
Defines functions aRchaic_tsne


aRchaic_tsne =  function(folders,
                        labs = NULL,
                        run_from = c("start", "tsne", "plot"),
                        run_index = NULL,
                        breaks = c(-1, seq(1,20,1)),
                        flanking_bases = 1,
                        cols = c("red","blue","darkgoldenrod1","cyan","firebrick", "green",
                                 "brown4","darkorchid","magenta", "azure1","azure4"),
                        dims = 3,
                        lay = NULL,
                        filter_indices = NULL,
                        plot_width = 10,
                        plot_height = 7,
                        output_dir = NULL){

  if(is.null(output_dir)){ output_dir <- paste0(getwd(),"/")}

    labs <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(folders)){
      temp <- setdiff(list.files(folders[i], pattern = ".csv"), list.files(folders[i], pattern = ".csv#"))
      labs <- c(labs, rep(tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), length(temp)))

  ##########################  Check if the folder names actually exist #######################################

  message("Checking if the folders exist")

  for(i in 1:length(folders)){
      stop("A folder in the folder list does not exist:  aborting")

  datalist <- vector("list", length(folders))

  #########################  If the user wants to run from scratch  ##########################################

  if(run_from == "start"){
      run_index <- 1:length(folders)
    if(sum(run_index - 1:length(folders))^2 == 0){
      for(i in 1:length(folders)){
        file.remove(paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))
      folders1 <- folders[run_index]
      for(i in 1:length(folders1)){
        file.remove(paste0(folders1[i], tail(strsplit(folders1[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))

  #########################  Run aggregation functions on MutationFeatureFormat #############################################

  for(i in 1:length(folders)){
    if(!file.exists(paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))){
      message (paste0("Processing the MutationFeatureFormat files in the directory", folders[i]))
      out <- aggregate_signature_counts(dir = paste0(folders[i]),
                                        pattern = NULL,
                                        breaks = breaks,
                                        flanking_bases = flanking_bases)
      clubbed_data <- club_signature_counts(out, flanking_bases = 1)
      save(clubbed_data, file = paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda"))
      datalist[[i]] <- clubbed_data
      datalist[[i]] <- get(load(paste0(folders[i], tail(strsplit(folders[i], "/")[[1]],1), ".rda")))

  ######################  Pooling data from different folders if present  ############################################

  if(run_from == "start"){
    message("Pooling the data from multiple sources")

  sig_names <- colnames(datalist[[1]])
  row_names_pool <- rownames(datalist[[1]])
  if(length(datalist) >= 2){
    for(num in 2:length(datalist)){
      sig_names <- union(sig_names, colnames(datalist[[num]]))
      row_names_pool <- c(row_names_pool, rownames(datalist[[num]]))

  pooled_data <- matrix(0, length(row_names_pool), length(sig_names))
  rownames(pooled_data) <- row_names_pool
  colnames(pooled_data) <- sig_names

  for(num in 1:length(datalist)){
    pooled_data[match(rownames(datalist[[num]]), rownames(pooled_data)), match(colnames(datalist[[num]]), sig_names)] <- datalist[[num]]

    filter_indices <- 1:dim(pooled_data)[2]
  pooled_data <- pooled_data[,filter_indices]

  if(run_from == "tsne" | run_from == "start"){
    message("Fitting t-SNE and saving it to file")
      voom_pooled_data <- t(limma::voom(t(pooled_data))$E);
      tsne_out <- tsne::tsne(voom_pooled_data, k=dims)
      tsne_out <- tsne::tsne(pooled_data, k=dims)
    save(tsne_out, file = paste0(output_dir, "tsne.rda"))
  }else if(run_from == "plot"){
    if(!file.exists(paste0(output_dir, "tsne.rda"))){
      message("Fitting t-SNE and saving it to file")
        voom_pooled_data <- t(limma::voom(t(pooled_data))$E);
        tsne_out <- tsne::tsne(voom_pooled_data, k=dims)
        tsne_out <- tsne::tsne(pooled_data, k = dims)
      save(tsne_out, file = paste0(output_dir, "tsne.rda"))
      message("Reading t-SNE fit from previously saved file")
      tsne_out <- get(load(paste0(output_dir, "tsne.rda")))
    stop("run from must be either from start (which clears everything out and restarts) or from t-SNE (which does t-SNE and visualization)
         or from plot (which just does the t-SNE visualization on fitted model if present)")

  colnames(tsne_out) <- paste0("tSNE", 1:dims)
  dims_to_plot <- colnames(tsne_out)
  tsne_data_frame <- cbind.data.frame(tsne_out, labs)

  graphList <- vector(mode="list")

  indices <- array(0, length(dims_to_plot))

  tsne_data_frame <- cbind.data.frame(tsne_out, labs)

  total_comb <- length(dims_to_plot)*(length(dims_to_plot) - 1)/2

    lay <- matrix(0, length(dims_to_plot) - 1, length(dims_to_plot) - 1)
    l <- 1
    for(m in 1:nrow(lay)){
      for(n in 1:ncol(lay)){
        if(m > n){
          lay[m,n] <- NA
          lay[m,n] = l
          l <- l+1

  lnum <- 1
  for(m in 1:(length(dims_to_plot)-1)){
    for(n in (m+1):(length(dims_to_plot))){
      a <- ggplot2::ggplot(tsne_data_frame, ggplot2::aes_string(x = paste0("tSNE",m), y = paste0("tSNE",n))) +
        geom_point(aes(colour = factor(labs))) + ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = cols, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Groups")) +
        ggplot2::xlab(paste0(dims_to_plot[m])) + ggplot2::ylab(paste0(dims_to_plot[n]))
      graphList[[lnum]] <- a
      lnum = lnum +1

  a <- do.call("grid.arrange",
               args = list(grobs=graphList,
                           layout_matrix = lay))

  ggplot2::ggsave(paste0(output_dir, "tsne.png"), a, width = plot_width,
                  height = plot_height)

kkdey/aRchaic.site documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:31 a.m.