
Defines functions setup_tumblr_apikey setup_tumblr_oauth get_info get_avatar get_likes get_iterated_likes get_posts get_iterated_posts get_tagged get_iterated_tagged get_followers get_iterated_followers get_queued_posts get_draft_posts get_submission_posts get_user_info get_user_dashboard get_iterated_user_dashboard get_user_likes get_iterated_user_likes get_user_following get_iterated_user_following do_tumblr_query make_meta make_response if_failed parse_blog parse_posts tumblr_to_date

Documented in do_tumblr_query get_avatar get_draft_posts get_followers get_info get_iterated_followers get_iterated_likes get_iterated_posts get_iterated_tagged get_iterated_user_dashboard get_iterated_user_following get_iterated_user_likes get_likes get_posts get_queued_posts get_submission_posts get_tagged get_user_dashboard get_user_following get_user_info get_user_likes if_failed make_meta make_response parse_blog parse_posts setup_tumblr_apikey setup_tumblr_oauth tumblr_to_date

#Tumblr doesn't always require authentican. In fact it has 3 levels
#none: Lets you see avatars
#api_key: Publically viewable inforamation
#oauth: Your own blog information / status


#We require somewhere to save variables that isn't the global
#scope. You cannot just use the current environment as it is locked 
#once this is treated like a package. So we need a new environment
#inside the global. This isn't exported and so can't be seen outside.
tumblRenv <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)

#For the case of OAuth we need to tell httr where the find the
tumblr = oauth_endpoint("request_token", "authorize", "access_token",
         base_url = "http://www.tumblr.com/oauth")

#Base url where all tumblr api calls live
tumblrApiBase = "api.tumblr.com/v2/"

#The start of time

#' Store your API key for use with tumblR
#' This function stores the api key for use with Tumblr API calls that
#' require an api_key. Optionally it saves the key to a file.
#' @param consumer_key Your api key
#' @param credentials_file Optional argument of a file to save to
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("myApiKeyIsVeryLong")
setup_tumblr_apikey = function(consumer_key, credentials_file=NULL){
  assign("TUMBLR_CONSUMER_KEY",consumer_key, env=tumblRenv)
    save(consumer_key, file = credentials_file)

#' Set up oauth to work with tumblR
#' This function initialises oauth assuming that \code{\link{setup_tumblr_apikey}} 
#' has been called already. This allows access to tumblR api calls that require 
#' being logged into a blog. 
#' @param consumer_secret Consumer secret provided by tumblr.
#' @param credentials_file Optional argument of a file to save the consumer key and secret to. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("myApiKeyIsVeryLong")
#' setup_tumblr_oauth("myConsumerSecretIsLongToo")
setup_tumblr_oauth = function(consumer_secret,
                               credentials_file=NULL) {
    stop("Need to call setup_tumblr_apikey before using this function")
  app = oauth_app("tumblr", key=consumer_key)

  token <- oauth1.0_token(tumblr, app)
  sig = sign_oauth1.0(app, token$oauth_token, token$oauth_token_secret)
  assign("sig",sig, env= tumblRenv)

  if (!is.null(credentials_file)) {
    save(consumer_key, consumer_secret, file=credentials_file)

#' Get info about a blog
#' Gets info about a tumblr blog. This requires a Tumblr API key.
#' This function must be called after \code{\link{setup_tumblr_api}}.
#' @param blog The blog url to get information about
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("MyApiKey")
#' get_info("staff.tumblr.com")
get_info<- function(blog){
    resp = do_tumblr_query(blog=blog, type=AUTH_API, url=url)
    if(if_failed(resp)) return(resp)
    resp <- resp$blog
    resp <- parse_blog(resp) 

#' Get an blogs avatar
#' Get the avatar of a blog in a range of sizes. The allowed sizes are
#' 16, 24, 30, 40, 48 ,64, 96, 128, 512.
#' @param blog The blog url 
#' @param size Size of the image to get (16, 24, 30, 40, 48 ,64, 96, 128, 512)
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' get_avatar("staff.tumblr.com")
#' get_avatar("staff.tumblr.com",512)
get_avatar <- function(blog,size=64){
  if(! (size %in% c(16,24,30,40,48,64,96,128,512))){
          stop("Size must be one of 16, 24, 30, 40, 48 ,64, 96, 128, 512")
  url = "avatar/size"
  do_tumblr_query(blog=blog, url=url, type=AUTH_NONE)

#' Get a blogs likes
#' Get up to 20 of a blogs likes. In order to get more than 20, the 
#' function must be called multiple times. This function requires an 
#' API key.
#' @param blog The blog url
#' @param limit Number of likes to return (1-20)
#' @param Number of first liked post to start at
#' @export 
#' @seealso get_iterated_likes
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("MyApiKey")
#' get_likes("stuff.tumblr.com",limit=2,offset=0)
#' get_likes("stuff.tumblr.com",limit=2,offset=2)
get_likes <- function(blog,limit=20,offset=0){
  do_tumblr_query(blog=blog, url=url, query=query, type=AUTH_API)

#' Get more than 20 likes in one call
#' This function will return any number of likes. In doing so
#' it may more multiple requests to the tumblr api. 
#' This function requires an
#' API key. Unlike get_likes which returns a list of liked
#' posts and a count, this function returns the count of 
#' total number of liked posts as the attribute liked_count.
#' @param blog The blog url
#' @param limit Number of likes to return (1-20)
#' @param Number of first liked post to start at
#' @export 
#' @seealso get_likes
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("MyApiKey")
#' get_iterated_likes("stuff.tumblr.com",limit=100,offset=0)
get_iterated_likes <- function(blog, limit=20,offset=0){
  likes = list()
  while(length(likes) < limit){
    toGet = min(limit - length(likes),20)
    l = get_likes(blog=blog, limit=toGet, offset=length(likes)+offset)
      if(length(likes) == 0){
        return (likes)
    limit=min(limit, l$liked_count)
    likes = c(likes, l$liked_posts)
    attr(likes, "liked_count") <- l$liked_count

#' Get posts posted by a blog
#' Get the posts posted by a blog. This function requires an API key. 
#' At most 20 posts can be returned at one time. If more posts are required
#' the function will need to be called multiple times, or 
#' \code{\link{\get_iterated_posts}} can be called.
#' @param The type of post of get [ommit to get all] (text,quote,link,answer,video,audio,photo,chat)
#' @param id The id of the post to get [ommit if not needed]
#' @param tag Only get posts with specified tag [Ommit if not needed]
#' @param limit Return up to limit many posts (1-20)
#' @param offset First post to get [0 if ommitted]
#' @param reblog_info Return reblog information [default: False] (True / False)
#' @param notes_info Return \code{note count} and \code{note} information [default: False] (True / False)
#' @param filter Post format to return [ommit for HTML] (text / raw). May return Markdown if raw is selected.
#' @export
#' @seealso get_iterated_posts
#' @examples 
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("MyApiKey")
#' get_posts("staff.tumblr.com", limit=20,offset=0)
#' get_posts("staff.tumblr.com", limit=20,offset=20)
#' get_posts("staff.tumblr.com", id=20)
#' get_posts("staff.tumblr.com", filter="raw")
#' get_posts("staff.tumblr.com", tag="NYFW")
get_posts <- function(blog,type,id, tag, limit, offset,reblog_info, notes_info,filter){
  if(!missing(type)) query = c(query,type=type)
  if(!missing(id)) query = c(query,id=id)
  if(!missing(tag)) query = c(query,tag=tag)
  if(!missing(limit)) query = c(query,limit=limit)
  if(!missing(offset)) query = c(query,offset=offset)
  if(!missing(reblog_info)) query = c(query,reblog_info=reblog_info)
  if(!missing(notes_info)) query = c(query,notes_info=notes_info)
  if(!missing(filter)) query = c(query,filter=filter)

  response = do_tumblr_query(blog=blog, query=query, url=url, type=AUTH_API)
  blog = response$blog
  count = response$total_posts
  posts = response$posts

  response = list(total_posts=count, blog=parse_blog(blog), posts=parse_posts(posts))

#' Get more than the 20 posts at once
#' This function may make multiple requests to the 
#' tumblr api.
#' @param limit The number of posts to return
#' @param offset The first post to start at
#' @param ... extra options to pass to get_posts
#' @export
#' @seealso get_posts
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("MyApiKey")
#' get_iterated_posts("staff.tumblr.com", limit=200,offset=0)
get_iterated_posts <- function(...,limit=20,offset=0){
  posts = list()
  while(length(posts) < limit){
    toGet = min(limit - length(posts),20)
    l = get_posts(limit=toGet, offset=length(posts)+offset,...)
      if(length(posts) == 0){
        return (posts)
    limit=min(limit, l$total_posts)
    posts = c(posts, l$posts)
    attr(posts, "total_posts") <- l$total_posts

#' Get posts with a specific tag
#' Gets posts with a given tag. featured_timestamp is not supported.  
#' Return a list of posts. Posts do not all have the same structure
#' making them slightly harder to coerce into a sensible structure.
#' @param tag The tag to search for
#' @param before Latest post to show [default: now] 
#' @param limit Maximum number of results [default: 20] (1-20)
#' @param filter Post format to return [ommit for HTML] (text / raw). May return Markdown if raw is selected. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("MyApiKey")
#' get_tagged("superbowl")
#' get_tagged("superbowl", filter="text")
get_tagged <-function(tag, before, limit, filter){
  if(missing(tag)) stop("A tag must be supplied")

  query= list(tag=tag)

  if(!missing(before)) query = c(query, before=before)
  if(!missing(filter)) query = c(query, filter=filter)
  if(!missing(limit)) query = c(query, limit=limit)

  result = do_tumblr_query(query=query,url="tagged",type=AUTH_API)  


#' Get more than the limilt for tagged posts
#' Get more than 20 posts with a specific tag in one call.
#' May make multiple requests to the api.
#' @param tag The tag to search for
#' @param before Latest post to show [default: now] 
#' @param limit Maximum number of results
#' @param filter Post format to return [ommit for HTML] (text / raw). May return Markdown if raw is selected. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey("MyApiKey")
#' get_iterated_tagged("superbowl", limit=100)
get_iterated_tagged <- function(tag, before, limit, filter){
  tagged = list()
  while(length(tagged) < limit){
    toGet = min(limit - length(tagged),20)
    l = get_tagged(tag=tag, before=before, limit=toGet, filter=filter)
      if(length(tagged) == 0){
        return (tagged)
    if(length(l) == 0){
    tagged = c(tagged, l)
    before = tail(l,n=1)[[1]]$timestamp

  return (tagged)

#' Get the followers of a blog.
#' Get the followers of a blog. Only a maximum of 
#' 20 followers can be returned in a single call.
#' This requires OAuth and seems to only word for 
#' the blog the OAuth is for.
#' @param blog The blog to get followers for
#' @param limit Number of followers to get (1-20)
#' @param offset Number of followers to skip from the start
#' @export
#' @seealso get_iterated_followers
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey(myApiKey)
#' setup_tumblr_oauth(myConsumerSecret)
#' get_followers(myBlog)
get_followers <- function(blog, limit=20,offset=0){
  query=list(limit=limit, offset = offset)
  url = "followers"
  r = do_tumblr_query(blog=blog, query=query, type=AUTH_OAUTH, url =url)

#' Get the followers of a blog
#' Get the followers of a blog, but without an upper limit on
#' the number of followers that can be retrieved. This may
#' result in multiple calls to the tumblr API. This requires
#' OAuth and seems to only work for the authenticated blog. 
#' The total number of followers for blog is not returned
#' in the list but rather as the "total_users" attribute on
#' the list. 
#' @param blog The blog to get followers for.
#' @param limit Number of followers to get
#' @param offset Number of followers to skip from the start
#' @export
#' @seealso get_followers
#' @examples
#' setup_tumblr_apikey(myApiKey)
#' setup_tumblr_oauth(myConsumerSecret)
#' get_iterated_followers(myBlog,limit=100)
get_iterated_followers <- function(blog, limit=20, offset=0){
  followers = list()
  while(length(followers) < limit){
    toGet = min(limit - length(followers),20)
    l = get_followers(limit=toGet, offset=length(followers)+offset)
      if(length(followers) == 0){
        return (followers)
    limit=min(limit, l$total_users)
    followers = c(followers, l$users)
    attr(followers, "total_users") <- l$total_users

#' Get your queued posts
#' Get the OAuthed user's queued posts. Returns a 
#' maximum of 20 posts. Require OAuth. 
#' @param blog Blog to get queued posts for
#' @param limit Number of posts to return (1-20)
#' @param offset Post to start at 
#' @param filter Format to return posts in. Default is HTML. 
#'        alternatives are "text" and "raw"
#' @export
get_queued_posts <- function(blog,limit=20, offset=0, filter){
  url = "posts/queue"
  query = list(offset=offset,limit=limit)
  if(!missing(filter)) query= c(query, filter=filter)
  r = do_tumblr_query(blog, query = query, url=url, type=AUTH_OAUTH)
  if(if_failed(r)) return(r)
  return (r)

#' Get draft posts
#' Get draft posts for a user. This function requires OAuth.
#' @param blog Blog to get draft posts for
#' @param before_id Post id to start at
#' @param filter Format to return posts. Ommit for HTML. 
#'        Alternatives are "text" and "raw"
#' @export
get_draft_posts <- function(blog,before_id, filter){
  url ="posts/draft"
  query = list()
  if(!missing(before_id)) query = c(query, before_id= before_id)
  if(!missing(filter)) query = c(query, filter=filter)
  r = do_tumblr_query(blog=blog, query=query, url=url, type=AUTH_OAUTH)

#' Get submission posts
#' Get submission posts. Requires OAuth
#' @param blog Blog to get submission posts for
#' @param offset Post to start from
#' @param filter Format to return results in. Omit for HTML. 
#'        Alternatives are "text" and "raw"
#' @export
get_submission_posts <- function(blog, offset, filter){
  url ="posts/submission"
  query = list()
  if(!missing(offset)) query = c(query, offset = offset)
  if(!missing(filter)) query = c(query, filter=filter)
  r = do_tumblr_query(blog=blog, query=query, url=url, type=AUTH_OAUTH)

#' Get user info
#' Get info for a user. Requires OAuth
#' @export
get_user_info <- function(){
  r = do_tumblr_query(user=T, url=url, type=AUTH_OAUTH)

#' Get user's dashboard
#' Get a user's dashboard. Requires OAuth.
#' @param limit Number of posts to return (1-20)
#' @param offset Post to start at 
#' @param type Type of posts to return (omit for all) (text, photo, 
#'        quote, link, chat, audio, video, answer"
#' @param since_id Return posts after this id (used for pagination)
#' @param reblog_info Return reblog information
#' @param notes_info Return notes information
#' @export
get_user_dashboard <- function(limit, offset, type, since_id, reblog_info, notes_info){
  query= list()
  if(!missing(limit)) query = c(query,limit=limit) 
  if(!missing(offset)) query = c(query, offset=offset)
  if(!missing(type)) query = c(query, type=type)
  if(!missing(since_id)) query = c(query, since_id=since_id)
  if(!missing(reblog_info)) query = c(query, reblog_info=reblog_info)
  if(!missing(notes_info)) query = c(query,  notes_info=notes_info)

  r = do_tumblr_query(user=T, url=url, query=query, type=AUTH_OAUTH)
  if(if_failed(r)) return(r)

#' Get a users dashboard
#' Get a users dashboard for any number of posts. Requires OAuth.
#' May make multiple API requests. Extra parameters passed to 
#' \code{\link{get_user_dashboard}}.
#' @param limit Number of posts to be
#' @param offset Post to start at
#' @export 
#' @seealso get_user_dashboard
get_iterated_user_dashboard <- function(...,limit=20,offset=0){
  posts = list()
  since_id = 0
  while(length(posts) < limit){
    toGet = min(limit - length(posts),20)
    l = get_user_dashboard(limit=toGet, offset=offset, since_id=since_id,...)
      if(length(posts) == 0){
        return (posts)
    posts = c(posts, l)
    since_id = tail(l,n=1)[[1]]$id

#' Get a user's likes
#' Get a user's likes
#' @param limit Number of posts to return (1-20)
#' @param offset Post to start at
#' @export
#' @seealso get_iterated_user_likes
get_user_likes <- function(limit=20, offset=0){
  url = "likes"
  query= list(limit=limit,offset=offset)
  r = do_tumblr_query(user=T, query=query, url=url, type=AUTH_OAUTH)
  return (r)

#' Get more than 20 likes in one call
#' This function will return any number of likes. In doing so
#' it may more multiple requests to the tumblr api. 
#' This function requires OAuth.
#' Unlike get_user_likes which returns a list of liked
#' posts and a count, this function returns the count of 
#' total number of liked posts as the attribute liked_count.
#' @param limit Number of likes to return (1-20)
#' @param Number of first liked post to start at
#' @export 
#' @seealso get_user_likes
get_iterated_user_likes <- function(limit=20,offset=0){
  likes = list()
  while(length(likes) < limit){
    toGet = min(limit - length(likes),20)
    l = get_user_likes(limit=toGet, offset=length(likes)+offset)
      if(length(likes) == 0){
        return (likes)
    limit=min(limit, l$liked_count)
    likes = c(likes, l$liked_posts)
    attr(likes, "liked_count") <- l$liked_count

#' Get the blogs a user is following
#' Get up to 20 of the blogs a user is following.
#' @param limit Number of blogs to return (1-20)
#' @param offset Blog to start at
#' @export
#' @seealso get_iterated_user_following
get_user_following <- function(limit=20,offset=0){
  query=list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
  r = do_tumblr_query(user=T,query=query,url=url,type=AUTH_OAUTH)

#' Get blogs a user is following
#' Get the blogs a user if following. No limit on the
#' number of blogs you can request. Requires OAuth. May
#' make multiple requests to the API
#' @param limit Number of posts to return
#' @param offset Blog to start at
#' @export
#' @seealso get_user_following
get_iterated_user_following <- function(limit=20,offset=0){
  following = list()
  while(length(following) < limit){
    toGet = min(limit - length(following),20)
    l = get_user_following(limit=toGet, offset=length(following)+offset)
      if(length(following) == 0){
        return (following)
    limit=min(limit, l$total_blogs)
    following = c(following, l$blogs)
    attr(following, "liked_count") <- l$total_blogs

#' Send a request to tumblr
#' General function for sending requests to the tumblr api. 
#' @param blog [optional] The blog to use
#' @param user [optional] True to make a user query
#' @param query [optional] arguments to the url
#' @param type Authentication type to use. One AUTH_NONE, AUTH_API, AUTH_OAUTH
#' @param url Query path
do_tumblr_query <- function(blog = NULL, user=FALSE, query=list(), type=AUTH_NONE, url=NULL){
     stop("A url must be provided")

  if(type == AUTH_API){
            stop("Need to call setup_tumblr_apikey before using this function")
            query= c(query, api_key=get("TUMBLR_CONSUMER_KEY",env=tumblRenv))
            request = "http://"
          request = "https://"

  request = paste(request, tumblrApiBase,sep="")

  if(user) {
          request <- paste(request, "user/",sep="")
  }else if(!is.null(blog)){
          request <- paste(request, "blog/",blog,"/",sep="")

  request = paste(request, url, sep="") 

  result = NULL
  if(type == AUTH_OAUTH){
           stop("Need to call setup_tumblr_oauth before using this fuction")
    result = GET(url=request, query=query,sig = get("sig",env=tumblRenv)) 
    result = GET(url=request, query=query) 
  if(result$status_code != 200){
    stop(sprintf("Something went wrong with the request (%d: %s)", result$status_code, result$headers$statusmessage))
  result = fromJSON(content(result,"text"),F)
  meta = result$meta
  response = result$response

  if(meta$status != 200){

#' Give an object the S3 class tumblR.Meta
#' Gives an object a class so that it can be marked
#' as an unsucessful query
#' @param x Object to add the class to
make_meta <- function(x) {
  class(x) <- c(class(x), "tumblR.Meta")

#' Give an object the S3 class tubmlR.Response
#' Give an object an S3 class so that it  can be
#' marked as a successful query
#' @param x Object to add the class too
make_response <- function(x) {
  class(x) <- c(class(x), "tumblR.Response")

#' Test if an query failed
#' Tests if a query was unsuccessful. Assumes an S3
#' class has been attached to tag it.
#' @param Response to test
if_failed <- function(x) {
  return(inherits(x, "tumblR.Meta"))

#' Parse a blog entry. 
#' Just turns the updated field into a date
#' @param parse_blog The blog repsonse
parse_blog <- function(x){
  x$updated = tumblr_to_date(x$updated)

#' Do something to parse the posts
#' At the moment this function does nothing.
#' @param Posts to parse
parse_posts <- function(x){

#' Turn a tumblr timestamp into a POSIXct
#' Turns a tumblr timestamp into a POSIXct for 
#' ease of use
#' @param x A tumblr timestamp
#' @export
tumblr_to_date <-function(x){

#' tumblR a package for accessing tumblr
#' The tumblR package provides commands for accessing the tumblr API
#' @import httr ROAuth jsonlite
#' @docType package
#' @name tumblR
klapaukh/tumblR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:06 a.m.