
This Shiny app demonstrates the use of custom image files in place of icons for value boxes in Shiny Dashboard.


Libraries like font awesome and glyphicon cannot be expected to provide a substantial suite of icons tailored to probability and statistics or many other subjects. Examples here use custom icons for inspiration, which are simply tiny png files of native R plots, included in the apputils package.


Custom image file icons are made possible by overriding two functions: icon from the shiny package and valueBox from the shinydashboard package with new versions in apputils. Each function adds minimal, specific additional handling of image files. Note that custom css must be included so that value boxes can display the icons. apputils includes this CSS when you call use_apputils in the UI code of your app.

For more information, see the package help documentation. Also consult the package website. There is also a blog post regarding these icons.

leonawicz/apputils documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:38 a.m.