
batchtools is the successor of BatchJobs and will be used from now on as it is more stable and more flexible. To see the old version of this page, detailing how BatchJobs was used to run PopSV, see this page.

batchtools package

batchtools is a useful package to communicate with a computing cluster: send jobs, check their status, eventually rerun them, retrieve the results. PopSV has been designed into separate steps to run more easily on a computing cluster using batchtools. Thanks to the multi-step workflow, the computation is parallelized as much as possible (sometimes by sample, other times by genomic regions).

Instead of running each step manually, we recommend using the two-commands wrappers (see Automated run below). It's basically a wrapper for the basic analysis steps with some useful functions (running custom steps, stop/restart). It should be sufficient for most analysis but it's less flexible and if you want to change some specific parameters you might have to tweak the code within the functions.

Installation and configuration

batchtools package can be installed through CRAN:


The most important step is configuring it for your computing cluster. It's not long to do and once this is done correctly, the rest follows nicely.

You will need to place 2 files in the working directory of your project:

I put some examples of configuration and template files for Slurm and TORQUE HPC in the scripts folder of the GitHub repo. If you are using Slurm/TORQUE or some of the HPC from Compute Canada (e.g. Cedar/Guillimin), you can use these files with only minimal edits (see instructions on GitHub).

Cluster template

A cluster template is a template form of the bash script that you would send through qsub/msub. There you define the placeholder for the resources or parameters of the job. This file will be parsed by batchtools.

For the Compute Canada cluster Cedar, I created use a template that looks like this:


#SBATCH --job-name=<%= job.name %>
#SBATCH --output=<%= log.file %>
#SBATCH --error=<%= log.file %>
#SBATCH --time=<%= resources$walltime %>
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=<%= resources$cores %>
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=<%= resources$memory %>
#SBATCH --account=<%= resources$account %>
<%= if (!is.null(resources$partition)) sprintf(paste0("#SBATCH --partition='", resources$partition, "'")) %>
<%= if (array.jobs) sprintf("#SBATCH --array=1-%i", nrow(jobs)) else "" %>

## Initialize work environment like
## source /etc/profile
## module add ...

## Export value of DEBUGME environemnt var to slave
export DEBUGME=<%= Sys.getenv("DEBUGME") %>

## Run R:
## we merge R output with stdout from SLURM, which gets then logged via --output option
Rscript -e 'batchtools::doJobCollection("<%= uri %>")'

Placeholders are in the form of <%= resources$walltime %>. batchtools will insert there the value defined by walltime element in the resources list (see later in submitJobs command). Although you most likely won't have to change these placeholders, you might need to update the lines if your cluster uses a different syntax. For example, in our cluster, we need to give an account ID for our lab, that will be passed in the template by <%= resources$account %>.

In order to easily use the pipelines provided with PopSV package, you should use at least the placeholders walltime, cores and nodes. For the other arguments (e.g. queue, lab ID) you can either hard-code them in the template or pass it in the R pipeline functions with other.resources=list(...).

Configuration file

The batchtools.conf.R file will be read when running the R pipeline functions. It will load the template file defined above. There is nothing special to change here. Just making sure that the command fits the HPC:

Running the pipeline

Automated run

Two wrapper functions around batchtools allows you to run PopSV without manually sending the jobs for each steps. These two functions (autoGCcounts and autoNormTest) are located in automatedPipeline-batchtools.R. A full analysis can be run like this:

## Load package and wrapper
## Set-up files and bins
bam.files = read.table("bams.tsv", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)
files.df = init.filenames(bam.files, code="example")
save(files.df, file="files.RData")
bin.size = 1e3
bins.df = fragment.genome.hp19(bin.size)
save(bins.df, file="bins.RData")
## Run PopSV
res.GCcounts = autoGCcounts("files.RData", "bins.RData")
res.df = autoNormTest("files.RData", "bins.RData")

The advantage of this wrapper is a easier management of the cluster and pipeline. However it's not so flexible: if a step need to be changed for some reason, you might have to change it within the automatedPipeline-batchtools.R script.

Still, a few parameters can be passed to the two functions for the user's convenience:

As an example, the run-PopSV-batchtools-automatedPipeline.R script in the scripts folder shows how PopSV is run using these wrappers on Cedar (Slurm HPC).

Practical details

Preparing and submitting a job with batchtools

In practice, you don't have to write this part, it's what the automatedPipeline-batchtools.R functions are made of. If ever you want to tweak these functions or just use batchtools for something else, here is how we use it.

Useful functions:

For example, to run the step that retrieve the bin count in each BAM files, a simple version would look like this:

reg <- loadRegistry("getBC", writeable=TRUE)
getBC.f <- function(file.i, bins.f, files.df){
  bin.bam(files.df$bam[file.i], bins.df, files.df$bc[file.i])
batchMap(reg=reg, getBC.f,1:nrow(files.df), more.args=list(bins.f="bins.RData", files.df=files.df))
submitJobs(reg=reg, findNotDone(reg=reg), resources=list(walltime="20:0:0", nodes="1", cores="1"))

Here we want to get the bin counts of each sample. We create a registry called getBC. Then we define the function that will get the bin counts for a sample. The first parameter of this function (here file.i which is the index of the sample) will be different for each job sent by batchtools. Other parameters are the same in all jobs. Within the function, we load the package and useful data and run the instructions we want. batchMap creates one job per sample ID and links the function we've just defined. The jobs are finally submitted to the cluster with the desired number of cores, walltime, etc we can check the status of the job with getStatus function.

jmonlong/PopSV documentation built on Sept. 15, 2019, 9:29 p.m.