
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: LB


# Define inputs and outputs
main_folder = '//'
country_code = c('PHL')

main_folder = '//'
country_code = c('ITA')

gadm_level = 2
phrice_outfolder = file.path(main_folder,'raster')
outputs_folder = "D:/Temp/PhenoRice/Processing/IT/Outputs/2013/Validate/"		# Folder where to put results of this processing
out_mod_grid_df_file = file.path(outputs_folder,'out_df_modgrid_.RData')
refmap_file= '//'

#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
# Initialize: setup input/output files and folders
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#

in_phrice_file = list.files(phrice_outfolder, glob2rx('*Full_Out*dat'),full.names  = TRUE)

grid_folder = file.path(outputs_folder,'GRIDs')   #save the grid here
grid_resolutions = c(231.656358,2084.907, 5096.432, 10192.864,20385.73 )		# Resolution of output grids
grid_shapes <- c('Grid_MODIS_250','Grid_2Km','Grid_5Km','Grid_10Km','Grid_20Km')		 #this is the grid name

dir.create(outputs_folder, recursive = T)
out_repro_raster= file.path(outputs_folder,'Reference','Reproj','Reference_Map_SIN.tif')
dir.create(dirname(out_repro_raster), recursive = T)

in_phrice_file_small = file.path(outputs_folder,'Input','Clipped','Phenorice_Clipped.tif')
in_phrice_file_small_vrt= file.path(outputs_folder,'Input','Clipped','Phenorice_Clipped.vrt')
dir.create(dirname(in_phrice_file_small),recursive = T)

out_grid_rasters = file.path(outputs_folder,'Temporary',paste(grid_shapes,'_raster_HR.tiff',sep = ''))
grid_fullnames = paste(grid_folder,'/',grid_shapes,'.shp',sep = '')
out_grid_df_files = file.path(outputs_folder,paste('out_df_',grid_shapes,'.RData', sep = ''))
out_grid_shp_files = file.path(outputs_folder,paste('out_shp_',grid_shapes,'.shp', sep = ''))

#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
#  Load Phenorice map and retrieve projection and extent
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
phrice_map = raster(in_phrice_file)
in_proj = proj4string(phrice_map)
ext_phrice_map = extent(phrice_map)

#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
#  Load reference map and define the extent
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
refmap = raster(refmap_file)

#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
# Reproject the reference raster map to MODIS projection
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
  in_ref = raster(refmap_file)
  in_ref_proj = proj4string(in_ref)
  if(file.exists(out_repro_raster) ==	FALSE) {
    ref_reproj = gdalwarp(refmap_file,out_repro_raster, s_srs = in_ref_proj, t_srs = in_proj,
                          r = "near",of = 'GTiff', overwrite = 	T, srcnodata = 255, dstnodata = 255,ot = 'Byte', output_Raster = TRUE)
    ext_ref_repr = extent(ref_reproj)
    res_ref_reproj = res(ref_reproj)
  } else {
    ref_reproj = raster(out_repro_raster)
    ext_ref_repr = extent(ref_reproj)
    res_ref_reproj = res(ref_reproj)


  #- ----------------------		---	--------------------------------------------------- -#
  #  Clip phenorice output on extent of reference map, using tap to avoid moving the corner
  #- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#

  gdalbuildvrt(in_phrice_file, in_phrice_file_small_vrt, tr = c(231.656358,231.656358), te = c(bbox(ext_ref_repr)), tap = TRUE)
  GdalTranslate  =  gdal_translate(in_phrice_file_small_vrt, in_phrice_file_small, overwrite = TRUE)
  in_phrice_clipped = raster(in_phrice_file_small)
  grid_extent = extent(in_phrice_clipped)

  #- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
  # Create the regular grids (MODIS + 2,5,10,20 K) if needed
  #- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#

    for (gr_res in seq(along = grid_fullnames)) {

      LB_Create_pol_grid = function(in_raster_file, out_res, out_folder, out_name_shp,grid_extent){

        rast<- raster(in_raster_file)
        #	bb <- bbox(rast)                          # Define Bounding box
        cs <- c(out_res,out_res)  # cell size. To be set by hand!

        cc <- c(grid_extent@xmin,grid_extent@ymin) + (cs/2)  # cell offset   # move 1/2 pixel if necessary

        # compute number of cells per direction
        if (cs < 300) {				# needed to avoid that larger grids cover only one portion of the area --> so, add a row/coulmn for larger grids
          cd <- c(dim(rast)[2],dim(rast)[1])
        } else {
          cd <- ceiling(c(((grid_extent@xmax-grid_extent@xmin)/cs[1]),((grid_extent@ymax-grid_extent@ymin)/cs[2])))
        grd <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=cc, cellsize=cs, cells.dim=cd)   # Define grd characteristics

        #transform to spatial grid
        sp_grd <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd,
        #	browser()
        sp_polygons = as(sp_grd, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")#create the shape
        print('Creating MODIS Grid - Please Wait !')
        writeOGR(sp_polygons,dsn = out_folder, layer =out_name_shp,driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = T) #save the shapefile

      if(file.exists(grid_fullnames[gr_res]) == FALSE) {
        LB_Create_pol_grid(in_phrice_clipped , grid_resolutions[gr_res],grid_folder, grid_shapes[gr_res],grid_extent)

    } #End Cycle on gr_res

  #- ---------------------	--------------------------------------------------------- -#
  # If not already existing, Rasterize polygons on the extent of the reference map, at a resolution
  # equal to that of the reference map. For each pixel, values of this raster correspond to a
# unique identifier of the cell of the  ERMES grid to which the pixel belongs
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#

	for (cycle in seq(along = grid_shapes)) {

		if (cycle == 1) {

			if (file.exists(out_grid_rasters[cycle]) == FALSE){
				dir.create(dirname(out_grid_rasters[cycle]) ,recursive = T)
				raster_grid = gdal_rasterize(grid_fullnames[cycle],out_grid_rasters[cycle],a = "id", output_Raster = T,
						te = c(ext_ref_repr@xmin, (ext_ref_repr@ymin+res_ref_reproj[1]),(ext_ref_repr@xmax-res_ref_reproj[1]), (ext_ref_repr@ymax)), ot = 'UInt32',tr = res_ref_reproj, tap = T, of = 'GTiff')

#- --------------			------		---		--		--------------------------------------------- -#
# Compute the percentage area classified as rice for each pixel
#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#

			# Get the values of t		 "du				 r				r of cells codes
			raster_cells <- new("GDALReadOnlyDataset", out_grid_rasters[cycle])
			data_raster_cells = getRasterData(raster_cells)
			dim(data_raster_cells) = dim(data_raster_cells)[1]*dim(data_raster_cells)[2]

			# Get the values of the "reference map
			ref_map <- new("GDALReadOnlyDataset",out_repro_raster)
			ref_map_data = getRasterData(ref_map)
			dim(ref_map_data) = dim(ref_map_data)[1]*dim(ref_map_data)[2]

			# Create a Data.table with two columns. First column taken from the cell_codes raster - tells to which cell each pixel correspond
			# Second column taken from the reference rice map (0 or 1)
#			browser()
			cells_dt = data.table(id=data_raster_cells,value = ref_map_data )
			setkey(cells_dt, id)  # Set a indexing key to increase speed of zonal statistics computation

			# Compute the aggregated Reference Map values for each cell of the ERMES grid - average, stdev, min, max and n? of pixels in each cell
			aggregate_reference_values = cells_dt[, list(ref_rice_fc = mean(value, na.rm = T),

							n_cells = as.numeric(length(which(is.finite(value) == T & value == 1)))
					), by = key(cells_dt)]

			aggregate_reference_values = aggregate_reference_values[id != 0 ]

			#- ---				--------------			----		--		--------------------------------------------- -#
			# Retrieve necessary data from the 		enorice output rasters
			#- --------------------------------		--------------------------------------------- -#

			rice_rast = new("GDALReadOnlyDataset", in_phrice_file_small)
			data_rice = getRasterData(rice_rast)

			data_nrice = data_rice[,,1]  ; dim(data_nrice) = dim(data_nrice)[1]*dim(data_nrice)[2]
			mins_q1 = data_rice[,,2] ; dim(mins_q1) = dim(mins_q1)[1]*dim(mins_q1)[2]
			mins_q2 = data_rice[,,3] ; dim(mins_q2) = dim(mins_q2)[1]*dim(mins_q2)[2]
			mins_q3 = data_rice[,,4] ; dim(mins_q3) = dim(mins_q3)[1]*dim(mins_q3)[2]
			mins_q4 = data_rice[,,5] ; dim(mins_q4) = dim(mins_q4)[1]*dim(mins_q4)[2]
			maxs_q1 = data_rice[,,6] ; dim(maxs_q1) = dim(maxs_q1)[1]*dim(maxs_q1)[2]
			maxs_q2 = data_rice[,,7] ; dim(maxs_q2) = dim(maxs_q2)[1]*dim(maxs_q2)[2]
			maxs_q3 = data_rice[,,8] ; dim(maxs_q3) = dim(maxs_q3)[1]*dim(maxs_q3)[2]
			maxs_q4 = data_rice[,,9] ; dim(maxs_q4) = dim(maxs_q4)[1]*dim(maxs_q4)[2]
			soss_q1 = data_rice[,,14] ; dim(soss_q1) = dim(soss_q1)[1]*dim(soss_q1)[2]
			soss_q2 = data_rice[,,15] ; dim(soss_q2) = dim(soss_q2)[1]*dim(soss_q2)[2]
			soss_q3 = data_rice[,,16] ; dim(soss_q3) = dim(soss_q3)[1]*dim(soss_q3)[2]
			soss_q4 = data_rice[,,17] ; dim(soss_q4) = dim(soss_q4)[1]*dim(soss_q4)[2]
			flows_q1 = data_rice[,,34] ; dim(flows_q1) = dim(flows_q1)[1]*dim(flows_q1)[2]
			flows_q2 = data_rice[,,35] ; dim(flows_q2) = dim(flows_q2)[1]*dim(flows_q2)[2]
			flows_q3 = data_rice[,,36] ; dim(flows_q3) = dim(flows_q3)[1]*dim(flows_q3)[2]
			flows_q4 = data_rice[,,37] ; dim(flows_q4) = dim(flows_q4)[1]*dim(flows_q4)[2]


			phrice_res_df = read.dbf(file.path(grid_folder,paste(grid_shapes[cycle],'.dbf', sep = '')))
			phrice_res_df = data.frame(id = phrice_res_df$id)
			phrice_res_df$n_seasons = as.numeric(data_nrice)
			phrice_res_df$min_q1 = as.numeric(mins_q1)
			phrice_res_df$min_q2 = as.numeric(mins_q2)
			phrice_res_df$min_q3 = as.numeric(mins_q3)
			phrice_res_df$min_q4 = as.numeric(mins_q4)
			phrice_res_df$max_q1 = as.numeric(maxs_q1)
			phrice_res_df$max_q2 = as.numeric(maxs_q2)
			phrice_res_df$max_q3 = as.numeric(maxs_q3)
			phrice_res_df$max_q4 = as.numeric(maxs_q4)
			phrice_res_df$sos_q1 = as.numeric(soss_q1)
			phrice_res_df$sos_q2 = as.numeric(soss_q2)
			phrice_res_df$sos_q3 = as.numeric(soss_q3)
			phrice_res_df$sos_q4 = as.numeric(soss_q4)
			phrice_res_df$flow_q1 = as.numeric(flows_q1)
			phrice_res_df$flow_q2 = as.numeric(flows_q2)
			phrice_res_df$flow_q3 = as.numeric(flows_q3)
			phrice_res_df$flow_q4 = as.numeric(flows_q4)
			phrice_res_df [phrice_res_df == 0 ] = NA
			phrice_res_df$min_q1 [which(phrice_res_df$min_q1 >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$min_q2 [which(phrice_res_df$min_q2  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$min_q3 [which(phrice_res_df$min_q3  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$min_q4 [which(phrice_res_df$min_q4  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$max_q1 [which(phrice_res_df$max_q1 >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$max_q2 [which(phrice_res_df$max_q2  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$max_q3 [which(phrice_res_df$max_q3  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$max_q4 [which(phrice_res_df$max_q4  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$sos_q1 [which(phrice_res_df$sos_q1 >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$sos_q2 [which(phrice_res_df$sos_q2  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$sos_q3 [which(phrice_res_df$sos_q3  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$sos_q4 [which(phrice_res_df$sos_q4  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$flow_q1 [which(phrice_res_df$flow_q1 >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$flow_q2 [which(phrice_res_df$flow_q2  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$flow_q3 [which(phrice_res_df$flow_q3  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$flow_q4 [which(phrice_res_df$flow_q4  >= 400 )] = NA
			phrice_res_df$length_q1 = (phrice_res_df$max_q1+365)-(phrice_res_df$min_q1+365)
			phrice_res_df$length_q2 = (phrice_res_df$max_q2+365)-(phrice_res_df$min_q2+365)
			phrice_res_df$length_q3 = (phrice_res_df$max_q3+365)-(phrice_res_df$min_q3+365)
			phrice_res_df$length_q4 = (phrice_res_df$max_q4+365)-(phrice_res_df$min_q4+365)


			#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
			# Get all the retrieved datasets and put them in a single data frame and save outputs
			#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#

			out_df_modgrid = data.frame(id = aggregate_reference_values$id, ncells = aggregate_reference_values$n_cells,
					ref_rice_fc = aggregate_reference_values$ref_rice_fc)

			out_df_modgrid = join(out_df_modgrid,phrice_res_df, by = 'id', type = 'left' )
			is.na(out_df_modgrid) <- do.call(cbind,lapply(out_df_modgrid, is.infinite))  # Convert Infinite to NA
			is.na(out_df_modgrid) <- do.call(cbind,lapply(out_df_modgrid, is.nan))
			# Compute the ricearea form the percentage of rice area+ncells+resolution of reference map + compute
			# total non-nodata area of the pixel
			out_df_modgrid$ref_ricearea = out_df_modgrid$ref_rice_fc*out_df_modgrid$ncells*(res(ref_reproj)[1]^2)
			out_df_modgrid$tot_cellarea = out_df_modgrid$ncells*(res(ref_reproj)[1]^2)

			# Download, load and reproject GADM boundaries
			# (gadm shapefiles have been used instead of RData since gdal_rasterize needs them)
			cat('Download and reproject GADM boundaries...\n')
			gadm_shp_url <- paste0('http://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/gadm2/shp/',country_code,'_adm.zip')
			gadm_shape_dir <- file.path(outputs_folder,'gadm',basename(file_path_sans_ext(gadm_shp_url)))
			dir.create(gadm_shape_dir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
			if (!file.exists(paste0(gadm_shape_dir,'.zip'))) {download.file(gadm_shp_url,paste0(gadm_shape_dir,'.zip'))}
			gadm_shape_name = paste0(country_code,'_adm',gadm_level,'_sinu.shp')
			if (!file.exists(gadm_shape_name)) {unzip(paste0(gadm_shape_dir,'.zip'), exdir=gadm_shape_dir)}
			if (!file.exists(file.path(gadm_shape_dir,gadm_shape_name))) {
				ogr2ogr(file.path(gadm_shape_dir,gsub('_sinu','',gadm_shape_name)), file.path(gadm_shape_dir,gadm_shape_name),
						f='ESRI Shapefile', s_srs='EPSG:4326', t_srs=in_proj)
			in_shape_admin_reproj <- readOGR(gadm_shape_dir,file_path_sans_ext(gadm_shape_name))

			centroids = getSpPPolygonsLabptSlots(readOGR(grid_folder,grid_shapes[cycle]))	# get coordinates of centroids of each 250m cell
			centroids = SpatialPoints(centroids,proj4string =  CRS(in_proj)) # convert to spatialpoints
			admin_cells = over(centroids,in_shape_admin_reproj)

			admin_cells = admin_cells [,c("ISO","ID_1","NAME_1")]
			admin_cells$id = phrice_res_df$id
			out_df_modgrid = join(out_df_modgrid,admin_cells, by = 'id', type = 'left' )  # join to total df the info on Region and Province

			# SAve the outputs
			save(out_df_modgrid, file = out_mod_grid_df_file)		# Save the RData table
#			out_shp_dbf = data.frame(id = phrice_res_df$id)			# Retrieve cell ids from the "empty grid
#			out_shp_dbf = join(out_shp_dbf,out_df_modgrid, by = 'id', type = 'left' )  # join the info using id as base
##			write.dbf(out_shp_dbf, file.path(grid_folder,paste(grid_shapes[cycle],'.dbf', sep = ''))) # overwrite the dbf table of the MOD 250m grid shapefile

		} else { # end of 1st cycle

			#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#
			#  Cycle on the other grids --> For each resolution grid, create a data frame in which
			# the information relative to the id of the "coarse" resolution cell to which each MODIS
			# pixel belongs is added to the data frame of "outputs" created befor (out_df_modgrid)
			#- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#

					big_grid = readOGR(grid_folder,grid_shapes[cycle])	# read the shapefile of the grid
					# Do an intersect between the centroids of the 250 grid and the big grid--> Identidy the id of the big
					# grid for each cell of the 250 m one
					cells_on_big_grid = over(centroids,big_grid)
					names(cells_on_big_grid)[1] = 'id_big'
					cells_on_big_grid$id = phrice_res_df$id   # add the id of the 250 m grid
					cells_on_big_grid = cells_on_big_grid[which(is.finite(cells_on_big_grid$id_big) == TRUE),]  # remove useless cells
					cells_on_big_grid = data.table(cells_on_big_grid)	# create a data table to be used for tabulate areas
					setkey(cells_on_big_grid, 'id_big')	# set the key--> id of the coarse resolution
					comp_dt = join(cells_on_big_grid,out_df_modgrid, by = 'id', type = 'left')	# join the data taken from the mod_grid_data frame
					setkey(comp_dt, 'id_big')
					save(comp_dt, file = out_grid_df_files[cycle])

#	Compute aggregated values on the big grid cells

		} #End else on cycle = 1

	} #En
lbusett/phenoriceR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:17 p.m.