
Defines functions heatGrid

Documented in heatGrid

# function to create a custom heatmap using polygons

#' Create heat map
#' Function for a simple heat map with custom limits in base r plotting. The function is a wrapper for the image function
#' @param mat matrix with values to create heatmap for
#' @param xrange the x range in which to plot the grid (vector length 2)
#' @param yrange the y range in which to plot the grid (vector length 2)
#' @param xlimit the x limits of the plot (vector length 2)
#' @param ylimit the y limits of the plot (vector length 2)
#' @param colramp the colors to use for plotting (vector)
#' @param maketicks draw simple x,y axes (logical).
#' @param xticks position of xticks, defaults to \code{pretty}
#' @param yticks posiition of yticks, defaults to \code{pretty}
#' @param makebox draw box line around plot (logical)
#' @param axislwd linewidth to use for ticks and box (numeric)
#' @param locut low threshold on raster values (numeric)
#' @param hicut high threshold on raster values (numeric)
#' @param nacut values outside cutrange are set to NA instead of cut value (logical)
#' @param axisvars list with additional arguments to \code{axis} (named list, not including \code{side},\code{at} or \code{lwd})
#' @param ... other parameters passed to \code{image} function
#' @return plot
#' @export
heatGrid <- function(mat=NULL, xrange=NULL, yrange=NULL, xlimit=NULL, ylimit=NULL,
                     colramp=topo.colors(200), maketicks=T, xticks=NULL, yticks=NULL, makebox=T, axislwd=0.5,
                     locut=NULL, hicut=NULL, nacut=F, axisvars=NULL, ...){
  # setup default data
  testn    <- 25
  trigo    <- cos(seq(0,2*pi,length.out=testn))
  testdata <- do.call(cbind,lapply(1:length(trigo), function(i) abs(rev(sort(rnorm(testn,trigo[i],0.5))))))
  # testdata <- ifelse(testdata>0.2,NA,testdata)
  if (is.null(mat)){mat <- testdata}
  # seq axes sequencing
  if (is.null(xrange)){xrange <- c(1,ncol(mat))}
  if (is.null(yrange)){yrange <- c(1,nrow(mat))}
  xseq <- seq(xrange[1],xrange[2],length.out=ncol(mat))
  yseq <- seq(yrange[1],yrange[2],length.out=nrow(mat))
  # transpose matrix for image function
  pdat <- t(mat[nrow(mat):1,])
  # cut values outside range
  if (!is.null(locut)){
    if (nacut){
      pdat[pdat<=locut] <- NA
      pdat[pdat<=locut] <- locut
  if (!is.null(hicut)){
    if (nacut){
        pdat[pdat>=hicut] <- NA
      pdat[pdat>=hicut] <- hicut
  # set zlimit
  zlimit <- range(mat)
  if (!is.null(locut)){zlimit[1] <- locut}
  if (!is.null(hicut)){zlimit[2] <- hicut}
  # get exact border coordinates
  if (is.null(xlimit)){xlimit <- c(xseq[1]-0.5*diff(xseq[1:2]), tail(xseq,1)+0.5*diff(xseq[1:2]))}
  if (is.null(ylimit)){ylimit <- c(yseq[1]-0.5*diff(yseq[1:2]), tail(yseq,1)+0.5*diff(yseq[1:2]))}
  image(xseq,yseq, pdat, col=colramp, axes=F, xaxs='i', yaxs='i',
        xlim=xlimit, ylim=ylimit, zlim=zlimit,
  if (maketicks){
    if (is.null(xticks)){
      at_x <- pretty(xseq)
      at_x <- xticks
    if (is.null(yticks)){
      at_y <- pretty(yseq)
      at_y <- yticks
    do.call(axis, c(list(side=1, at=at_x, lwd=axislwd), axisvars))
    do.call(axis, c(list(side=2, at=at_y, lwd=axislwd), axisvars))
  if (makebox){


#' @rdname heatGrid
#' @export
pkHeatmap <- heatGrid
kraaijenbrink/pkrf documentation built on July 4, 2023, 10:16 p.m.