
#' scrapWikipediaAirportsTable
#' get airport table data from wikipedia
#' @param url a wikipedia airport table url
#' @import xml2
#' @import rvest
#' @import purrr
#' @import data.table
#' @return a data.table with IATA, ICAO, Airport name, location served, time
#' DST and wikipedia url
#' @export
#' @seealso https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airports_by_IATA_code:_B
#' @examples 
#' scrapWikipediaAirportsTable(
#'    url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airports_by_IATA_code:_A'
#'    )
scrapWikipediaAirportsTable <- function(url){
        ## Test if login & password are provided
                stop('A wikipedia url is required')
        message(paste0('... scrapping : ',url))
        ## Get the information in the table as a data.table
        ## -- remove the lines of separation - XX -
        result <- url %>%
                read_html() %>%
                html_nodes(xpath = '/html/body/div[3]/div[3]/div[4]/div/table') %>%
                html_table() %>% rbindlist()
        result <- result[!grepl(pattern = "-", IATA)]
        ## Get the links to the airport pages
        ## -- we need a function to convert missing links to NA
        ## -- this should work off the shelves in rvest but it doesn't
        ## -- use purrr instead
        zero_to_na <- function(x) { ifelse( length(x) == 0, NA, x) }
        ## -- -- get all the cells of the thirs column
        myLinks <- url %>%
                read_html() %>%
                html_nodes( xpath="/html/body/div[3]/div[3]/div[4]/div/table/tbody/*/td[3]")
        ## -- -- map to chr using function to convert 0 lenght answer to NA
        links <- map_chr(myLinks, ~zero_to_na(html_attr(html_nodes(., xpath="./a[1]"), "href")))
        ## add both data
        result[ , url := paste0('https://en.wikipedia.org',links)]
        result[ is.na(links), url := NA ]
        if(length(names(result)) == 7) {
                names(result) <- c("airport.iata",
                result[  , airport.country := gsub(pattern = "^(.*),[1-9]{0,1} (.*)$", replacement = "\\2", x = location.served) ]
                result <- result[ , .(airport.iata, airport.icao, airport.name,
                                      location.served, airport.country,
                                      airport.time, airport.dst, airport.wikipedia.url)
        } else {
                names(result) <- c("airport.iata",
                result[  , airport.country := gsub(pattern = "^(.*),[1-9]{0,1} (.*)$", replacement = "\\2", x = location.served) ]
                result <- result[ , .(airport.iata, airport.icao, airport.name,
                                      location.served, airport.country,
longwei66/flightR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:35 a.m.