
extend ledger cli with preprocessing support for single-line single- and multi- event records


There should be files of the form /.csv or /.passbook in the working directory. These files are processed into new files generated in a directory named 'processed/' .


Primary hand-edited files supports events that imply multiple transactions: Opening a CD, buying a bond, taking a loan.


Downloaded csv files, usually from brokerage accounts


Configuration files, still being worked on. Minimizing the required presence of entries in 'config/' is work in progress .

Any file ending with a '~' will be ignored.

I suggest a structure like this:

'/.csv' # processed '/records/' # not processed 'passbooks/.passbook' # processed 'passbooks/records/' # not processed

ketanmd/xacc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:30 p.m.