nloglik - 2*log(pdf(xt[1],theta1))

        out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
    }else if(q==2){ # VP addition
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      if (is.vector(x)){
        likSISR = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          tht = theta[theta2.idx]

          if ( (tht[1]+tht[2]>-1) & (tht[2]-tht[1]>-1) & (abs(tht[2])<1) ){
            xt = data
            T1 = length(xt)
            N = 1000 # number of particles
            prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
            wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

            gam1 = tht[1]*(1+tht[2])/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
            gam2 = tht[2]/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)

            a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
            b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
            a = rep(a,N)
            b = rep(b,N)
            zprev1 = z.rest(a,b)
            tht11 = gam1
            zhat1 = tht11*zprev1
            prt[,1] = zhat1

            rt1 = ( 1 - tht11^2 )^(1/2)

            nloglik = 0

            a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
            b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
            err2 = z.rest(a2,b2)
            znew2 = zhat1 + rt1*err2

            wgh = pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1)

            wghn = wgh/sum(wgh)
            ind = rmultinom(1, N, wghn)
            znew2 = rep(znew2,ind)

            znew_all = cbind(znew2,zprev1)

            tht22 = gam2
            tht21 = (gam1 - tht11*tht22)/rt1^2
            tht_all = cbind(rep(tht21,N),rep(tht22,N))
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat1,rep(0,N))
            zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
            prt[,2] = zhat2

            rt2 = (1 - tht21^2*rt1^2 - tht22^2)^(1/2)

            rt_all = c(rt2,rt1)
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat1)

            nloglik = nloglik -2*log(mean(wgh))

            for (t in 3:T1)

              a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              err = z.rest(a,b)
              znew = zhat_all[,1] + rt_all[1]*err

              wgh = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
              if (any(is.na(wgh)))
                #nloglik <- NaN
                nloglik = Inf
              if (sum(wgh)==0)
                #nloglik <- NaN
                nloglik = Inf

              wghn = wgh/sum(wgh)
              ind = rmultinom(1, N, wghn)
              znew = rep(znew,ind)

              znew_all = cbind(znew,znew_all[,1])

              thtt2 = gam2/rt_all[2]^2
              thtt1 = (gam1 - tht_all[1]*thtt2*rt_all[2]^2)/rt_all[1]^2
              tht_all = cbind(rep(thtt1,N),rep(thtt2,N))
              zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
              prt[,t] = zhat2

              rt = (1 - thtt1^2*rt_all[1]^2 - thtt2^2*rt_all[2]^2)^(1/2)

              rt_all = c(rt,rt_all[1])
              zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat_all[,1])

              nloglik = nloglik -2*log(mean(wgh))


            nloglik = nloglik - 2*log(pdf(xt[1],theta1))
            out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik

            out = Inf
        likSISR = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          tht = theta[theta2.idx]

          xt = data[,1]
          cvt = data[,-1]
          cvt = cbind(rep(1,length(xt)),cvt)
          T1 = length(xt)
          dd = dim(cvt)[2]
          theta10 = theta1[1:dd]
          theta10 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta10,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
          theta1 = cbind(theta10,rep(theta1[dd+1],T1))

          if ( (tht[1]+tht[2]>-1) & (tht[2]-tht[1]>-1) & (abs(tht[2])<1) ){
            N = 1000 # number of particles
            prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
            wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

            gam1 = tht[1]*(1+tht[2])/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)
            gam2 = tht[2]/(1+tht[1]^2+tht[2]^2)

            a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
            b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
            zprev1 = z.rest(a,b)
            tht11 = gam1
            zhat1 = tht11*zprev1
            prt[,1] = zhat1

            rt1 = ( 1 - tht11^2 )^(1/2)

            nloglik = 0

            a2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2]-1,theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1
            b2 = (qnorm(cdf(xt[2],theta1[2,]),0,1) - zhat1)/rt1

            err2 = z.rest(a2,b2)
            znew2 = zhat1 + rt1*err2

            wgh = pnorm(b2,0,1) - pnorm(a2,0,1)
            if (any(is.na(wgh)))
              #nloglik <- NaN
              nloglik = Inf
            if (sum(wgh)==0)
              #nloglik <- NaN
              nloglik = Inf

            wghn = wgh/sum(wgh)
            ind = rmultinom(1, N, wghn)
            znew2 = rep(znew2,ind)

            znew_all = cbind(znew2,zprev1)

            tht22 = gam2
            tht21 = (gam1 - tht11*tht22)/rt1^2
            tht_all = cbind(rep(tht21,N),rep(tht22,N))
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat1,rep(0,N))
            zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
            prt[,2] = zhat2

            rt2 = (1 - tht21^2*rt1^2 - tht22^2)^(1/2)

            rt_all = c(rt2,rt1)
            zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat1)

            nloglik = nloglik -2*log(mean(wgh))

            for (t in 3:T1)

              a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat_all[,1])/rt_all[1]
              err = z.rest(a,b)
              znew = zhat_all[,1] + rt_all[1]*err

              wgh = pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1)
              if (any(is.na(wgh)))
                #nloglik <- NaN
                nloglik = Inf
              if (sum(wgh)==0)
                #nloglik <- NaN
                nloglik = Inf

              wghn = wgh/sum(wgh)
              ind = rmultinom(1, N, wghn)
              znew = rep(znew,ind)

              znew_all = cbind(znew,znew_all[,1])

              thtt2 = gam2/rt_all[2]^2
              thtt1 = (gam1 - tht_all[1]*thtt2*rt_all[2]^2)/rt_all[1]^2
              tht_all = cbind(rep(thtt1,N),rep(thtt2,N))
              zhat2 = rowSums(tht_all*(znew_all-zhat_all))
              prt[,t] = zhat2

              rt = (1 - thtt1^2*rt_all[1]^2 - thtt2^2*rt_all[2]^2)^(1/2)

              rt_all = c(rt,rt_all[1])
              zhat_all = cbind(zhat2,zhat_all[,1])

              nloglik = nloglik -2*log(mean(wgh))


            nloglik = nloglik - 2*log(pdf(xt[1],theta1))
            out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik

            out = Inf

  if ((gauss.series=="ARMA") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){ # VP change
    if(p==1 & q==1){
      z.rest = function(a,b){
        # Generates N(0,1) variables restricted to (ai,bi),i=1,...n
      if (is.vector(x)){
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          phi = theta[theta2.idx[1]]
          tht = theta[theta2.idx[2]]
          xt = data
          T1 = length(xt)
          N = 1000 # number of particles
          prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
          wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

          a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
          b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
          a = rep(a,N)
          b = rep(b,N)
          zprev = z.rest(a,b)
          rt0 =(1+2*phi*tht+tht^2)/(1-phi^2)
          zhat = phi*zprev + tht*zprev/rt0
          prt[,1] = zhat

          wprev = rep(1,N)
          wgh[,1] = wprev

          for (t in 2:T1)
            rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 177 in BD book
            rt = sqrt(rt0*(1-phi^2)/(1+2*phi*tht+tht^2))
            a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            err = z.rest(a,b)
            znew = zhat + rt*err
            zhat = phi*zhat+tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
            prt[,t] = zhat

            wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,t]

          lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
          nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

          out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik
        likSIS = function(theta, data){
          theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
          n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
          theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 2)
          phi = theta[theta2.idx[1]]
          tht = theta[theta2.idx[2]]

          xt = data[,1]
          cvt = data[,-1]
          cvt = cbind(rep(1,length(xt)),cvt)
          T1 = length(xt)
          dd = dim(cvt)[2]
          theta10 = theta1[1:dd]
          theta10 = exp(rowSums(matrix(rep(theta10,each=T1),ncol=dd)*cvt))
          theta1 = cbind(theta10,rep(theta1[dd+1],T1))

          N = 1000 # number of particles
          prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
          wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights

          a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1[1,]),0,1)
          b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1[1,]),0,1)
          a = rep(a,N)
          b = rep(b,N)
          zprev = z.rest(a,b)
          rt0 = (1+2*phi*tht+tht^2)/(1-phi^2)
          zhat = phi*zprev+tht*zprev/rt0
          prt[,1] = zhat

          wprev = rep(1,N)
          wgh[,1] = wprev

          for (t in 2:T1)
            rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 177 in BD book
            rt = sqrt(rt0*(1-phi^2)/(1+2*phi*tht+tht^2))
            a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1[t,]),0,1) - zhat)/rt
            err = z.rest(a,b)
            znew = zhat + rt*err
            zhat = phi*znew + tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
            prt[,t] = zhat

            wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
            wprev = wgh[,t]

          lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1[1,])*mean(wgh[,T1])
          nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)

          out = if (is.na(nloglik)) Inf else nloglik

  # ---- Optimization ---------------------------------------------------------

    initial.param = c(count.initial(x), gauss.initial(x))
    if(print.initial.estimates) cat("initial parameter estimates: ", initial.param, "\n")
    optim.output <- optim(par = initial.param, fn = lik,
                          data=x, hessian=TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                          lower = c(theta1.min, theta2.min),
                          upper = c(theta1.max, theta2.max), ...)
    stder = rep(NA, length(initial.param))
    stder <- sqrt(diag(solve(optim.output$hessian))) # calculate standard error
    stder[is.nan(stder)] = 0
    optim.output = append(optim.output, list(stder=stder)) # append stder output

  if((gauss.series=="AR") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSIS, lower = c(theta1.min,-.99), upper = c(theta1.max,.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSIS, lower = c(theta1.min,-1.99,-.99), upper = c(theta1.max,1.99,.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)

  if((gauss.series=="AR") & (estim.method=="particlesSISR")){ # VP change
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSISR, lower = c(theta1.min,-.99), upper = c(theta1.max,.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 100, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(c(R0$optim$bestmem,R0$optim$bestval))
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSISR, lower = c(theta1.min,-1.99,-.99), upper = c(theta1.max,1.99,.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 100, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(c(R0$optim$bestmem,R0$optim$bestval))

  if((gauss.series=="FARIMA") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){
    R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSIS, lower = c(theta1.min,-.49), upper = c(theta1.max,.49),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 100, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
    optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)

  if((gauss.series=="MA") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSIS, lower = c(theta1.min,-.99), upper = c(theta1.max,.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)
    }else if(q==2){
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSIS, lower = c(theta1.min,-1.99,-0.99), upper = c(theta1.max,1.99,0.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)

  if((gauss.series=="MA") & (estim.method=="particlesSISR")){ # VP change
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSISR, lower = c(theta1.min,-.99), upper = c(theta1.max,.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)
    }else if(q==2){
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSISR, lower = c(theta1.min,-1.99,-0.99), upper = c(theta1.max,1.99,0.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)

  if((gauss.series=="ARMA") & (estim.method=="particlesSIS")){
    if(p==1 & q==1){
      R0 <- DEoptim::DEoptim(likSIS, lower = c(theta1.min,-.99,-.99), upper = c(theta1.max,.99,.99),control = DEoptim::DEoptim.control(trace = 10, itermax = 200, steptol = 50, reltol = 1e-5), data=x)
      optim.output <- as.vector(R0$optim$bestmem)

jlivsey/LatentGaussCounts documentation built on May 1, 2020, 6:16 a.m.