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R interface to the National Observatory of Athens weather stations data.

This package is under development.

Data sources


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The noa_get_latest function returns a tibble of the latest weather observations.

# load libraries
#> # A tibble: 306 x 10
#>    station   time  temperature wind_speed humidity pressure wind_speed_max
#>    <chr>     <chr> <chr>       <chr>      <chr>    <chr>    <chr>         
#>  1 AG. PANT~ 18:30 9.6         0          73%      1018     34            
#>  2 AG. PARA~ 18:30 10.9        3          52%      1015     45            
#>  3 AG. PAUL~ 18:30 4.3         6          66%      1015     44            
#>  4 AG.KYRIA~ 18:20 6.9         3          76%      1020     19            
#>  5 AGIA LAR~ 18:20 7.6         10         67%      1015     26            
#>  6 AGIOI TH~ 18:20 10.3        3          77%      1015     35            
#>  7 AGIOS NI~ 18:20 13.2        2          54%      1020     48            
#>  8 AGRINIO   18:20 8.1         2          79%      1016     15            
#>  9 ATHENA-N~ 18:30 12.6        0          42%      1017     37            
#> 10 AIGINA    18:20 11.8        3          55%      1012     31            
#> # ... with 296 more rows, and 3 more variables: temp_low <chr>, temp_high
#> #   <chr>, precipitation <chr>

kvantas/noar documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:11 p.m.