
Defines functions tergmprepare

Documented in tergmprepare

#' Prepare data structure for TERGM estimation, including composition change
#' Prepare data structure for TERGM estimation, including composition change.
#' This is a helper function that adjusts the dimensions of networks or
#' covariates within a given time step to each other by removing nodes that are
#' not present across all objects within a time step or by adding nodes where
#' they are missing (and simultaneously adding entries to a list of structural
#' zero matrices to indicate their absence). It is not necessary to have
#' identical (numbers of) nodes across time steps as long as the dimensions of
#' the matrices, networks, and vectors match cross-sectionally within time
#' steps, given that temporal dependency terms like memory are interpreted as
#' dyadic covariates in a given time step. This helper function also creates
#' these dyadic covariate data structures for some of the custom temporal model
#' terms, such as \code{memory} and \code{delrecip}. Leifeld, Cranmer and
#' Desmarais (2018) contain additional details on composition change, dimension
#' adjustment of matrices, and temporal dependencies. Note that this function
#' should not normally be used by the end user. It is automatically called
#' internally by the estimation functions to make the dimensions of all objects
#' conformable to each other for estimation. Use this function only for
#' diagnostic purposes!
#' @param formula The original formula provided by the user, given the data
#'   structures in the workspace.
#' @param offset Indicates whether absent nodes should be added where they are
#'   missing (\code{offset = TRUE}) or removed where they are not missing
#'   (\code{offset = FALSE}).
#' @param blockdiag Should the time steps be arranged in a blockdiagonal matrix
#'   for use with MCMC-MLE or Bayesian estimation (\code{blockdiag = TRUE}), or
#'   should they be kept as items in a list for use with \code{\link{btergm}}
#'   (\code{blockdiag = FALSE})?
#' @param verbose Report details about dimension adjustment?
#' @return A list with the following slots:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lhs.original}{A character object containing the original name of the
#'     object on the left-hand side of the formula provided by the user. This is
#'     saved here because the formula is manipulated such that the left-hand
#'     side of the formula contains a new item \code{networks[[i]]}.}
#'   \item{networks}{The list of networks on the left-hand side of the formula
#'     after dimension adjustment, or a blockdiagonal network representing the
#'     left-hand side of the formula after dimension adjustment if argument
#'     \code{blockdiag = TRUE} was used.}
#'   \item{num.vertices}{The maximum number of nodes of any time point after
#'     adjustment of dimensions.}
#'   \item{directed}{Are the networks directed?}
#'   \item{bipartite}{Are the networks bipartite?}
#'   \item{form}{The formula after manipulation and adjustment of the data,
#'     including \code{networks[[i]]} on the left-hand side and an added offset
#'     covariate on the right-hand side of the formula, in addition to added
#'     indices for the covariate terms.}
#'   \item{time.steps}{The number of time steps of the dataset.}
#'   \item{rhs.terms}{The right-hand side of the formula after adjustment, as
#'     a vector of \code{character} objects representing the terms.}
#'   \item{covnames}{A \code{character} vector containing the names of the
#'     objects in which the networks and covariates are stored, according to the
#'     manipulated formula. This includes \code{"networks"} (for the left-hand
#'     side of the formula) and all objects containing exogenous covariates on
#'     the right-hand side of the formula after manipulation.}
#'   \item{...}{Each of the covariates mentioned in the slot \code{covnames} is
#'     stored as an element of the list, either as a list of matrices or
#'     networks (if \code{blockdiag = FALSE}) or as a matrix or network object
#'     (if \code{blockdiag = TRUE}).}
#'   \item{auto.adjust}{Did the function have to adjust the dimensions of the
#'     networks or covariates at all?}
#'   \item{nvertices}{A matrix containing the number of nodes in the rows and
#'     columns of each object at each time step, after adjustment.}
#'   \item{offsmat}{A list of offset covariate matrices or a large blockdiagonal
#'     offset covariate matrix containing structural zeros. If
#'     \code{offset = FALSE}, this matrix or list of matrices will contain only
#'     zeros. If \code{offset = TRUE}, they will contain ones where nodes were
#'     absent in the original data.}
#' }
#' @author Philip Leifeld
#' @importFrom network is.network
#' @export
tergmprepare <- function(formula, offset = TRUE, blockdiag = FALSE,
    verbose = TRUE) {
  # extract response networks and make sure they are saved in a list
  l <- list()
  l$lhs.original <- deparse(formula[[2]])  # for reporting purposes later on
  l$networks <- eval(parse(text = deparse(formula[[2]])),
      envir = environment(formula))
  if ("list" %in% class(l$networks) || "network.list" %in% class(l$networks)) {
    # do nothing
  } else {
    l$networks <- list(l$networks)

  # convert list elements to matrices if unknown data type
  for (i in 1:length(l$networks)) {
    if (!is.network(l$networks[[i]]) && !is.matrix(l$networks[[i]]) && !"list" %in% class(l$networks[[i]])) {
          l$networks[[i]] <- as.matrix(l$networks[[i]])
        error = function(cond) {
          stop(paste("Object", i, "could not be converted to a matrix."))

  # extract additional information
  l$num.vertices <- max(sapply(l$networks, function(x)
      network::get.network.attribute(network::network(x), "n")))  # number nodes
  if (is.network(l$networks[[1]])) {
    l$directed <- network::is.directed(l$networks[[1]])  # directed?
    l$bipartite <- network::is.bipartite(l$networks[[1]])  # bipartite?
  } else {
    if (is.mat.directed(as.matrix(l$networks[[1]]))) {
      l$directed <- TRUE
    } else {
      l$directed <- FALSE
    if (is.mat.onemode(as.matrix(l$networks[[1]]))) {
      l$bipartite <- FALSE
    } else {
      l$bipartite <- TRUE

  # adjust and disassemble formula
  l$form <- update.formula(formula, networks[[i]] ~ .)
  l$time.steps <- length(l$networks)
  tilde <- deparse(l$form[[1]])
  lhs <- deparse(l$form[[2]])
  rhs <- paste(deparse(l$form[[3]]), collapse = "")  # for long formulae
  rhs <- gsub("\\s+", " ", rhs)

  # parse rhs of formula and add indices to edgecov and dyadcov terms
  rhsterms <- strsplit(rhs, "\\s*\\+\\s*")[[1]]
  if (length(rhsterms) > 1) {  # 'transform' in 'timecov' may contain '+'
    for (i in length(rhsterms):2) {
      leftbracketmatches <- gregexpr("\\(", rhsterms[i])[[1]]
      leftbracketmatches <- leftbracketmatches[leftbracketmatches != -1]
      leftbracketmatches <- length(leftbracketmatches)
      rightbracketmatches <- gregexpr("\\)", rhsterms[i])[[1]]
      rightbracketmatches <- rightbracketmatches[rightbracketmatches != -1]
      rightbracketmatches <- length(rightbracketmatches)
      if (leftbracketmatches != rightbracketmatches) {
        rhsterms[i - 1] <- paste(rhsterms[i - 1], rhsterms[i], sep = " + ")
        rhsterms <- rhsterms[-i]
  l$rhs.terms <- rhsterms
  rhs.operators <- rep("+", length(l$rhs.terms) - 1)

  # preprocess dyadcov and edgecov terms, memory terms, and timecov terms
  covnames <- character()
  for (k in 1:length(l$rhs.terms)) {
    if (grepl("((edge)|(dyad))cov", l$rhs.terms[k])) {  # edgecov or dyadcov

      # split up into components
      if (grepl(",\\s*?((attr)|\\\")", l$rhs.terms[k])) { # with attrib arg.
        s <- "((?:offset\\()?((edge)|(dyad))cov\\()([^\\)]+)((,\\s*a*.*?)\\)(?:\\))?)"
      } else { # without attribute argument
        s <- "((?:offset\\()?((edge)|(dyad))cov\\()([^\\)]+)((,*\\s*a*.*?)\\)(?:\\))?)"
      x1 <- sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE)  # before the covariate
      x2 <- sub(s, "\\5", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE)  # name of the cov.
      if (grepl("\\[.*\\]", x2)) {
       stop(paste0("Covariate names are not allowed to have indices: ", x2,
           ". Please prepare a list object before estimation."))
      if (grepl("^\"", x2)) next  # ignore built-in matrices b/c conformable
      x3 <- sub(s, "\\6", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE)  # after the covariate
      x.current <- eval(parse(text = x2), envir = environment(formula))
      type <- class(x.current)[1]
      l$covnames <- c(l$covnames, x2)
      l[[x2]] <- x.current
      if (grepl("\\[i\\]+$", x2)) {
        stop(paste0("Error in the following model term: ", l$rhs.terms[k],
            ". The index 'i' is used internally by btergm. Please use a ",
            "different index, for example 'j'."))

      # add brackets if necessary, convert to list, and reassemble rhs term
      if (grepl("[^\\]]\\]$", x2)) {
        # time-varying covariate with given indices (e.g., formula[1:5])
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- paste0(x1, x2, x3)
        if (type %in% c("matrix", "network", "dgCMatrix", "dgTMatrix",
            "dsCMatrix", "dsTMatrix", "dgeMatrix")) {
          x.current <-list(x.current)
          l[[x2]] <- x.current
        if (length(x.current) != l$time.steps) {
          stop(paste(x2, "has", length(x.current), "elements, but there are",
              l$time.steps, "networks to be modeled."))
        if (blockdiag == TRUE) {
          # do not add brackets
        } else {
          x2 <- paste0(x2, "[[i]]")
      } else if (type %in% c("matrix", "network", "dgCMatrix", "dgTMatrix",
          "dsCMatrix", "dsTMatrix", "dgeMatrix")) {
        # time-independent covariate
        if (!type %in% c("matrix", "network")) {
          x.current <- as.matrix(x.current)
        l[[x2]] <- list()
        for (i in 1:l$time.steps) {
          l[[x2]][[i]] <- x.current
        if (blockdiag == TRUE) {
          # do not add brackets
        } else {
          x2 <- paste0(x2, "[[i]]")
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- paste(x1, x2, x3, sep = "")
      } else if (type == "list" || type == "network.list") {
        # time-varying covariate
        if (length(x.current) != l$time.steps) {
          stop(paste(x2, "has", length(get(x2)), "elements, but there are",
              l$time.steps, "networks to be modeled."))
        if (blockdiag == TRUE) {
          # do not add brackets
        } else {
          x2 <- paste0(x2, "[[i]]")
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- paste0(x1, x2, x3)
      } else {  # something else --> try to convert to matrix list
            l[[x2]] <- list(rep(as.matrix(x.current)), l$time.steps)
          error = function(cond) {
            stop(paste0("Object '", x2,
                "' could not be converted to a matrix."))
    } else if (grepl("memory", l$rhs.terms[k])) {  # memory terms

      # extract type argument
      s <- "(?:memory\\((?:.*type\\s*=\\s*)?(?:\"|'))(\\w+)(?:(\"|').*\\))"
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        type <- "stability"
      } else {
        type <- sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE)

      # extract lag argument
      s <- "(?:memory\\(.*lag\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)(?:.*\\))"
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        lag <- 1
      } else {
        lag <- as.integer(sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE))
      if (lag > length(l$networks) - 1) {
        stop("The 'lag' argument in the 'memory' term is too large.")

      # process dependent list of networks
      mem <- l$networks[-(length(l$networks):(length(l$networks) - lag + 1))]
      mem <- lapply(mem, as.matrix)
      memory <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(mem)) {
        if (type == "autoregression") {
          memory[[i]] <- mem[[i]]
        } else if (type == "stability") {
          mem[[i]][mem[[i]] == 0] <- -1
          memory[[i]] <- mem[[i]]
        } else if (type == "innovation") {
          memory[[i]] <- mem[[i]]
          memory[[i]][mem[[i]] == 0] <- 1
          memory[[i]][mem[[i]] == 1] <- 0
        } else if (type == "loss") {
          memory[[i]] <- mem[[i]]
          memory[[i]][mem[[i]] == 0] <- 0
          memory[[i]][mem[[i]] == 1] <- -1
        } else {
          stop("'type' argument in the 'memory' term not recognized.")

      # re-introduce as edgecov and name of model term including brackets
      l[["memory"]] <- memory
      if (blockdiag == TRUE) {
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- "edgecov(memory)"
      } else {
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- "edgecov(memory[[i]])"
      l$covnames <- c(l$covnames, "memory")
    } else if (grepl("delrecip", l$rhs.terms[k])) {  # delayed reciprocity

      # extract mutuality argument
      s <- "(?:delrecip\\((?:.*mutuality\\s*=\\s*)?)((TRUE)|(FALSE)|T|F)(?:.*\\))"
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        mutuality <- FALSE
      } else {
        mutuality <- as.logical(sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE))

      # extract lag argument
      s <- "(?:delrecip\\(.*lag\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)(?:.*\\))"  # get lag
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        lag <- 1
      } else {
        lag <- as.integer(sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE))
      if (lag > length(l$networks) - 1) {
        stop("The 'lag' argument in the 'delrecip' term is too large.")

      # process dependent list of networks
      dlr <- l$networks[-(length(l$networks):(length(l$networks) - lag + 1))]
      dlr <- lapply(dlr, function(x) t(as.matrix(x)))
      delrecip <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(dlr)) {
        delrecip[[i]] <- dlr[[i]]
        if (mutuality == TRUE) {
          delrecip[[i]][dlr[[i]] == 0] <- -1

      # re-introduce as edgecov and name of model term including brackets
      l[["delrecip"]] <- delrecip
      if (blockdiag == TRUE) {
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- "edgecov(delrecip)"
      } else {
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- "edgecov(delrecip[[i]])"
      l$covnames <- c(l$covnames, "delrecip")
    } else if (grepl("timecov", l$rhs.terms[k])) {  # time covariate

      # extract x argument
      s <- "(?:timecov\\((?:.*x\\s*=\\s*)?)(\\w+)(?:.*\\))"
      if (sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE) %in% c("minimum",
          "maximum", "transform", "min", "max", "trans")) {
        s <- "(?:timecov\\(?:.*x\\s*=\\s*)(\\w+)(?:.*\\))"

      # ensure there are no duplicate model term names
      countprevtc <- 1
      if (k > 1) {
        for (i in (k - 1):1) {
          if (grepl("timecov", l$rhs.terms[i])) {
            countprevtc <- countprevtc + 1
      if (countprevtc > 0) {
        countprevtc <- as.character(countprevtc)
      } else {
        countprevtc <- ""
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        x <- NULL
        label <- paste0("timecov", countprevtc)
      } else {
        x <- sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE)
        label <- paste0("timecov", countprevtc, ".", x)

      # extract minimum argument
      s <- "(?:timecov\\(.*minimum\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)(?:.*\\))"
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        minimum <- 1
      } else {
        minimum <- as.integer(sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE))

      # extract maximum argument
      s <- "(?:timecov\\(.*maximum\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)(?:.*\\))"
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        maximum <- l$time.steps
      } else {
        maximum <- as.integer(sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE))

      # extract transform argument
      s <- "(?:timecov\\(.*transform\\s*=\\s*)(.+?)(?:(?:,|\\)$)]*.*)"
      if (grepl(s, l$rhs.terms[k]) == FALSE) {
        transform <- function(t) t
      } else {
        transform <- eval(parse(text = sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k],
            perl = TRUE)))

      # process dependent list of networks
      if (is.null(x)) {
        covariate <- l[["networks"]]
        onlytime <- TRUE
      } else {
        onlytime <- FALSE
        covariate <- get(x)
      tc <- timecov(covariate = covariate, minimum = minimum,
        maximum = maximum, transform = transform, onlytime = onlytime)

      # re-introduce as edgecov and name of model term including brackets
      l[[label]] <- tc
      labelsuffix <- sub(s, "\\1", l$rhs.terms[k], perl = TRUE)
      labelsuffix <-
      if (blockdiag == TRUE) {
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- paste0("edgecov(", label, ")")
      } else {
        l$rhs.terms[k] <- paste0("edgecov(", label, "[[i]])")
      l$covnames <- c(l$covnames, label)

      # reporting
      if (verbose == TRUE) {
        timecovreporting <- matrix(sapply(tc, function(x) mean(x[1, 2])),
            nrow = 1)
        colnames(timecovreporting) <- paste0("t=", 1:length(l$networks))
        rownames(timecovreporting) <- ""
        message("Mean transformed timecov values:")
  l$covnames <- c("networks", l$covnames)

  # fix different lengths of DV/covariate lists due to temporal dependencies
  lengths <- sapply(l$covnames, function(cn) length(l[[cn]]))
  mn <- max(lengths)
  if (length(table(lengths)) > 1) {
    mn <- min(lengths)
    l$time.steps <- mn
    for (i in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
      cn <- l$covnames[[i]]
      ll <- l[[cn]]
      difference <- length(ll) - mn
      if (difference > 0) {
        l[[cn]] <- ll[(difference + 1):length(ll)]
  t.end <- max(lengths)
  t.start <- t.end - mn + 1

  # determine and report initial dimensions of networks and covariates
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    if (length(l$covnames) > 1) {
      dimensions <- lapply(lapply(l$covnames, function(x) l[[x]]),
          function(y) sapply(y, function(z) dim(as.matrix(z))))
      rownames(dimensions[[1]]) <- paste(l$lhs.original, c("(row)", "(col)"))
      for (i in 2:length(dimensions)) {
        rownames(dimensions[[i]]) <- c(paste(l$covnames[i], "(row)"),
            paste(l$covnames[i], "(col)"))
      dimensions <- do.call(rbind, dimensions)
      colnames(dimensions) <- paste0("t=", t.start:t.end) #1:length(l$networks))
      message("\nInitial dimensions of the network and covariates:")
    } else {
      message("\nNo covariates provided.")

  # determine whether covariate dimensions need to be automatically adjusted
  l$auto.adjust <- FALSE
  if (length(l$covnames) > 1) {
    # check number of rows and columns
    nr <- lapply(lapply(l$covnames, function(x) l[[x]]),
        function(y) sapply(y, function(z) nrow(as.matrix(z))))
    nr <- do.call(rbind, nr)
    nc <- lapply(lapply(l$covnames, function(x) l[[x]]),
        function(y) sapply(y, function(z) ncol(as.matrix(z))))
    nc <- do.call(rbind, nc)
    for (i in 1:ncol(nr)) {
      if (length(unique(nr[, i])) > 1) {
        l$auto.adjust <- TRUE
    for (i in 1:ncol(nc)) {
      if (length(unique(nc[, i])) > 1) {
        l$auto.adjust <- TRUE
    if (verbose == TRUE && l$auto.adjust == TRUE) {
       message(paste("\nDimensions differ across networks within time steps."))
    # check if labels are present
    if (l$auto.adjust == TRUE) {
      for (i in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
        for (t in 1:l$time.steps) {
          if (is.null(rownames(as.matrix(l[[l$covnames[i]]][[t]]))) ||
              is.null(colnames(as.matrix(l[[l$covnames[i]]][[t]])))) {
            stop(paste0("The dimensions of the covariates differ, but ",
                "covariate '", l$covnames[i],
                " does not have node labels at t = ", t,
                ". Automatic adjustment of dimensions is therefore not ",
    # check if there are different labels despite identical dimensions
    if (l$auto.adjust == FALSE) {
      for (t in 1:l$time.steps) {
        rlabels.i <- list()
        clabels.i <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
          rlabels.i[[i]] <- rownames(as.matrix(l[[l$covnames[i]]][[t]]))
          clabels.i[[i]] <- colnames(as.matrix(l[[l$covnames[i]]][[t]]))
        rlabels.i <- do.call(rbind, rlabels.i)
        clabels.i <- do.call(rbind, clabels.i)
        flag <- FALSE
        if (!is.null(rlabels.i)) {
          for (j in 1:ncol(rlabels.i)) {
            if (length(unique(rlabels.i[, j])) > 1) {
              l$auto.adjust <- TRUE
              flag <- TRUE
        if (!is.null(clabels.i)) {
          for (j in 1:ncol(clabels.i)) {
            if (length(unique(clabels.i[, j])) > 1) {
              l$auto.adjust <- TRUE
              flag <- TRUE
      if (verbose == TRUE && flag == TRUE) {
        message(paste("\nSame dimensions but different labels across",
            "networks within time steps."))
  if (verbose == TRUE && l$auto.adjust == TRUE) {
    message("Trying to auto-adjust the dimensions of the networks. ",
        "If this fails, provide conformable matrices or network objects.")
  } else if (verbose == TRUE) {
    message("\nAll networks are conformable.")

  # do mutual adjustment of networks and covariates at each time step
  structzero.df <- data.frame(label = character(), time = integer(),
      object = character(), where = character())
  if (length(l$covnames) > 0 && l$auto.adjust == TRUE) {
    for (i in 1:l$time.steps) {
      for (j in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
        for (k in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
          if (j != k) {
            nw.j <- l[[l$covnames[j]]][[i]]
            rn.j <- rownames(as.matrix(nw.j))
            cn.j <- colnames(as.matrix(nw.j))
            nr.j <- nrow(as.matrix(nw.j))
            nc.j <- ncol(as.matrix(nw.j))
            nw.k <- l[[l$covnames[k]]][[i]]
            rn.k <- rownames(as.matrix(nw.k))
            cn.k <- colnames(as.matrix(nw.k))
            nr.k <- nrow(as.matrix(nw.k))
            nc.k <- ncol(as.matrix(nw.k))
            if (is.null(rn.j) || is.null(cn.j)) {
              stop(paste0("Missing row or column labels in object '",
                  l$covnames[j], "'. Provide row and column ",
                  "labels for all networks and covariates."))
            } else if (is.null(rn.k) || is.null(cn.k)) {
              stop(paste0("Missing row or column labels in object '",
                  l$covnames[k], "'. Provide row and column ",
                  "labels for all networks and covariates."))
            } else {
              if (is.null(rn.j) && !is.null(rn.k) && nr.j == nr.k) {
                if (is.network(nw.j)) {
                  network::set.vertex.attribute(nw.j, "vertex.names", rn.k)
                } else {
                  rownames(nw.j) <- rn.k
              } else if (is.null(rn.k) && !is.null(rn.j) && nr.j == nr.k) {
                if (is.network(nw.k)) {
                  network::set.vertex.attribute(nw.k, "vertex.names", rn.j)
                } else {
                  rownames(nw.k) <- rn.j
              } else if ((is.null(rn.k) || is.null(rn.j)) && nr.j != nr.k) {
                stop(paste0("Object '", l$covnames[j],
                    "' is incompatible with object '", l$covnames[k],
                    "' at t = ", i, "."))
              # adjust j to k
              nw.j.labels <- adjust(nw.j, nw.k, remove = FALSE,
                  value = 1, returnlabels = TRUE)
              nw.j <- adjust(nw.j, nw.k, remove = FALSE, value = 1)
              l[[l$covnames[j]]][[i]] <- nw.j
              ro <- nw.j.labels$added.row
              co <- nw.j.labels$added.col
              if (length(ro) > 0) {
                ro <- data.frame(label = ro, time = rep(i, length(ro)),
                    object = rep(l$covnames[j], length(ro)),
                    where = rep("row", length(ro)))
                structzero.df <- rbind(structzero.df, ro)
              if (length(co) > 0) {
                co <- data.frame(label = co, time = rep(i, length(co)),
                    object = rep(l$covnames[j], length(co)),
                    where = rep("col", length(co)))
                structzero.df <- rbind(structzero.df, co)
              # adjust k back to j
              nw.k.labels <- adjust(nw.k, nw.j, remove = FALSE,
                  value = 1, returnlabels = TRUE)
              nw.k <- adjust(nw.k, nw.j, remove = FALSE, value = 1)
              l[[l$covnames[k]]][[i]] <- nw.k
              ro <- nw.k.labels$added.row
              co <- nw.k.labels$added.col
              if (length(ro) > 0) {
                ro <- data.frame(label = ro, time = rep(i, length(ro)),
                    object = rep(l$covnames[j], length(ro)),
                    where = rep("row", length(ro)))
                structzero.df <- rbind(structzero.df, ro)
              if (length(co) > 0) {
                co <- data.frame(label = co, time = rep(i, length(co)),
                    object = rep(l$covnames[j], length(co)),
                    where = rep("col", length(co)))
                structzero.df <- rbind(structzero.df, co)

  # check whether all dimensions are cross-sectionally conformable now
  nr.net <- sapply(l$networks, function(x) nrow(as.matrix(x)))
  for (i in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
    nr <- sapply(l[[l$covnames[i]]], function(x) {
    for (j in 1:l$time.steps) {
      if (nr[j] != nr.net[j]) {
        stop(paste0("Covariate object '", l$covnames[i],
            "' does not have the same number of rows as the dependent ",
            "network at time step ", j, "."))
  nc.net <- sapply(l$networks, function(x) ncol(as.matrix(x)))
  for (i in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
    nc <- sapply(l[[l$covnames[i]]], function(x) {
    for (j in 1:l$time.steps) {
      if (nc[j] != nc.net[j]) {
        stop(paste0("Covariate object '", l$covnames[i],
            "' does not have the same number of columns as the dependent ",
            "network at time step ", j, "."))

  # reporting
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    if (l$auto.adjust == TRUE) {
      sz.row <- unique(structzero.df[structzero.df$where == "row", -3])
      szrownum <- numeric(length(l$networks))
      for (i in 1:length(l$networks)) {
        szrownum[i] <- nrow(sz.row[sz.row$time == i, ])
      sz.col <- unique(structzero.df[structzero.df$where == "col", -3])
      szcolnum <- numeric(length(l$networks))
      for (i in 1:length(l$networks)) {
        szcolnum[i] <- nrow(sz.col[sz.col$time == i, ])
      totrow <- sapply(l$networks, function(x) nrow(as.matrix(x)))
      totcol <- sapply(l$networks, function(x) ncol(as.matrix(x)))
      if (offset == TRUE) {
        dimensions <- rbind(totrow, totcol, szrownum, szcolnum,
            totrow - szrownum, totcol - szcolnum)
        rownames(dimensions) <- c("total number of rows",
            "total number of columns", "row-wise structural zeros",
            "column-wise structural zeros", "remaining rows",
            "remaining columns")
      } else {
        dimensions <- rbind(szrownum, szcolnum, totrow - szrownum,
            totcol - szcolnum)
        rownames(dimensions) <- c("maximum deleted nodes (row)",
            "maximum deleted nodes (col)", "remaining rows",
            "remaining columns")
      colnames(dimensions) <- paste0("t=", t.start:t.end)
      if (nrow(structzero.df) > 0) {
        if (offset == TRUE) {
          message("\nNodes affected completely by structural zeros:")
        } else {
          message("\nAbsent nodes:")
        szcopy <- structzero.df
        szcopy$time <- szcopy$time - 1 + t.start  # correct lagged starting time
      } else {
        message("\nAll nodes are retained.")

      message("\nNumber of nodes per time step after adjustment:")

  l$nvertices <- sapply(l$networks, function(x) c(nrow(as.matrix(x)),
  rownames(l$nvertices) <- c("row", "col")
  colnames(l$nvertices) <- paste0("t=", t.start:t.end)

  # create list of offset matrices (required both for offset and node removal)
  l$offsmat <- list()
  for (i in 1:l$time.steps) {
    mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(as.matrix(l$networks[[i]])),
        ncol = ncol(as.matrix(l$networks[[i]])))
    rownames(mat) <- rownames(as.matrix(l$networks[[i]]))
    colnames(mat) <- colnames(as.matrix(l$networks[[i]]))
    l$offsmat[[i]] <- mat
  if (nrow(structzero.df) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(structzero.df)) {
      if (structzero.df$where[i] == "row") {
        index <- which(rownames(l$offsmat[[structzero.df$time[i]]]) ==
        l$offsmat[[structzero.df$time[i]]][index, ] <- 1
      } else {
        index <- which(colnames(l$offsmat[[structzero.df$time[i]]]) ==
        l$offsmat[[structzero.df$time[i]]][, index] <- 1

  # offset preparation or node removal for MPLE
  if (offset == TRUE) {
    # add offset to formula and reassemble formula
    l$rhs.terms[length(l$rhs.terms) + 1] <- "offset(edgecov(offsmat[[i]]))"
    rhs.operators[length(rhs.operators) + 1] <- "+"
  } else {
    # delete nodes with structural zeros
    if (l$auto.adjust == TRUE) {
      if (l$bipartite) {
        l$offsmat <- lapply(l$offsmat, function(x) {
          x_ind <- which(apply(x, 1, function(y) all(y == 1)))
          y_ind <- which(apply(x, 2, function(y) all(y == 1)))
          if (length(x_ind) > 0 && length(y_ind) > 0) {
            x[-x_ind, -y_ind]
          } else if (length(x_ind) > 0) {
            x[-x_ind, ]
          } else if (length(y_ind) > 0) {
            x[, -y_ind]
          } else {
      } else {
        l$offsmat <- suppressMessages(handleMissings(l$offsmat, na = 1, method = "remove"))
      for (j in 1:length(l$covnames)) {
        l[[l$covnames[j]]] <- adjust(l[[l$covnames[j]]], l$offsmat)

  # determine and report initial dimensions of networks and covariates
  if (verbose == TRUE && length(l$covnames) > 1) {
    dimensions <- lapply(lapply(l$covnames, function(x) l[[x]]),
        function(y) sapply(y, function(z) dim(as.matrix(z))))
    rownames(dimensions[[1]]) <- paste(l$lhs.original, c("(row)", "(col)"))
    for (i in 2:length(dimensions)) {
      rownames(dimensions[[i]]) <- c(paste(l$covnames[i], "(row)"),
          paste(l$covnames[i], "(col)"))
    dimensions <- do.call(rbind, dimensions)
    colnames(dimensions) <- paste0("t=", t.start:t.end) #1:length(l$networks))
    message("\nDimensions of the network and covariates after adjustment:")

  # assemble formula
  rhs <- l$rhs.terms[1]
  if (length(rhs.operators) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(rhs.operators)) {
      rhs <- paste(rhs, rhs.operators[i], l$rhs.terms[i + 1])
  f <- paste(lhs, tilde, rhs)
  l$form <- as.formula(f, env = environment())  # l$form <- as.formula(f)

  # for mtergm estimation using MCMC: create block-diagonal matrices
  if (blockdiag == TRUE) {
    if (l$bipartite == TRUE) {
      stop(paste("MCMC estimation is currently only supported for one-mode",
          "networks. Use the btergm function instead."))
    # also save formula without time indices for ergm estimation
    l$form <- update.formula(l$form, networks ~ .)
    l$form <- paste(deparse(l$form), collapse = "")
    l$form <- paste(l$form, "+ offset(edgecov(offsmat))")
    l$form <- as.formula(l$form, env = environment())
    # make covariates block-diagonal
    if (length(l$covnames) > 1) {
      for (j in 2:length(l$covnames)) {
        l[[l$covnames[j]]] <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(
            l[[l$covnames[j]]], as.matrix)))
    # create block-diagonal offset matrix and merge with existing offsmat term
    l$offsmat <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(l$offsmat))  # make block-diagonal
    bdoffset <- lapply(l$networks, as.matrix)
    for (i in 1:length(bdoffset)) {
      bdoffset[[i]][, ] <- 1
    bdoffset <- as.matrix((Matrix::bdiag(bdoffset) - 1) * -1)  # off-diagonal
    l$offsmat <- l$offsmat + bdoffset
    l$offsmat[l$offsmat > 0] <- 1
    # make dependent network block-diagonal
    if (is.network(l$networks[[1]])) {  # network
      attrnames <- network::list.vertex.attributes(l$networks[[1]])
      attributes <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(l$networks)) {
        attrib <- list()
        for (j in 1:length(attrnames)) {
          attrib[[j]] <- network::get.vertex.attribute(l$networks[[i]],
        attributes[[i]] <- attrib
        l$networks[[i]] <- as.matrix(l$networks[[i]])
      l$networks <- network::network(as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(l$networks)),
          directed = l$directed, bipartite = l$bipartite)
      for (i in 1:length(attrnames)) {  # collate attributes and merge back in
        attrib <- unlist(lapply(attributes, function(x) x[[i]]))
        network::set.vertex.attribute(l$networks, attrnames[i], attrib)
    } else {  # matrix
      l$networks <- network::network(as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(l$networks)),
          directed = l$directed, bipartite = l$bipartite)
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      cat("\n")  # to get a blank line before the MCMC MLE output starts
  # convert formula back to character object because environment invalid anyway
  form3 <- paste(deparse(l$form[[3]]), collapse = "")  # for long formulae
  form3 <- gsub("\\s+", " ", form3)
  l$form <- paste(deparse(l$form[[2]]), deparse(l$form[[1]]), form3)
  return(l)  # return the environment with all the data
leifeld/btergm documentation built on April 3, 2024, 4:49 a.m.