
Defines functions center.scale cs.scale csize center medianfill faceimpute trajtemplate faceGPA faceOPA parproc arraymean facenorm bridgefix makesym asymmetry reflectface multifaceplot constructscorefaceseq constructfaceseq readlmk cleansm misfixlin rotface averecface facemovie extmfconfig faceframe plotface first_PCA_traj read_face_file

Documented in arraymean asymmetry averecface bridgefix cleansm constructfaceseq constructscorefaceseq extmfconfig faceframe faceGPA faceimpute facemovie facenorm faceOPA first_PCA_traj makesym misfixlin multifaceplot parproc plotface read_face_file readlmk reflectface rotface trajtemplate

#' Read in a face file
#' @param fname The name of the function
#' @param mfconfig motion file configuration
#' @param numskip The number of lines to skip at the beginning of the motion file
#' @return a data matrix of the motion file
#' @export
read_face_file <- function(fname,mfconfig,numskip=5){
  sm <- read.table(fname,skip=numskip,sep="\t",colClasses=rep("numeric",3*mfconfig$nmarkers+2),
  sm <-  data.matrix(sm)
  nfr <- nrow(sm)
  shapex <- array(NA, dim = c(mfconfig$nmarkers, 3, nfr))

  for(i in 1:nfr){
    shapex[,,i] <- matrix(sm[i,],nrow=mfconfig$nmarkers, ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)

#' extract the first PCA, select start and max, return initial and max frames
#' @param sm The motion data array
#' @return list containing the first PC score trajectory, the frame number where the maximum is obtained,
#' the initial frame, the the frame at the max, the geodesic initial frame and the geodesic max frame
#' @export
first_PCA_traj = function(sm){
  dimsm = dim(sm)
  n <- dimsm[3]
  k <- dimsm[1]
  m <- dimsm[2]

#  spca <- try(shapes::procGPA(sm, scale=TRUE, distances=FALSE))
  spca = try(faceGPA(sm, pcaoutput = TRUE))
  score1 = spca$scores[,1]
  if(score1[1] > 0) score1 = -score1
  framemax = which.max(score1)

       framemax = framemax,
       rawstart = sm[,,1],
       rawext = sm[,,framemax],
       geostart = spca$mshape+matrix(spca$scores[1,1]*spca$pcar[,1],nrow=k,ncol=m),
       geoext = spca$mshape+matrix(spca$scores[framemax,1]*spca$pcar[,1],nrow=k,ncol=m))

#' Plot a face or a pair of faces
#' @param fm A face matrix
#' @param mfconfig motion capture config file
#' @param fm2 Another face matrix (optional)
#' @param view direction of the 2D view
#' @param num Marker numbers, rather than points, to be displayed
#' @param main option title
#' @param markerlabs optional marker labels
#' @param dirm when two faces are plotted, what should connect the corresponding markers
#' @param subset of markers to be shown
#' @return nothing - a plot is constructed
#' @export
plotface <- function(fm,mfconfig,fm2=NULL,view=c("front","side","lside","top","rside"), num=TRUE, main="",markerlabs=NULL,
  n <- nrow(fm)
  dirm <- match.arg(dirm)
  view = match.arg(view)
  orthproj = switch(view, "front" = mfconfig$coordir[c(1,2)],
                          "side" = mfconfig$coordir[c(3,2)],
                          "lside" = mfconfig$coordir[c(3,2)],
                          "rside" = mfconfig$coordir[c(3,2)],
                          "top" = mfconfig$coordir[c(1,3)])

  latdir = mfconfig$coordir[1]
    rightside = which(fm[,latdir] < mean(fm[mfconfig$midline,latdir]))
    leftside = setdiff(1:n, rightside)
    rightside = mfconfig$lrmat[,2]
    leftside = mfconfig$lrmat[,1]
  rightside = union(rightside, mfconfig$midline)
  leftside = union(leftside, mfconfig$midline)

  selpts = switch(view, "front" = 1:n,
                    "side" = rightside,
                    "lside" = leftside,
                    "rside" = rightside,
                    "top" = 1:n)

  if(is.null(markerlabs)) markerlabs = as.character(1:n)

  afm <- rbind(fm[selpts,],fm2[selpts,])
  xr <- range(afm[,orthproj[1]],na.rm=TRUE)
  yr <- range(afm[,orthproj[2]],na.rm=TRUE)

  maxsp <- max(diff(xr),diff(yr))
  nxlim <- mean(xr)+c(-1,1)*0.5*maxsp
  if(view %in% c("side","rside")) nxlim = mean(xr)+c(1,-1)*0.5*maxsp # mirror if right side view
  nylim <- mean(yr)+c(-1,1)*0.5*maxsp

    if(dirm == "arrows"){
    if(dirm == "points"){
    if(dirm == "segments"){

#' Construct a single frame suitable for movie construction
#' @param fc1 A face
#' @param mfconfig face configuration
#' @param fc2 Another face (optional)
#' @param box use boxes (default is FALSE)
#' @param header optional title for plot
#' @return nothing - a plot is created
#' @export
faceframe <- function(fc1,mfconfig,fc2=NULL,rang=NULL,box=FALSE,header=FALSE){

  n <- mfconfig$nmarkers
  latdir = mfconfig$coordir[1]
  vertdir = mfconfig$coordir[2]
  frontdir = mfconfig$coordir[3]

    rightside = which(fc1[,latdir] < mean(fc1[mfconfig$midline,latdir]))
    leftside = setdiff(1:n, rightside)
    rightside = mfconfig$lrmat[,2]
    leftside = mfconfig$lrmat[,1]
  rightside = union(rightside, mfconfig$midline)
  leftside = union(leftside, mfconfig$midline)

  if(is.null(rang)) rang = apply(fc1,2,range) # should be set globally


  if(!missing(header)) par(oma=c(0,0,2,0))

  orthoproj <- c(frontdir,vertdir)
  selpts <- rightside

  xr <- rang[,orthoproj[1]]
  yr <- rang[,orthoproj[2]]

  if(!is.null(fc2)) points(fc2[selpts,orthoproj[1]],fc2[selpts,orthoproj[2]],pch=16,col=2)

  orthoproj <- c(latdir,vertdir)
  selpts <- 1:n

  xr <- rang[,orthoproj[1]]
  yr <- rang[,orthoproj[2]]

       ann=box,axes=FALSE,xlim=xr,ylim=yr,pch=1, frame.plot=box)
  if(!is.null(fc2)) points(fc2[selpts,orthoproj[1]],fc2[selpts,orthoproj[2]],pch=16,col=2)


  orthoproj <- c(frontdir,vertdir)
  selpts <- leftside

  xr <- rang[,orthoproj[1]]
  yr <- rang[,orthoproj[2]]

  if(!is.null(fc2)) points(fc2[selpts,orthoproj[1]],fc2[selpts,orthoproj[2]],pch=16,col=2)

#' Extract information about the motion capture file
#' @param fname A name of a typical motion capture file
#' @param nskip Number of lines at top containing the info
#' @return list containing number of frames, number of markers, names of the
#'   markers, the markers which lie on the midline of the face and the
#'   coordinate directions as (lateral, vertical, frontal)
#' @export
extmfconfig = function(fname, nskip=5){
  hs = readLines(fname,n=nskip)
  l3 = strsplit(hs[3],"\t")[[1]]
  nframes = as.numeric(l3[3])
  nmarkers = as.numeric(l3[4])
  marklabs = strsplit(hs[4],"\t")[[1]][-c(1,2)]
  if(length(marklabs)/3 != nmarkers) warning("number of marker labels not equal to number of markers")
  marklabs = marklabs[3*(1:nmarkers)-2]
  fl = substring(marklabs,1,1)
  midline = which(!(fl %in% c("r","l","R","L"))) # guess which are midline markers but needs checking
  coordir = 1:3 # needs to be  checked by user
  list(nframes=nframes, nmarkers=nmarkers, marklabs=marklabs,midline=midline,coordir=coordir)

#' Make a facial motion movie
#' Requires availability of the convert function from Imagemagick
#' @param shapem1 A shape motion
#' @param mfconfig motion config
#' @param shapem2 another shape motion (optional)
#' @param everynth sample every nth frame (default is 6)
#' @param adjust adjust second motion to start from same place as first motion
#' @param moviename name of the movie (default is "movie.mov")
#' @param header title displayed on movie
#' @param missmat 0/1 nframes by nmarkers matrix with 1's for missing values
#' @return nothing - find movie file in "animations" directory. Second sequence is in red
#' @export
facemovie <- function(shapem1,mfconfig,shapem2=NULL,everynth=6,adjust=TRUE,moviename="movie.mov",header=NULL,missmat=NULL){

  k <- mfconfig$nmarkers
  m <- 3
  nframes <- dim(shapem1)[3]

  if(dim(shapem1)[1] != k) stop("Number of markers inconsistent")
    if(dim(shapem2)[3] != nframes) stop("Number of frames inconsistent")

  if(adjust & !missing(shapem2)){ # if two motions, attempt to coordinate them
    combf <- faceGPA(abind(shapem1,shapem2))
    shapem1 <- combf$rotated[,,1:nframes]
    shapem2 <- combf$rotated[,,(nframes+1):(2*nframes)]

  if(!dir.exists("movpngs")) dir.create("movpngs")
  if(!dir.exists("animations")) dir.create("animations")

  isel <- seq(1,nframes,by=everynth) # winnow frames
  animframes <- length(isel)
  shapem1 <- shapem1[,,isel]
  if(!is.null(shapem2)) shapem2 <- shapem2[,,isel]
  if(!is.null(missmat)) missmat = missmat[isel,]

  if(adjust & !is.null(shapem2)){ # adjust to start from same spot
    adjm <- (shapem2[,,1] - shapem1[,,1])
    for(i in 1:dim(shapem1)[3]) shapem2[,,i] <- shapem2[,,i] - adjm

    rangeinfo <- apply(abind(shapem1,shapem2),2,range,na.rm=TRUE)
    rangeinfo = apply(shapem1,2,range,na.rm=TRUE)

  maxrang <- max(rangeinfo[2,]-rangeinfo[1,])
  for(i in 1:3){
    adj <- (rangeinfo[2,i]-rangeinfo[1,i] - maxrang)/2
    rangeinfo[1,i] <- rangeinfo[1,i]+adj
    rangeinfo[2,i] <- rangeinfo[2,i]-adj

  system("rm -f movpngs/*")

    pnght <- 240
    pnght <- 270

  mag = 2 # magnification for the still frames
  for(i in 1:animframes){
    png(filename=paste("movpngs/face",i+100,".png",sep=""),width=480*mag,height=pnght*mag, pointsize = 20)
      shapem1[missmat[i,]==1,,i] = NA

  fps = animframes/(nframes/60)

  system(paste("rm -f animations/",moviename,sep=""))
  system(paste0("convert -delay ",fps-1," movpngs/face*.png animations/",moviename))
#  system(paste0("ffmpeg -start_number 101 -framerate ",fps," -i movpngs/face%03d.png -codec png animations/",moviename))
#  system(paste("~/bin/crtimgseq.py animations/",moviename," 1 ",fps," movpngs/*",sep=""))
  system("rm -f movpngs/*")


#' Average faces and rotate so head is upright
#' @param shapem An array of facial shapes
#' @param mconfig configuration info
#' @return A facial shape matrix rotated to have minimum variance in frontal and lateral directions
#' @export
averecface = function(shapem, mconfig){
  latdir = mfconfig$coordir[1]
  vertdir = mfconfig$coordir[2]
  frontdir = mfconfig$coordir[3]
  mshape = faceGPA(shapem, pcaoutput = FALSE)$mshape
  # rotate in the saggital plane
  aseq = seq(-pi/4, pi/4, length=1000)
  sdv = numeric(length(aseq))
  for(j in seq_along(aseq)){
    rshape = rotface(mshape, aseq[j], c(vertdir, frontdir))
    sdv[j] = sd(rshape[,frontdir])
  bestang = aseq[which.min(sdv)]
  mshape = rotface(mshape, bestang, c(vertdir, frontdir))

  # rotate in the horizontal plane
  aseq = seq(-pi/4, pi/4, length=1000)
  sdv = numeric(length(aseq))
  for(j in seq_along(aseq)){
    rshape = rotface(mshape, aseq[j], c(latdir, frontdir))
    sdv[j] = sd(rshape[,frontdir])
  bestang = aseq[which.min(sdv)]
  mshape = rotface(mshape, bestang, c(latdir, frontdir))

  # rotate in the frontal plane
  aseq = seq(-pi/4, pi/4, length=1000)
  for(j in seq_along(aseq)){
    rshape = rotface(mshape, aseq[j], c(latdir, vertdir))
    sdv[j] = sd(rshape[,latdir])+sd(rshape[,vertdir])
  bestang = aseq[which.min(sdv)]
  rotface(mshape, bestang, c(latdir, frontdir))

#' Rotate a face matrix in SD
#' @param sm The face matrix
#' @param theta Angle of rotation
#' @param dirs Coordinate axes of plane of rotation - first dir is theta=0
#' @return a face matrix
#' @export
rotface = function(sm,theta,dirs){
  mr = diag(3)
  mr[dirs[1],dirs[1]] = cos(theta)
  mr[dirs[2],dirs[2]] = cos(theta)
  mr[dirs[1],dirs[2]] = -sin(theta)
  mr[dirs[2],dirs[1]] = sin(theta)
  sm %*% mr

#' Fill in missing values using linear interpolation
#' @param x 1D motion trace
#' @return 1D motion trace
#' @export
misfixlin <- function(x){
  mv <- is.na(x)
  if(sum(mv) == 0) return(x) # if nothing missing, do nothing
  if(sum(mv) > length(x)-2) return(x) # if everything missing, return missing
  n <- length(x)

#' Process a facial motion to fill-in missing values and report diagnostics
#' @param sm a facial motion
#' @param MISSMAX maximum allowable number of missing cases in a marker (default=50)
#' @return a list containing a facial motion with missing values filled in, the number of
#' missing cases in each marker, the max jump in a marker between frames, which cases
#' are all missing and a matrix of where the missing values occur
#' @export
cleansm = function(sm,MISSMAX=50){
  missmat = t(apply(sm,c(1,3),function(x) sum(is.na(x)))/3)
  nmiss = colSums(missmat)
  nobs = dim(sm)[3]
  missmark = which(nmiss == nobs)
  if(any(nmiss > MISSMAX)){
    warning(paste("More than",MISSMAX,"missing values in marker(s):", which(nmiss > MISSMAX)))
  fm = aperm(apply(sm,c(1,2),misfixlin),c(2,3,1))
  dm = abs(fm[,,-nobs] - fm[,,-1])
  sc = max(apply(dm, 1, sum))/3

#' Read in an LMK file
#' @param filename - name of the file
#' @return list containing the short labels, long labels and matrix of landmarks
#' @export
readlmk <- function(filename){
  ff = readLines(filename,warn=FALSE)
  n = length(ff)
  ff = ff[-c(1,2,n-1,n)]

  shortlab = as.character(1:n)
  longlab = as.character(1:n)
  cx = numeric(n)
  cy = numeric(n)
  cz = numeric(n)


  for(i in 1:n){
    ll = strsplit(ff[[i]],"\"")[[1]]
    nn = as.numeric(strsplit(ll[6]," ")[[1]])
    shortlab[i] = ll[2]
    longlab[i] = ll[4]
    cx[i] = nn[1];cy[i]=nn[2];cz[i]=nn[3]
  acp = !is.na(cx)


#' Array of faces constructed from geodesic and profile information
#' @param initshap shape matrix with starting posture
#' @param farshap shape matrix with extreme posture
#' @param profile vector of value in [0,1] for convex combination of postures
#' @return array where each frame is a shape matrix. Number of frames is the length of the profile vector.
#' @export
constructfaceseq <- function(initshap,farshap,prof){
  ds <- dim(initshap)
  fseq <- array(NA,c(ds[1],ds[2],length(prof)))
  for(i in 1:length(prof)){
    fseq[,,i] <- prof[i]*farshap+(1-prof[i])*initshap

#' Array of faces constructed from geodesic and score information
#' @param initshap initial shape
#' @param farshap extremal shape
#' @param score score profile
#' @return facial motion sequence with same number frames as the score
#' @export
constructscorefaceseq <- function(initshap,farshap,score){
  ds <- dim(initshap)
  fseq <- array(NA,c(ds[1],ds[2],length(score)))
  ss <- score-min(score)
  ss <- ss/max(ss)
  for(i in seq_along(score)){
    fseq[,,i] <- ss[i]*farshap+(1-ss[i])*initshap

#' Plot an array of shapes with a different color for each marker
#' @param fm array markers by directions by cases
#' @param mfconfig configuration information
#' @param view front, side or top
#' @param main optional title
#' @return nothing
#' @export
multifaceplot <- function(fm, mfconfig, view=c("front","side","top"), main=NULL, subset=NULL){
  mdim = dim(fm)
 # pcolors = sample(colors(distinct = TRUE),mdim[1])
  pcolors = sample(rainbow(mdim[1]))
  view = match.arg(view)
  orthproj = switch(view, "front" = mfconfig$coordir[c(1,2)],
                    "side" = mfconfig$coordir[c(3,2)],
                    "top" = mfconfig$coordir[c(1,3)])
  alabs = switch(view, "front" = c("lateral","vertical"),
                    "side" = c("forward","vertical"),
                    "top" = c("lateral","forward"))
  if(is.null(main)) main <- paste(view, "view")
  if(is.null(subset)) subset = 1:mdim[1]

  latdir = mfconfig$coordir[1]
  if(latdir %in% orthproj){ # is lateral direction in selected view
    selpts = 1:mdim[1]
  }else{ # which markers are on the right
    rightside = which(fm[,latdir,1] < mean(fm[mfconfig$midline,latdir,1]))
    rightside = union(rightside, mfconfig$midline)
    selpts = rightside
  selpts = intersect(subset, selpts)

  plot.window(range(fm[selpts,orthproj[1],],na.rm=TRUE), range(fm[selpts,orthproj[2],],na.rm=TRUE), asp=1)
  for(i in selpts){
    points(fm[i,orthproj[1],], fm[i,orthproj[2],],col=pcolors[i],pch=20)


#' Reflect face
#' Reflect face by multiplying lateral direction by -1 and swapping the tags
#' of paired markers
#' This function will work best when the face is centered with zero on
#' the midplane (lateral direction is tangent to this). But this is not
#' essential as reflection will happen anyway although the face may need to
#' be translated and/or rotated to match it up with the original face.
#' @param sm face matrix
#' @param mfconfig face config info including left right pairs
#' @return a face matrix
#' @export
reflectface <- function(sm, mfconfig){
  if(is.null(mfconfig$lrmat)) stop("Left Right pair matrix not defined")
  lrmat = mfconfig$lrmat
  nm = nrow(lrmat)
  latdir = mfconfig$coordir[1]
  midmn = abs(mean(sm[mfconfig$midline,latdir]))
  dd = sm[mfconfig$lrmat[,1],latdir] - sm[mfconfig$lrmat[,2],latdir]
  if(midmn > 0.1 * mean(abs(dd))) warning("Face may not be centered")
  for(i in 1:nm){
    x = sm[lrmat[i,1], latdir]
    sm[lrmat[i,1],latdir] = -sm[lrmat[i,2],latdir]
    sm[lrmat[i,2],latdir] = -x
    x = sm[lrmat[i,1], -latdir]
    sm[lrmat[i,1],-latdir] = sm[lrmat[i,2],-latdir]
    sm[lrmat[i,2],-latdir] = x
  sm[mfconfig$midline,latdir] = -sm[mfconfig$midline,latdir]

#' Asymmetry scores
#' Measures of asymmetry in object containing some matched pairs
#' Face is reflected and the ordinary Procrustes applied to match up
#' with distances calculated between markers
#' @param sm a face matrix
#' @param mfconfig face config info including left right pairs
#' @return scores for each marker
#' @export
asymmetry <- function(sm, mfconfig){
  if(is.null(mfconfig$lrmat)) stop("Left Right pair matrix not defined")
  rsm = reflectface(sm, mfconfig)
  opr = faceOPA(sm, rsm)
  apply(opr$Ahat - opr$Bhat,1,function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))

#' Make a face symmetrical
#' Make a face symmetrical by averaging with reflection
#' Face is reflected and averaged with reflection
#' @param sm a face matrix
#' @param mfconfig face config info including left right pairs
#' @return scores for each marker
#' @export
makesym <- function(sm, mfconfig){
  if(is.null(mfconfig$lrmat)) stop("Left Right pair matrix not defined")
  rsm = reflectface(sm, mfconfig)
  (rsm + sm)/2.0

#' Location shift onto template
#' Face is location-adjusted to make selected marker coincide with the template
#' Usually do this with some (relatively) fixed landmark like the bridge of the nose
#' @param templface the template face
#' @param face the face to be adjusted
#' @param marker the marker on the template to be used as the anchor
#' @param meanfix logical indicating whether to use the mean rather than a specific marker.
#' @return the adjusted face
#' @export
bridgefix = function(templface, face, marker = 4, meanfix = FALSE){
  # templface is the template face file
  # face is the face file to be registered
  # marker is the marker to be used for registration
  # meanfix is a logical value indicating whether to fix using the mean rather than a specific marker
    nd <- colMeans(face,na.rm = TRUE) - colMeans(templface,na.rm = TRUE)
    face = sweep(face, 2, nd)
    nd <- face[marker, ] - templface[marker, ]
    face = sweep(face, 2, nd)

#' Compute size of face
#' Average distance of markers from the origin
#' Assumes the face has been centered
#' @param f the face
#' @param subset of markers to be considerd
#' @return the size of the face
#' @export
facenorm <- function(f,subset=1:nrow(f)){

#' Array mean
#' computes array mean across the third dimension of an array
#' surprisingly faster than using apply because colMeans is fast
#' @param A a 3D array
#' @return a matrix with dimensions equal to the first two dimensions of A
#' @export
arraymean = function(A){

#' Partial Procrustes rotation
#' rotates B onto A
#' rotates B onto A
#' Assumes that A and B have both been centered (and preferably scaled)
#' @param A a face matrix
#' @param B a face matrix
#' @return the rotated B
#' @export
parproc = function(A,B){
  k = ncol(A)
  ABCP <- crossprod(A,B)
  sv <- La.svd(ABCP,k,k)
  sv$u[,k] <- sv$u[,k]*determinant(ABCP)$sign

#' Ordinary Procrustes Analysis
#' Fit one face onto another
#' Face A is centered, Face B is centered then rotated to obtain the best Procrustes fit
#' @param A a face matrix (no missing values allowed)
#' @param B another face matrix with the same dimension (missing values allowed)
#' @return a list with the following components:
#' \item{Ahat}{centered A}
#' \item{Bhat}{B centered and rotated onto A}
#' \item{OSS}{sum of squares for the difference}
#' \item{rmsd}{RMS difference = sqrt(OSS/(no. of markers))}
#' \item{mss}{square distance per marker}
#' @export
faceOPA = function(A,B){
  if(any(is.na(A))) stop("Missing values in first argument")
  missrow = apply(B,1,function(x) any(is.na(x)))
  adim = dim(A)
    Aorig = A
    A = A[!missrow,]
    B = B[!missrow,]
  csA = center.scale(A)
  csB = center.scale(B)
  Ahat = csA$coords * csA$CS
  Bhat = parproc(csA$coords, csB$coords) * csB$CS
    Afull = matrix(NA,adim[1],adim[2])
    Afull[!missrow] = Ahat
    Adiff = Afull - Aorig
    Ahat = Aorig
    Bfull = matrix(NA,adim[1],adim[2])
    Bfull[!missrow] = Bhat
    Bhat = Bfull - Adiff
  mss = apply(Ahat - Bhat, 1,function(x) sum(x^2))
  OSS = sum(mss,na.rm=TRUE)
  rmsd = sqrt(OSS/sum(!missrow))


#' Generalized Procrustes Analysis
#' @param A a 3D array arranged as markers x dimensions x faces
#' @param itmax maximum number of iterations (5 by default)
#' @return a list containing the rotated array of faces, the mean face and the centroid sizes of the faces
#' @export
faceGPA = function(A, itmax=5, pcaoutput=FALSE){
  n = dim(A)[3]
  size = rep(0,n)
  prms = Inf
  for(i in 1:n){
    A[,,i] = center(A[,,i])
    size[i] = csize(A[,,i])
  for(j in 1:itmax){
    for(i in 1:n){
      mshape = arraymean(A[,,-i])
      A[,,i] = parproc(mshape,A[,,i])
    mshape = arraymean(A)
    rmsd = sqrt(mean(apply(A,3,function(x) csize(x-mshape)))/n)
    if(prms - rmsd < 0.001) break
    prms = rmsd
    flatrot = t(apply(A,3,as.numeric))
    pcx = prcomp(flatrot)
    pcx = list(x=NA,sdev=NA,rotation=NA)
  list(rotated=A, mshape=mshape, size=size, pcasd=pcx$sdev, scores=pcx$x, pcar=pcx$rotation)

#' Conform a trajectory to a template
#' @param sm The motion data array (may contain missing values)
#' @param mfi template shape (no missing values allowed)
#' @return a list with the following components:
#' \item{sm}{conformed trajectory}
#' \item{dm}{matrix of squared distances to the template by frame and by marker}
#' \item{rawstart}{the initial frame}
#' \item{rawext}{the extreme frame}
#' @export
trajtemplate = function(sm, mfi){
  if(any(is.na(mfi))) stop("Missing values in the template shape")

  dm = matrix(NA, dim(sm)[3], dim(sm)[1])
  for(i in 1:dim(sm)[3]){
    ft = faceOPA(mfi, sm[,,i])
    sm[,,i] = ft$Bhat
    dm[i,] = ft$mss
  dmf = apply(dm,2,medianfill)
  distem = apply(dmf,1,function(x) sqrt(sum(x,na.rm=TRUE)))
  maxi = which.max(distem)

#' Impute missing values in a face file
#' @param mface a face file with missing values
#' @param tface a face file for training
#' @param verbose logical value indicating whether to print out missing value info
#' @return a face file with missing values imputed
#' @export
faceimpute = function(mface, tface, verbose=FALSE){
  if(dim(mface)[1] != dim(tface)[1]) stop("Number of markers in mface and tface do not match")
  if(dim(mface)[3] > dim(tface)[3]) stop("Number of frames in mface is greater than tface")
  missmatrix = is.na(mface[,1,])
  missframes = apply(missmatrix, 2, sum)
  missmark = apply(missmatrix,1,mean)
  imissmark = which(missmark > 0)
    cat("Number of frames with missing values:",
        sum(missframes > 0), "out of",
    cat("Markers with missing values:", imissmark, "\n")
    cat("Markers with all missing values:", which(missmark == 1), "\n")
    cat("Number of missing values in training set:",
        sum(is.na(tface[,1,])), "(",
  for(imark in imissmark){
    for(idim in 1:3){
      y = tface[imark,idim,]
      X = t(tface[-imissmark,idim,])
      lmod = lm(y ~ X-1, na.action = na.exclude)
      newX = t(mface[-imissmark,idim,])
      px = newX %*% lmod$coefficients
      mface[imark,idim,] = px

medianfill = function(x){
  md = median(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  x[is.na(x)] = md

# center
# centers a matrix faster than scale()
# used in other functions for gpagen; digitsurface
center <- function(x){
  if(is.vector(x)) x- mean(x) else {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    x - rep(colMeans(x), rep.int(nrow(x), ncol(x)))

# helper functions

# csize
# calculates centroid size
# digitsurface
csize <- function(x) sqrt(sum(center(as.matrix(x))^2))

# cs.scale
# divide matrices by centroid size
# used in other functions for gpagen
cs.scale <- function(x) x/csize(x)

# center.scale
# center and divide matrices by centroid size; faster than scale()
# used in other functions for gpagen
center.scale <- function(x) {
  x <- center(x)
  cs <- sqrt(sum(x^2))
  y <- x/cs
  list(coords=y, CS=cs)

# taken from the shapes library
abind = function (X1, X2)
  k <- dim(X1)[1]
  m <- dim(X1)[2]
  if (is.matrix(X1)) {
    tem <- array(0, c(k, m, 1))
    tem[, , 1] <- X1
    X1 <- tem
  if (is.matrix(X2)) {
    tem <- array(0, c(k, m, 1))
    tem[, , 1] <- X2
    X2 <- tem
  n1 <- dim(X1)[3]
  n2 <- dim(X2)[3]
  Y <- array(0, c(k, m, n1 + n2))
  Y[, , 1:n1] <- X1
  Y[, , (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)] <- X2
julianfaraway/facer documentation built on Dec. 4, 2023, 9:34 p.m.