
Defines functions browse_hits browse_texts

Documented in browse_hits browse_texts

#' Create and view a full text browser
#' Creates a static HTML file to view the texts in the tcorpus in full text mode.
#' @param tc          a tCorpus
#' @param doc_ids     A vector with document ids to view
#' @param token_col   The name of the column in tc$tokens that contain the token text
#' @param n           Only n of the results are printed (to prevent accidentally making huge browsers).
#' @param select      If n is smaller than the number of documents in tc, select determines how the n documents are selected
#' @param header      Optionally, a title presented at the top of the browser
#' @param subheader   Optionally, overwrite the subheader. By default the subheader reports the number of documents
#' @param highlight   Highlighe mode: provide the name of a numeric column in tc$tokens with values between 0 and 1, used to highlight tokens.
#'                    Can also be a character vector, in which case al non-NA values are highlighted
#' @param scale       Scale mode: provide the name of a numeric column in tc$tokens with values between -1 and 1, used to color tokens on a scale (set colors with scale_col)
#' @param category    Category mode: provide the name of a character or factor column in tc$tokens. Each unique value will have its own color, and navigation for categories will be added (nav cannot be used with this option)
#' @param rsyntax     rsyntax mode: provide the name of an rsyntax annotation column (see \code{\link{annotate_rsyntax}}) 
#' @param value       rsyntax mode argument: if rsyntax mode is used, value can be a character vector with values in the rsyntax annotation column. 
#'                    If used, only these values are fully colored, and the other (non NA) values only have border colors. 
#' @param meta_cols   A character vector with names of columns in tc$meta, used to only show the selected columns
#' @param seed        If select is "random", seed can be used to set a random seed. After sampling the seed is re-initialized with set.seed(NULL).
#' @param nav         Optionally, a column in tc$meta to add navigation (only supports simple filtering on unique values).
#'                    This is not possible if category is used.
#' @param top_nav     A number. If navigation based on token annotations is used, filters will only apply to top x values with highest token occurence in a document
#' @param thres_nav    Like top_nav, but specifying a threshold for the minimum number of tokens.
#' @param view        If TRUE (default), view the browser in the Viewer window (turn off if this is not supported)
#' @param highlight_col If highlight is used, the color for highlighting
#' @param scale_col     If scale is used, a vector with 2 or more colors used to create a color ramp. That is, -1 is first color, +1 is last color, if three colors are given 0 matches the middle color, and colors in between are interpolated.
#' @param filename    Optionally, save the browser at a specified location
#' @return The url for the file location is returned (invisibly)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tc = create_tcorpus(sotu_texts, doc_column='id')
#' queries = c('War# war soldier* weapon*',
#'             'Economy# econom* market* tax*')
#' tc$code_features(queries)
#' browse_texts(tc, category='code')
#' }
browse_texts <- function(tc, doc_ids=NULL, token_col='token', n=500, select=c('first','random'), header='',
                         subheader=NULL, highlight=NULL, scale=NULL, category=NULL, rsyntax=NULL, value=NULL, 
                         meta_cols=NULL, seed=NA, nav=NULL, top_nav=NULL, thres_nav=1, view=T, highlight_col='yellow', scale_col=c('red','blue','green'), filename=NULL) {
  if (sum(!is.null(highlight), !is.null(scale), !is.null(category), !is.null(rsyntax)) > 1) stop('Can only use one annotation option (highlight, scale or category)')

  mode = 'normal'
  if (!is.null(highlight)) {
    mode = 'highlight'
    if (!highlight %in% tc$names) stop(paste(highlight, 'is not a valid column name in tc$tokens'))
    if (is.logical(tc$tokens[[highlight]])) tc$tokens[[highlight]] = as.numeric(tc$tokens[[highlight]])
    if (!(is.numeric(tc$tokens[[highlight]]) || is.character(tc$tokens[[highlight]]) || is.factor(tc$tokens[[highlight]]))) stop("highlight has to be a numeric or character value")
    if (is.numeric(tc$tokens[[highlight]])) {
      if (min(tc$tokens[[highlight]], na.rm=T) < 0 || max(tc$tokens[[highlight]], na.rm=T) > 1) stop('highlight has to be a value between 0 and 1')
  if (!is.null(scale)) {
    mode = 'scale'
    if (!scale %in% tc$names) stop(paste(scale, 'is not a valid column name in tc$tokens'))
    if (!is.numeric(tc$tokens[[scale]])) stop("scale has to be a numeric value")
    if (min(tc$tokens[[scale]], na.rm=T) < -1 || max(tc$tokens[[scale]], na.rm=T) > 1) stop('scale has to be a value between -1 and 1')
  if (!is.null(category)) {
    mode = 'category'
    if (!category %in% tc$names) stop(paste(category, 'is not a valid column name in tc$tokens'))
    if (!is.character(tc$tokens[[category]]) && !is.factor(tc$tokens[[category]]) && !is.numeric(tc$tokens[[category]])) stop("category has to be a character/factor or numeric value")
  if (!is.null(rsyntax)) {
    mode = 'rsyntax'
    if (!rsyntax %in% tc$names) stop(paste(rsyntax, 'is not a valid rsyntax annotation in tc$tokens'))
    if (!paste0(rsyntax,'_id') %in% tc$names) stop(paste(rsyntax, 'is not a valid rsyntax annotation in tc$tokens'))
    if (!is.null(value)) 
      if (!all(value %in% unique(tc$tokens[[rsyntax]]))) stop(paste0(value, ' is/are not valid values in tc$tokens$', rsyntax,'.'))

  select = match.arg(select)
  if (!is.null(nav)) {
    if (!nav %in% tc$meta_names) stop('nav is not a valid column in tc$meta')
    if (!is.null(category)) {
      warning('nav argument ignored, since it cannot be used if category argument is used.')
      nav = NULL

  subhead = ''
  if (is.null(doc_ids)) doc_ids = tc$meta$doc_id

  if (length(doc_ids) > n) {
    if (select == 'first') {
      subhead = sprintf('first <ndoc>%s</ndoc>/%s documents (N = %s)', n,  n, length(doc_ids))
      .DOC_IDS = head(doc_ids, n)
    if (select == 'random') {
      subhead = sprintf('random <ndoc>%s</ndoc> / %s documents (N = %s)', n, n, length(doc_ids))
      if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)
      .DOC_IDS = sample(doc_ids, size=n)
      if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(NULL)
  } else {
    subhead = sprintf('<ndoc>%s</ndoc> (N = %s)', length(doc_ids), length(doc_ids))
    .DOC_IDS = doc_ids

  #} else {
  #    subhead = sprintf('<ndoc>%s</ndoc> (N = %s)', length(doc_ids), nrow(tc$meta))
  #    .DOC_IDS = doc_ids
  doc_id = NULL ## for cran check
  sub_tc = tc$subset_meta(doc_id %in% .DOC_IDS, copy = T)
  if (!is.null(subheader)) subhead = subheader

  if (!is.null(meta_cols)) {
    meta_cols = union('doc_id', meta_cols)
    if (!all(meta_cols %in% sub_tc$meta_names)) stop('Not all values in meta_cols are valid column in tc$meta')
    meta = subset(sub_tc$meta, select=meta_cols)
  } else meta = sub_tc$meta

  if (!is.null(nav)) {
    if (!nav %in% tc$meta_names) stop('nav is not a valid column in tc$meta')
    meta = meta[order(meta[[nav]]),]

  space_column = if ('space' %in% colnames(sub_tc$tokens)) 'space' else NULL
  if ('coref_txt' %in% colnames(tc$tokens)) {
    has_coref = !is.na(sub_tc$tokens$coref_txt)
    sub_tc$tokens[[token_col]] = as.character(sub_tc$tokens[[token_col]])
    sub_tc$tokens[[token_col]][has_coref] = stringi::stri_paste(sub_tc$tokens[[token_col]][has_coref], ' [', sub_tc$tokens$coref_txt[has_coref], ']', sep='')
    sub_tc$tokens[[token_col]] = fast_factor(sub_tc$tokens[[token_col]])

  if (mode == 'normal') url = tokenbrowser::create_browser(sub_tc$tokens, meta=meta, token_col = token_col, space_col = space_column, doc_nav = nav, header=header, subheader = subhead, filename=filename, n=F, top_nav=top_nav, thres_nav=thres_nav)
  if (mode == 'highlight') {
    v = sub_tc$tokens[[highlight]]
    if (is.character(v) || is.factor(v)) v = !is.na(v)
    url = tokenbrowser::highlighted_browser(sub_tc$tokens, meta=meta, token_col=token_col, space_col = space_column, col = highlight_col, value=v, doc_nav = nav, header=header, subheader = subhead, filename=filename, n=F, top_nav=top_nav, thres_nav=thres_nav)
  if (mode == 'scale') url = tokenbrowser::colorscaled_browser(sub_tc$tokens, meta=meta, token_col=token_col, space_col = space_column, col_range = scale_col, value=sub_tc$tokens[[scale]], alpha=0.3, doc_nav = nav, header=header, subheader = subhead, filename=filename, n=F, top_nav=top_nav, thres_nav=thres_nav)
  if (mode == 'category') {
    v = sub_tc$tokens[[category]]
    if (is.numeric(v)) v = as.character(v)
    url = tokenbrowser::categorical_browser(sub_tc$tokens, meta=meta, token_col=token_col, space_col = space_column, category = v, alpha=0.3, header=header, subheader = subhead, filename=filename, n=F, top_nav=top_nav, thres_nav=thres_nav)
  if (mode == 'rsyntax') {
    if (is.null(header)) header = ''
    if (is.null(subheader)) subheader = ''
    url = rsyntax::syntax_reader(sub_tc$tokens, annotation=rsyntax, value=value, value2=NULL, meta=tc$meta, token_col=token_col, space_col=space_column, header=header, subheader=subheader, filename=filename, n=F, top_nav=top_nav, thres_nav=thres_nav, view=F)
  if (view) tokenbrowser::view_browser(url)

#' View hits in a browser
#' Creates a static HTML file to view the query hits in the tcorpus in full text mode.
#' @param tc          a tCorpus
#' @param hits        a featureHits object, as returned by \link{search_features}
#' @param token_col   The name of the column in tc$tokens that contain the token text
#' @param n           If doc_ids is NULL, Only n of the results are printed (to prevent accidentally making huge browsers).
#' @param select      If n is smaller than the number of documents in tc, select determines how the n documents are selected
#' @param header      Optionally, a title presented at the top of the browser
#' @param subheader   Optionally, overwrite the subheader. By default the subheader reports the number of documents
#' @param meta_cols   A character vector with names of columns in tc$meta, used to only show the selected columns
#' @param seed        If select is "random", seed can be used to set a random seed
#' @param view        If TRUE (default), view the browser in the Viewer window (turn off if this is not supported)
#' @param filename    Optionally, save the browser at a specified location
#' @return The url for the file location is returned (invisibly)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tc = create_tcorpus(sotu_texts, doc_column='id')
#' hits = search_features(tc, c("Terrorism# terroris*", "War# war*"))
#' browse_hits(tc, hits)
#' }
browse_hits <- function(tc, hits, token_col='token', n=500, select=c('first','random'), header='', subheader=NULL,
                      meta_cols=NULL, seed=NA, view=T, filename=NULL) {
  if (nrow(hits$hits) == 0) {
    message('Has zero hits')

  .i = tc$get_token_id(doc_id = hits$hits$doc_id, token_id = hits$hits$token_id)
  .value = as.character(hits$hits$code)
  tc$set('#HITS#', value = .value, subset = .i, subset_value=F)

  b = browse_texts(tc, doc_ids = unique(hits$hits$doc_id), category='#HITS#', token_col=token_col, n=n, select=select, header=header, subheader=subheader, meta_cols=meta_cols, seed=seed, view=view, filename=filename)
kasperwelbers/tcorpus documentation built on May 10, 2023, 5:10 p.m.