
Defines functions aRchaic_pca


aRchaic_pca =  function(folders,
                        labs = NULL,
                        run_from = c("start", "pca", "plot"),
                        run_index = NULL,
                        breaks = c(-1, seq(1,20,1)),
                        flanking_bases = 1,
                        cols = c("red","blue","darkgoldenrod1","cyan","firebrick", "green",
                                 "brown4","darkorchid","magenta", "azure1","azure4"),
                        pcs_to_plot = c("PC1", "PC2", "PC3"),
                        lay = NULL,
                        plot_width = 10,
                        plot_height = 7,
                        output_dir = NULL){

    if(is.null(output_dir)){ output_dir <- paste0(getwd(),"/")}

        labs <- c()
        for(i in 1:length(folders)){
          temp <- setdiff(list.files(folders[i], pattern = ".csv"), list.files(folders[i], pattern = ".csv#"))
          labs <- c(labs, rep(tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), length(temp)))

    ##########################  Check if the folder names actually exist #######################################

    message("Checking if the folders exist")

    for(i in 1:length(folders)){
        stop("A folder in the folder list does not exist:  aborting")

    datalist <- vector("list", length(folders))

    #########################  If the user wants to run from scratch  ##########################################

    if(run_from == "start"){
        run_index <- 1:length(folders)
      if(sum(run_index - 1:length(folders))^2 == 0){
        for(i in 1:length(folders)){
          file.remove(paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))
        folders1 <- folders[run_index]
        for(i in 1:length(folders1)){
          file.remove(paste0(folders1[i], tail(strsplit(folders1[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))

    #########################  Run aggregation functions on MutationFeatureFormat #############################################

    for(i in 1:length(folders)){
      if(!file.exists(paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))){
        message (paste0("Processing the MutationFeatureFormat files in the directory", folders[i]))
        out <- aggregate_signature_counts(dir = paste0(folders[i]),
                                          pattern = NULL,
                                          breaks = breaks,
                                          flanking_bases = flanking_bases)
        clubbed_data <- club_signature_counts(out, flanking_bases = 1)
        save(clubbed_data, file = paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))
        datalist[[i]] <- clubbed_data
        datalist[[i]] <- get(load(paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda")))

    ######################  Pooling data from different folders if present  ############################################

    if(run_from == "start"){
      message("Pooling the data from multiple sources")

    sig_names <- colnames(datalist[[1]])
    row_names_pool <- rownames(datalist[[1]])
    if(length(datalist) >= 2){
      for(num in 2:length(datalist)){
        sig_names <- union(sig_names, colnames(datalist[[num]]))
        row_names_pool <- c(row_names_pool, rownames(datalist[[num]]))

    pooled_data <- matrix(0, length(row_names_pool), length(sig_names))
    rownames(pooled_data) <- row_names_pool
    colnames(pooled_data) <- sig_names

    for(num in 1:length(datalist)){
      pooled_data[match(rownames(datalist[[num]]), rownames(pooled_data)), match(colnames(datalist[[num]]), sig_names)] <- datalist[[num]]

    if(run_from == "pca" | run_from == "start"){
      message("Fitting PCA and saving it to file")
        voom_pooled_data <- t(limma::voom(t(pooled_data))$E);
        pr <- prcomp(voom_pooled_data)
        pr <- prcomp(voom_pooled_counts)
      save(pr, file = paste0(output_dir, "pca.rda"))
    }else if(run_from == "plot"){
      if(!file.exists(paste0(output_dir, "pca.rda"))){
        message("Fitting PCA and saving it to file")
            voom_pooled_data <- t(limma::voom(t(pooled_data))$E);
            pr <- prcomp(voom_pooled_data)
            pr <- prcomp(voom_pooled_counts)
        save(pr, file = paste0(output_dir, "pca.rda"))
        message("Reading PCA fit from previously saved file")
        pr <- get(load(paste0(output_dir, "pca.rda")))
      stop("run from must be either from start (which clears everything out and restarts) or from pca (which does PCA and visualization)
         or from plot (which just does the PCA visualization on fitted model if present)")

    pc_data_frame <- cbind.data.frame(pr$x, labs)

    graphList <- vector(mode="list")

    indices <- array(0, length(pcs_to_plot))

    pc_data_frame <- cbind.data.frame(pr$x, labs)

    for(num in 1:length(pcs_to_plot)){
      indices[num] <- match(paste0(pcs_to_plot[num]), colnames(pc_data_frame))

    pc_data_frame_filtered <- pc_data_frame[,indices]

    total_comb <- length(pcs_to_plot)*(length(pcs_to_plot) - 1)/2

      lay <- matrix(0, length(pcs_to_plot) - 1, length(pcs_to_plot) - 1)
      l <- 1
      for(m in 1:nrow(lay)){
        for(n in 1:ncol(lay)){
          if(m > n){
            lay[m,n] <- NA
            lay[m,n] = l
            l <- l+1

    lnum <- 1
    for(m in 1:(length(pcs_to_plot)-1)){
      for(n in (m+1):(length(pcs_to_plot))){
        a <- ggplot2::ggplot(pc_data_frame_filtered, ggplot2::aes_string(x = paste0("PC", indices[m]), y = paste0("PC", indices[n]))) +
          geom_point(aes(colour = factor(labs))) + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = cols, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Groups")) +
          ggplot2::xlab(paste0(pcs_to_plot[m])) + ggplot2::ylab(paste0(pcs_to_plot[n]))
        graphList[[lnum]] <- a
        lnum = lnum +1

    a <- do.call("grid.arrange",
                 args = list(grobs=graphList,
                             layout_matrix = lay))

    ggplot2::ggsave(paste0(output_dir, "pca.png"), a, width = plot_width,
                    height = plot_height)

kkdey/aRchaic.site documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:31 a.m.