
#' Sample mean estimation of the mean
#' Sample mean estimation of the population mean using the given sequence of the vertices.
#'@param chain a sequence of node indices that represent the referral process.
#'@param trait.vec is a vector of size number of nodes in the network with 0-1 values that for example indicate a specific trait. 
#'@return mean(trait.vec[chain], na.rm=TRUE) 
sample_mean  <- function(chain, trait.vec){
    return( mean(trait.vec[chain], na.rm=TRUE) )

#' Volz-Heckathorn estimation of the mean
#' Volz-Heckathorn estimation of the population mean using the given sequence of the vertices.
#'@param chain a sequence of node indices that represent the referral process.
#'@param trait.vec is a vector of size number of nodes in the network with 0-1 values that for example indicate a specific trait. 
#'@param inclusion.probability is a vector of size number of nodes in the network with the corresponding stationary probabilities.
#' Volz, Erik and Heckathorn, Douglas D (2008); ``Probability based estimation theory for respondent driven sampling'', Journal of official statistics.
#' Let x_1, x_2, \\cdots, x_n be a sequence of samples from a finite population. Furthermore, let \\pi_1, \\cdots, \\pi_N denote the stationary distribution. Then \\mu_{VH} = 1/(\\sum_{i=1}^n 1/\\pi_{x_i}) \\sum_{i=1}^n x_i/\\pi_{x_i}.
#'@return the Volz-Heckathorn estimation of the population mean.
VH_mean  <- function(chain, trait.vec, inclusion.probability){
    #NOTE: removing vertices with na trait.
    chain <- chain[ which( !is.na(trait.vec[chain] ) ) ] 

    if(length(chain) == 0)

    stopifnot( length(which(is.na(trait.vec[chain]))) == 0)

    i.p <- inclusion.probability[chain] 
    return( sum(trait.vec[chain]/i.p, na.rm=TRUE)/sum(1/i.p) )

#' Horvitz-Thompson estimation of the mean
#' Horvitz-Thompson estimation of the population mean using the given sequence of the vertices.
#'@param chain a sequence of node indices that represent the referral process.
#'@param trait.vec is a vector of size number of nodes in the network with 0-1 values that for example indicate a specific trait. 
#'@param inclusion.probability is a vector of size number of nodes in the network with the corresponding stationary probabilities.
#' Horvitz, D. G.; Thompson, D. J. (1952) ``A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe'', Journal of the American Statistical Association,
#' Let x_1, x_2, \\cdots, x_n be a sequence of samples from a finite population of size N. Furthermore, let \\pi_1, \\cdots, \\pi_N be the inclusion of probabilities. Then \\mu_{HT} = 1/N*\\sum_{i=1}^n x_i/\\pi_{x_i}.
#'@return the Horvitz-Thompson estimation of the population mean.
HT_mean  <- function(chain, trait.vec, inclusion.probability){

    #NOTE: removing vertices with na trait.
    chain <- chain[ which( !is.na(trait.vec[chain] ) ) ] 

    if(length(chain) == 0)

    stopifnot( length(which(is.na(trait.vec[chain]))) == 0)

    i.p <- inclusion.probability[chain] 
    return( mean(trait.vec[chain]/i.p, na.rm=TRUE)/length(trait.vec) )

#' Computes the covariance between the samples in the Markov chain/tree
#' Computes the covariance between the samples in the Markov chain/tree using
#' eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix of the social network.
#'@param A adjacency matrix of the undirected network.
#'@param covariates the characteristic of interest for each node in the network.
#'@param distance distance between the random variables in the Markov chain/tree.
#'Let \\pi, y, and d be the stationary distribution, the covariate and the
#'distance respectively. Then cov(y(X_i),y(X_{i+d})) = \\sum_{i=2}^N <y,f_i>^2_\\pi
cmp_cov <- function(A, covariates, distance=1){

    stopifnot( isSymmetric(A) )
    stopifnot( ncol(A) == nrow(covariates) )

    Dinvh     <- diag( rowSums(A)^(-1/2) )
    L         <- (Dinvh%*%A)%*%Dinvh
    egnResult <- eigen(L, symmetric=TRUE)
    Vectors   <- egnResult$vectors 
    Values    <- egnResult$values

    sqrt.stationary.dist <- sqrt( rowSums(A)/sum(rowSums(A)) )
    n.coveriates         <- covariates*sqrt.stationary.dist

    covariance <- 0
    for(i in 2:length(Values) ){
        covariance <- covariance + (n.coveriates %*% Vectors[,i])^2 *

khabbazian/rdssim documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:22 a.m.