#' Main function
#' @param file_name path to file
#' @param file_type list or file
#' @param save_files boolean
#' @param skip_frames number how many first frames should be skipped
#' @param plots boolean
#' @param protein_representation CA or all
#' @param chain chain ID
#' @param cluster_quantity number
#' @param receptor_peptide_mode boolean
#' @param reference_structure_pdb_code code from PDB web repository
#' @param reference_structure_file path to file
#' @param reference_chain_id chain ID
#' @param kmeans_algorithm Hartigan-Wong / MacQueen / Lloyd / Forgy
#' @param output_directory path to directory
#' @return return object with clusters data
#' @export
run <- function(file_name = "", file_type = "list", save_files = F,
skip_frames = 0, plots = T, protein_representation = "CA",
chain = "", cluster_quantity = 10, receptor_peptide_mode = F,
reference_structure_pdb_code = '',
reference_structure_file = '',
reference_chain_id = '',
kmeans_algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong",
output_directory = '') {
file_directory <<- dirname(file_name)
file_name <- basename(file_name)
file_type <<- file_type
save_files <<- save_files
skip_frames <<- skip_frames
plots <<- plots
protein_representation <<- protein_representation
chain <<- chain
cluster_quantity <<- cluster_quantity
kmeans_algorithm <<- kmeans_algorithm
r_p_mode <<-receptor_peptide_mode
reference_structure_file <<- reference_structure_file
reference_structure_pdb_code <<- reference_structure_pdb_code
reference_chain_id <<- reference_chain_id
if (output_directory == '') {
output_directory = file_directory
plots <<- FALSE
if (file.exists(paste(file_directory, file_name, sep = "/"))) {
ptm <- proc.time()
print(proc.time() - ptm)
} else {
stop("No data src")
results <- list(medoids = klaMed, kmeans = kMeansResult, seq = SEQ)
set_directory <- function(directory) {
create_folder_structure <<- function() {
centroid_folder_name <<- "centroids/"
medoid_folder_name <<- "medoids/"
plots_folder_name <<- "plots/"
reports_folder_name <<- "reports/"
dir.create(centroid_folder_name, showWarnings = F)
dir.create(medoid_folder_name, showWarnings = F)
dir.create(plots_folder_name, showWarnings = F)
dir.create(reports_folder_name, showWarnings = F)
prepare_data <- function(file_name) {
nN <<- 1
nC <<- -1
if(reference_chain_id == ''){
reference_chain_id <<- NULL
if(reference_structure_pdb_code != '' & reference_structure_file != ''){
stop("Choose one reference source file. We can pass either pdb_code or file.")
if(reference_structure_pdb_code != ''){
result = tryCatch({
pdb <-read.pdb( get.pdb(reference_structure_pdb_code, URLonly = T) )
}, warning = function(w) {
stop("Wrong pdb code")
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Wrong pdb code")
a.inds <- atom.select.pdb(pdb,"calpha", chain = reference_chain_id)
ligand_xyz <<- pdb$atom[c(a.inds$atom), c("x", "y", "z")]
ligand_xyz <<- data.frame(ligand_xyz["x"], ligand_xyz["y"], ligand_xyz["z"])
if(reference_structure_file != ''){
pdb <- read.pdb(reference_structure_file, ATOM.only = T)
a.inds <- atom.select.pdb(pdb,"calpha", chain = reference_chain_id)
ligand_xyz <<- pdb$atom[c(a.inds$atom), c("x", "y", "z")]
ligand_xyz <<- data.frame(ligand_xyz["x"], ligand_xyz["y"], ligand_xyz["z"])
if (file_type == "list") {
file_list <<- readLines(file_name)
for (file in file_list) {
if (!(file.exists(file))) {
stop("Missing input file: ", file)
if (!exists("dataset_from_file")) {
dataset_from_file <- readPdbCoord(file)$selected
dataset_from_file_all <- readPdbCoord(file)$all
first_lenght <<- dim(dataset_from_file)[1]
if (exists("dataset_from_file")) {
temp_dataset <- readPdbCoord(file)$selected
temp_dataset_all <- readPdbCoord(file)$all
if (dim(temp_dataset)[1] != first_lenght) {
stop("All the files should be of equal length: ", file)
dataset_from_file <- rbind(dataset_from_file, temp_dataset)
dataset_from_file_all <- rbind(dataset_from_file_all, temp_dataset_all)
temp_trajectory <- dataset_from_file
temp_all_trajectory <- dataset_from_file_all
} else {
temp_trajectory <- readPdbCoord(file_name)$selected
temp_all_trajectory <- readPdbCoord(file_name)$all
if (nrow(temp_trajectory) < 1) {
stop("Empty data input.")
IncrementalTable <- c()
control <- 1
for (i in 1:nrow(temp_trajectory)) {
if (control == 0) {
if (i == nrow(temp_trajectory) ||
temp_trajectory[i, 2] > temp_trajectory[i + 1, 2]) {
IncrementalTable <- rbind(IncrementalTable, (temp_trajectory[i, ]))
row_count <- i
control <- 0
} else {
row_count <- i
IncrementalTable <- rbind(IncrementalTable, (temp_trajectory[i, ]))
if (skip_frames > 0) {
temp_trajectory <- head(temp_trajectory, -(skip_frames * row_count))
trajectory <<- array(NA,
dim = c(row_count, 3, nrow(temp_trajectory)/row_count))
j <- 1
for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nrow(temp_trajectory), by = row_count)) {
end <- i + row_count - 1
trajectory[, , j] <<- as.matrix(temp_trajectory[i:end, 6:8])
j <- j + 1
if (nrow(which(is.na(trajectory), arr.ind = TRUE)) > 0) {
stop("Wrong PDB structure", which(is.na(trajectory), arr.ind = TRUE))
SEQ <<- data.frame(c(1:length(IncrementalTable[, 4])), IncrementalTable[, 4],
IncrementalTable[, 3], IncrementalTable[, 5],
IncrementalTable[, 9])
IncrementalTable <- c()
control <- 1
for (i in 1:nrow(temp_all_trajectory)) {
if (control == 0) {
if (i == nrow(temp_all_trajectory) || temp_all_trajectory[i, 2] > temp_all_trajectory[i + 1, 2]) {
IncrementalTable <- rbind(IncrementalTable, (temp_all_trajectory[i, ]))
row_count <- i
control <- 0
} else {
row_count <- i
IncrementalTable <- rbind(IncrementalTable, (temp_all_trajectory[i, ]))
if (skip_frames > 0) {
temp_all_trajectory <- head(temp_all_trajectory, -(skip_frames * row_count))
trajectory_all <<- array(NA,
dim = c(row_count, 3, nrow(temp_all_trajectory)/row_count))
j <- 1
for (i in seq(from = 1, to = nrow(temp_all_trajectory), by = row_count)) {
end <- i + row_count - 1
trajectory_all[, , j] <<- as.matrix(temp_all_trajectory[i:end, 6:8])
j <- j + 1
SEQ_all <<- data.frame(c(1:length(IncrementalTable[, 4])), IncrementalTable[, 4],
IncrementalTable[, 3], IncrementalTable[, 5],
IncrementalTable[, 9])
if (nC == -1) {
nC <<- dim(trajectory)[1]
rmsd <- function(X, Y) {
X <- t(t(X) - apply(X, 2, mean))
Y <- t(t(Y) - apply(Y, 2, mean))
A <- svd(t(X) %*% Y)
Q <- A$u %*% t(A$v)
if (det(Q) < 0) {
A$u[, 3] <- -A$u[, 3]
Q <- A$u %*% t(A$v)
sqrt(sum((Y - X %*% Q)^2)/nrow(Y))
rmsd_without_superimposition <- function(X, Y) {
round(sqrt(sum((Y - X)^2)/nrow(Y)),2)
rmsdQ <- function(X, Y) {
X <- t(t(X) - apply(X, 2, mean))
Y <- t(t(Y) - apply(Y, 2, mean))
A <- svd(t(X) %*% Y)
Q <- A$u %*% t(A$v)
if (det(Q) < 0) {
A$u[, 3] <- -A$u[, 3]
Q <- A$u %*% t(A$v)
readPdbCoord <- function(plik) {
Y <- scan(plik, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE)
if (protein_representation == "CA") {
if (chain != "") {
YY <- Y[substr(Y, 1, 4) == "ATOM" &
substr(Y, 14, 15) == "CA" &
substr(Y, 22, 22) == chain]
rebuildPDB <- Y[substr(Y, 1, 4) == "ATOM" & (substr(Y, 14, 15) == "CA")]
} else {
YY <- Y[substr(Y, 1, 4) == "ATOM" & (substr(Y, 14, 15) == "CA")]
rebuildPDB <- YY
} else {
if (chain != "") {
YY <- Y[substr(Y, 1, 4) == "ATOM" &
substr(Y, 22, 22) == chain]
rebuildPDB <- Y[substr(Y, 1, 4) == "ATOM"]
} else {
YY <- Y[substr(Y, 1, 4) == "ATOM"]
rebuildPDB <- YY
X <- matrix(NA, length(YY), 8)
X1 <- as.character(substr(YY, 1, 4))
X2 <- as.numeric(substr(YY, 7, 11))
X3 <- trimws(as.character(substr(YY, 14, 16)))
X4 <- as.character(substr(YY, 18, 20))
X5 <- as.numeric(substr(YY, 23, 26))
X6 <- as.numeric(substr(YY, 31, 38))
X7 <- as.numeric(substr(YY, 39, 46))
X8 <- as.numeric(substr(YY, 47, 54))
X9 <- as.character(substr(YY, 22, 22))
selected = data.frame(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
X <- matrix(NA, length(rebuildPDB), 8)
X1 <- as.character(substr(rebuildPDB, 1, 4))
X2 <- as.numeric(substr(rebuildPDB, 7, 11))
X3 <- trimws(as.character(substr(rebuildPDB, 14, 16)))
X4 <- as.character(substr(rebuildPDB, 18, 20))
X5 <- as.numeric(substr(rebuildPDB, 23, 26))
X6 <- as.numeric(substr(rebuildPDB, 31, 38))
X7 <- as.numeric(substr(rebuildPDB, 39, 46))
X8 <- as.numeric(substr(rebuildPDB, 47, 54))
X9 <- as.character(substr(rebuildPDB, 22, 22))
all = data.frame(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
list(selected = selected, all = all)
model2pdb <- function(SEQ, X, bFact, plik_out) {
n <- nrow(SEQ)
Y <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, n, 11))
Y[, 1] <- rep("ATOM", n)
Y[, 2] <- SEQ[, 1]
if (protein_representation == "all") {
Y[, 3] <- SEQ[, 3]
} else {
Y[, 3] <- rep("CA", n)
Y[, 4] <- SEQ[, 2]
Y[, 5] <- SEQ[, 5]
Y[, 6] <- SEQ[, 4]
Y[, 7:9] <- round(X[1:nrow(X) %in% SEQ[, 1], ], 3)
Y[, 10] <- 1
Y[, 11] <- 1#round(bFact[1:nrow(X) %in% SEQ[, 1]], 2)
xx <- sprintf("%4s%7d%4s%5s%2s%4d%12.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f", Y[, 1], Y[, 2],
Y[, 3], Y[, 4], Y[, 5], Y[, 6], Y[, 7], Y[, 8], Y[, 9], Y[, 10],
Y[, 11])
cat(noquote(xx), file = plik_out, sep = "\n")
klasterMed <- function(kol, n0, n1, k_count) {
Yref <- 0 * k_count
Ymed <- list()
Ycen <- Ymed
nKol <- sort(unique(kol))
nKlast <- 0 * nKol
mRMSD <- 0 * nKol
files <- array(NA, dim = c(k_count))
files_rebuild <- array(NA, dim = c(k_count))
for (k in nKol) {
iDecK <- which(kol == k)
nDecK <- length(iDecK)
nKlast[k] <- nDecK
Ycen0 <- trajectory[, , iDecK[1]]
Ymed0 <- Ycen0
r1 <- 0
if (nDecK > 1) {
for (i in 2:nDecK) {
Ycen0 <- ((i - 1) * Ycen0 + trajectory[, , iDecK[i]] %*% rmsdQ(
trajectory[n0:n1, , iDecK[i]], Ycen0[n0:n1, ]))/i
R1 = apply(trajectory[, , iDecK], 3, function(Y)
rmsd(Ycen0[n0:n1,], Y[n0:n1,]))
r1 = mean(R1)
Ymed0 <- trajectory[, , iDecK[which.min(R1)]]
if (file_type == "list") {
file_med <- file_list[iDecK[which.min(R1)] - 1]
file_med_rebuild <-iDecK[which.min(R1)]
} else {
file_med <- iDecK[which.min(R1)]
Ycen[[k]] <- Ycen0
Ymed[[k]] <- Ymed0
mRMSD[k] <- r1
files[k] <- file_med
files_rebuild[k] <- file_med_rebuild
if(r_p_mode & exists("ligand_xyz")){
for(i in 1:cluster_quantity){
Yref[i] = rmsd_without_superimposition(Ymed[[i]], ligand_xyz)
} else {
for(i in 1:cluster_quantity){
Yref[i] = "n.a"
list(cen = Ycen, med = Ymed, nClust = nKlast, mRMS = mRMSD,
files_names = files, files_rebuild_indexes = files_rebuild, rmsdRef = Yref)
myLog <- function(x) ifelse(x > 0, log(x), 0)
mutInf <- function(kol, traj) {
P <- table(kol, traj)
P <- P/sum(P)
Py <- apply(P, 1, sum)
Px <- apply(P, 2, sum)
PP <- outer(Py, Px, "*")
Htraj <- -sum(myLog(Px) * Px)
Hkol <- -sum(myLog(Py) * Py)
infKL <- sum(myLog(P/PP) * P)
list(redun = infKL/(Htraj + Hkol), infNorm = infKL/min(Htraj, Hkol),
Cxy = infKL/Hkol)
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
hues <- seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
get_colors <- function(groups, group.col = palette()) {
groups <- as.factor(groups)
ngrps <- length(levels(groups))
if (ngrps > length(group.col)) {
group.col <- rep(group.col, ngrps)
color <- group.col[as.numeric(groups)]
names(color) <- as.vector(groups)
plotPCA <- function(x, decoys, K) {
groups <- x$cluster
groups2 <- c(1:dim(Decoys)[1])
selected_colors <- get_colors(groups, gg_color_hue(K))
svg(file = paste(plots_folder_name, "pca_cluster_plot.svg", sep = ""),
width = 8, height = 8, pointsize = 10)
scatter3D(decoys[, 1], decoys[, 2], decoys[, 3], bty = "g", pch = 20,
cex = 0.9, main = "PCA clusters", phi = 10, theta = 30,
colkey = FALSE, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3",
col.var = as.integer(groups), labels = c(1:K),
col = selected_colors)
legend("topright", inset = 0.001, bty = "n", cex = 1, title = "Clusters",
legend = c(1:K), fill = gg_color_hue(K))
svg(file = paste(plots_folder_name, "pca_time_plot.svg", sep = ""), width = 8,
height = 8, pointsize = 10)
scatter3D(decoys[, 1], decoys[, 2], decoys[, 3], bty = "g", pch = 20,
cex = 0.8, main = "PCA time", phi = 10, theta = 30, expand = 0.9,
colvar = groups2, clab = c("Frame no"),
colkey = list(side = 4, length = 0.4), xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2",
zlab = "PC3", col = matlab.like2(dim(Decoys)[1]),
col.var = as.integer(1:dim(Decoys)[1]),
labels = c(1:dim(Decoys)[1]))
klasterOut <- function(K) {
kMeansResult <<- kmeans(Decoys, K, iter.max = 100, nstart = 50,
algorithm = kmeans_algorithm)
kol <<- kMeansResult$cluster
klaMed <<- klasterMed(kol, nN, nC, K)
if (plots) {
selected_colors <- get_colors(kMeansResult$cluster, gg_color_hue(K))
plotPCA(kMeansResult, Decoys[, 1:3], K)
mypalette <- matlab.like2(length(Decoys[, 1]))
cl <- kMeansResult
m <- as.data.frame(Decoys)
m$cluster <- factor(cl$cluster)
m$time <- seq(1, length(Decoys[, 1]))
centers <- as.data.frame(cl$centers)
pca_plot1 <- ggplot(data = m, aes(x = V1, y = V2, color = time)) +
geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 1/2) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = mypalette, breaks = c(0, 1),
labels = NULL) +
labs(title = "PCA 2d time", x = "PC1", y = "PC2")
savePlot(pca_plot1, "PCA_2dplot_PC1_PC2_time.pdf")
pca_plot2 <- ggplot(data = m, aes(x = V2, y = V3, color = time)) +
geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 1/2) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = mypalette, breaks = c(0, 1),
labels = NULL) +
labs(title = "PCA 2d time", x = "PC2", y = "PC3")
savePlot(pca_plot2, "PCA_2dplot_PC2_PC3_time.pdf")
pca_plot3 <- ggplot(data = m, aes(x = V1, y = V3, color = time)) +
geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 1/2) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = mypalette, breaks = c(0, 1),
labels = NULL) +
labs(title = "PCA 2d time", x = "PC1", y = "PC3")
savePlot(pca_plot3, "PCA_2dplot_PC1_PC3_time.pdf")
pca_kmeans1 <- ggplot(data = m, aes(x = V1, y = V2, color = cluster)) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1/2, col = selected_colors) +
labs(title = "Kmeans plot", x = "PC1", y = "PC2")
savePlot(pca_kmeans1, "PCA_2dplot_PC1_PC2_kmeans_groups.pdf")
pca_kmeans2 <- ggplot(data = m, aes(x = V1, y = V3, color = cluster)) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1/2, col = selected_colors) +
labs(title = "Kmeans plot", x = "PC1", y = "PC3")
savePlot(pca_kmeans2, "PCA_2dplot_PC1_PC3_kmeans_groups.pdf")
pca_kmeans3 <- ggplot(data = m, aes(x = V2, y = V3, color = cluster)) +
geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 1/2, col = selected_colors) +
labs(title = "Kmeans plot", x = "PC2", y = "PC3")
savePlot(pca_kmeans3, "PCA_2dplot_PC2_PC3_kmeans_groups.pdf")
if (file_type == "list") {
write.table(data.frame(1:K, klaMed$files_names),
paste(reports_folder_name, "medoid_file.csv", sep = ""),
sep = "\t", eol = "\r\n", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = c("medoid", "file_name"))
write.table(data.frame(as.data.frame(file_list), kMeansResult$cluster),
paste(reports_folder_name, "file_cluster_assignment.csv",
sep = ""),
sep = "\t", eol = "\r\n", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = c("file_name", "cluster"))
} else {
write.table(data.frame(1:K, klaMed$files_names),
paste(reports_folder_name, "medoid_frame.csv", sep = ""),
sep = "\t", eol = "\r\n", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = c("medoid", "frame"))
write.table(data.frame(1:dim(trajectory)[3], kMeansResult$cluster),
paste(reports_folder_name, "frame_cluster_assignment.csv",
sep = ""),
sep = "\t", eol = "\r\n",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = c("frame", "cluster"))
for (i in 1:K) {
if (file_type == "list") {
model2pdb(SEQ_all, trajectory_all[ , , klaMed$files_rebuild_indexes[[i]]], bFactM,
paste(medoid_folder_name, "medoid_", i, ".pdb", sep = ""))
} else {
model2pdb(SEQ_all, trajectory_all[ , , klaMed$files_names[[i]]], bFactM,
paste(medoid_folder_name, "medoid_", i, ".pdb", sep = ""))
model2pdb(SEQ, klaMed$cen[[i]], bFact,
paste(centroid_folder_name, "centroid_", i, ".pdb", sep = ""))
if (plots) {
pdf(paste(plots_folder_name, "trajectory.pdf", sep = ""))
par(las = 1)
plot(kol, pch = ".", cex = 3, xlab = "decoy's number", ylab = "cluster",
main = "Mixing trajectories in the clusters")
for (i in 0:1) {
abline(v = i * nDec0, col = 2)
Cmed <- matrix(0, K + 1, K + 1)
for (i in 1:(K - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):K) {
Cmed[i, j] <- rmsd(klaMed$med[[i]][nN:nC, ], klaMed$med[[j]][nN:nC, ])
for (i in 1:K) {
Cmed[i, K + 1] <- rmsd(klaMed$med[[i]][nN:nC, ], YcenRMS[nN:nC, ])
Cmed <- round(Cmed + t(Cmed), 2)
Ccen <- matrix(0, K + 1, K + 1)
for (i in 1:(K - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):K) {
Ccen[i, j] <- rmsd(klaMed$cen[[i]][nN:nC, ], klaMed$cen[[j]][nN:nC, ])
for (i in 1:K) {
Ccen[i, K + 1] <- rmsd(klaMed$cen[[i]][nN:nC, ], YcenRMS[nN:nC, ])
Ccen <- round(Ccen + t(Ccen), 2)
Ccen_med <- matrix(0, K, K)
for (i in 1:K) {
for (j in 1:K) {
Ccen_med[i, j] <- rmsd(klaMed$cen[[i]][nN:nC, ], klaMed$med[[j]][nN:nC, ])
Ccen_med <- round(Ccen_med, 2)
MI <- mutInf(kol, traj)
MM <- cbind(c(1:K), round(klaMed$nClust/klaMed$mRMS, 1), klaMed$nClust,
round(klaMed$mRMS, 2), Cmed[1:K, K + 1], Ccen[1:K, K + 1],
diag(Ccen_med), klaMed$rmsdRef)
MM <- as.data.frame(MM)
colnames(MM) <- c("cluster", "density", "cardinality", "<RMSD>",
"(med_i,cen)", "(cen_i,cen)", "(cen_i,med_i)", "<refRMDS>")
raport_name_csv <- "report.csv"
raport_name_txt <- "report_with_legend.txt"
write.table(MM[order(-MM$density), ],
paste(reports_folder_name, raport_name_csv, sep = ""),
sep = "\t", eol = "\r\n", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
sink(paste(reports_folder_name, raport_name_txt, sep = ""))
cat("Global information")
cat("\nrmsd(cen,med)=", round(rmsd(YcenRMS[nN:nC, ], YmedRMS[nN:nC, ]), 2),
" <RMSD>_cen=", round(mean(rCen), 2))
cat("\nseparability(", K, ")=", round(sepK[K], 2), " Cxy=", round(MI$Cxy, 2),
cat("\nCluster info - (x,y) is a rmsd shortcut(x,y)\n")
savePlot <- function(myPlot, filename) {
pdf(paste(plots_folder_name, filename, sep = ""))
make_centroids_medoids <- function() {
YcenRMS <<- trajectory[, , 1]
nDec <<- dim(trajectory)[3]
nDec0 <<- dim(trajectory)[3]
traj <<- rep(1:1, each = nDec0)
for (iDec in 2:nDec) {
YcenRMS <<- ((iDec - 1) * YcenRMS + trajectory[, , iDec] %*%
rmsdQ(trajectory[nN:nC, , iDec], YcenRMS[nN:nC, ]))/iDec
rCen <<- apply(trajectory, 3, function(Y) rmsd(YcenRMS[nN:nC, ], Y[nN:nC, ]))
YmedRMS <<- trajectory[, , which.min(rCen)]
rMed <- apply(trajectory, 3, function(Y) rmsd(YmedRMS[nN:nC, ], Y[nN:nC, ]))
bFact <<- 0
bFactM <<- 0
for (iDec in 1:nDec) {
Y <- trajectory[, , iDec]
bFact <<- bFact + apply(
(YcenRMS - Y %*% rmsdQ(Y[nN:nC, ], YcenRMS[nN:nC, ]))^2, 1, sum)
bFactM <<- bFactM + apply(
(YmedRMS - Y %*% rmsdQ(Y[nN:nC, ], YmedRMS[nN:nC, ]))^2, 1, sum)
YmedRMS <<- trajectory_all[, , which.min(rCen)]
bFact <- sqrt(bFact/nDec)
bFactM <- sqrt((3*bFact)/(8*pi*pi))
bFactM <- sqrt(bFactM/nDec)
bFactM <- sqrt((3*bFactM)/(8*pi*pi))
write_medoids_centroid <- function() {
model2pdb(SEQ, YcenRMS, bFact,paste(centroid_folder_name, "centroid.pdb",
sep = ""))
model2pdb(SEQ_all, YmedRMS, bFactM, paste(medoid_folder_name, "medoid.pdb",
sep = ""))
col_set<-c("blue", "red")
if (plots) {
pdf(paste(plots_folder_name, "RMSF.pdf", sep = ""))
par(mar = c(6, 6, 6, 6), mgp = c(4.5, 1, 0), las = 1)
matplot(SEQ[, 1], cbind(bFact, bFactM), type = "l", lty = 1,
xlab = "Residue number", ylab = "Prediction of RMSF",
main = "RMSF plot", cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1, col = col_set)
legend("top", legend = c("centroid", "medoid"), lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(2.5,2.5), col = col_set, cex = 0.7, box.lty=0)
pca_reduction <- function() {
Decoys <- matrix(NA, (nC - nN + 1) * 4, nDec)
for (iDec in 1:nDec) {
Y <- trajectory[nN:nC, , iDec]
Y <- prcomp(Y)$x
r2 <- apply(Y^2, 1, sum)
Decoys[, iDec] <- c(r2, as.vector(t(Y) * sign(apply(YcenRMS[nN:nC, ] * Y,
2, sum))))
Decoys <- t(Decoys - apply(Decoys, 1, mean))
ss <<- svd(Decoys, nu = 100, nv = 0)
sig2 <- ss$d^2
cumSig2 <- cumsum(sig2/sum(sig2))
nu <- min(c(which(cumSig2 > 0.99), 100))
Decoys <<- t(t(ss$u[, 1:nu]) * ss$d[1:nu])
k_means <- function() {
if (plots) {
t0 <- sum(diag(var(Decoys) * (nDec - 1)/nDec))
kN <<- 40
for (k in 2:kN) {
kM <- kmeans(Decoys, k, iter.max = 50, nstart = 25,
algorithm = kmeans_algorithm)
t0 <- c(t0, sum(kM$with/nDec))
sepK <<- 1 - t0/t0[1]
pdf(paste(plots_folder_name, "separability.pdf", sep = ""))
plot(1:kN, sepK, type = "l", lty = 1, xlab = "Cluster number",
ylab = "Separability", main = "Separability plot", cex.lab = 1,
cex.main = 1, cex.axis = 1)
ss <- smooth.spline(1:kN, sepK, df = 30)
k_means_cluster <- function() {
d_sepK <- (ss$y[-1] - ss$y[-kN]) * dim(trajectory)[3]
KL <- min(c(which(d_sepK < 10), 20))
KU <- min(c(which(d_sepK < 1), 20))
K <- ceiling((KL + KU)/2)
if (cluster_quantity) {
K <- cluster_quantity
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