title: inspectDF author: Satoshi Kato (@katokohaku) output: html_document: keep_md: yes md_document: variant: markdown_github


R package for getting inspected rules as data.frame.

How to use

Just inspectDF() instead of arules::inspect() after arules::apriori().


params <- list(confidence=0.001, support=0.001, maxlen=7, minlen=2)
glo.apriori <- apriori(Groceries, parameter = params, control = list(verbose=FALSE))
#> set of 40943 rules

glo.inspectDF  <- inspectDF(glo.apriori)
glo.inspectDF %>% str(vec.len = 3)
#> 'data.frame':    40943 obs. of  8 variables:
#>  $ rule      : chr  "Rule 1" "Rule 2" "Rule 3" ...
#>  $ LHS       : chr  "whole milk" "other vegetables" "other vegetables" ...
#>  $ RHS       : chr  "sparkling wine" "artif. sweetener" "bathroom cleaner" ...
#>  $ n.lhs     : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ support   : num  0.00102 0.00102 0.00102 0.00102 ...
#>  $ confidence: num  0.00398 0.00525 0.00525 0.00553 ...
#>  $ lift      : num  0.712 1.615 1.914 1.647 ...
#>  $ count     : num  10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ...

InspectDF also provides a plot.igraph wrapper utility.

glo.inspectDF %>% 
  arrange(support, confidence) %>%
  head(60) %>% 



You can install the inspectDF package from GitHub.

install.packages("devtools") # if you have not installed "devtools" package

The source code for inspectDF package is available at


Usually, we arules::inspect() to enumerate rules after arules::apriori().

Of cource, we could get data.frame object as side effect of cat() on the last line in inspect(). However, it can't be done quietly (Always show all on consol).

!!Don't run following codes with many rules!!

params <- list(confidence=0.001, support=0.001, maxlen=7, minlen=2)
glo.apriori <- apriori(Groceries, parameter = params)
#> Apriori
#> Parameter specification:
#>  confidence minval smax arem  aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen
#>       0.001    0.1    1 none FALSE            TRUE       5   0.001      2
#>  maxlen target   ext
#>       7  rules FALSE
#> Algorithmic control:
#>  filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose
#>     0.1 TRUE TRUE  FALSE TRUE    2    TRUE
#> Absolute minimum support count: 9 
#> set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
#> set transactions ...[169 item(s), 9835 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
#> sorting and recoding items ... [157 item(s)] done [0.00s].
#> creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
#> checking subsets of size 1 2 3 4 5 6 done [0.01s].
#> writing ... [40943 rule(s)] done [0.00s].
#> creating S4 object  ... done [0.01s].
#> set of 40943 rules
glo.inspect  <- glo.apriori %>% head(10) %>% inspect()
#>      lhs               rhs            support     confidence  lift    
#> [1]  {honey}        => {whole milk}   0.001118454 0.733333333 2.870009
#> [2]  {whole milk}   => {honey}        0.001118454 0.004377238 2.870009
#> [3]  {soap}         => {whole milk}   0.001118454 0.423076923 1.655775
#> [4]  {whole milk}   => {soap}         0.001118454 0.004377238 1.655775
#> [5]  {tidbits}      => {soda}         0.001016777 0.434782609 2.493345
#> [6]  {soda}         => {tidbits}      0.001016777 0.005830904 2.493345
#> [7]  {tidbits}      => {rolls/buns}   0.001220132 0.521739130 2.836542
#> [8]  {rolls/buns}   => {tidbits}      0.001220132 0.006633499 2.836542
#> [9]  {cocoa drinks} => {whole milk}   0.001321810 0.590909091 2.312611
#> [10] {whole milk}   => {cocoa drinks} 0.001321810 0.005173100 2.312611
#>      count
#> [1]  11   
#> [2]  11   
#> [3]  11   
#> [4]  11   
#> [5]  10   
#> [6]  10   
#> [7]  12   
#> [8]  12   
#> [9]  13   
#> [10] 13
glo.inspect %>% str
#> 'data.frame':    10 obs. of  7 variables:
#>  $ lhs       : Factor w/ 7 levels "{cocoa drinks}",..: 2 7 4 7 6 5 6 3 1 7
#>  $           : Factor w/ 1 level "=>": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>  $ rhs       : Factor w/ 7 levels "{cocoa drinks}",..: 7 2 7 4 5 6 3 6 7 1
#>  $ support   : num  0.00112 0.00112 0.00112 0.00112 0.00102 ...
#>  $ confidence: num  0.73333 0.00438 0.42308 0.00438 0.43478 ...
#>  $ lift      : num  2.87 2.87 1.66 1.66 2.49 ...
#>  $ count     : num  11 11 11 11 10 10 12 12 13 13

It is noisy when especially inspect() a lot of rules or calling in other function. Therefore, this must be done invisibly.

Use case

Arules package privides several utilities such as sort(), subset() and etc. But if rules were provided as data.frame, we can explore them as tidy data. InspectDF has a good affinity with tidy schemes, such as dplyr::arrange() or dplyr::filter() because this returns only data.frame.

For example, rules with specific item(s) can be extracted using stringr::str_detect()

rules.lhs  <- glo.inspectDF %>% 
  filter(str_detect(LHS, pattern = "yogurt|sausage")) %>%
  arrange(confidence, lift) %>%
  filter(n.lhs > 1) %>% 

#>        rule               LHS                    RHS n.lhs     support
#> 1   Rule 97 whole milk,yogurt               UHT-milk     2 0.001016777
#> 2   Rule 98 whole milk,yogurt         red/blush wine     2 0.001016777
#> 3   Rule 99 whole milk,yogurt house keeping products     2 0.001016777
#> 4  Rule 100 whole milk,yogurt             liver loaf     2 0.001016777
#> 5 Rule 7175 whole milk,yogurt            chewing gum     2 0.001118454
#>   confidence      lift count
#> 1 0.01814882 0.5425339    10
#> 2 0.01814882 0.9444108    10
#> 3 0.01814882 2.1767518    10
#> 4 0.01814882 3.5698730    10
#> 5 0.01996370 0.9485170    11

By default, rule strings are split by separater ",". But, items sometimes contain separater characters e.g. IUPAC of DHA. In such case, user can change rule-separater freely sep = string.

glo.apriori %>% 
  inspectDF(sep = "###") %>% 
  filter(n.lhs >3) %>% 
  select(2:3) %>% 
#>                                                        LHS         RHS
#> 1 root vegetables###other vegetables###whole milk###yogurt     waffles
#> 2 root vegetables###other vegetables###whole milk###yogurt       sugar
#> 3 root vegetables###other vegetables###whole milk###yogurt      onions
#> 4 root vegetables###other vegetables###whole milk###yogurt butter milk
#> 5  tropical fruit###other vegetables###whole milk###yogurt   margarine
#> 6  tropical fruit###other vegetables###whole milk###yogurt      grapes

Similar to original plot.rules with igraph in arules package, each rule size represents support value. This size can be adjusted by in plot functions.

rules.lhs  <- glo.inspectDF %>% 
  filter(str_detect(RHS, pattern = "yogurt")) %>%
  arrange(confidence, lift) %>%
  filter(n.lhs > 1) %>% 

rules.lhs %>% plotRuleGraph(label = "default")

rules.lhs %>% plotRuleGraph(label = "adjusted rule size", 
                   = 4000)

rules.lhs  <- glo.inspectDF %>% 
  filter(str_detect(RHS, pattern = "yogurt")) %>%
  arrange(confidence, lift) %>%
  filter(n.lhs > 1) %>% 

#>          rule                         LHS    RHS n.lhs     support
#> 1   Rule 7989   canned beer,shopping bags yogurt     2 0.001118454
#> 2  Rule 31170           soda,bottled beer yogurt     2 0.002135231
#> 3  Rule 13529   frankfurter,shopping bags yogurt     2 0.001220132
#> 4  Rule 20442        coffee,shopping bags yogurt     2 0.001423488
#> 5  Rule 26699      rolls/buns,canned beer yogurt     2 0.001728521
#> 6  Rule 31223            soda,canned beer yogurt     2 0.002135231
#> 7  Rule 29426                   pork,soda yogurt     2 0.001931876
#> 8  Rule 22978            soda,salty snack yogurt     2 0.001525165
#> 9   Rule 2458      margarine,bottled beer yogurt     2 0.001016777
#> 10 Rule 32635     rolls/buns,bottled beer yogurt     2 0.002338587
#> 11 Rule 38217          soda,shopping bags yogurt     2 0.004270463
#> 12 Rule 13816 whole milk,processed cheese yogurt     2 0.001220132
#> 13  Rule 9106         citrus fruit,coffee yogurt     2 0.001118454
#> 14 Rule 20625     chocolate,shopping bags yogurt     2 0.001423488
#> 15  Rule 2605           waffles,chocolate yogurt     2 0.001016777
#>    confidence      lift count
#> 1  0.09821429 0.7040361    11
#> 2  0.12574850 0.9014115    21
#> 3  0.14814815 1.0619803    12
#> 4  0.15217391 1.0908385    14
#> 5  0.15315315 1.0978581    17
#> 6  0.15441176 1.1068803    21
#> 7  0.16239316 1.1640938    19
#> 8  0.16304348 1.1687555    15
#> 9  0.16666667 1.1947279    10
#> 10 0.17164179 1.2303914    23
#> 11 0.17355372 1.2440968    42
#> 12 0.17391304 1.2466726    12
#> 13 0.17460317 1.2516197    11
#> 14 0.17500000 1.2544643    14
#> 15 0.17543860 1.2576083    10

edges.lhs <- rules.lhs %>% inspectDF::toEdges()
#>                from         to n.lhs     support confidence      lift
#> 1         Rule 7989     yogurt     2 0.001118454 0.09821429 0.7040361
#> 2        Rule 31170     yogurt     2 0.002135231 0.12574850 0.9014115
#> 3        Rule 13529     yogurt     2 0.001220132 0.14814815 1.0619803
#> 4        Rule 20442     yogurt     2 0.001423488 0.15217391 1.0908385
#> 5        Rule 26699     yogurt     2 0.001728521 0.15315315 1.0978581
#> 6        Rule 31223     yogurt     2 0.002135231 0.15441176 1.1068803
#> 7        Rule 29426     yogurt     2 0.001931876 0.16239316 1.1640938
#> 8        Rule 22978     yogurt     2 0.001525165 0.16304348 1.1687555
#> 9         Rule 2458     yogurt     2 0.001016777 0.16666667 1.1947279
#> 10       Rule 32635     yogurt     2 0.002338587 0.17164179 1.2303914
#> 11       Rule 38217     yogurt     2 0.004270463 0.17355372 1.2440968
#> 12       Rule 13816     yogurt     2 0.001220132 0.17391304 1.2466726
#> 13        Rule 9106     yogurt     2 0.001118454 0.17460317 1.2516197
#> 14       Rule 20625     yogurt     2 0.001423488 0.17500000 1.2544643
#> 15        Rule 2605     yogurt     2 0.001016777 0.17543860 1.2576083
#> 16      canned beer  Rule 7989     2 0.001118454 0.09821429 0.7040361
#> 17    shopping bags  Rule 7989     2 0.001118454 0.09821429 0.7040361
#> 18             soda Rule 31170     2 0.002135231 0.12574850 0.9014115
#> 19     bottled beer Rule 31170     2 0.002135231 0.12574850 0.9014115
#> 20      frankfurter Rule 13529     2 0.001220132 0.14814815 1.0619803
#> 21    shopping bags Rule 13529     2 0.001220132 0.14814815 1.0619803
#> 22           coffee Rule 20442     2 0.001423488 0.15217391 1.0908385
#> 23    shopping bags Rule 20442     2 0.001423488 0.15217391 1.0908385
#> 24       rolls/buns Rule 26699     2 0.001728521 0.15315315 1.0978581
#> 25      canned beer Rule 26699     2 0.001728521 0.15315315 1.0978581
#> 26             soda Rule 31223     2 0.002135231 0.15441176 1.1068803
#> 27      canned beer Rule 31223     2 0.002135231 0.15441176 1.1068803
#> 28             pork Rule 29426     2 0.001931876 0.16239316 1.1640938
#> 29             soda Rule 29426     2 0.001931876 0.16239316 1.1640938
#> 30             soda Rule 22978     2 0.001525165 0.16304348 1.1687555
#> 31      salty snack Rule 22978     2 0.001525165 0.16304348 1.1687555
#> 32        margarine  Rule 2458     2 0.001016777 0.16666667 1.1947279
#> 33     bottled beer  Rule 2458     2 0.001016777 0.16666667 1.1947279
#> 34       rolls/buns Rule 32635     2 0.002338587 0.17164179 1.2303914
#> 35     bottled beer Rule 32635     2 0.002338587 0.17164179 1.2303914
#> 36             soda Rule 38217     2 0.004270463 0.17355372 1.2440968
#> 37    shopping bags Rule 38217     2 0.004270463 0.17355372 1.2440968
#> 38       whole milk Rule 13816     2 0.001220132 0.17391304 1.2466726
#> 39 processed cheese Rule 13816     2 0.001220132 0.17391304 1.2466726
#> 40     citrus fruit  Rule 9106     2 0.001118454 0.17460317 1.2516197
#> 41           coffee  Rule 9106     2 0.001118454 0.17460317 1.2516197
#> 42        chocolate Rule 20625     2 0.001423488 0.17500000 1.2544643
#> 43    shopping bags Rule 20625     2 0.001423488 0.17500000 1.2544643
#> 44          waffles  Rule 2605     2 0.001016777 0.17543860 1.2576083
#> 45        chocolate  Rule 2605     2 0.001016777 0.17543860 1.2576083
#>    count
#> 1     11
#> 2     21
#> 3     12
#> 4     14
#> 5     17
#> 6     21
#> 7     19
#> 8     15
#> 9     10
#> 10    23
#> 11    42
#> 12    12
#> 13    11
#> 14    14
#> 15    10
#> 16    11
#> 17    11
#> 18    21
#> 19    21
#> 20    12
#> 21    12
#> 22    14
#> 23    14
#> 24    17
#> 25    17
#> 26    21
#> 27    21
#> 28    19
#> 29    19
#> 30    15
#> 31    15
#> 32    10
#> 33    10
#> 34    23
#> 35    23
#> 36    42
#> 37    42
#> 38    12
#> 39    12
#> 40    11
#> 41    11
#> 42    14
#> 43    14
#> 44    10
#> 45    10

katokohaku/inspectDF documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:51 a.m.