
#' @title hcr
#' @description 
#' Harvest Control Rule, calculates F, or Total Allowable Catch (TAC) based on a hockey stock harvest control rule.
#' @param object an object of class \code{FLStock} or
#' @param ... other parameters, i.e.
#' params \code{FLPar} object with hockey stick HCR parameters, see hcrParam
#' yr numeric vector with years used to values in HCR
#' byr numeric vector with years used for bounds
#' hyr numeric vector with years to use in projection
#' tac \code{logical} should return value be TAC rather than F?
#' bndF \code{vector} with bounds (i.e.min and max values) on iter-annual variability on  F
#' bndTac \code{vector} with bounds (i.e. min and max values) on iter-annual variability on TAC
#' @return \code{FLPar} object with value(s) for F or TAC if tac==TRUE
#' @export
#' @rdname hcrFlstock
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bd   =sim()
#' bd=window(bd,end=29)
#' for (i in seq(29,49,1))
#' bd=fwd(bd,harvest=hcr(bd,byr=i,yrs=i+1)$hvt)
#' }
# setMethod('hcr', signature(object='FLStock',refs='FLBRP'),
#  function(object,refs, 
#            hpar=hcrParam(ftar =0.70*refpts(refs)["msy",'harvest'],
#                          btrig=0.80*refpts(refs)["msy",'ssb'],
#                          fmin =0.01*refpts(refs)["msy",'harvest'],
#                          blim =0.40*refpts(refs)["msy",'ssb']),
#            yr =max(as.numeric(dimnames(catch(object))$year))-1,
#            byr=yr,
#            hyr=yr+2:4,
#            sr.residuals=FLQuant(1,dimnames=list(year=hyr)),
#            tac   =FALSE,
#            tacMn =TRUE,
#            bndF  =NULL, #c(1,Inf), #not needed as fmin and maxF sort this
#            bndTac=NULL, #c(1,Inf), #absolute
#            iaF   =TRUE,            #relative
#            iaTac =TRUE,            #relative
#            maxF  =2,
#            bEr   =NULL,
#            tEr   =NULL,
#            params=NULL,
#            ref   =stock.n(refs)[,1],
#            mdd   =FALSE,
#            matdd =FALSE,  
#            ...) {
#   ## HCR use hockey stick in yr to set F
#   dimnames(hpar)$params=tolower(dimnames(hpar)$params)
#   hpar=as(hpar,'FLQuant')  
#   #if (blim>=btrig) stop('btrig must be greater than blim')
#   a=(hpar['ftar']-hpar['fmin'])/(hpar['btrig']-hpar['blim'])
#   b=hpar['ftar']-a*hpar['btrig']
#   ## Calc F
#   # bug
#   #val=(SSB%*%a) %+% b
#   bNow=FLCore::apply(ssb(object)[,ac(yr)],6,mean)
#   if (!is.null(bEr))
#     bNow=bNow*rlnorm(1,0,bEr)
#   rtn=(bNow%*%a)  
#   rtn=FLCore::sweep(rtn,2:6,b,'+')
#   # set all iter
#   fmin=as(hpar['fmin'],'FLQuant')
#   ftar=as(hpar['ftar'],'FLQuant')
#   for (i in seq(dims(object)$iter)){
#     FLCore::iter(rtn,i)[]=max(FLCore::iter(rtn,i),FLCore::iter(fmin,i))
#     FLCore::iter(rtn,i)[]=min(FLCore::iter(rtn,i),FLCore::iter(ftar,i))} 
#   dimnames(rtn)$year=hyr[1]
#   #dimnames(rtn)$year=min(hyr)  
#   if (length(hyr)>1){
#     rtn=window(rtn,end=max(hyr))
#     rtn[,ac(hyr)]=rtn[,ac(min(hyr))]}
#   ### Bounds ##################################################################################
#   ## F
#   if (!is.null(bndF)){  
#       ref=FLCore::apply(harvest(object)[,ac(byr-1)],6,mean)
#       rtn[,ac(min(hyr))]=qmax(rtn[,ac(min(hyr))],ref*bndF[1])
#       rtn[,ac(min(hyr))]=qmin(rtn[,ac(min(hyr))],ref*bndF[2])
#       if (length(hyr)>1)        
#         for (i in hyr[-1]){
#           if (iaF){
#             rtn[,ac(i)]=qmax(rtn[,ac(i)],rtn[,ac(i-1)]*bndF[1])
#             rtn[,ac(i)]=qmin(rtn[,ac(i)],rtn[,ac(i-1)]*bndF[2])
#           }else{
#             rtn[,ac(i)]=rtn[,ac(i-1)]}
#       if (!is.null(maxF)) rtn=qmin(rtn,maxF)}}
#   #hvt=rtn
#    ## TAC
#    if (tac){
#       #object=fwd(object,harvest=harvest(object)[,ac(min(as.numeric(hyr)-1))])
#       #object=fwd(object,f=fbar(object)[,ac(min(as.numeric(hyr)-1))],sr=eq)
#       rtn   =catch(fwd(object, f=rtn, sr=refs))[,ac(hyr)]                                  
#       if (!is.null(bndTac)){  
#         ref=FLCore::apply(catch(object)[,ac(byr)],6,mean)
#         rtn[,ac(min(hyr))]=qmax(rtn[,ac(min(hyr))],ref*bndTac[1])
#         rtn[,ac(min(hyr))]=qmin(rtn[,ac(min(hyr))],ref*bndTac[2])
#         if (length(hyr)>1)        
#           for (i in hyr[-1]){
#             if (iaTac){
#               rtn[,ac(i)]=qmax(rtn[,ac(i)],rtn[,ac(i-1)]*bndTac[1])
#               rtn[,ac(i)]=qmin(rtn[,ac(i)],rtn[,ac(i-1)]*bndTac[2])
#             }else{
#               rtn[,ac(i)]=rtn[,ac(i-1)]}}
#       }
#       if (tacMn) rtn[]=c(apply(rtn,3:6,mean))}
#       if (!is.null(tEr))
#         rtn=rtn*rlnorm(1,0,tEr)
#       if (tac)
#         res=fwd(object,catch=rtn,sr=refs,sr.residuals=sr.residuals)
#       else 
#         res=fwd(object,    f=rtn,sr=refs,sr.residuals=sr.residuals)
#       if (mdd|matdd){
#         for (i in dimnames(rtn)$year){ 
#           scl=(stock.n(res)[,i]%-%scale)%/%scale
#           if(mdd){
#              m(res)[,i]=mdd(exp(log(stock.wt(res)[,i]%/%params["a"])%/%log(params["b"])),params[c("m1","m2","ddm")],scale=scl)
#              }
#           if(matdd)
#              mat(res)[,i]=matdd(ages(m(res)[,i]),params[c("a50","ato95","asym","ddmat")],scale=scl) 
#           if (tac) 
#              res=fwd(res,catch=rtn[i],sr=refs,sr.residuals=sr.residuals)
#            else
#              res=fwd(res,    f=rtn,sr=refs,sr.residuals=sr.residuals)
#           }
#       }  
#      res})
#   #matdd(age,params,scale)
#   #mdd(wt,params,scale) 
laurieKell/mpb documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 9:47 p.m.