
Defines functions geom_boxploth

Documented in geom_boxploth

#' Horizontal box and whiskers plot.
#' Horizontal version of \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_boxplot}()}.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::geom_boxplot
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::geom_point
#' @param outlier.colour,outlier.color,outlier.shape,outlier.size,outlier.stroke
#'   Default aesthetics for outliers. Set to \code{NULL} to inherit from the
#'   aesthetics used for the box.
#'   In the unlikely event you specify both US and UK spellings of colour, the
#'   US spelling will take precedence.
#' @eval rd_aesthetics("geom", "boxploth")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library("ggplot2")
#' # With ggplot2 we need coord_flip():
#' ggplot(mpg, aes(class, hwy, fill = factor(cyl))) +
#'   geom_boxplot() +
#'   coord_flip()
#' # With ggstance we use the h-suffixed version:
#' ggplot(mpg, aes(hwy, class, fill = factor(cyl))) +
#'   geom_boxploth()
#' # With facets ggstance horizontal layers are often the only way of
#' # having all ggplot features working correctly, for instance free
#' # scales:
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   Group = factor(rep(1:3, each = 4), labels = c("Drug A", "Drug B", "Control")),
#'   Subject = factor(rep(1:6, each = 2), labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F")),
#'   Result = rnorm(12)
#' )
#' ggplot(df, aes(Result, Subject))+
#'   geom_boxploth(aes(fill = Group))+
#'   facet_grid(Group ~ ., scales = "free_y")
geom_boxploth <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
                          stat = "boxploth", position = "dodge2v",
                          outlier.colour = NULL,
                          outlier.color = NULL,
                          outlier.fill = NULL,
                          outlier.shape = 19,
                          outlier.size = 1.5,
                          outlier.stroke = 0.5,
                          outlier.alpha = NULL,
                          notch = FALSE,
                          notchwidth = 0.5,
                          varwidth = FALSE,
                          na.rm = FALSE,
                          show.legend = NA,
                          inherit.aes = TRUE) {

  # varwidth = TRUE is not compatible with preserve = "total"
  if (is.character(position)) {
    if (varwidth == TRUE) position <- position_dodge2v(preserve = "single")
  } else {
    if (identical(position$preserve, "total") & varwidth == TRUE) {
      warning("Can't preserve total widths when varwidth = TRUE.", call. = FALSE)
      position$preserve <- "single"

    data = data,
    mapping = mapping,
    stat = stat,
    geom = GeomBoxploth,
    position = position,
    show.legend = show.legend,
    inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
    params = list(
      outlier.colour = outlier.color %||% outlier.colour,
      outlier.fill = outlier.fill,
      outlier.shape = outlier.shape,
      outlier.size = outlier.size,
      outlier.stroke = outlier.stroke,
      outlier.alpha = outlier.alpha,
      notch = notch,
      notchwidth = notchwidth,
      varwidth = varwidth,
      na.rm = na.rm,

#' @rdname ggstance-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @include legend-draw.R
#' @export
GeomBoxploth <- ggproto("GeomBoxploth", Geom,
  setup_data = function(data, params) {
    data$width <- data$width %||%
      params$width %||% (resolution(data$y, FALSE) * 0.9)

    if (!is.null(data$outliers)) {
        out_min <- vapply(data$outliers, min, numeric(1))
        out_max <- vapply(data$outliers, max, numeric(1))

      data$xmin_final <- pmin(out_min, data$xmin)
      data$xmax_final <- pmax(out_max, data$xmax)

    # if `varwidth` not requested or not available, don't use it
    if (is.null(params) || is.null(params$varwidth) || !params$varwidth || is.null(data$relvarwidth)) {
      data$ymin <- data$y - data$width / 2
      data$ymax <- data$y + data$width / 2
    } else {
      # make `relvarwidth` relative to the size of the largest group
      data$relvarwidth <- data$relvarwidth / max(data$relvarwidth)
      data$ymin <- data$y - data$relvarwidth * data$width / 2
      data$ymax <- data$y + data$relvarwidth * data$width / 2
    data$width <- NULL
    if (!is.null(data$relvarwidth)) data$relvarwidth <- NULL


  draw_group = function(data, panel_params, coord, fatten = 2,
                        outlier.colour = NULL, outlier.fill = NULL,
                        outlier.shape = 19,
                        outlier.size = 1.5, outlier.stroke = 0.5,
                        outlier.alpha = NULL,
                        notch = FALSE, notchwidth = 0.5, varwidth = FALSE) {

    common <- data.frame(
      colour = data$colour,
      size = data$size,
      linetype = data$linetype,
      fill = alpha(data$fill, data$alpha),
      group = data$group,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    whiskers <- data.frame(
      y = data$y,
      yend = data$y,
      x = c(data$xupper, data$xlower),
      xend = c(data$xmax, data$xmin),
      alpha = NA,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    box <- data.frame(
      ymin = data$ymin,
      ymax = data$ymax,
      xmin = data$xlower,
      x = data$xmiddle,
      xmax = data$xupper,
      ynotchlower = ifelse(notch, data$notchlower, NA),
      ynotchupper = ifelse(notch, data$notchupper, NA),
      notchwidth = notchwidth,
      alpha = data$alpha,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    if (!is.null(data$outliers) && length(data$outliers[[1]] >= 1)) {
      outliers <- data.frame(
        x = data$outliers[[1]],
        y = data$y[1],
        colour = outlier.colour %||% data$colour[1],
        fill = outlier.fill %||% data$fill[1],
        shape = outlier.shape %||% data$shape[1],
        size = outlier.size %||% data$size[1],
        stroke = outlier.stroke %||% data$stroke[1],
        fill = NA,
        alpha = outlier.alpha %||% data$alpha[1],
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      outliers_grob <- GeomPoint$draw_panel(outliers, panel_params, coord)
    } else {
      outliers_grob <- NULL

    ggname("geom_boxploth", grobTree(
      GeomSegment$draw_panel(whiskers, panel_params, coord),
      GeomCrossbarh$draw_panel(box, fatten = fatten, panel_params, coord)

  draw_key = draw_key_boxploth,

  default_aes = aes(weight = 1, colour = "grey20", fill = "white", size = 0.5,
    alpha = NA, shape = 19, linetype = "solid"),

  required_aes = c("y", "xlower", "xupper", "xmiddle", "xmin", "xmax")
lionel-/ggstance documentation built on May 24, 2024, 12:15 p.m.