
options(warn = -1)
# route messages to output in the server
if (!interactive()) sink(stderr(), type = "output")

animationmethod <- animation.method()
translation.fil <- paste0(translation.dir(), "/translation.bin")
cat(paste0("preparation> Translation file loaded from: ", tools::file_path_as_absolute(translation.fil), " (", NROW(translation), " items)"), "\n")
cat("preparation> end\n")

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {


  values <- reactiveValues(
    origdata = NULL, plotdata = NULL, clickdata = NULL, idscreated = NULL,
    optimizegraphs = NULL, locale = Sys.getlocale()

  default.values <- list(
    textMain = "Main title",
    textY = "Y-axis",
    textX = "X-axis",
    colObservedLines = "default",
    colObservedPoints = "default",
    colEpidemicStart = "default",
    colEpidemicStop = "default",
    colThresholds = "default",
    colLevels = "default",
    colSeasons = "default",
    colEpidemic = "default",
    yaxis0 = TRUE,
    method = 2,
    param = list(value = 2.8, min = 0.5, max = 10, step = 0.1),
    nvalues = -1,
    ntails = list(value = 1, min = 1, max = 2, step = 1),
    typethreshold = 5,
    typeintensity = 6,
    levelintensitym = list(value = 40, min = 0.5, max = 99.5, step = 0.5),
    levelintensityh = list(value = 90, min = 0.5, max = 99.5, step = 0.5),
    levelintensityv = list(value = 97.5, min = 0.5, max = 99.5, step = 0.5),
    validation = "cross",
    optimmethod = "matthews",
    paramrange = list(value = c(1, 5), min = 0.1, max = 10, step = 0.1),
    typecurve = 2,
    typeother = 3,
    levelaveragecurve = list(value = 95.0, min = 0.5, max = 99.5, step = 0.5),
    centering = -1,
    showadvanced = TRUE,
    advanced = FALSE,
    showexperimental = FALSE,
    experimental = FALSE,
    processdata = TRUE,
    preepidemicthr = TRUE,
    postepidemicthr = FALSE,
    intensitythr = TRUE,
    transformation = 1,
    loesspan = list(min = 0.05, max = 1, value = 0.50, step = 0.05),
    movavgweeks = list(min = 1, max = 5, value = 3, step = 1),
    waves = 1,
    twowavesproportion = list(min = 0, max = 100, value = 15, step = 5),
    numberwaves = list(value = 0, min = 0, max = NA, step = 1),
    wavesseparation = list(value = 1, min = 0, max = NA, step = 1),
    wavesparam1 = list(value = 3, min = 0.5, max = 10, step = 0.1),
    wavesparam2 = list(value = 2, min = 0.5, max = 10, step = 0.1),
    smregressionoptimum = TRUE,
    smregressionsmoothing = list(min = 0.1, max = 5, value = 1, step = 0.1),
    transfpositive = FALSE


  trloc <- function(i.text, i.trans = F) {
    txtres <- as.character(sapply(i.text, function(s) {
      o.text <- tail(translation[translation$original == s, input$language])
      if (NROW(o.text) != 1) o.text <- s
      if ( o.text <- s
    }, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
    if (i.trans) txtres <- stringi::stri_trans_general(txtres, "Latin-ASCII")

  plotSeasons <- function(,
                            i.pre.epidemic = TRUE,
                   = TRUE,
                            i.epidemic.thr = NA,
                            i.intensity = TRUE,
                            i.intensity.thr = NA,
                            i.range.x = NA,
                            i.range.y = NA,
                            i.tickmarks = 30,
                            i.textMain = "",
                            i.textX = "",
                            i.textY = "",
                            i.colObservedPoints = "#000000",
                            i.colSeasons = NA,
                            i.colThresholds = c("#8c6bb1", "#88419d", "#810f7c", "#4d004b", "#c0c0ff"),
                   = F,
                            ...) {
    if (is.null( {
      p <- NULL
    } else {
      if (any( i.colSeasons <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(max(3, min(8, NCOL(, "Accent"))(NCOL(
      if (any( | !is.numeric(i.range.x) | length(i.range.x) != 2) i.range.x <- c(min(as.numeric(rownames([1:(min(3, NROW(])), max(as.numeric(rownames([(max(1, NROW( - 2)):NROW(])))
      if (i.range.x[1] < 1) i.range.x[1] <- 1
      if (i.range.x[1] > 52) i.range.x[1] <- 52
      if (i.range.x[2] < 1) i.range.x[2] <- 1
      if (i.range.x[2] > 52) i.range.x[2] <- 52
      if (i.range.x[1] == i.range.x[2]) i.range.x[2] <- i.range.x[2] - 1
      if (i.range.x[2] == 0) i.range.x[2] <- 52
      # Input scheme numbering
      week.f <- i.range.x[1]
      week.l <- i.range.x[2]
      last.week <- 52
      if (week.f > week.l) {
        i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = c(week.f:last.week, 1:week.l), = 1:(last.week - week.f + 1 + week.l))
      } else {
        i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = week.f:week.l, = 1:(week.l - week.f + 1))

      if (NCOL( > 1) {
        epi <- memmodel(,
          i.seasons = NA,
        if (!is.null(epi)) {
          epidata <- epi$data
          epiindex <-$season.indexes[, , 1])
          rownames(epiindex) <- rownames(epidata)
          colnames(epiindex) <- colnames(epidata)
          epithresholds <- epi$epidemic.thresholds
          intthresholds <- epi$intensity.thresholds
 <-[names( %in% names(epidata)]
        } else {
          epidata <-
          epiindex <-
          epiindex[!] <- 1
          epithresholds <- NA
          intthresholds <- NA
      } else {
        # I need the epi object to extract the data dataframe, which includes the original data + filled missing data and
        # the timing (which would be extracted with memtiming also)
        epi <- memmodel(cbind(,,
          i.seasons = NA,
        if (!is.null(epi)) {
          epidata <- epi$data[1]
          epiindex <-$season.indexes[, 1, 1])
          rownames(epiindex) <- rownames(epidata)
          colnames(epiindex) <- colnames(epidata)
          epithresholds <- NA
          intthresholds <- NA
 <-[names( %in% names(epidata)]
        } else {
          epidata <-
          epiindex <-
          epiindex[!] <- 1
          epithresholds <- NA
          intthresholds <- NA

      # To have continuity between seasons I have to inflate original data to the global squeme. That's it: If
      # original data format is from 40 to 20, the inflated data would be 30 to 29, so that when a season ends
      # at 29, next one will start at 30 and there would be continuity between both

      data.full <-
      data.full$week.lab <- rownames(data.full)
      data.full <- merge(data.full, i.range.x.values, by = "week.lab", all.y = T)
      data.full <- data.full[order(data.full$, ]
      row.names(data.full) <- data.full$week.lab
      data.full$week.lab <- NULL
      data.full$ <- NULL

      data.full.epi <- epidata
      data.full.epi$week.lab <- rownames(data.full.epi)
      data.full.epi <- merge(data.full.epi, i.range.x.values, by = "week.lab", all.y = T)
      data.full.epi <- data.full.epi[order(data.full.epi$, ]
      row.names(data.full.epi) <- data.full.epi$week.lab
      data.full.epi$week.lab <- NULL
      data.full.epi$ <- NULL

      data.full.missing <- data.full.epi
      data.full.missing[!( & !] <- NA

      if (length(i.epidemic.thr) == 2) {
        epidemic <- i.epidemic.thr
      } else {
        if (NCOL( > 1) {
          epidemic <- as.numeric(epithresholds)
        } else {
          i.pre.epidemic <- F
 <- F
          epidemic <- NA

      if (length(i.intensity.thr) == 3) {
        intensity <- i.intensity.thr
      } else {
        if (NCOL( > 1) {
          intensity <- as.numeric(intthresholds)
        } else {
          i.intensity <- F
          intensity <- NA
      labels <- c(
        paste(names(data.full), " (", trloc("missing"), ")", sep = ""),
        trloc(c("Epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr.", "Post thr."))
      haspoints <- c(rep(F, NCOL(data.full)), rep(T, NCOL(data.full)), F, F, F, F, F)
      haslines <- c(rep(T, NCOL(data.full)), rep(F, NCOL(data.full)), T, T, T, T, T)
      shapes <- c(rep(NA, NCOL(data.full)), rep(24, NCOL(data.full)), NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
      colors <- c(rep(i.colSeasons, 2), i.colThresholds)
      fills <- c(rep(i.colSeasons, 2), rep(i.colObservedPoints, 5))
      sizes <- c(rep(2, NCOL(data.full)), rep(2, NCOL(data.full)), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
      linetypes <- c(rep("solid", NCOL(data.full)), rep("solid", NCOL(data.full)), "dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed")

      # Data to plot

      dgraf <- cbind(data.full.epi, data.full.missing,
        epit = epidemic[1],
        medt = intensity[1],
        higt = intensity[2],
        vert = intensity[3],
        post = epidemic[2]
      names(dgraf) <- labels
      dgraf$week <- 1:NROW(dgraf)

      dgrafgg <- dgraf %>% tidyr::gather(variable, value, -week)
      dgrafgg$variable <- factor(dgrafgg$variable, levels = labels, labels = labels)

      selected.indicators <- (1:(2 * NCOL(data.full)))[apply(dgraf[1:(2 * NCOL(data.full))], 2, function(x) !all(]
      if (i.pre.epidemic) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 2 * NCOL(data.full) + 1)
      if ( selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 2 * NCOL(data.full) + 5)
      if (i.intensity) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 2 * NCOL(data.full) + 2:4)
      selected.indicators <- unique(selected.indicators)
      selected.indicators <- selected.indicators[order(selected.indicators)]

      labels.s <- labels[selected.indicators]
      haspoints.s <- haspoints[selected.indicators]
      haslines.s <- haslines[selected.indicators]
      dgrafgg.s <- subset(dgrafgg, variable %in% labels.s)
      shapes.s <- shapes[selected.indicators]
      colors.s <- colors[selected.indicators]
      fills.s <- fills[selected.indicators]
      sizes.s <- sizes[selected.indicators]
      linetypes.s <- linetypes[selected.indicators]

      # Calculate ticks for x
      axis.x.range.original <- range(i.range.x.values$
      axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], i.tickmarks, 1:axis.x.range.original[2], T, T)
      axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
      axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
      axis.x.labels <- i.range.x.values$week.lab[axis.x.otick$tickmarks]

      # Range y fix
      if (length(i.range.y) != 2) {
        if ( {
          i.range.y <- c(0, 1.05 * max(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T))
        } else {
          i.range.y <- c(0.95 * min(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T), 1.05 * max(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T))
      axis.y.range.original <- i.range.y
      axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
      axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
      axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      # Rounding values
      dgrafgg.s$value <- round(dgrafgg.s$value, 2)
      gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg.s) +
        geom_line(aes(x = week, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, linetype = variable), size = 0.5) +
        geom_point(aes(x = week, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, size = variable, fill = variable, shape = variable), color = "#ffffff", stroke = 0.1) +
        scale_shape_manual(values = shapes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_color_manual(values = colors.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = fills.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_size_manual(values = sizes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = linetypes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
        labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
        theme_light() +
        theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
      p <- list(
        plot = gplot, labels = labels.s, haspoints = haspoints.s, haslines = haslines.s,
        weeklabels = i.range.x.values$week.lab, gdata = dgrafgg.s

  plotSeries <- function(,
                           i.plot.timing = T,
                           i.pre.epidemic = T,
                  = T,
                           i.epidemic.thr = NA,
                           i.intensity = T,
                           i.intensity.thr = NA,
                           i.range.x = NA,
                           i.range.y = NA,
                           i.tickmarks = 30,
                  = F,
                           i.textMain = "",
                           i.textX = "",
                           i.textY = "",
                           i.colObservedLines = "#808080",
                           i.colThresholds = c("#8c6bb1", "#88419d", "#810f7c", "#4d004b", "#c0c0ff"),
                           i.colObservedPoints = "#000000",
                           i.colEpidemic = c("#00C000", "#800080", "#FFB401"),
                  = F,
                           ...) {
    if (is.null( {
      p <- NULL
    } else {
      # Range x fix
      i.cutoff.original <- min(as.numeric(rownames([1:(min(3, NROW(]))
      if (i.cutoff.original < 1) i.cutoff.original <- 1
      if (i.cutoff.original > 52) i.cutoff.original <- 52
      if (any( | !is.numeric(i.range.x) | length(i.range.x) != 2) i.range.x <- c(min(as.numeric(rownames([1:(min(3, NROW(])), max(as.numeric(rownames([(max(1, NROW( - 2)):NROW(])))
      if (i.range.x[1] < 1) i.range.x[1] <- 1
      if (i.range.x[1] > 52) i.range.x[1] <- 52
      if (i.range.x[2] < 1) i.range.x[2] <- 1
      if (i.range.x[2] > 52) i.range.x[2] <- 52
      if (i.range.x[1] == i.range.x[2]) i.range.x[2] <- i.range.x[2] - 1
      if (i.range.x[2] == 0) i.range.x[2] <- 52
      week.f <- i.range.x[1]
      week.l <- i.range.x[2]
      last.week <- 52
      if (week.f > week.l) {
        i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = c(week.f:last.week, 1:week.l), = 1:(last.week - week.f + 1 + week.l))
      } else {
        i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = week.f:week.l, = 1:(week.l - week.f + 1))

      if (NCOL( > 1) {
        epi <- memmodel(,
          i.seasons = NA,
        if (!is.null(epi)) {
          epidata <- epi$data
          epiindex <-$season.indexes[, , 1])
          rownames(epiindex) <- rownames(epidata)
          colnames(epiindex) <- colnames(epidata)
          epithresholds <- epi$epidemic.thresholds
          intthresholds <- epi$intensity.thresholds
 <-[names( %in% names(epidata)]
        } else {
          epidata <-
          epiindex <-
          epiindex[!] <- 1
          epithresholds <- NA
          intthresholds <- NA
      } else {
        # I need the epi object to extract the data dataframe, which includes the original data + filled missing data and
        # the timing (which would be extracted with memtiming also)
        epi <- memmodel(cbind(,,
          i.seasons = NA,
        if (!is.null(epi)) {
          epidata <- epi$data[1]
          epiindex <-$season.indexes[, 1, 1])
          rownames(epiindex) <- rownames(epidata)
          colnames(epiindex) <- colnames(epidata)
          epithresholds <- NA
          intthresholds <- NA
 <-[names( %in% names(epidata)]
        } else {
          epidata <-
          epiindex <-
          epiindex[!] <- 1
          epithresholds <- NA
          intthresholds <- NA

      # To have continuity between seasons I have to inflate original data to the global squeme. That's it: If
      # original data format is from 40 to 20, the inflated data would be 30 to 29, so that when a season ends
      # at 29, next one will start at 30 and there would be continuity between both

      data.full <-
      data.full$week.lab <- rownames(data.full)
      data.full <- merge(data.full, i.range.x.values, by = "week.lab", all.y = T)
      data.full <- data.full[order(data.full$, ]
      row.names(data.full) <- data.full$week.lab
      data.full$week.lab <- NULL
      data.full$ <- NULL

      data.full.epi <- epidata
      data.full.epi$week.lab <- rownames(data.full.epi)
      data.full.epi <- merge(data.full.epi, i.range.x.values, by = "week.lab", all.y = T)
      data.full.epi <- data.full.epi[order(data.full.epi$, ]
      row.names(data.full.epi) <- data.full.epi$week.lab
      data.full.epi$week.lab <- NULL
      data.full.epi$ <- NULL

      data.full.index <- epiindex
      data.full.index[] <- NA
      data.full.index$week.lab <- rownames(data.full.index)
      data.full.index <- merge(data.full.index, i.range.x.values, by = "week.lab", all.y = T)
      data.full.index <- data.full.index[order(data.full.index$, ]
      row.names(data.full.index) <- data.full.index$week.lab
      data.full.index$week.lab <- NULL
      data.full.index$ <- NULL

      # Data to plot
      data.orig <- transformdata.back(data.full, = "rates", i.cutoff.original = i.cutoff.original, = i.range.x, = sum)$data
      data.y <- as.numeric(data.orig[, "rates"])
      # Data to plot, filling in missing with data imputed by mem (using loess)
      data.fixed <- transformdata.back(data.full.epi, = "rates", i.cutoff.original = i.cutoff.original, = i.range.x, = sum)$data
      data.y.fixed <- as.numeric(data.fixed[, "rates"])
      # Data that have been imputed, to mark them as a circle with a cross
      data.missing <- data.fixed
      data.missing[!( & !] <- NA
      data.y.missing <- as.numeric(data.missing[, "rates"])
      # Indexes for pre, epi and post epidemic
      data.indexes <- transformdata.back(data.full.index, = "rates", i.cutoff.original = i.cutoff.original, = i.range.x, = function(x, ...) if (all( {
        } else if (any(x == 2, ...)) {
        } else if (any(x == 1, ...)) {
        } else {
      data.y.indexes <- as.numeric(data.indexes[, names(data.indexes) == "rates"])

      if (length(i.epidemic.thr) == 2) {
        epidemic <- i.epidemic.thr
      } else {
        if (NCOL( > 1) {
          epidemic <- as.numeric(epithresholds)
        } else {
          i.pre.epidemic <- F
 <- F
          epidemic <- NA

      if (length(i.intensity.thr) == 3) {
        intensity <- i.intensity.thr
      } else {
        if (NCOL( > 1) {
          intensity <- as.numeric(intthresholds)
        } else {
          i.intensity <- F
          intensity <- NA

      labels <- trloc(c("Weekly data", "Pre-epidemic", "Pre-epidemic (missing)", "Epidemic", "Epidemic (missing)", "Post-epidemic", "Post-epidemic (missing)", "Epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr.", "Post thr."))
      haspoints <- c(F, T, T, T, T, T, T, F, F, F, F, F)
      haslines <- c(T, F, F, F, F, F, F, T, T, T, T, T)
      shapes <- c(21, 21, 24, 21, 24, 21, 24, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
      colors <- c(rep(i.colObservedLines, 7), i.colThresholds)
      fills <- c(i.colObservedPoints, rep(i.colEpidemic, each = 2), rep(i.colObservedPoints, 5))
      sizes <- c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
      linetypes <- c("solid", "blank", "blank", "blank", "blank", "blank", "blank", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed")

      dgraf <- data.frame(
        rates = data.y.fixed,
        prer = data.y,
        prem = data.y.missing,
        epir = data.y,
        epim = data.y.missing,
        posr = data.y,
        posm = data.y.missing,
        epit = epidemic[1],
        medt = intensity[1],
        higt = intensity[2],
        vert = intensity[3],
        post = epidemic[2]
      dgraf$prer[data.y.indexes != 1] <- NA
      dgraf$prem[data.y.indexes != 1] <- NA
      dgraf$epir[data.y.indexes != 2] <- NA
      dgraf$epim[data.y.indexes != 2] <- NA
      dgraf$posr[data.y.indexes != 3] <- NA
      dgraf$posm[data.y.indexes != 3] <- NA
      names(dgraf) <- labels
      dgraf$week <- 1:NROW(dgraf)

      dgrafgg <- dgraf %>% tidyr::gather(variable, value, -week)
      dgrafgg$variable <- factor(dgrafgg$variable, levels = labels, labels = labels)

      selected.indicators <- 1
      if (i.plot.timing) {
        selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, c(2, 4, 6))
        if (!all([, 3]))) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 3)
        if (!all([, 5]))) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 5)
        if (!all([, 7]))) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 7)
      if (i.pre.epidemic) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 8)
      if ( selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 12)
      if (i.intensity) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 9:11)
      selected.indicators <- unique(selected.indicators)
      selected.indicators <- selected.indicators[order(selected.indicators)]

      labels.s <- labels[selected.indicators]
      haspoints.s <- haspoints[selected.indicators]
      haslines.s <- haslines[selected.indicators]
      dgrafgg.s <- subset(dgrafgg, variable %in% labels.s)
      shapes.s <- shapes[selected.indicators]
      colors.s <- colors[selected.indicators]
      fills.s <- fills[selected.indicators]
      sizes.s <- sizes[selected.indicators]
      linetypes.s <- linetypes[selected.indicators]

      # Calculate ticks for x
      data.x <- 1:NROW(data.orig)
      axis.x.range <- range(data.x)
      temp1 <- range(i.range.x.values$
      temp2 <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(temp1[1], temp1[2], floor(i.tickmarks / NCOL(, 1:temp1[2], T, F)
      temp3 <- floor(mean(i.range.x.values$
      # Ticks for the weeks
      axis.x.ticks.1 <- data.x[data.orig$week %in% i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp2$tickmarks]]
      # Ticks for the seasons
      axis.x.ticks.2 <- data.x[data.orig$week %in% i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp3]]
      # Labels for the week-ticks
      axis.x.labels1 <- data.orig$week[data.orig$week %in% i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp2$tickmarks]]
      # Labels for the season-ticks
      axis.x.labels2 <- data.orig$season[data.orig$week %in% i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp3]]
      # I join both type of ticks, maybe they are in the same position
      axis.x.ticks <- sort(unique(c(axis.x.ticks.1, axis.x.ticks.2)))
      # Part of the final label of the week
      temp4 <- rep("", length(axis.x.ticks))
      temp4[axis.x.ticks %in% axis.x.ticks.1] <- axis.x.labels1
      # Part of the final label of the year
      temp5 <- rep("", length(axis.x.ticks))
      temp5[axis.x.ticks %in% axis.x.ticks.2] <- axis.x.labels2
      # And paste both parts
      axis.x.labels <- paste(temp4, temp5, sep = "\n")
      # axis.x.labels2<-data.orig$season[data.orig$week %in% i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp2$tickmarks]]
      # axis.x.labels2[axis.x.labels1!=i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp2$tickmarks][floor(temp2$number/2+1)]]<-""
      # axis.x.labels<-paste(axis.x.labels1,axis.x.labels2,sep="\n")
      if ( axis.x.labels <- gsub("/", "\n", axis.x.labels)
      # This is not to print a tickmark when there is only a season label, tickmarks are only for weeks
      axis.x.tickmarks <- rep(NA, length(axis.x.ticks))
      axis.x.tickmarks[axis.x.ticks %in% axis.x.ticks.1] <- "black"
      rm("temp1", "temp2", "temp3", "temp4", "temp5")
      # Range y fix
      if (length(i.range.y) != 2) {
        if ( {
          i.range.y <- c(0, 1.05 * max(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T))
        } else {
          i.range.y <- c(0.95 * min(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T), 1.05 * max(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T))
      axis.y.range.original <- i.range.y
      axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
      axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
      axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      dgrafgg.s$value <- round(dgrafgg.s$value, 2)
      gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg.s) +
        geom_line(aes(x = week, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, linetype = variable), size = 0.5) +
        geom_point(aes(x = week, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, size = variable, fill = variable, shape = variable), color = "#ffffff", stroke = 0.1) +
        scale_shape_manual(values = shapes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_color_manual(values = colors.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = fills.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_size_manual(values = sizes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = linetypes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
        labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
        theme_light() +
        theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.ticks.x = element_line(color = axis.x.tickmarks))
      p <- list(
        plot = gplot, labels = labels.s, haspoints = haspoints.s, haslines = haslines.s,
        weeklabels = paste(data.orig$week, paste0("<br />", trloc("Season"), ": "), data.orig$season, sep = ""), gdata = dgrafgg.s

  plotSurveillance <- function(,
                        = NA,
                                 i.range.x = NA,
                                 i.range.y = NA,
                                 i.pre.epidemic = T,
                        = T,
                                 i.epidemic = T,
                                 i.start = T,
                                 i.end = T,
                                 i.epidemic.thr = NA,
                                 i.intensity = T,
                                 i.intensity.thr = NA,
                                 i.mean.length = 10,
                                 i.force.length = F,
                                 i.force.equal = F,
                                 i.force.start = NA,
                                 i.force.week.53 = F,
                                 i.textMain = "",
                                 i.textX = "",
                                 i.textY = "",
                                 i.colObservedLines = "#808080",
                                 i.colObservedPoints = "#000000",
                                 i.colEpidemicStart = "#FF0000",
                                 i.colEpidemicStop = "#40FF40",
                                 i.colThresholds = c("#8c6bb1", "#88419d", "#810f7c", "#4d004b", "#c0c0ff"),
                        = F) {

    # check parameters
    if (is.null( {
      p <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(dim( {
      p <- NULL
    } else if (!(ncol( == 1)) {
      p <- NULL
    } else {
      if (i.force.week.53) last.week <- 53 else last.week <- 52

      if (!is.numeric(i.range.x) | length(i.range.x) != 2) i.range.x <- c(max(1, as.numeric(rownames([1])), min(52, as.numeric(rownames([NROW(])))
      week.f <- i.range.x[1]
      week.l <- i.range.x[2]
      if (week.f < 1) week.f <- 1
      if (week.f > 52) week.f <- 52
      if (week.l < 1) week.l <- 1
      if (week.l > 52) week.l <- 52
      if (week.f == week.l) week.l <- week.l - 1
      last.week <- 52
      if (week.f > week.l) {
        i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = c(week.f:last.week, 1:week.l), = 1:(last.week - week.f + 1 + week.l))
      } else {
        i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = week.f:week.l, = 1:(week.l - week.f + 1))

      if (length(i.epidemic.thr) != 2) {
        i.pre.epidemic <- F <- F

      if (length(i.intensity.thr) != 3) i.intensity <- F

      if (!is.numeric(i.epidemic.thr) | length(i.epidemic.thr) == 1) i.epidemic.thr <- rep(NA, 2)
      if (!is.numeric(i.intensity.thr) | length(i.intensity.thr) == 1) i.intensity.thr <- rep(NA, 3)

      # Esquema de las semanas

      esquema.temporadas.1 <- last.week
      if (i.range.x[1] == i.range.x[2]) i.range.x[2] <- i.range.x[1] - 1
      if (i.range.x[1] < i.range.x[2]) {
        esquema.temporadas.2 <- max(1, i.range.x[1])
        esquema.temporadas.3 <- min(esquema.temporadas.1, i.range.x[2])
        esquema.temporadas.4 <- c(esquema.temporadas.2:esquema.temporadas.3)
      } else {
        esquema.temporadas.2 <- min(esquema.temporadas.1, i.range.x[1])
        esquema.temporadas.3 <- max(1, i.range.x[2])
        esquema.temporadas.4 <- c(esquema.temporadas.2:esquema.temporadas.1, 1:esquema.temporadas.3)
      semanas <- length(esquema.temporadas.4)
      esquema.semanas <- data.frame(numero.semana = 1:semanas, nombre.semana = esquema.temporadas.4)

      # Acomodamos al esquema
      current.season <-
      names(current.season) <- "rates"
      current.season$nombre.semana <- rownames(
      rownames(current.season) <- NULL
      current.season <- merge(esquema.semanas, current.season, by = "nombre.semana", all.x = T)
      current.season <- current.season[order(current.season$numero.semana), ]
      rownames(current.season) <- NULL

      # limitamos a la semana del informe (
      if (! & any( == as.numeric(esquema.semanas$nombre.semana))) { <- ((1:semanas)[ == as.numeric(esquema.semanas$nombre.semana)])[1]
        if (! & < semanas) current.season$rates[( + 1):semanas] <- NA
      } else {
        if (all($rates))) <- semanas else <- max((1:semanas)[!$rates)], na.rm = T)

      # Preparacion de datos necesarios
      umbral.pre <- as.numeric(i.epidemic.thr[1])
      if (i.force.equal) umbral.pos <- as.numeric(i.epidemic.thr[1]) else umbral.pos <- as.numeric(i.epidemic.thr[2]) <- i.mean.length

      # Si el inicio forzado de la epidemia es posterior a la semana del informe, quitamos
      if (! semana.inicio.forzado <- ((1:semanas)[i.force.start == as.numeric(esquema.semanas$nombre.semana)])[1] else semana.inicio.forzado <- NA
      if (any(current.season$rates > umbral.pre, na.rm = T)) semana.inicio.real <- min((1:semanas)[current.season$rates > umbral.pre], na.rm = T) else semana.inicio.real <- NA
      if (! {
        if (semana.inicio.forzado > semana.inicio.forzado <- NA
      if (! & ! {
        if (semana.inicio.forzado == semana.inicio.real) semana.inicio.forzado <- NA
      if (! {
        semana.inicio <- semana.inicio.forzado
      } else {
        semana.inicio <- semana.inicio.real

      week.peak <- which.max(current.season$rates)

      if (! {
        if (i.force.length) {
          semana.fin <- semana.inicio + i.mean.length
          if (semana.fin > semanas) semana.fin <- NA
        } else {
 <- max(semana.inicio, semana.inicio.real, week.peak, na.rm = T)
          semana.fin.1 <- (1:semanas)[current.season$rates < umbral.pos & < (1:semanas)]
          if (any(semana.fin.1, na.rm = T)) semana.fin <- min(semana.fin.1, na.rm = T) else semana.fin <- NA
      } else {
        semana.fin <- NA
      if (!i.epidemic) {
        semana.inicio <- NA
        semana.fin <- NA
      limites.niveles <- as.vector(i.intensity.thr)
      limites.niveles[limites.niveles < 0] <- 0

      # Datos para el grafico
      if ( {
        # No iniciada
        pre.umbrales.1 <- rep(umbral.pre, + 1)
        pre.umbrales.2 <- rep(NA, semanas)
        post.umbrales.1 <- rep(NA, + 1)
        post.umbrales.2 <- rep(NA, semanas)
        intensidades.1 <- array(dim = c(semanas, 3))
        intensidades.2 <- array(dim = c(semanas, 3))
      } else {
        if ( {
          # Iniciada y no finalizada
          pre.umbrales.1 <- rep(umbral.pre, semana.inicio - 1)
          pre.umbrales.2 <- rep(NA, max(, - semana.inicio + 1))
          post.umbrales.1 <- rep(NA, semana.inicio - 1)
          post.umbrales.2 <- rep(NA, max(, - semana.inicio + 1))
          if (i.intensity) {
            intensidades.1 <- array(dim = c(semana.inicio - 1, 3))
            intensidades.2 <- matrix(rep(limites.niveles, max(, - semana.inicio + 1)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
          } else {
            intensidades.1 <- array(dim = c(semana.inicio - 1, 3))
            intensidades.2 <- array(dim = c(max(, - semana.inicio + 1), 3))
        } else {
          # Iniciada y finalizada
          pre.umbrales.1 <- rep(umbral.pre, semana.inicio - 1)
          pre.umbrales.2 <- rep(NA, semana.fin - semana.inicio)
          post.umbrales.1 <- rep(NA, semana.inicio - 1)
          post.umbrales.2 <- rep(NA, semana.fin - semana.inicio)
          if (i.intensity) {
            intensidades.1 <- array(dim = c(semana.inicio - 1, 3))
            intensidades.2 <- matrix(rep(limites.niveles, semana.fin - semana.inicio), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
          } else {
            intensidades.1 <- array(dim = c(semana.inicio - 1, 3))
            intensidades.2 <- array(dim = c(semana.fin - semana.inicio, 3))
      if ( {
        pre.umbrales.3 <- rep(NA, semanas)
        post.umbrales.3 <- rep(umbral.pos, semanas)
      } else {
        pre.umbrales.3 <- rep(NA, semanas)
        post.umbrales.3 <- rep(NA, semanas)
      pre.umbrales <- c(pre.umbrales.1, pre.umbrales.2, pre.umbrales.3)[1:semanas]
      post.umbrales <- c(post.umbrales.1, post.umbrales.2, post.umbrales.3)[1:semanas]
      intensidades.3 <- array(dim = c(semanas, 3))
      intensidades <- rbind(intensidades.1, intensidades.2, intensidades.3)[1:semanas, ]

      labels <- trloc(c(names(, "Epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr.", "Post thr.", "Start", "End"))
      haspoints <- c(T, F, F, F, F, F, T, T)
      haslines <- c(T, T, T, T, T, T, F, F)
      shapes <- c(21, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 21, 21)
      colors <- c(i.colObservedLines, i.colThresholds, rep(i.colObservedLines, 2))
      fills <- c(rep(i.colObservedPoints, 6), i.colEpidemicStart, i.colEpidemicStop)
      sizes <- c(3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4)
      linetypes <- c("solid", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "blank", "blank")

      dgraf <-$rates, pre.umbrales, intensidades, post.umbrales))
      dgraf$start <- NA
      dgraf$end <- NA
      if (! dgraf$start[semana.inicio] <- current.season$rates[semana.inicio]
      if (! dgraf$end[semana.fin] <- current.season$rates[semana.fin]
      names(dgraf) <- labels
      dgraf$week <- 1:semanas

      dgrafgg <- dgraf %>% tidyr::gather(variable, value, -week)
      dgrafgg$variable <- factor(dgrafgg$variable, levels = labels, labels = labels)

      selected.indicators <- 1
      if (i.pre.epidemic) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 2)
      if ( selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 6)
      if (i.intensity) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 3:5)
      if (i.start) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 7)
      if (i.end) selected.indicators <- c(selected.indicators, 8)
      selected.indicators <- unique(selected.indicators)
      selected.indicators <- selected.indicators[order(selected.indicators)]

      labels.s <- labels[selected.indicators]
      haspoints.s <- haspoints[selected.indicators]
      haslines.s <- haslines[selected.indicators]
      dgrafgg.s <- subset(dgrafgg, variable %in% labels.s)
      shapes.s <- shapes[selected.indicators]
      colors.s <- colors[selected.indicators]
      fills.s <- fills[selected.indicators]
      sizes.s <- sizes[selected.indicators]
      linetypes.s <- linetypes[selected.indicators]

      # Axis format for all the graphs
      # Calculate values if we want to place 20 tickmarks in the graph in the x-axis.

      axis.x.range.original <- c(1, semanas)
      axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], 20, 1:axis.x.range.original[2], T, T)
      axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
      axis.x.values <- as.numeric(current.season$numero.semana)
      axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
      axis.x.labels <- (current.season$nombre.semana)[axis.x.otick$tickmarks]
      # Same, for 10 tickmarks in the y-axis
      # Range y fix
      if (length(i.range.y) != 2) {
        if ( {
          i.range.y <- c(0, 1.05 * max(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T))
        } else {
          i.range.y <- c(0.95 * min(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T), 1.05 * max(subset(dgrafgg.s, variable != "week", select = "value"), na.rm = T))
      axis.y.range.original <- i.range.y
      axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
      axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
      axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      dgrafgg.s$value <- round(dgrafgg.s$value, 2)
      gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg.s) +
        geom_line(aes(x = week, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, linetype = variable), size = 1.2) +
        geom_point(aes(x = week, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, size = variable, fill = variable, shape = variable), color = "#ffffff", stroke = 0.1) +
        scale_shape_manual(values = shapes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_color_manual(values = colors.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = fills.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_size_manual(values = sizes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = linetypes.s, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels.s) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
        labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
        theme_light() +
        theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
      p <- list(
        plot = gplot, labels = labels.s, haspoints = haspoints.s, haslines = haslines.s,
        weeklabels = current.season$nombre.semana, gdata = dgrafgg.s

  plotGeneric <- function(,
                            i.range.y.labels = NA,
                   = F,
                            i.textMain = "",
                            i.textX = "",
                            i.textY = "",
                   = F) {
    if (is.null( {
      p <- NULL
    } else {
      dgraf <-
      labels <- names(dgraf)
      dgraf$num <- 1:NROW(dgraf)

      dgrafgg <- dgraf %>% tidyr::gather(variable, value, -num)
      dgrafgg$variable <- factor(dgrafgg$variable, levels = labels, labels = labels)

      # Calculate ticks for x
      axis.x.range <- c(1, NROW(dgraf))
      axis.x.ticks <- 1:NROW(dgraf)
      axis.x.labels <- rownames(dgraf)
      if ( axis.x.labels <- gsub("/", "\n", axis.x.labels)
      # Range y fix
      if (length(i.range.y.labels) < 2) {
        if (length(i.range.y) != 2) {
          if ( {
            i.range.y <- c(0, 1.05 * max(dgrafgg$value, na.rm = T))
          } else {
            i.range.y <- c(0.95 * min(dgrafgg$value, na.rm = T), 1.05 * max(dgrafgg$value, na.rm = T))
        axis.y.range.original <- i.range.y
        axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
        axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
        axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      } else {
        axis.y.range.original <- c(1, length(i.range.y.labels))
        axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10,
          i.valid.ticks = 1:(length(i.range.y.labels)), i.include.min = T, i.include.max = T
        axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
        axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        axis.y.labels <- i.range.y.labels[axis.y.otick$tickmarks]
      dgrafgg$value <- round(dgrafgg$value, 2)
      gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg) +
        geom_line(aes(x = num, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, linetype = variable), size = i.linesize) +
        geom_point(aes(x = num, y = value, group = variable, color = variable, size = variable, fill = variable, shape = variable), color = "#ffffff", stroke = 0.1) +
        scale_shape_manual(values = i.shapes, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels) +
        scale_color_manual(values = i.colors, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = i.fills, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels) +
        scale_size_manual(values = i.sizes, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = i.linetypes, name = trloc("Legend"), labels = labels) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
        labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
        theme_light() +
        theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
      p <- list(plot = gplot, gdata = dgrafgg)

  plotMAP <- function(,
                        i.textMain = "",
                        i.textX = "",
                        i.textY = "",
                        i.method = 2,
                        i.param = 2.8,
                        # i.centering = -1,
                        i.colObservedLines = "#808080",
                        i.colObservedPoints = "#000000",
                        i.colOptimum = "#FF0000",
                        i.colLine = "#FFB401") {
    if (is.null( {
      p <- NULL
    } else {
      timdata <- memtiming(, i.method = i.method, i.param = i.param)
      # dgrafgg<,0),timdata$map.curve[,c(1,2)]))
      dgrafgg <-$map.curve[, c(1, 2)])
      names(dgrafgg) <- c("weeks", "map")
      # Calculate ticks for x
      axis.x.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$weeks)
      axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], 10, T, T)
      axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
      axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
      axis.x.labels <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
      # Range y fix
      axis.y.range.original <- c(0, 100)
      axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
      axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
      axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      x.opt <- timdata$[1]
      y.opt <- timdata$[2]
      dgrafgg$map <- round(dgrafgg$map, 2)
      gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg) +
        geom_line(aes(x = weeks, y = map), color = i.colObservedLines, linetype = 1, size = 1) +
        geom_point(aes(x = weeks, y = map), color = i.colObservedPoints, size = 3, shape = 21, fill = i.colObservedPoints, stroke = 0.1) +
        geom_segment(aes(x = x.opt, y = y.opt, xend = x.opt, yend = dgrafgg[1, 2]), col = i.colLine, lwd = 1) +
        geom_segment(aes(x = x.opt, y = y.opt, xend = dgrafgg[1, 1], yend = y.opt), col = i.colLine, lwd = 1) +
        geom_point(aes(x = x.opt, y = y.opt), color = i.colOptimum, size = 3, shape = 21, fill = i.colOptimum) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
        labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
        theme_light() +
        theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
      p <- list(plot = gplot, gdata = dgrafgg)

  plotSlope <- function(,
                          i.textMain = "",
                          i.textX = "",
                          i.textY = "",
                          i.method = 2,
                          i.param = 2.8,
                          # i.centering = -1,
                          i.colObservedLines = "#808080",
                          i.colObservedPoints = "#000000",
                          i.colOptimum = "#FF0000",
                          i.colLine1 = "#800080",
                          i.colLine2 = "#FFB401") {
    if (is.null( {
      p <- NULL
    } else {
      if (i.method == 1) {
        timdata <- memtiming(, i.method = i.method, i.param = i.param)
        # x<-c(0, timdata$map.curve[,1])
        # y<-c(0, timdata$map.curve[,2])
        # y.d<-diff(y)
        # x.d<-x[2:length(x)]
        # y.s<-mem:::suavizado(y.d)
        # x.n<-mem:::normalizar(x.d)
        # y.n<-mem:::normalizar(y.s)
        # u<-(x.n-y.n)/sqrt(2)
        # v<-sqrt(x.n^2+y.n^2-u^2)
        # optimo<-which.min(v)
        # resultados<-timdata$map.curve[timdata$map.curve[,1]==optimo,]
        # cat("Old: ",timdata$[1],"\tNew: ",optimo,"\n")
        # dgrafgg<-data.frame(weeks=x.d, slope=y.s)
        dgrafgg <- timdata$slope.curve
        # Calculate ticks for x
        axis.x.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$weeks)
        axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], 15, i.valid.ticks = 1:5, i.include.min = T, i.include.max = T)
        axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
        axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        axis.x.labels <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        # Range y fix
        axis.y.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$slope)
        axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
        axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
        axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        x.opt <- timdata$[1]
        y.opt <- dgrafgg$slope[dgrafgg$weeks == x.opt]
        b <- (dgrafgg$slope[NROW(dgrafgg)] - dgrafgg$slope[1]) / (dgrafgg$weeks[NROW(dgrafgg)] - dgrafgg$weeks[1])
        a1 <- dgrafgg$slope[x.opt] - b * x.opt
        a2 <- dgrafgg$slope[1] - b * 1
        a3 <- dgrafgg$slope[x.opt] + b * x.opt
        dgrafgg$slope <- round(dgrafgg$slope, 2)
        gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg) +
          geom_line(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedLines, linetype = 1, size = 1) +
          geom_point(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedPoints, size = 3, shape = 21, fill = i.colObservedPoints, stroke = 0.1) +
          geom_abline(slope = b, intercept = a1, col = i.colLine1, lwd = 1.5, linetype = 2) +
          geom_abline(slope = b, intercept = a2, col = i.colLine2, lwd = 1) +
          geom_abline(slope = -b, intercept = a3, col = i.colLine2, lwd = 1) +
          geom_point(aes(x = x.opt, y = y.opt), color = i.colOptimum, size = 4, shape = 21, fill = i.colOptimum) +
          scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
          scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
          labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
          theme_light() +
          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
        p <- list(plot = gplot, gdata = dgrafgg)
      } else if (i.method == 2) {
        timdata <- memtiming(, i.method = i.method, i.param = i.param)
        # x<-c(0, timdata$map.curve[,1])
        # y<-c(0, timdata$map.curve[,2])
        # y.s<-mem:::suavizado(y, 1)
        # d.y<-diff(y.s)
        # d.x<-x[2:length(x)]
        # if (any(d.y<i.param)){
        #   optimo<-min((1:length(d.y))[d.y<i.param],na.rm=T)-1
        # }else{
        #   optimo<-length(d.y)
        # }
        # resultados<-timdata$map.curve[timdata$map.curve[,1]==optimo,]
        # cat("Old: ",timdata$[1],"\tNew: ",optimo,"\n")
        # dgrafgg<-data.frame(weeks=d.x, slope=d.y)
        dgrafgg <- timdata$slope.curve
        # Calculate ticks for x
        axis.x.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$weeks)
        axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], 15, i.valid.ticks = 1:5, i.include.min = T, i.include.max = T)
        axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
        axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        axis.x.labels <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        # Range y fix
        axis.y.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$slope)
        axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
        axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
        axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        # x.opt<-timdata$[1]
        x.opt <- timdata$[1]
        y.opt <- dgrafgg$slope[dgrafgg$week == x.opt]
        dgrafgg$slope <- round(dgrafgg$slope, 2)
        gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg) +
          geom_line(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedLines, linetype = 1, size = 1) +
          geom_point(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedPoints, size = 3, shape = 21, fill = i.colObservedPoints, stroke = 0.1) +
          geom_hline(yintercept = timdata$param.param, col = i.colLine1, lwd = 1.5, linetype = 2) +
          geom_segment(aes(x = x.opt, y = 0, xend = x.opt, yend = max(dgrafgg$slope, na.rm = T)), col = i.colLine2, lwd = 1) +
          geom_segment(aes(x = min(dgrafgg$weeks), y = y.opt, xend = max(dgrafgg$weeks), yend = y.opt), col = i.colLine2, lwd = 1) +
          geom_point(aes(x = x.opt, y = y.opt), color = i.colOptimum, size = 4, shape = 21, fill = i.colOptimum) +
          scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
          scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
          labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
          theme_light() +
          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
        p <- list(plot = gplot, gdata = dgrafgg)
      } else if (i.method == 3) {
        timdata <- memtiming(, i.method = i.method, i.param = i.param)
        # x<-c(0, timdata$map.curve[,1])
        # y<-c(0, timdata$map.curve[,2])
        # y.s<-loess(y~x)$fitted
        # x.range<-(max(x,na.rm=T)-min(x,na.rm=T))
        # y.range<-(max(y,na.rm=T)-min(y,na.rm=T))
        # pendiente<-y.range/x.range
        # y.d<-diff(y.s)
        # x.d<-x[2:length(x)]
        # optimo<-which.min(abs(y.d-pendiente))
        # resultados<-timdata$map.curve[timdata$map.curve[,1]==optimo,]
        # cat("Old: ",timdata$[1],"\tNew: ",optimo,"\n")
        # dgrafgg<-data.frame(weeks=x.d, slope=y.d)
        dgrafgg <- timdata$slope.curve
        pendiente <- timdata$slope.threshold
        # Calculate ticks for x
        axis.x.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$weeks)
        axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], 15, i.valid.ticks = 1:5, i.include.min = T, i.include.max = T)
        axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
        axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        axis.x.labels <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        # Range y fix
        axis.y.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$slope)
        axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
        axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
        axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        # x.opt<-timdata$[1]
        x.opt <- timdata$[1]
        y.opt <- dgrafgg$slope[dgrafgg$week == x.opt]
        b <- diff(range(dgrafgg$slope)) / diff(range(dgrafgg$weeks))
        a1 <- dgrafgg$slope[x.opt] - b * x.opt
        a2 <- dgrafgg$slope[1] - b * 1
        a3 <- dgrafgg$slope[x.opt] + b * x.opt
        dgrafgg$slope <- round(dgrafgg$slope, 2)
        gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg) +
          geom_line(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedLines, linetype = 1, size = 1) +
          geom_point(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedPoints, size = 3, shape = 21, fill = i.colObservedPoints, stroke = 0.1) +
          geom_hline(yintercept = pendiente, col = i.colLine1, lwd = 1.5, linetype = 2) +
          geom_segment(aes(x = x.opt, y = 0, xend = x.opt, yend = max(dgrafgg$slope, na.rm = T)), col = i.colLine2, lwd = 1) +
          geom_segment(aes(x = min(dgrafgg$weeks), y = y.opt, xend = max(dgrafgg$weeks), yend = y.opt), col = i.colLine2, lwd = 1) +
          geom_point(aes(x = x.opt, y = y.opt), color = i.colOptimum, size = 4, shape = 21, fill = i.colOptimum) +
          scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
          scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
          labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
          theme_light() +
          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
        p <- list(plot = gplot, gdata = dgrafgg)
      } else if (i.method == 4) {
        timdata <- memtiming(, i.method = i.method, i.param = i.param)
        # x<-timdata$map.curve[,1]
        # y<-timdata$map.curve[,2]
        # y.s<-loess(y~x)$fitted
        # y.d<-diff(y.s)
        # y.d2<-diff(y.d)
        # x.d2<- 1:(length(y.d2))
        # y.d2.s<-sign(y.d2)
        # cambio.signo<-abs(diff(y.d2.s))
        # if (any(cambio.signo!=0)){
        #   optimo<-1 + which.max(cambio.signo)
        # }else{
        #   optimo<-1 + length(cambio.signo)
        # }
        # resultados<-timdata$map.curve[timdata$map.curve[,1]==optimo,]
        # dgrafgg<-data.frame(weeks=x.d2, slope=y.d2)
        dgrafgg <- timdata$slope.curve
        # cat("Old: ",timdata$[1],"\tNew: ",optimo,"\n")
        # Calculate ticks for x
        axis.x.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$weeks)
        axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], 15, i.valid.ticks = 1:5, i.include.min = T, i.include.max = T)
        axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
        axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        axis.x.labels <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
        # Range y fix
        axis.y.range.original <- range(dgrafgg$slope)
        axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
        axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
        axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
        # x.opt<-timdata$[1]
        x.opt <- timdata$[1]
        y.opt <- dgrafgg$slope[dgrafgg$week == x.opt]
        dgrafgg$slope <- round(dgrafgg$slope, 2)
        gplot <- ggplot(dgrafgg) +
          geom_line(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedLines, linetype = 1, size = 1) +
          geom_point(aes(x = weeks, y = slope), color = i.colObservedPoints, size = 3, shape = 21, fill = i.colObservedPoints, stroke = 0.1) +
          geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = i.colLine1, lwd = 1.5, linetype = 2) +
          geom_point(aes(x = x.opt, y = y.opt), color = i.colOptimum, size = 4, shape = 21, fill = i.colOptimum) +
          scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
          scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
          labs(title = i.textMain, x = i.textX, y = i.textY) +
          theme_light() +
          theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
        p <- list(plot = gplot, gdata = dgrafgg)
      } else {
        p <- NULL


  data_model <- reactive({
    readdata <- read_data()
    cat("reactive/data_model> begin\n")
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      epi <- NULL
    } else {
      # Shows the data that's going to be used for mem calculations, plus the seasons to be added to the graph and surveillance
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = input$SelectFrom, = input$SelectTo,
        i.exclude = input$SelectExclude,
        i.include = "",
        i.pandemic = T,
        i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum)

      if (length(selectedcolumns) < 2) {
        temp1 <- memmodel(cbind(datfile[selectedcolumns], datfile[selectedcolumns]),
          i.seasons = NA,
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues)
        epi <- list()
        epi$epidemic.thresholds <- temp1$epidemic.thresholds
        epi$intensity.thresholds <- temp1$intensity.thresholds
      } else {
        epi <- memmodel(datfile[selectedcolumns],
          i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum),
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues)
    cat("reactive/data_model> end\n")

  data_good_model <- reactive({
    readdata <- read_data()
    cat("reactive/data_good_model> begin\n")
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      good <- NULL
    } else {
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile), i.from = input$SelectFrom, = input$SelectTo,
        i.exclude = input$SelectExclude, i.include = "",
        i.pandemic = T,
        i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum)
      if (length(selectedcolumns) < 3) {
        good <- NULL
      } else {
        tfile <- tempfile()
        tfile.div <- extract.pfe(tfile)
        good <- memgoodness(datfile[selectedcolumns],
          i.graph = as.logical(input$advanced), i.prefix = tfile.div$name, i.output = tfile.div$path,
          i.min.seasons = 3,
          i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum),
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.detection.values = seq(input$paramrange[1], input$paramrange[2], by = 0.1),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.goodness.method = as.character(input$validation)
    # Update goodness graphs tabs
    no.seasons <- NCOL(good$
    if (good$param.goodness.method == "sequential") se.seasons <- 3:no.seasons else se.seasons <- 1:no.seasons
    nu.seasons <- (1:no.seasons)[se.seasons]
    na.seasons <- (names(good$[se.seasons]
    lapply(data.frame(rbind(nu.seasons, na.seasons)), function(s) {
      output[[paste0("tbmGoodnessGraphs_", as.character(s[2]))]] <- renderImage({
        graph.file <- paste(good$param.output, "/", good$param.prefix, " Goodness ", s[1], " (", format(round(input$param, 1), digits = 3, nsmall = 1), ").png", sep = "")
        if (!file.exists(graph.file)) {
          gfile <- NULL
        } else {
          gfile <- list(
            src = graph.file,
            contentType = "image/png",
            width = 800,
            height = 600,
            alt = "No image found"
    cat("reactive/data_good_model> end\n")

  data_good_global <- reactive({
    readdata <- read_data()
    cat("reactive/data_good_global> begin\n")
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      good <- NULL
    } else {
      seasons <- names(datfile)
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = seasons,
        i.from = head(seasons, 1), = tail(seasons, 1),
        i.exclude = input$SelectExclude,
        i.include = "",
        i.pandemic = T,
        i.seasons = NA
      if (length(selectedcolumns) < 3) {
        good <- NULL
      } else {
        tfile <- tempfile()
        tfile.div <- extract.pfe(tfile)
        good <- memgoodness(datfile[selectedcolumns],
          i.graph = as.logical(input$advanced), i.prefix = tfile.div$name, i.output = tfile.div$path,
          i.min.seasons = 3,
          i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum),
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.detection.values = seq(input$paramrange[1], input$paramrange[2], by = 0.1),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.goodness.method = as.character(input$validation),
          i.calculation.method = "threshold"
    # Update goodness graphs tabs
    no.seasons <- NCOL(good$
    if (good$param.goodness.method == "sequential") se.seasons <- 3:no.seasons else se.seasons <- 1:no.seasons
    nu.seasons <- (1:no.seasons)[se.seasons]
    na.seasons <- (names(good$[se.seasons]
    lapply(data.frame(rbind(nu.seasons, na.seasons)), function(s) {
      output[[paste0("tbdGoodnessGraphs_", as.character(s[2]))]] <- renderImage({
        graph.file <- paste(good$param.output, "/", good$param.prefix, " Goodness ", s[1], " (", format(round(input$param, 1), digits = 3, nsmall = 1), ").png", sep = "")
        if (!file.exists(graph.file)) {
          gfile <- NULL
        } else {
          gfile <- list(
            src = graph.file,
            contentType = "image/png",
            width = 800,
            height = 600,
            alt = "No image found"
    cat("reactive/data_good_global> end\n")

  data_optim <- reactive({
    readdata <- read_data()
    cat("reactive/data_optim> begin\n")
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      roca <- NULL
    } else {
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile), i.from = input$SelectFrom, = input$SelectTo,
        i.exclude = input$SelectExclude, i.include = "",
        i.pandemic = T,
        i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum)
      if (length(selectedcolumns) < 3) {
        roca <- NULL
      } else {
        roca <- roc.analysis(datfile[selectedcolumns],
          i.param.values = seq(input$paramrange[1], input$paramrange[2], by = 0.1),
          i.min.seasons = 3,
          i.graph = F,
          i.graph.file = F,
          i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum),
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.detection.values = seq(input$paramrange[1], input$paramrange[2], by = 0.1),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.goodness.method = as.character(input$validation)
    cat("reactive/data_optim> end\n")

  data_evolution <- reactive({
    readdata <- read_data()
    cat("reactive/data_evolution> begin\n")
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      evo <- NULL
    } else if (NCOL(datfile) < 2) {
      evo <- NULL
    } else {
      evo <- memevolution( = datfile,
        i.evolution.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum),
        i.evolution.method = as.character(input$validation),
        i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
        i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
        i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
        i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
        i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
        i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
        i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
        # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
        i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues)
    cat("reactive/data_evolution> end\n")

  data_stability <- reactive({
    readdata <- read_data()
    cat("reactive/data_stability> begin\n")
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      sta <- NULL
    } else if (NCOL(datfile) < 2) {
      sta <- NULL
    } else {
      sta <- memstability( = datfile,
        i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
        i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
        i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
        i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
        i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
        i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
        i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
        # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
        i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues)
    cat("reactive/data_stability> end\n")

  read_data <- reactive({
    infile <- input$file
    indataset <- input$dataset
    inname <- infile$name
    datalog <- character()
    cat("reactive/read_data> begin\n")
    i.range.x <- rep(NA, 2)
    if (!is.null(input$firstWeek)) i.range.x[1] <- as.numeric(input$firstWeek)
    if (!is.null(input$lastWeek)) i.range.x[2] <- as.numeric(input$lastWeek)
    cat("reactive/read_data> Name: ", inname, "\n")
    cat("reactive/read_data> Dataset: ", indataset, "\n")
    cat("reactive/read_data> Range: ", i.range.x[1], "-", i.range.x[2], "\n")
    plots <- NULL
    if (is.null(infile)) {
      datasets <- NULL
      datasetread <- NULL
      datalog <- paste0(datalog, "No file\n")
      cat("reactive/read_data> Warning: No file\n")
    } else if (is.null(indataset)) {
      temp1 <- = infile$datapath, = inname, i.range.x = i.range.x, = as.logical(input$processdata))
      datasets <- temp1$datasets
      datasetread <- temp1$datasetread
	  datalog <- paste0(datalog, temp1$datalog)
      datalog <- paste0(datalog, "No dataset\n")
      cat("reactive/read_data> Warning: No dataset\n")
    } else if (indataset == "") {
      temp1 <- = infile$datapath, = inname, i.range.x = i.range.x, = as.logical(input$processdata))
      datasets <- temp1$datasets
      datasetread <- temp1$datasetread
	  datalog <- paste0(datalog, temp1$datalog)
      datalog <- paste0(datalog, "No dataset\n")
      cat("reactive/read_data> Warning: No dataset\n")
    } else {
      datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: reading original data\n")
      cat("reactive/read_data> Note: reading original data\n")
      # temp1 <- = infile$datapath, = inname, i.dataset = indataset, i.range.x = i.range.x, = as.logical(input$processdata))
      temp2 <- = infile$datapath, = inname, i.dataset = indataset, i.range.x = i.range.x, = as.logical(input$processdata))
      datasets <- temp2$datasets
      datasetread <- temp2$datasetread
      datalog <- paste0(datalog, temp2$datalog)
      # rm("temp1")
    if (!is.null(datasetread)) {
      dataweeksoriginal <- row.names(temp2$datasetread)
      dataweeksfiltered <- row.names(datasetread)
      if (as.logical(input$processdata)) {
        datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: preprocessing activated, data will be checked and rearranged\n")
        cat("reactive/read_data> Note: preprocessing activated, data will be checked and rearranged\n")
        # Delete all columns with only 0s and NAs, it is possible that when rearranging x.range it produces 0's or NA's columns that will give errors afterwards
        zerocols <- apply(datasetread, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = T) == 0)
        if (any(zerocols)) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: removing zero data columns from the original file after rearrangement: ", paste0(names(datasetread)[zerocols], collapse = "; "), "\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: removing zero data columns from the original file after rearrangement:", paste0(names(datasetread)[zerocols], collapse = ";"), "\n")
          datasetread <- datasetread[!zerocols]
        # Transformation
        if (as.numeric(input$transformation) == 2) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: applying selected transformation - Odd\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: applying selected transformation - Odd\n")
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = as.numeric(input$transformation))
        } else if (as.numeric(input$transformation) == 3) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: applying selected transformation - Fill missings\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: applying selected transformation - Fill missings\n")
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = as.numeric(input$transformation))
        } else if (as.numeric(input$transformation) == 4) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: applying selected transformation - Smoothing regression\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: applying selected transformation - Smoothing regression\n")
          if (input$smregressionoptimum) hsuav.value <- -1 else hsuav.value <- as.numeric(input$smregressionsmoothing)
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = 4, hsuav = hsuav.value)
        } else if (as.numeric(input$transformation) == 5) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: applying selected transformation - Loess\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: applying selected transformation - Loess\n")
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = 7, i.positive = as.logical(input$transfpositive), span = as.numeric(input$loesspan))
        } else if (as.numeric(input$transformation) == 6) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: applying selected transformation - Spline\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: applying selected transformation - Spline\n")
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = 8, i.positive = as.logical(input$transfpositive))
        } else if (as.numeric(input$transformation) == 7) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: applying selected transformation - Moving average\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: applying selected transformation - Moving average\n")
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = 9, i.number = as.numeric(input$movavgweeks))
        }else {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: no transformation selected\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: no transformation selected\n")
        # Waves separation
        if (as.numeric(input$waves) == 2) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: separating waves\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: separating waves\n")
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = 5, i.proportion = as.numeric(input$twowavesproportion / 100))
        } else if (as.numeric(input$waves) == 3) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: separating waves\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: separating waves\n")
          datasetread <- transformseries(datasetread, i.transformation = 6, i.proportion = as.numeric(input$twowavesproportion / 100))
        } else if (as.numeric(input$waves) == 4) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: separating waves\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: separating waves\n")
          # If I use the i.method and i.param parameters when I produce the graph of multiple
          # waves, it modifies this the graph I use (that shows the epidemic period as shown
          # by the algorithm) and then consequently read_data changes and reset the information
          # shown at Model. So if I use multiple and change the i.param then it is reset the
          # Model selection, which I do not want it to happen.
          # temp1 <- mem:::transformseries.multiple(datasetread, i.waves=as.numeric(input$numberwaves),
          #                                         i.min.separation=as.numeric(input$wavesseparation),
          #                                         i.param.1=as.numeric(input$wavesparam1),
          #                                         i.param.2=as.numeric(input$wavesparam2),
          #                                         i.method=as.numeric(input$method),
          #                                         i.param=as.numeric(input$param))
		  # Calcular el número de puntos que se toman
          temp1 <- mem:::transformseries.multiple(datasetread,
            i.waves = as.numeric(input$numberwaves),
            i.min.separation = as.numeric(input$wavesseparation),
            i.intra.param = as.numeric(input$wavesparam1),
            i.inter.param = as.numeric(input$wavesparam2),
			i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
            i.param = as.numeric(input$param)
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: Description of dummy seasons created\n\t", trloc("Season"), "\t", trloc("From"), "\t", trloc("To"), "\n", paste0(apply(temp1$season.desc, 1, function(x) paste0("\t", paste0(as.character(x), collapse = "\t"))), collapse = "\n"))
          datasetread <- temp1$
          plots <- temp1$plots
        } else {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: no separation of waves selected\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: no separation of waves selected\n")
        # Delete all columns with only 0s and NAs. After transformation is possible that some columns are NA,
        # specially when splitting waves in two, in case there is only one epidemic instead of two
        zerocols <- apply(datasetread, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = T) == 0)
        if (sum(zerocols) > 0) {
          datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: removing 0/NA-only columns after transformation:", paste0(names(datasetread)[zerocols], collapse = ";"), "\n")
          cat("reactive/read_data> Note: removing 0/NA-only columns after transformation:", paste0(names(datasetread)[zerocols], collapse = ";"), "\n")
          datasetread <- datasetread[!zerocols]
      } else {
        datalog <- paste0(datalog, "Note: preprocessing deactivated, data will be read as it is\n")
        cat("reactive/read_data> Note: preprocessing deactivated, data will be read as it is\n")
    } else {
      dataweeksoriginal <- NULL
      dataweeksfiltered <- NULL
    cat("reactive/read_data> datasets returning NULL?: ", is.null(datasets), "\n")
    cat("reactive/read_data> dataweeksoriginal returning NULL?: ", is.null(dataweeksoriginal), "\n")
    cat("reactive/read_data> dataweeksfiltered returning NULL?: ", is.null(dataweeksfiltered), "\n")
    cat("reactive/read_data> datasetread NULL?: ", is.null(datasetread), "\n")
    cat("reactive/read_data> end\n")
    readdata <- list(datasets = datasets, datasetread = datasetread, dataweeksoriginal = dataweeksoriginal, dataweeksfiltered = dataweeksfiltered, datalog = datalog, plots = plots)

  getSeasons <- reactive({
    cat("reactive/getSeasons> begin\n")
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    seasons <- names(datfile)
    if (!is.null(seasons)) cat("reactive/getSeasons> updating from/to/exclude\n")
    cat("reactive/getSeasons> end\n")

  getDatasets <- eventReactive(input$file, {
    cat("eventReactive/getDatasets> begin\n")
    readdata <- read_data()
    datsheets <- readdata$datasets
    if (!is.null(datsheets)) cat("eventReactive/getDatasets> updating dataset list\n")
    cat("eventReactive/getDatasets> end\n")

  getWeeksOriginal <- eventReactive(input$dataset, {
    cat("eventReactive/getWeeksOriginal> begin\n")
    readdata <- read_data()
    dataweeksoriginal <- readdata$dataweeksoriginal
    if (!is.null(dataweeksoriginal)) cat("reactive/getWeeksOriginal> updating first/last week list\n")
    cat("eventReactive/getWeeksOriginal> end\n")

  getWeeksFiltered <- eventReactive(c(input$dataset, input$firstWeek, input$lastWeek), {
    cat("eventReactive/getWeeksFiltered> begin\n")
    readdata <- read_data()
    dataweeksfiltered <- readdata$dataweeksfiltered
    if (!is.null(dataweeksfiltered)) cat("reactive/getWeeksFiltered> updating first/last week list\n")
    cat("eventReactive/getWeeksFiltered> end\n")

  # Pass url parameters to the app, in this case to advanced features, once the server is run, you can
  # use to enable/disable advanced features

    cat("observe/urlquery> begin\n")
    query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    cat("observe/urlquery> searching for advanced features URL parameter\n")
    if (!is.null(query[["advanced"]])) {
      cat("observe/urlquery> setting advanced features to ", query[["advanced"]], "\n")
      # updateCheckboxInput(session, "advanced", value = as.logical(query[['advanced']]))
      updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "advanced", value = as.logical(query[["advanced"]]))
    cat("observe/urlquery> searching for experimental features URL parameter\n")
    if (!is.null(query[["experimental"]])) {
      cat("observe/urlquery> setting experimental features to ", query[["experimental"]], "\n")
      # updateCheckboxInput(session, "experimental", value = as.logical(query[['experimental']]))
      updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "experimental", value = as.logical(query[["experimental"]]))
    cat("observe/urlquery> searching for language URL parameter\n")
    if (!is.null(query[["language"]])) {
      cat("observe/urlquery> setting language to ", query[["language"]], "\n")
      updateSelectInput(session, "language", selected = as.character(query[["language"]]))
    cat("observe/urlquery> begin\n")

  observeEvent(input$language, {
    lang <- input$language
    cat("observeEvent/language> begin\n")
    cat("observeEvent/language> original locale:", values$locale, "\n")
    langs <- get.languages()
    if (lang %in% langs$filename) {
      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        cat("observeEvent/language> Windows system detected\n")
        localestring <- langs$localewin[langs$filename == lang]
      } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
        cat("observeEvent/language> *nix system detected\n")
        localestring <- langs$localelinux[langs$filename == lang]
        if (localestring == "") cat("observeEvent/language> Locale not installed in your system\n")
      } else {
        cat("observeEvent/language> No windows or *nix system detected\n")
        localestring <- ""
      cat("observeEvent/language> changing to:", dplyr::if_else(localestring == "", "system default", localestring), "\n")
      Sys.setlocale(locale = localestring)
    } else {
      cat("observeEvent/language> language not in the locales list\n")
    cat("observeEvent/language> current locale:", Sys.getlocale(), "\n")
    cat("observeEvent/language> end\n")

  observeEvent(input$dataset, {
    lang <- input$language
    cat("observeEvent/dataset> begin\n")
    cat("observeEvent/dataset> setting to default values\n")
    # updateCheckboxInput(session, "processdata", value = default.values$processdata)
    updateMaterialSwitch(session, "processdata", value = default.values$processdata)
    # updateCheckboxInput(session, "preepidemicthr", value = default.values$preepidemicthr)
    updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "preepidemicthr", value = default.values$preepidemicthr)
    # updateCheckboxInput(session, "postepidemicthr", value = default.values$postepidemicthr)
    updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "postepidemicthr", value = default.values$postepidemicthr)
    # updateCheckboxInput(session, "intensitythr", value = default.values$intensitythr)
    updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "intensitythr", value = default.values$intensitythr)
    updateSelectInput(session, "transformation", selected = default.values$transformation)
    updatePickerInput(session, "SelectSeasons", selected = NULL)
    updatePickerInput(session, "SelectExclude", selected = NULL)
    if (input$transformation == 5 & input$advanced) updateSliderInput(session, "loesspan", value = default.values$loesspan$value, min = default.values$loesspan$min, max = default.values$loesspan$max, step = default.values$loesspan$step)
    if (input$transformation == 7 & input$advanced) updateSliderInput(session, "movavgweeks", value = default.values$movavgweeks$value, min = default.values$movavgweeks$min, max = default.values$movavgweeks$max, step = default.values$movavgweeks$step)
    if (input$transformation == 4 & input$advanced) updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "smregressionoptimum", value = default.values$smregressionoptimum)
    if (input$transformation == 4 & input$advanced) updateSliderInput(session, "smregressionsmoothing", value = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$value, min = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$min, max = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$max, step = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$step)
    if ((input$transformation == 5 | input$transformation == 6) & input$advanced) updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "transfpositive", value = default.values$transfpositive)
    updateSelectInput(session, "waves", selected = default.values$waves)
    if ((input$waves == 2 | input$waves == 3) & input$advanced) updateSliderInput(session, "twowavesproportion", min = default.values$twowavesproportion$min, max = default.values$twowavesproportion$max, step = default.values$twowavesproportion$step, value = default.values$twowavesproportion$value)
    if (input$waves == 4 & input$experimental & input$advanced) {
      updateNumericInput(session, "numberwaves", min = default.values$numberwaves$min, max = default.values$numberwaves$max, step = default.values$numberwaves$step, value = default.values$numberwaves$value)
      updateNumericInput(session, "wavesseparation", min = default.values$wavesseparation$min, max = default.values$wavesseparation$max, step = default.values$wavesseparation$step, value = default.values$wavesseparation$value)
      updateNumericInput(session, "wavesparam1", min = default.values$wavesparam1$min, max = default.values$wavesparam1$max, step = default.values$wavesparam1$step, value = default.values$wavesparam1$value)
      updateNumericInput(session, "wavesparam2", min = default.values$wavesparam2$min, max = default.values$wavesparam2$max, step = default.values$wavesparam2$step, value = default.values$wavesparam2$value)
    # Text options
    updateTextInput(session, "textMain", value = trloc(default.values$textMain))
    updateTextInput(session, "textY", value = trloc(default.values$textY))
    updateTextInput(session, "textX", value = trloc(default.values$textX))
    # Graph options
    updateSelectInput(session, "colObservedLines", selected = default.values$colObservedLines)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colObservedPoints", selected = default.values$colObservedPoints)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colEpidemicStart", selected = default.values$colEpidemicStart)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colEpidemicStop", selected = default.values$colEpidemicStop)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colThresholds", selected = default.values$colThresholds)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colLevels", selected = default.values$colLevels)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colSeasons", selected = default.values$colSeasons)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colEpidemic", selected = default.values$colEpidemic)
    # updateCheckboxInput(session, "yaxis0", value = default.values$yaxis0)
    updatePrettyCheckbox(session, "yaxis0", value = default.values$yaxis0)
    # MEM options
    updateSelectInput(session, "method", selected = default.values$method)
    updateNumericInput(session, "param", value = default.values$param$value, min = default.values$param$min, max = default.values$param$max, step = default.values$param$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "nvalues", selected = default.values$nvalues)
    updateNumericInput(session, "ntails", value = default.values$ntails$value, min = default.values$ntails$min, max = default.values$ntails$max, step = default.values$ntails$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typethreshold", selected = default.values$typethreshold)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typeintensity", selected = default.values$typeintensity)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelintensitym", value = default.values$levelintensitym$value, min = default.values$levelintensitym$min, max = default.values$levelintensitym$max, step = default.values$levelintensitym$step)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelintensityh", value = default.values$levelintensityh$value, min = default.values$levelintensityh$min, max = default.values$levelintensityh$max, step = default.values$levelintensityh$step)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelintensityv", value = default.values$levelintensityv$value, min = default.values$levelintensityv$min, max = default.values$levelintensityv$max, step = default.values$levelintensityv$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "validation", selected = default.values$validation)
    updateSelectInput(session, "optimmethod", selected = default.values$optimmethod)
    updateSliderInput(session, "paramrange", value = default.values$paramrange$value, min = default.values$paramrange$min, max = default.values$paramrange$max, step = default.values$paramrange$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typecurve", selected = default.values$typecurve)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typeother", selected = default.values$typeother)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelaveragecurve", value = default.values$levelaveragecurve$value, min = default.values$levelaveragecurve$min, max = default.values$levelaveragecurve$max, step = default.values$levelaveragecurve$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "centering", selected = default.values$centering)
    cat("observeEvent/dataset> end\n")

  observeEvent(read_data(), {
    cat("observeEvent/read_data> begin\n")
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    datsheets <- readdata$datasets
    if (!is.null(datfile)) {
      seasons <- names(datfile)
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/structure... check & describe\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s))]] <- renderUI({
          if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
                column(1, h4(trloc("Timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot"), height = 600))
                column(1, h4(trloc("MAP curve"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s), "_map"), height = 600))
                column(1, h4(trloc("Slope curve"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s), "_slope"), height = 600))
          } else {
              column(1, h4(trloc("Timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
              column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot"), height = 600))
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/timing plot... check & describe\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NA,
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSeries(datfile.plot,
              i.plot.timing = T,
              i.range.x = NA,
              i.pre.epidemic = F,
     = F,
              i.intensity = F,
     = F,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
              i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
              i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
              i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
              i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
              i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemic = colors.palette$colEpidemic,
     = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/map curve... check & describe\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s), "_map")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotMAP(datfile.plot,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colOptimum = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colLine = colors.palette$colEpidemic[3]
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/slope curve... check & describe\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbdTiming_", as.character(s), "_slope")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSlope(datfile.plot,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colOptimum = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colLine1 = colors.palette$colEpidemic[2],
              i.colLine2 = colors.palette$colEpidemic[3]
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/structure... visualize\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s))]] <- renderUI({
          if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
                column(1, h4(trloc("Timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot"), height = 600))
                column(1, h4(trloc("MAP curve"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s), "_map"), height = 600))
                column(1, h4(trloc("Slope curve"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s), "_slope"), height = 600))
          } else {
              column(1, h4(trloc("Timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
              column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot"), height = 600))
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/timing plot... visualize\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NA,
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSeries(datfile.plot,
              i.plot.timing = T,
              i.range.x = NA,
              i.pre.epidemic = F,
     = F,
              i.intensity = F,
     = F,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
              i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
              i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
              i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
              i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
              i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemic = colors.palette$colEpidemic,
     = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/map curve... visualize\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s), "_map")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic

            p <- plotMAP(datfile.plot,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colOptimum = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colLine = colors.palette$colEpidemic[3]
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/read_data> updating timing graphs/slope curve... visualize\n")
      lapply(seasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbvTiming_", as.character(s), "_slope")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSlope(datfile.plot,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colOptimum = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colLine1 = colors.palette$colEpidemic[2],
              i.colLine2 = colors.palette$colEpidemic[3]
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
    cat("observeEvent/read_data> end\n")

  observeEvent(data_model(), {
    cat("observeEvent/data_model> begin\n")
    datamodel <- data_model()
    moddata <- datamodel$
    if (!is.null(moddata)) {
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating timing plots... updating global variables\n")
      modseasons <- names(moddata)
      plotdata <- cbind(data.frame(weekno = 1:NROW(moddata), weekna = rownames(moddata), stringsAsFactors = F), moddata)
      epidata <- datamodel$data
      names(epidata) <- paste0(names(epidata), "_fixed")
      epidata$weekna <- rownames(epidata)
      plotdata <- merge(plotdata, epidata, "weekna", all.x = T, sort = F)
      # I have to duplicate the dataset since the plotdata will be changing when I add colors to the _color
      # column, if I use plotdata for detect nearpoint, each time I change a color, it reevaluates the
      # expression nearpoint, producing duplicate points
      origdata <- plotdata
      for (s in modseasons) eval(parse(text = paste0("plotdata$'", as.character(s), "_color'<-'1'")))
      values$origdata <- origdata
      values$plotdata <- plotdata
      values$clickdata <- data.frame()
      values$optimizegraphs <- data.frame()
      rm("origdata", "plotdata", "epidata")
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating timing graphs/structure... model\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s))]] <- renderUI({
          if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
                column(1, h4(trloc("Timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot"), height = 600))
                column(1, h4(trloc("MAP curve"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s), "_map"), height = 600))
                column(1, h4(trloc("Slope curve"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
                column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s), "_slope"), height = 600))
          } else {
              column(1, h4(trloc("Timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;float:right;}"))),
              column(11, plotlyOutput(paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot"), height = 600))
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating timing graphs/timing plot... model\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s), "_plot")]] <- renderPlotly({
          datamodel <- isolate(data_model())
          moddata <- datamodel$
          if (is.null(moddata)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(moddata))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            moddata.s <- moddata[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NA,
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSeries(moddata.s,
              i.plot.timing = T,
              i.range.x = NA,
              i.pre.epidemic = F,
     = F,
              i.intensity = F,
     = F,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
              i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
              i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
              i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
              i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
              i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemic = colors.palette$colEpidemic,
     = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating timing graphs/map curve... model\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s), "_map")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic

            p <- plotMAP(datfile.plot,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colOptimum = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colLine = colors.palette$colEpidemic[3]
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating timing graphs/slope curve... model\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmTiming_", as.character(s), "_slope")]] <- renderPlotly({
          readdata <- isolate(read_data())
          datfile <- readdata$datasetread
          if (is.null(datfile)) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else if (!(as.character(s) %in% names(datfile))) {
            zfix <- NULL
          } else {
            datfile.plot <- datfile[as.character(s)]
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSlope(datfile.plot,
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colOptimum = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colLine1 = colors.palette$colEpidemic[2],
              i.colLine2 = colors.palette$colEpidemic[3]
            if (is.null(p)) {
              zfix <- NULL
            } else {
              z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
              zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating manual optimization plots... seasons' structure\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s))]] <- renderUI({
          imgfileok <- F
          if (NROW(values$optimizegraphs) > 0) {
            imgtmp <- values$optimizegraphs
            imgtmp2 <- subset(imgtmp, imgtmp$season == as.character(s))
            if (NROW(imgtmp2) > 0) {
              if (file.exists(imgtmp2$file)) {
                imgfile <- imgtmp2$file
                imgfileok <- T
          if (imgfileok) {
                outputId = paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_plot"),
                click = paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_click"),
                width = "800px", height = "600px"
              tableOutput(paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_table")),
              imageOutput(paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_image"))
          } else {
                outputId = paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_plot"),
                click = paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_click"),
                width = "800px", height = "600px"
              tableOutput(paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_table"))
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating manual optimization plots... start & end values table\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_table")]] <- renderTable({
          if (NROW(values$clickdata) > 0) {
            etwo <- extract.two(values$clickdata, "weekno", "season")
            etwo <- merge(etwo, data.frame(id.tail = c(1, 2), point = trloc(c("Start", "End")), stringsAsFactors = F), by = "id.tail")
            etwo2 <- subset(etwo, etwo$season == as.character(s))[c("season", "weekno", "point", paste0(as.character(s), "_fixed"))]
            names(etwo2)[1:3] <- trloc(c("Season", "Week", "Point"))
            names(etwo2)[4] <- as.character(s)
          } else {
            etwo2 <- data.frame(message = "No data")
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating manual optimization plots... goodness image\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_image")]] <- renderImage({
          imgfile <- ""
          if (NROW(values$optimizegraphs) > 0) {
            imgtmp <- values$optimizegraphs
            imgtmp2 <- subset(imgtmp, imgtmp$season == as.character(s))
            if (NROW(imgtmp2) > 0) {
              if (file.exists(imgtmp2$file)) {
                imgfile <- imgtmp2$file
          gfile <- list(
            src = imgfile,
            contentType = "image/png",
            width = 800,
            height = 600,
            alt = "No image found"
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating manual optimization plots... seasons plots\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        output[[paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_plot")]] <- renderPlot({
          if (as.character(s) %in% names(values$origdata)) {
            i.cutoff.original <- min(as.numeric(values$origdata$weekna[1:(min(3, NROW(values$origdata)))]))
            if (i.cutoff.original < 1) i.cutoff.original <- 1
            if (i.cutoff.original > 52) i.cutoff.original <- 52
            i.range.x <- c(min(as.numeric(values$origdata$weekna[1:(min(3, NROW(values$origdata)))])), max(as.numeric(values$origdata$weekna[(max(1, NROW(values$origdata) - 2)):NROW(values$origdata)])))
            if (i.range.x[1] < 1) i.range.x[1] <- 1
            if (i.range.x[1] > 52) i.range.x[1] <- 52
            if (i.range.x[2] < 1) i.range.x[2] <- 1
            if (i.range.x[2] > 52) i.range.x[2] <- 52
            if (i.range.x[1] == i.range.x[2]) i.range.x[2] <- i.range.x[2] - 1
            if (i.range.x[2] == 0) i.range.x[2] <- 52
            week.f <- i.range.x[1]
            week.l <- i.range.x[2]
            last.week <- 52
            if (week.f > week.l) {
              i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = c(week.f:last.week, 1:week.l), = 1:(last.week - week.f + 1 + week.l))
            } else {
              i.range.x.values <- data.frame(week.lab = week.f:week.l, = 1:(week.l - week.f + 1))
            # Calculate ticks for x
            data.x <- values$origdata$weekno
            axis.x.range <- range(data.x)
            temp1 <- range(i.range.x.values$
            temp2 <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(temp1[1], temp1[2], 30, 1:temp1[2], T, T)
            axis.x.ticks <- data.x[values$origdata$weekna %in% i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp2$tickmarks]]
            axis.x.labels <- values$origdata$weekna[values$origdata$weekna %in% i.range.x.values$week.lab[temp2$tickmarks]]
            rm("temp1", "temp2")
            # Range y fix
            i.range.y <- c(0, 1.05 * max(values$origdata[s], na.rm = T))
            axis.y.range.original <- i.range.y
            axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
            axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
            axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
            axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = NCOL(values$plotdata),
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            colormixed <- "#FF00FF"
            p1 <- ggplot(values$plotdata, aes_(x ="weekno"), y =, "_fixed")))) +
              geom_point(aes_("weekno"),, colour =, "_color")), size =, "_color")))) +
              scale_color_manual(values = c("1" = colors.palette$colObservedPoints, "2" = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart, "3" = colors.palette$colEpidemicStop, "4" = colormixed)) +
              scale_size_manual(values = c("1" = 4, "2" = 6, "3" = 6, "4" = 8)) +
              geom_line(aes_(x ="weekno"), y =, color = colors.palette$colObservedLines) +
              scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
              scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
              labs(title = input$textMain, x = input$textX, y = input$textY) +
              theme_light() +
              theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
              guides(color = FALSE, size = FALSE)
          } else {
            p1 <- NULL
      cat("observeEvent/data_model> updating manual optimization plots... click events\n")
      lapply(modseasons, function(s) {
        nameid <- paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_click")
        if (!(nameid %in% values$idscreated)) {
          values$idscreated <- c(values$idscreated, nameid)
          observeEvent(input[[nameid]], {
            np.x <- input[[nameid]]$mapping$x
            # Note: input[[nameid]] returns the point clicked, but when the original column has a complex name
            # it adds a ` at the begining and end, thus avoiding to detect the value from values$origdata, which
            # have normal names (without ``), so I have to change the yvar value
            np.y <- gsub("`", "", input[[nameid]]$mapping$y)
            np.max <- max(values$origdata[np.y], na.rm = T) / 2
            np <- nearPoints(values$origdata, input[[nameid]],
              xvar = np.x,
              yvar = np.y,
              maxpoints = 1,
              threshold = np.max
            if (NROW(np) > 0) values$clickdata <- rbind(values$clickdata, cbind(data.frame(season = as.character(s), stringsAsFactors = F), np))
            if (NROW(values$clickdata) > 0) {
              p0 <- extract.two(values$clickdata, "weekno", "season")
              p1 <- subset(p0, season == as.character(s) & id.tail == 1)
              p2 <- subset(p0, season == as.character(s) & id.tail == 2)
              if (NROW(p1) > 0) {
                values$plotdata[values$plotdata[, paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] != "3", paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] <- "1"
                values$plotdata[values$origdata$weekno == p1$weekno, paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] <- "2"
              if (NROW(p2) > 0) {
                values$plotdata[values$plotdata[, paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] != "2", paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] <- "1"
                values$plotdata[values$origdata$weekno == p2$weekno, paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] <- "3"
              if (NROW(p1) > 0 & NROW(p2) > 0) {
                if (p1$weekno == p2$weekno) {
                  values$plotdata[, paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] <- "1"
                  values$plotdata[values$origdata$weekno == p1$weekno, paste0(as.character(s), "_color")] <- "4"
    cat("observeEvent/data_model> end\n")

  observeEvent(input$resetuiTextoptions, {
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiTextoptions> begin\n")
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiTextoptions> reseting text options to default\n")
    updateTextInput(session, "textMain", value = trloc(default.values$textMain))
    updateTextInput(session, "textY", value = trloc(default.values$textY))
    updateTextInput(session, "textX", value = trloc(default.values$textX))
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiTextoptions> end\n")

  observeEvent(input$resetuiGraphoptions, {
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiGraphoptions> begin\n")
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiGraphoptionss> reseting graph options to default\n")
    updateSelectInput(session, "colObservedLines", selected = default.values$colObservedLines)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colObservedPoints", selected = default.values$colObservedPoints)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colEpidemicStart", selected = default.values$colEpidemicStart)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colEpidemicStop", selected = default.values$colEpidemicStop)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colThresholds", selected = default.values$colThresholds)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colLevels", selected = default.values$colLevels)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colSeasons", selected = default.values$colSeasons)
    updateSelectInput(session, "colEpidemic", selected = default.values$colEpidemic)
    updateCheckboxInput(session, "yaxis0", value = default.values$yaxis0)
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiGraphoptions> end\n")

  observeEvent(input$resetuiMEMoptions, {
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiMEMoptions> begin\n")
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiMEMoptions> reseting MEM options to default\n")
    updateSelectInput(session, "method", selected = default.values$method)
    updateNumericInput(session, "param", value = default.values$param$value, min = default.values$param$min, max = default.values$param$max, step = default.values$param$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "nvalues", selected = default.values$nvalues)
    updateNumericInput(session, "ntails", value = default.values$ntails$value, min = default.values$ntails$min, max = default.values$ntails$max, step = default.values$ntails$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typethreshold", selected = default.values$typethreshold)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typeintensity", selected = default.values$typeintensity)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelintensitym", value = default.values$levelintensitym$value, min = default.values$levelintensitym$min, max = default.values$levelintensitym$max, step = default.values$levelintensitym$step)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelintensityh", value = default.values$levelintensityh$value, min = default.values$levelintensityh$min, max = default.values$levelintensityh$max, step = default.values$levelintensityh$step)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelintensityv", value = default.values$levelintensityv$value, min = default.values$levelintensityv$min, max = default.values$levelintensityv$max, step = default.values$levelintensityv$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "validation", selected = default.values$validation)
    updateSelectInput(session, "optimmethod", selected = default.values$optimmethod)
    updateSliderInput(session, "paramrange", value = default.values$paramrange$value, min = default.values$paramrange$min, max = default.values$paramrange$max, step = default.values$paramrange$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typecurve", selected = default.values$typecurve)
    updateSelectInput(session, "typeother", selected = default.values$typeother)
    updateNumericInput(session, "levelaveragecurve", value = default.values$levelaveragecurve$value, min = default.values$levelaveragecurve$min, max = default.values$levelaveragecurve$max, step = default.values$levelaveragecurve$step)
    updateSelectInput(session, "centering", selected = default.values$centering)
    cat("observeEvent/resetuiMEMoptions> end\n")


  ### DATA TAB

  output$tbData <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      # tabsetPanel(tabPanel(trloc("File"), verbatimTextOutput("tbdFile")))
      tabsetPanel(tabPanel(trloc("File"), uiOutput("tbdFile")))
    } else {
      if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
        # tabsetPanel(tabPanel(trloc("File"), verbatimTextOutput("tbdFile")),
          tabPanel(trloc("File"), uiOutput("tbdFile")),
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbdData_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbdData_c", "csv"))
          tabPanel(trloc("Seasons"), plotlyOutput("tbdSeasons", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Series"), plotlyOutput("tbdSeries", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Timing"), uiOutput("tbdTiming")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Evolution"), uiOutput("tbdEvolution")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Stability"), uiOutput("tbdStability")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Goodness"), uiOutput("tbdGoodness"))
      } else {
        # tabsetPanel(tabPanel(trloc("File"), verbatimTextOutput("tbdFile")),
          tabPanel(trloc("File"), uiOutput("tbdFile")),
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbdData_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbdData_c", "csv"))
          tabPanel(trloc("Seasons"), plotlyOutput("tbdSeasons", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Series"), plotlyOutput("tbdSeries", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Timing"), uiOutput("tbdTiming")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Evolution"), uiOutput("tbdEvolution")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Stability"), uiOutput("tbdStability"))

  output$tbdFile <- renderUI({
    if (as.numeric(input$waves) == 4) {
          column(6, verbatimTextOutput("tbdFileTxt")),
          column(6, plotOutput("tbdFilePlot1"))
          column(6, plotOutput("tbdFilePlot2")),
          column(6, plotOutput("tbdFilePlot3"))
    } else {

  output$tbdFileTxt <- renderPrint({
    infile <- input$file
    indataset <- input$dataset
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      cat(trloc("No file or dataset selected"), "\n", sep = "")
      cat(trloc("Log"), ":\n\t", sep = "")
      cat(gsub("\n", "\n\t", readdata$datalog, fixed = T), sep = "")
    } else {
      cat(trloc("File"), ":\n\t", infile$name, "\n", sep = "")
      cat(trloc("Dataset"), ":\n\t", indataset, "\n", sep = "")
      cat(trloc("Log"), ":\n\t", sep = "")
      cat(gsub("\n", "\n\t", readdata$datalog, fixed = T), sep = "")

  output$tbdFilePlot1 <- renderPlot({
    readdata <- read_data()
    plots <- readdata$plots
    if (is.null(plots)) {
    } else {
      tail(plots$p3, 1)
  }, width = 640, height = 480)
  output$tbdFilePlot2 <- renderPlot({
    readdata <- read_data()
    plots <- readdata$plots
    if (is.null(plots)) {
    } else {
  }, width = 640, height = 480)

  output$tbdFilePlot3 <- renderPlot({
    readdata <- read_data()
    plots <- readdata$plots
    if (is.null(plots)) {
    } else {
  }, width = 640, height = 480)
  output$tbdData <- DT::renderDataTable({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      datatoshow <- NULL
    } else {
      # Shows the data that's going to be used for mem calculations, plus the seasons to be added to the graph and surveillance
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = "", = "",
        i.exclude = "",
        i.include = "",
        i.pandemic = T,
        i.seasons = NA
      if (length(selectedcolumns) > 0) {
        datatoshow <- format(round(datfile[selectedcolumns], 2), nsmall = 2)
      } else {
        datatoshow <- data.frame(Message = "No data selected", row.names = NULL)
  options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = "600px", paging = FALSE, dom = "Bfrtip", columnDefs = list(list(targets = "_all", class = "dt-right")))

  output$tbdData_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      readdata <- read_data()
      datfile <- readdata$datasetread
      if (!is.null(datfile)) {
        selectedcolumns <- select.columns(i.names = names(datfile), i.from = "", = "", i.exclude = "", i.include = "", i.pandemic = T, i.seasons = NA)
        if (length(selectedcolumns) > 0) {
   = datfile[selectedcolumns], i.file = file,
            i.sheet = substring(trloc("Data"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Week no"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbdData_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      readdata <- read_data()
      datfile <- readdata$datasetread
      if (!is.null(datfile)) {
        selectedcolumns <- select.columns(i.names = names(datfile), i.from = "", = "", i.exclude = "", i.include = "", i.pandemic = T, i.seasons = NA)
        if (length(selectedcolumns) > 0) {
   = datfile[selectedcolumns], i.file = file,
            i.sheet = substring(trloc("Data"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Week no"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbdSeasons <- renderPlotly({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      datamodel <- data_model()
      if (is.null(datamodel)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        datfile.plot <- datfile
        e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
        i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
        colors.palette <- generate_palette(
          i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
          i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
          i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
          i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
          i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
          i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
          i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
        p <- plotSeasons(datfile.plot,
          i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
          i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
          i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
 = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
          i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
          i.textMain = input$textMain,
          i.textX = input$textX,
          i.textY = input$textY,
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
          i.colSeasons = colors.palette$colSeasons,
          i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
 = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
        if (is.null(p)) {
          zfix <- NULL
        } else {
          z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
          zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbdSeries <- renderPlotly({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      datamodel <- data_model()
      if (is.null(datamodel)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        datfile.plot <- datfile
        e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
        i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
        colors.palette <- generate_palette(
          i.number.series = NA,
          i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
          i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
          i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
          i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
          i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
          i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
        p <- plotSeries(
 = datfile.plot,
          i.plot.timing = T,
          i.range.x = NA,
          i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
 = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
          i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
          i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
          i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
          i.range.y = NA,
 = T,
          i.textMain = input$textMain,
          i.textX = input$textX,
          i.textY = input$textY,
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
          i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
          i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemic = colors.palette$colEpidemic,
 = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
        if (is.null(p)) {
          zfix <- NULL
        } else {
          z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
          zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbdTiming <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    } else {
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = "", = "",
        i.exclude = "",
        i.include = "",
        i.pandemic = T,
        i.seasons = NA
      datfile.plot <- datfile[selectedcolumns]
      tabnames <- names(datfile.plot)
        ## Create a set of tabPanel functions dependent on tabnames
        lapply(tabnames, function(s) {
          ## Populate the tabPanel with a dataTableOutput layout, with ID specific to the sample.
          ## Can also accommodate additional layout parts by adding additional call() to call("tabPanel")
          call("tabPanel", s, call("uiOutput", outputId = paste0("tbdTiming_", s), width = "100%", height = "100%"))

  output$tbdEvolution <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Duration"), plotlyOutput("tbdEduration", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Start"), plotlyOutput("tbdEstart", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Epidemic %"), plotlyOutput("tbdEpercentage", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Thresholds"), plotlyOutput("tbdEthresholds", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Scheme"), formattable::formattableOutput("tbdEscheme")),
              if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                downloadButton("tbdEdetailed_x", "xlsx")
              } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
            column(2, downloadButton("tbdEdetailed_c", "csv"))

  output$tbdEduration <- renderPlotly({
    dataevolution <- data_evolution()$
    if (is.null(dataevolution)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("durationll", "duration", "durationul")
      datfile.plot <- dataevolution[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Lower limit", "Duration", "Upper limit"))
      # by inserting \n instead of /, the fixplotly function assign twice the space for the x-axis labs
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = 3,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.range.y.labels = NA,
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1, = T,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),

  output$tbdEstart <- renderPlotly({
    dataevolution <- data_evolution()$
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(dataevolution)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("startll", "start", "startul")
      datfile.plot <- dataevolution[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Lower limit", "Start", "Upper limit"))
      # by inserting \n instead of /, the fixplotly function assign twice the space for the x-axis labs
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = 3,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.range.y.labels = rownames(datfile),
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1, = T,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)

      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        # fix to replace relative to absolute weeks
        for (i in 1:3) zfix$x$data[[i]]$text <- paste(trloc("Season"), ": ", rownames(datfile.plot), "<br />", names(datfile.plot)[i], ": ", rownames(datfile)[datfile.plot[, i]], sep = "")

  output$tbdEpercentage <- renderPlotly({
    dataevolution <- data_evolution()$
    if (is.null(dataevolution)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("percentagell", "percentage", "percentageul")
      datfile.plot <- dataevolution[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Lower limit", "Epidemic percentage", "Upper limit"))
      # by inserting \n instead of /, the fixplotly function assign twice the space for the x-axis labs
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = 3,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.range.y.labels = NA,
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1, = T,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),

  output$tbdEthresholds <- renderPlotly({
    dataevolution <- data_evolution()$
    if (is.null(dataevolution)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("epidemic", "medium", "high", "veryhigh", "postepidemic")
      datfile.plot <- dataevolution[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Pre-epidemic thr.", "Medium int. thr.", "High int. thr.", "Very high int. thr.", "Post-epidemic thr."))
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      # by inserting \n instead of /, the fixplotly function assign twice the space for the x-axis labs
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.range.y.labels = NA,
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colThresholds,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colThresholds,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1, = T,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),

  output$tbdEscheme <- formattable::renderFormattable({
    dataevolution <- data_evolution()
    if (is.null(dataevolution)) {
      datashow <- NULL
    } else {
      temp1 <- dataevolution$evolution.seasons
      if (row.names(temp1)[NROW(temp1)] == "next") row.names(temp1)[NROW(temp1)] <- trloc("next")
      datashow <- formattable::formattable(temp1, apply(
        temp1, 2,
        function(noxneeded) formattable::formatter("span",
            style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(x, "green", "red")),
            x ~ formattable::icontext(ifelse(x, "ok", "remove"), ifelse(x, trloc("Yes"), trloc("No")))

  output$tbdEdetailed <- DT::renderDataTable({
    dataevolution <- data_evolution()
    if (is.null(dataevolution)) {
      datashow <- NULL
    } else {
      datashow <- format(round(dataevolution$, 2), nsmall = 2)
      if (row.names(datashow)[NROW(datashow)] == "next") row.names(datashow)[NROW(datashow)] <- trloc("next")
      names(datashow) <- trloc(c("Seasons", "Duration (lower limit)", "Duration", "Duration (upper limit)", "Start (lower limit)", "Start", "Start (upper limit)", "Epidemic perc. (lower limit)", "Epidemic perc.", "Epidemic perc. (upper limit)", "Epidemic thr.", "Post-epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr."))
  options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = "600px", paging = FALSE, dom = "Bfrtip", columnDefs = list(list(targets = "_all", class = "dt-right")))

  output$tbdEdetailed_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      dataevolution <- data_evolution()
      datashow <- dataevolution$
      if (row.names(datashow)[NROW(datashow)] == "next") row.names(datashow)[NROW(datashow)] <- trloc("next")
      names(datashow) <- trloc(c("Seasons", "Duration (lower limit)", "Duration", "Duration (upper limit)", "Start (lower limit)", "Start", "Start (upper limit)", "Epidemic perc. (lower limit)", "Epidemic perc.", "Epidemic perc. (upper limit)", "Epidemic thr.", "Post-epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr."))
      if (!is.null(dataevolution)) {
 = datashow, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Evolution"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbdEdetailed_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      dataevolution <- data_evolution()
      datashow <- dataevolution$
      if (row.names(datashow)[NROW(datashow)] == "next") row.names(datashow)[NROW(datashow)] <- trloc("next")
      names(datashow) <- trloc(c("Seasons", "Duration (lower limit)", "Duration", "Duration (upper limit)", "Start (lower limit)", "Start", "Start (upper limit)", "Epidemic perc. (lower limit)", "Epidemic perc.", "Epidemic perc. (upper limit)", "Epidemic thr.", "Post-epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr."))
      if (!is.null(dataevolution)) {
 = datashow, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Evolution"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbdStability <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Duration"), plotlyOutput("tbdSduration", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Start"), plotlyOutput("tbdSstart", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Epidemic %"), plotlyOutput("tbdSpercentage", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Thresholds"), plotlyOutput("tbdSthresholds", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Scheme"), formattable::formattableOutput("tbdSscheme")),
              if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                downloadButton("tbdSdetailed_x", "xlsx")
              } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
            column(2, downloadButton("tbdSdetailed_c", "csv"))

  output$tbdSduration <- renderPlotly({
    datastability <- data_stability()$
    if (is.null(datastability)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("durationll", "duration", "durationul")
      datfile.plot <- datastability[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Lower limit", "Duration", "Upper limit"))
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = 3,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.range.y.labels = NA,
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),

  output$tbdSstart <- renderPlotly({
    datastability <- data_stability()$
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datastability)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("startll", "start", "startul")
      datfile.plot <- datastability[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Lower limit", "Start", "Upper limit"))
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = 3,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.range.y.labels = rownames(datfile),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        # fix to replace relative to absolute weeks
        for (i in 1:3) zfix$x$data[[i]]$text <- paste(trloc("Seasons"), ": ", rownames(datfile.plot), "<br />", names(datfile.plot)[i], ": ", rownames(datfile)[datfile.plot[, i]], sep = "")

  output$tbdSpercentage <- renderPlotly({
    datastability <- data_stability()$
    if (is.null(datastability)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("percentagell", "percentage", "percentageul")
      datfile.plot <- datastability[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Lower limit", "Epidemic percentage", "Upper limit"))
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = 3,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.range.y.labels = NA,
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),

  output$tbdSthresholds <- renderPlotly({
    datastability <- data_stability()$
    if (is.null(datastability)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      indicators <- c("epidemic", "medium", "high", "veryhigh", "postepidemic")
      datfile.plot <- datastability[indicators]
      names(datfile.plot) <- trloc(c("Pre-epidemic thr.", "Medium int. thr.", "High int. thr.", "Very high int. thr.", "Post-epidemic thr."))
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotGeneric(datfile.plot,
        i.range.y = NA,
        i.range.y.labels = NA,
        i.shapes = rep(21, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.colors = colors.palette$colThresholds,
        i.fills = colors.palette$colThresholds,
        i.sizes = rep(3, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linetypes = rep("solid", NCOL(datfile.plot)),
        i.linesize = 1,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),
          rep(T, NCOL(datfile.plot)),

  output$tbdSscheme <- formattable::renderFormattable({
    datastability <- data_stability()
    if (is.null(datastability)) {
      datashow <- NULL
    } else {
      temp1 <- datastability$stability.seasons
      datashow <- formattable::formattable(temp1, apply(
        temp1, 2,
        function(noxneeded) formattable::formatter("span",
            style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(x, "green", "red")),
            x ~ formattable::icontext(ifelse(x, "ok", "remove"), ifelse(x, trloc("Yes"), trloc("No")))

  output$tbdSdetailed <- DT::renderDataTable({
    datastability <- data_stability()
    if (is.null(datastability)) {
      datashow <- NULL
    } else {
      datashow <- format(round(datastability$, 2), nsmall = 2)
      names(datashow) <- trloc(c("Duration (lower limit)", "Duration", "Duration (upper limit)", "Start (lower limit)", "Start", "Start (upper limit)", "Epidemic perc. (lower limit)", "Epidemic perc.", "Epidemic perc. (upper limit)", "Epidemic thr.", "Post-epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr."))
  options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = "600px", paging = FALSE, dom = "Bfrtip", columnDefs = list(list(targets = "_all", class = "dt-right")))

  output$tbdSdetailed_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      datastability <- data_stability()
      datashow <- datastability$
      names(datashow) <- trloc(c("Duration (lower limit)", "Duration", "Duration (upper limit)", "Start (lower limit)", "Start", "Start (upper limit)", "Epidemic perc. (lower limit)", "Epidemic perc.", "Epidemic perc. (upper limit)", "Epidemic thr.", "Post-epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr."))
      if (!is.null(datastability)) {
 = datashow, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Stability"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Seasons"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbdSdetailed_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      datastability <- data_stability()
      datashow <- datastability$
      names(datashow) <- trloc(c("Duration (lower limit)", "Duration", "Duration (upper limit)", "Start (lower limit)", "Start", "Start (upper limit)", "Epidemic perc. (lower limit)", "Epidemic perc.", "Epidemic perc. (upper limit)", "Epidemic thr.", "Post-epidemic thr.", "Medium thr.", "High thr.", "Very high thr."))
      if (!is.null(datastability)) {
 = datashow, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Stability"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Seasons"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbdGoodness <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Indicators"), uiOutput("tbdGoodnessIndicators")),
              if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                downloadButton("tbdGoodnessSummary_x", "xlsx")
              } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
            column(2, downloadButton("tbdGoodnessSummary_c", "csv"))
        tabPanel(trloc("Graphs"), uiOutput("tbdGoodnessGraphs")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Intensity"), uiOutput("tbdGoodnessIntensity")),
              if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                downloadButton("tbdGoodnessDetailed_x", "xlsx")
              } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
            column(2, downloadButton("tbdGoodnessDetailed_c", "csv"))

  output$tbdGoodnessIndicators <- renderUI({
    good <- data_good_global()
    if (is.null(good)) {
    } else {
      # fluidRow(
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Sensitivity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Specificity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Positive predictive value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Negative predictive value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Percent agreement"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Matthews correlation coefficient"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Youdens Index"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua")
      # )
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Sensitivity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Specificity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Positive predictive value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Negative predictive value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow"))
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Percent agreement"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Matthews correlation coefficient"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Youdens Index"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua"))

  output$tbdGoodnessSummary <- formattable::renderFormattable({
    good <- data_good_global()
    if (!is.null(good)) {
      temp1 <-$
      temp1$Total <- good$results
      temp1 <-[c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")]
      good.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1, list(
        "Sensitivity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Specificity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Positive predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Negative predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Percent agreement" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Matthews correlation coefficient" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Youdens Index" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5)
      ), digits = 2, format = "f")
      names(good.table) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
      names(attr(good.table, "formattable")$format[[1]]) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
    } else {
      temp1 <- data.frame(Error = trloc("Number of columns must be greater than 2"))
      good.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1)

  output$tbdGoodnessSummary_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_global()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <-$
        temp1$Total <- good$results
        temp1 <-[c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")]
        names(temp1) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Global goodness summary"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbdGoodnessSummary_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_global()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <-$
        temp1$Total <- good$results
        temp1 <-[c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")]
        names(temp1) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Global goodness summary"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbdGoodnessIntensity <- renderUI({
    good <- data_good_global()
    peaks <- good$peaks
    if (is.null(good)) {
    } else {
      if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
        # fluidRow(
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==1]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==1]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=2, color="lime"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==2]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==2]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width=2, color="green"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==3]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==3]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width=2, color="yellow"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==4]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==4]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width=2, color="orange"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==5]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==5]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width=2, color="red"),
        #   valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[,1]==-1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==-1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="teal"),
        #   valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[,1]==0], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==0]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="teal")
        # )
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 1] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 1], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "lime")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 2] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 2], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width = 12, color = "green")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 3] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 3], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 4] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 4], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width = 12, color = "orange")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 5] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 5], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width = 12, color = "red"))
            column(width = 5, shinydashboard::valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[, 1] == -1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == -1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "teal")),
            column(width = 5, shinydashboard::valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[, 1] == 0], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 0]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "teal"))
      } else {
        # fluidRow(
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==1]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==1]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=2, color="lime"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==2]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==2]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width=2, color="green"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==3]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==3]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width=2, color="yellow"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==4]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==4]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width=2, color="orange"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==5]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==5]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width=2, color="red"),
        #   valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[,1]==-1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==-1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="teal")
        # )
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 1] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 1], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "lime")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 2] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 2], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width = 12, color = "green")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 3] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 3], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 4] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 4], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width = 12, color = "orange")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 5] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 5], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width = 12, color = "red"))
            column(width = 10, shinydashboard::valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[, 1] == -1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == -1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "teal"))

  output$tbdGoodnessDetailed <- formattable::renderFormattable({
    good <- data_good_global()
    if (!is.null(good)) {
      temp1 <- good$
      temp1$Level <- as.character(temp1$Level)
      temp1$Description <- trloc(temp1$Description)
      currentpalette <- generate_palette(i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds, i.colLevels = input$colLevels)
      thr.c <- currentpalette$colThresholds
      lvl.n <- as.character(c(1:5))
      lvl.t <- trloc(c("Baseline", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very high"))
      lvl.c <- currentpalette$colLevels <- formattable::formattable(temp1, list(
        "Epidemic threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[1], font.weight = "bold")),
        "Medium threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[2], font.weight = "bold")),
        "High threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[3], font.weight = "bold")),
        "Very high threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[4], font.weight = "bold")),
        "Level" = formattable::formatter("span", style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(, "grey", ifelse(x == lvl.n[1], lvl.c[1], ifelse(x == lvl.n[2], lvl.c[2], ifelse(x == lvl.n[3], lvl.c[3], ifelse(x == lvl.n[4], lvl.c[4], lvl.c[5]))))), font.weight = "bold")),
        "Description" = formattable::formatter("span", style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(, "grey", ifelse(x == lvl.t[1], lvl.c[1], ifelse(x == lvl.t[2], lvl.c[2], ifelse(x == lvl.t[3], lvl.c[3], ifelse(x == lvl.t[4], lvl.c[4], lvl.c[5]))))), font.weight = "bold"))
      ), digits = 2, format = "f")
      names( <- trloc(c("Peak", "Peak week", "Epidemic threshold", "Medium threshold", "High threshold", "Very high threshold", "Level", "Description"))
      names(attr(, "formattable")$format[[1]]) <- trloc(c("Epidemic threshold", "Medium threshold", "High threshold", "Very high threshold", "Level", "Description"))
    } else {
      temp1 <- data.frame(Error = trloc("Number of columns must be greater than 2")) <- formattable::formattable(temp1)

  output$tbdGoodnessDetailed_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_global()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <- good$
        temp1$Level <- as.character(temp1$Level)
        temp1$Description <- trloc(temp1$Description)
        names(temp1) <- trloc(names(temp1))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Global goodness intensity"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbdGoodnessDetailed_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_global()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <- good$
        temp1$Level <- as.character(temp1$Level)
        temp1$Description <- trloc(temp1$Description)
        names(temp1) <- trloc(names(temp1))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Global goodness intensity"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbdGoodnessGraphs <- renderUI({
    good <- data_good_global()
    if (is.null(good)) {
    } else {
      no.seasons <- NCOL(good$
      if (good$param.goodness.method == "sequential") se.seasons <- 3:no.seasons else se.seasons <- 1:no.seasons
      nu.seasons <- (1:no.seasons)[se.seasons]
      na.seasons <- (names(good$[se.seasons]
        lapply(na.seasons, function(s) {
          call("tabPanel", s, call("imageOutput", outputId = paste0("tbdGoodnessGraphs_", s), width = "100%", height = "100%"))


  output$tbModel <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    moddata <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(moddata)) {
    } else {
      if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbmData_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbmData_c", "csv"))
          tabPanel(trloc("Seasons"), plotlyOutput("tbmSeasons", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Series"), plotlyOutput("tbmSeries", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Timing"), uiOutput("tbmTiming")),
          tabPanel("MEM", uiOutput("tbmMem")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Goodness"), uiOutput("tbmGoodness")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Optimize"), uiOutput("tbmOptimize"))
      } else {
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbmData_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbmData_c", "csv"))
          tabPanel(trloc("Seasons"), plotlyOutput("tbmSeasons", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Series"), plotlyOutput("tbmSeries", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Timing"), uiOutput("tbmTiming")),
          tabPanel("MEM", uiOutput("tbmMem")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Goodness"), uiOutput("tbmGoodness")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Optimize"), uiOutput("tbmOptimizeA"))

  output$tbmData <- DT::renderDataTable({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    if (is.null(datamodel)) {
      datatoshow <- data.frame(Message = "No data selected", row.names = NULL)
    } else {
      datatoshow <- format(round(datamodel$, 2), nsmall = 2)
  options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = "600px", paging = FALSE, dom = "Bfrtip", columnDefs = list(list(targets = "_all", class = "dt-right")))

  output$tbmData_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      datamodel <- data_model()
      if (!is.null(datamodel)) {
 = datamodel$, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Model data"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Week no"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbmData_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      datamodel <- data_model()
      if (!is.null(datamodel)) {
 = datamodel$, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Model data"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Week no"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbmSeasons <- renderPlotly({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
      i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotSeasons(datfile.plot,
        i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
        i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
        i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr), = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
        i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY,
        i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
        i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
        i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
        i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
        i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
        i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
        i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
        i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
        i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
        i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
        i.colSeasons = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbmSeries <- renderPlotly({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
      i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NA,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotSeries( = datfile.plot,
        i.plot.timing = T,
        i.range.x = NA,
        i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr), = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
        i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
        i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
        i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
        i.range.y = NA, = T,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY,
        i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
        i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
        i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
        i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
        i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
        i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
        i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
        i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
        i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
        i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
        i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
        i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemic = colors.palette$colEpidemic, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbmTiming <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
    } else {
      tabnames <- names(datfile.plot)
        ## Create a set of tabPanel functions dependent on tabnames
        lapply(tabnames, function(s) {
          ## Populate the tabPanel with a dataTableOutput layout, with ID specific to the sample.
          ## Can also accommodate additional layout parts by adding additional call() to call("tabPanel")
          call("tabPanel", s, call("uiOutput", outputId = paste0("tbmTiming_", s), width = "100%", height = "100%"))

  output$tbmMem <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Estimators"), uiOutput("tbmMemSummary")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Detailed"), verbatimTextOutput("tbmMemOutput")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Graphs"), uiOutput("tbmMemGraph"))

  output$tbmMemSummary <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
    } else {
      # fluidPage(
      #   fluidRow(
      #     valueBox(datamodel$n.seasons, trloc("Seasons in the model"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="light-blue"),
      #     valueBox(datamodel$ci.start[2,2], trloc("Average epidemic start week"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="light-blue"),
      #     valueBox(format(round(datamodel$ci.length[1,2], 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Average epidemic length"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="light-blue"),
      #     valueBox(paste0(format(round(datamodel$ci.percent[2], 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc("Epidemic percentage"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="light-blue")
      #   ),
      #   fluidRow(
      #     valueBox(format(round(datamodel$[1,3], 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Epidemic threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width=3, color="green"),
      #     valueBox(format(round(datamodel$epi.intervals[1,4], 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Medium threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #     valueBox(format(round(datamodel$epi.intervals[2,4], 2), nsmall=1), trloc("High threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width=3, color="orange"),
      #     valueBox(format(round(datamodel$epi.intervals[3,4], 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Very high threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width=3, color="red")
      #   )
      # )
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(datamodel$n.seasons, trloc("Seasons in the model"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "light-blue")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(datamodel$ci.start[2, 2], trloc("Average epidemic start week"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "light-blue")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(datamodel$ci.length[1, 2], 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Average epidemic length"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "light-blue")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(datamodel$ci.percent[2], 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc("Epidemic percentage"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "light-blue"))
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(datamodel$[1, 3], 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Epidemic threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width = 12, color = "green")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(datamodel$epi.intervals[1, 4], 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Medium threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(datamodel$epi.intervals[2, 4], 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("High threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width = 12, color = "orange")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(datamodel$epi.intervals[3, 4], 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Very high threshold"), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width = 12, color = "red"))

  output$tbmMemOutput <- renderPrint({
    infile <- input$file
    indataset <- input$dataset
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (!is.null(datfile.plot)) {
      cat(trloc("File"), ":\n\t", infile$name, "\n", sep = "")
      cat(trloc("Dataset"), ":\n\t", indataset, "\n", sep = "")
      cat(trloc("Log"), ":\n", sep = "")
      writeLines(paste("\t", capture.output(cat(readdata$datalog, sep = "")), sep = ""))
      cat(trloc("MEM Model Summary"), ":\n", sep = "")
      writeLines(paste("\t", capture.output(summary(datamodel)), sep = ""))
    } else {
      war.text <- = trloc("MEM needs at least two seasons"))
      names(war.text) <- NULL
      print(noquote(war.text), row.names = FALSE)

  output$tbmMemGraph <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Moving epidemics"), plotlyOutput("tbmMemGraphMoving", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Average curve"), plotlyOutput("tbmMemGraphAverage", width = "100%", height = "100%"))

  output$tbmMemGraphMoving <- renderPlotly({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
      i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      datfile.plot <- data.frame(datamodel$moving.epidemics, row.names = rownames(datamodel$
      names(datfile.plot) <- names(datamodel$
      datfile.plot$dummy <- datamodel$typ.curve[, 2]
      names(datfile.plot)[names(datfile.plot) == "dummy"] <- trloc("Average curve")
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotSeasons(datfile.plot,
        i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
        i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
        i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr), = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
        i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY,
        i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
        i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
        i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
        i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
        i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
        i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
        i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
        i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
        i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
        i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
        i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
        i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
        i.colSeasons = colors.palette$colSeasons,
        i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        p0 <- p$plot +
            x = datamodel$mean.start, y = datfile.plot[datamodel$mean.start, trloc("Average curve")],
            color = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart, size = 2, fill = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart, shape = 21
          ) +
            x = datamodel$mean.start + datamodel$mean.length - 1, y = datfile.plot[datamodel$mean.start + datamodel$mean.length - 1, trloc("Average curve")],
            color = colors.palette$colEpidemicStop, size = 2, fill = colors.palette$colEpidemicStop, shape = 21
          ) +
            xintercept = datamodel$centered.start - 0.5,
            col = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart, linetype = "longdash", size = 0.5
          ) +
            xintercept = datamodel$centered.start + datamodel$centered.length - 1 + 0.5,
            col = colors.palette$colEpidemicStop, linetype = "longdash", size = 0.5
        z <- ggplotly(p0, width = 800, height = 600)
        # Change Average curve to: more width and dot stype
        z$x$data[[NCOL(datfile.plot)]]$line$width <- 2 * z$x$data[[NCOL(datfile.plot)]]$line$width
        z$x$data[[NCOL(datfile.plot)]]$line$dash <- "dot"
        # Rename name and text for vertical lines I've just added
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 1]]$name <- trloc("Mean start")
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 2]]$name <- trloc("Mean end")
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 3]]$name <- trloc("Start centering period")
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 4]]$name <- trloc("End centering period")
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 1]]$text <- paste(trloc("Mean start"), ": ", rownames(datfile.plot)[datamodel$mean.start], sep = "")
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 2]]$text <- paste(trloc("Mean end"), ": ", rownames(datfile.plot)[datamodel$mean.start + datamodel$mean.length - 1], sep = "")
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 3]]$text <- paste(trloc("Start centering period"), ": ", rownames(datfile.plot)[datamodel$centered.start], sep = "")
        z$x$data[[2 * length(p$labels) + 4]]$text <- paste(trloc("End centering period"), ": ", rownames(datfile.plot)[datamodel$centered.start + datamodel$centered.length - 1], sep = "")

        # And I need to rearrange the order of the z list for fixplotly to work
        names(z$x$data) <- as.character(1:(2 * length(p$labels) + 4))
        z$x$data <- z$x$data[as.character(c(1:length(p$labels), 2 * length(p$labels) + 1:4, (length(p$labels) + 1):(2 * length(p$labels)), 2 * length(p$labels) + 1:4))]
        names(z$x$data) <- NULL
        zfix <- fixplotly(
          c(p$labels, trloc(c("Mean start", "Mean end", "Start centering period", "End centering period"))),
          c(p$haslines, F, F, T, T),
          c(p$haspoints, T, T, F, F),
          trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels

  output$tbmMemGraphAverage <- renderPlotly({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      datfile.plot <- data.frame(Average = datamodel$typ.curve[, 2], row.names = rownames(datamodel$
      names(datfile.plot) <- "Average curve"
      e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
      i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NA,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotSurveillance( = datfile.plot, = rev(rownames(datfile.plot))[1],
        i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr), = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
        i.start = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
        i.end = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
        i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
        i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
        i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
        i.mean.length = datamodel$mean.length,
        i.force.length = T,
        i.force.equal = F,
        i.force.start = datamodel$ci.start[2, 2],
        i.force.week.53 = F,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY,
        i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = colors.palette$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbmGoodness <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
    } else {
      if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
          tabPanel(trloc("Indicators"), uiOutput("tbmGoodnessIndicators")),
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbmGoodnessSummary_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbmGoodnessSummary_c", "csv"))
          tabPanel(trloc("Graphs"), uiOutput("tbmGoodnessGraphs")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Intensity"), uiOutput("tbmGoodnessIntensity")),
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbmGoodnessDetailed_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbmGoodnessDetailed_c", "csv"))
      } else {
          tabPanel(trloc("Indicators"), uiOutput("tbmGoodnessIndicators")),
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbmGoodnessSummary_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbmGoodnessSummary_c", "csv"))
          tabPanel(trloc("Intensity"), uiOutput("tbmGoodnessIntensity")),
                if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                  downloadButton("tbmGoodnessDetailed_x", "xlsx")
                } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
                } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                  shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              column(2, downloadButton("tbmGoodnessDetailed_c", "csv"))

  output$tbmGoodnessIndicators <- renderUI({
    good <- data_good_model()
    if (is.null(good)) {
    } else {
      # fluidRow(
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Sensitivity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Specificity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Positive predictive value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Negative predictive value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Percent agreement"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Matthews correlation coefficient"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(good$results["Youdens Index"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua")
      # )
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Sensitivity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Specificity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Positive predictive value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Negative predictive value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow"))
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Percent agreement"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Matthews correlation coefficient"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(good$results["Youdens Index"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua"))

  output$tbmGoodnessSummary <- formattable::renderFormattable({
    good <- data_good_model()
    if (!is.null(good)) {
      temp1 <-$
      temp1$Total <- good$results
      temp1 <-[c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")]
      good.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1, list(
        "Sensitivity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Specificity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Positive predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Negative predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Percent agreement" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Matthews correlation coefficient" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Youdens Index" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5)
      ), digits = 2, format = "f")
      names(good.table) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
      names(attr(good.table, "formattable")$format[[1]]) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
    } else {
      temp1 <- data.frame(Error = trloc("Number of columns must be greater than 2"))
      good.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1)

  output$tbmGoodnessSummary_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_model()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <-$
        temp1$Total <- good$results
        temp1 <-[c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")]
        names(temp1) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Model goodness summary"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbmGoodnessSummary_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_model()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <-$
        temp1$Total <- good$results
        temp1 <-[c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")]
        names(temp1) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Model goodness summary"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbmGoodnessGraphs <- renderUI({
    good <- data_good_model()
    if (is.null(good)) {
    } else {
      no.seasons <- NCOL(good$
      if (good$param.goodness.method == "sequential") se.seasons <- 3:no.seasons else se.seasons <- 1:no.seasons
      nu.seasons <- (1:no.seasons)[se.seasons]
      na.seasons <- (names(good$[se.seasons]
        lapply(na.seasons, function(s) {
          call("tabPanel", s, call("imageOutput", outputId = paste0("tbmGoodnessGraphs_", s), width = "100%", height = "100%"))

  output$tbmGoodnessIntensity <- renderUI({
    good <- data_good_model()
    peaks <- good$peaks
    if (is.null(good)) {
    } else {
      if (as.logical(input$advanced)) {
        # fluidRow(
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==1]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==1]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=2, color="lime"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==2]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==2]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width=2, color="green"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==3]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==3]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width=2, color="yellow"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==4]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==4]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width=2, color="orange"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==5]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==5]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width=2, color="red"),
        #   valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[,1]==-1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==-1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="teal"),
        #   valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[,1]==0], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==0]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="teal")
        # )
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 1] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 1], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "lime")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 2] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 2], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width = 12, color = "green")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 3] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 3], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 4] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 4], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width = 12, color = "orange")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 5] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 5], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width = 12, color = "red"))
            column(width = 5, shinydashboard::valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[, 1] == -1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == -1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "teal")),
            column(width = 5, shinydashboard::valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[, 1] == 0], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 0]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "teal"))
      } else {
        # fluidRow(
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==1]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==1]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=2, color="lime"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==2]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==2]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width=2, color="green"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==3]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==3]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width=2, color="yellow"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==4]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==4]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width=2, color="orange"),
        #   valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[,1]==5]*100, 2), nsmall=1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==5]," ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width=2, color="red"),
        #   valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[,1]==-1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[,1]==-1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="teal")
        # )
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 1] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 1], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "lime")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 2] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 2], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-empty"), width = 12, color = "green")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 3] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 3], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-quarter"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 4] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 4], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-half"), width = 12, color = "orange")),
            column(width = 2, shinydashboard::valueBox(paste0(format(round(peaks$Percentage[peaks[, 1] == 5] * 100, 2), nsmall = 1), "%"), trloc(paste0(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == 5], " ", "level")), icon = icon("fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters"), width = 12, color = "red"))
            column(width = 10, shinydashboard::valueBox(peaks$Count[peaks[, 1] == -1], trloc(peaks$Description[peaks[, 1] == -1]), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "teal"))

  output$tbmGoodnessDetailed <- formattable::renderFormattable({
    good <- data_good_model()
    if (!is.null(good)) {
      temp1 <- good$
      temp1$Level <- as.character(temp1$Level)
      temp1$Description <- trloc(temp1$Description)
      currentpalette <- generate_palette(i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds, i.colLevels = input$colLevels)
      thr.c <- currentpalette$colThresholds
      lvl.n <- as.character(c(1:5))
      lvl.t <- trloc(c("Baseline", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very high"))
      lvl.c <- currentpalette$colLevels <- formattable::formattable(temp1, list(
        "Epidemic threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[1], font.weight = "bold")),
        "Medium threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[2], font.weight = "bold")),
        "High threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[3], font.weight = "bold")),
        "Very high threshold" = formattable::formatter("span", style = formattable::style(color = thr.c[4], font.weight = "bold")),
        "Level" = formattable::formatter("span", style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(, "grey", ifelse(x == lvl.n[1], lvl.c[1], ifelse(x == lvl.n[2], lvl.c[2], ifelse(x == lvl.n[3], lvl.c[3], ifelse(x == lvl.n[4], lvl.c[4], lvl.c[5]))))), font.weight = "bold")),
        "Description" = formattable::formatter("span", style = x ~ formattable::style(color = ifelse(, "grey", ifelse(x == lvl.t[1], lvl.c[1], ifelse(x == lvl.t[2], lvl.c[2], ifelse(x == lvl.t[3], lvl.c[3], ifelse(x == lvl.t[4], lvl.c[4], lvl.c[5]))))), font.weight = "bold"))
      ), digits = 2, format = "f")
      names( <- trloc(c("Peak", "Peak week", "Epidemic threshold", "Medium threshold", "High threshold", "Very high threshold", "Level", "Description"))
      names(attr(, "formattable")$format[[1]]) <- trloc(c("Epidemic threshold", "Medium threshold", "High threshold", "Very high threshold", "Level", "Description"))
    } else {
      temp1 <- data.frame(Error = trloc("Number of columns must be greater than 2")) <- formattable::formattable(temp1)

  output$tbmGoodnessDetailed_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_model()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <- good$
        temp1$Level <- as.character(temp1$Level)
        temp1$Description <- trloc(temp1$Description)
        names(temp1) <- trloc(names(temp1))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Model goodness intensity"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
  output$tbmGoodnessDetailed_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      good <- data_good_model()
      if (!is.null(good)) {
        temp1 <- good$
        temp1$Level <- as.character(temp1$Level)
        temp1$Description <- trloc(temp1$Description)
        names(temp1) <- trloc(names(temp1))
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Model goodness intensity"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Season"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbmOptimize <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Manual"), uiOutput("tbmOptimizeM")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Automatic"), uiOutput("tbmOptimizeA"))

  output$tbmOptimizeM <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (is.null(datfile.plot)) {
    } else {
      tabnames <- names(datfile.plot)
      if (length(tabnames) < 2) {
      } else {
            lapply(tabnames, function(s) {
              call("tabPanel", s, call("uiOutput", outputId = paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s))))
              tabPanel(trloc("Start & end"), tableOutput("tbmOptimizeMstartend")),
              tabPanel(trloc("Clicks"), tableOutput("tbmOptimizeMclicks")),
              tabPanel(trloc("Results"), uiOutput("tbmOptimizeMresults"))

  output$tbmOptimizeMstartend <- renderTable({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (NROW(values$clickdata) > 0) {
      etwo <- extract.two(values$clickdata, "weekno", "season")
      etwo <- merge(etwo, data.frame(id.tail = c(1, 2), point = trloc(c("Start", "End")), stringsAsFactors = F), by = "id.tail")
      optr <- subset(etwo, etwo$season %in% names(datfile.plot))[c("season", "weekna", "point", paste0(names(datfile.plot), "_fixed"))]
      optr <- optr %>%
        dplyr::arrange(season, desc(point)) %>%
      names(optr)[1:3] <- trloc(c("Season", "Week", "Point"))
      names(optr)[4:(NCOL(datfile.plot) + 3)] <- names(datfile.plot)
    } else {
      optr <- NULL

  output$tbmOptimizeMclicks <- renderTable({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (NROW(values$clickdata) > 0) {
      clickd <- values$clickdata
      optr <- subset(clickd, clickd$season %in% names(datfile.plot))[c("season", "weekna", "weekno", paste0(names(datfile.plot), "_fixed"))]
      optr <- optr %>%
        dplyr::arrange(season, weekno) %>%
      names(optr)[1:2] <- trloc(c("Season", "Week"))
      names(optr)[3:(NCOL(datfile.plot) + 2)] <- names(datfile.plot)
    } else {
      optr <- NULL

  output$tbmOptimizeMresults <- renderUI({
    datamodel <- data_model()
    datfile.plot <- datamodel$
    if (NROW(values$clickdata) > 0) {
      etwo <- extract.two(values$clickdata, "weekno", "season")
      etwot <- etwo %>%
        select(id.tail, season, weekno) %>%
        tidyr::spread(id.tail, weekno, drop = FALSE, fill = NA)
      if (NCOL(datfile.plot) > 2) {
        if (all(names(datfile.plot) %in% etwo$season) & NCOL(etwot) == 3 & sum( == 0) {
 <- values$plotdata[grepl("^.*_fixed$", names(values$plotdata))]
          names( <- sub("_fixed", "", names(, fixed = T)
 <-[names( %in% names(datfile.plot)]
          row.names( <- values$plotdata$weekna
          tfile <- tempfile()
          tfile.div <- extract.pfe(tfile)

          i.param.values <- seq(input$paramrange[1], input$paramrange[2], by = 0.1)
          i.graph <- T
          i.graph.file <- T
 <- tfile.div$name
          i.graph.title <- ""
          i.graph.subtitle <- ""
          i.output <- tfile.div$path

          semanas <- dim([1]
          anios <- dim([2]
          nombre.semana <- rownames(
          nombre.anios <- colnames(
          numero.semana <- 1:semanas
          n.values <- length(i.param.values)

          i.timing.1 <- array(dim = c(anios, 2))
          resultados.i <- array(
            dim = c(anios, 15, n.values),
            dimnames = list(year = nombre.anios, indicator = LETTERS[1:15], parameter = i.param.values)

          for (i in 1:anios) {
            cur <-[i]
            itsnotok <- T
            i.timing.1.1 <- etwo$weekno[etwo$season == nombre.anios[i] & etwo$id.tail == 1]
            i.timing.1.2 <- etwo$weekno[etwo$season == nombre.anios[i] & etwo$id.tail == 2]
            i.timing.1.i <- c(i.timing.1.1, i.timing.1.2)
            i.timing.1[i, ] <- i.timing.1.i
            for (j in 1:n.values) {
              i.param.deteccion <- i.param.values[j]
              i.param.deteccion.label <- format(round(i.param.deteccion, 1), digits = 3, nsmall = 1)
              i.timing.2 <- mem:::calcular.optimo(, 2, i.param.deteccion)$resultados[4:5]
              resultado.j <- mem:::calcular.indicadores.2.timings(cur, i.timing.1.i,
                i.timing.labels = c("inspection", i.param.deteccion.label),
                i.graph.title = "Comparing",
                i.graph.file = F
              resultados.i[i, , j] <- as.numeric(resultado.j)
          resultado <- data.frame(apply(resultados.i, c(3, 2), sum, na.rm = T))
          # sensibilidad
          resultado[7] <- resultado[3] / (resultado[3] + resultado[6])
          # especificidad
          resultado[8] <- resultado[5] / (resultado[5] + resultado[4])
          # vpp
          resultado[9] <- resultado[3] / (resultado[3] + resultado[4])
          # vpn
          resultado[10] <- resultado[5] / (resultado[5] + resultado[6])
          # positive likehood ratio
          resultado[11] <- resultado[7] / (1 - resultado[8])
          # negative likehood ratio
          resultado[12] <- (1 - resultado[7]) / resultado[8]
          # percentage agreement/accuracy
          resultado[13] <- (resultado[3] + resultado[5]) / (resultado[3] + resultado[4] + resultado[5] + resultado[6])
          # Matthews correlation coefficient
          resultado[14] <- (resultado[3] * resultado[5] - resultado[4] * resultado[6]) / sqrt((resultado[3] + resultado[4]) * (resultado[3] + resultado[6]) * (resultado[5] + resultado[4]) * (resultado[5] + resultado[6]))
          # Youdens Index
          resultado[15] <- resultado[7] + resultado[8] - 1

          resultado[resultado == "NaN"] <- NA

          resultados <- data.frame(value = i.param.values, resultado)
          names(resultados) <- c("value", tolower(colnames(resultado.j)))

          if (!any(!$sensitivity)) | !any(!$specificity))) {
            rankings.1 <- NA
            optimo.1 <- NA
          } else {
            rankings.1 <- rank(-resultados$sensitivity, na.last = T) + rank(-resultados$specificity, na.last = T)
            optimo.1 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.1)]
          if (!any(!$sensitivity)) | !any(!$specificity))) {
            rankings.2 <- NA
            optimo.2 <- NA
          } else {
            rankings.2 <- rank(-resultados$sensitivity * resultados$specificity, na.last = T)
            optimo.2 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.2)]
          if (!any(!$positive.likehood.ratio))) {
            rankings.3 <- NA
            optimo.3 <- NA
          } else {
            rankings.3 <- rank(-resultados$positive.likehood.ratio, na.last = T)
            optimo.3 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.3)]
          if (!any(!$negative.likehood.ratio))) {
            rankings.4 <- NA
            optimo.4 <- NA
          } else {
            rankings.4 <- rank(-resultados$negative.likehood.ratio, na.last = T)
            optimo.4 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.4)]
          if (!any(!$sensitivity)) | !any(!$specificity))) {
            rankings.5 <- NA
            optimo.5 <- NA
          } else {
            qf <- abs(resultados$sensitivity - resultados$specificity)
            qe <- 2 - resultados$sensitivity - resultados$specificity
            qs <- (1 - resultados$sensitivity)^2 + (1 - resultados$specificity)^2
            rankings.5 <- rank(qf) + rank(qe) + rank(qs)
            optimo.5 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.5)]
          if (!any(!$percent.agreement))) {
            rankings.6 <- NA
            optimo.6 <- NA
          } else {
            rankings.6 <- rank(-resultados$percent.agreement, na.last = T)
            optimo.6 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.6)]
          if (!any(!$matthews.correlation.coefficient))) {
            rankings.7 <- NA
            optimo.7 <- NA
          } else {
            rankings.7 <- rank(-resultados$matthews.correlation.coefficient, na.last = T)
            optimo.7 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.7)]
          if (!any(!$youdens.index))) {
            rankings.8 <- NA
            optimo.8 <- NA
          } else {
            rankings.8 <- rank(-resultados$youdens.index, na.last = T)
            optimo.8 <- i.param.values[which.min(rankings.8)]

          optimum <- data.frame(
            pos.likehood = optimo.3, neg.likehood = optimo.4, aditive = optimo.1, multiplicative = optimo.2,
            mixed = optimo.5, percent = optimo.6, matthews = optimo.7, youden = optimo.8

          rankings <- data.frame(
            pos.likehood = rankings.3, neg.likehood = rankings.4, aditive = rankings.1, multiplicative = rankings.2,
            mixed = rankings.5, percent = rankings.6, matthews = rankings.7, youden = rankings.8

 <- list(
            optimum = optimum,
            rankings = rankings,
   = resultados,
            param.param.values = i.param.values,
            param.graph = i.graph,
            param.graph.file = i.graph.file,
            param.graph.title = i.graph.title,
            param.graph.subtitle = i.graph.subtitle,
            param.output = i.output

          # Graph all data
          if (i.graph) {
            if ( == "") <- "inspection analysis" else <-

            if (i.graph.subtitle != "") graph.title <- paste(i.graph.subtitle, " - ", graph.title, sep = "")
            if (i.graph.title != "") graph.title <- paste(i.graph.title, "\n", graph.title, sep = "")

            all.graph.names <- data.frame()

            for (i in 1:anios) {
              graph.title <- nombre.anios[i]

              all.graph.names <- rbind(all.graph.names, data.frame(season = graph.title, file = paste0(i.output, "/",, " - ", i, ".png"), stringsAsFactors = F))

              cur <-[i]
              i.timing.1.i <- i.timing.1[i, ]
              i.param.deteccion <- optimum$matthews
              i.param.deteccion.label <- format(round(i.param.deteccion, 1), digits = 3, nsmall = 1)
              i.timing.2 <- mem:::calcular.optimo(, 2, i.param.deteccion)$resultados[4:5]
              dummmmyyyy <- mem:::calcular.indicadores.2.timings(cur, i.timing.1.i, i.timing.2,
                i.timing.labels = c("inspection", i.param.deteccion.label),
                i.output = i.output,
                i.graph.title = graph.title,
                i.graph.file = i.graph.file,
       = paste(, " - ", i, sep = "")

            values$optimizegraphs <- all.graph.names

          lapply(nombre.anios, function(s) {
            output[[paste0("tbmOptimizeM_", as.character(s), "_image")]] <- renderImage({
              imgfile <- ""
              if (NROW(all.graph.names) > 0) {
                imgtmp <- all.graph.names
                imgtmp2 <- subset(imgtmp, imgtmp$season == as.character(s))
                if (NROW(imgtmp2) > 0) {
                  if (file.exists(imgtmp2$file)) {
                    imgfile <- imgtmp2$file
              gfile <- list(
                src = imgfile,
                contentType = "image/png",
                width = 800,
                height = 600,
                alt = "No image found"

          optim <- memgoodness(datfile.plot,
            i.seasons = as.numeric(input$SelectMaximum),
            i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
            i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
            i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
            i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
            i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
            i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
            i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
            i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
            i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
            i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
            i.param = as.numeric($optimum[as.character(input$optimmethod)]),
            # i.centering=as.numeric(input$centering),
            i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
            i.calculation.method = "default",
            i.goodness.method = as.character(input$validation),
            i.detection.values = seq(input$paramrange[1], input$paramrange[2], by = 0.1),
            i.weeks.above = 1,
            i.graph = F,
            i.min.seasons = 3

          # fluidRow(
          #   fluidRow(
          #     valueBox(format(round(optim["Sensitivity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
          #     valueBox(format(round(optim["Specificity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
          #     valueBox(format(round(optim["Positive predictive value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
          #     valueBox(format(round(optim["Negative predictive value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow")
          #   ),
          #   fluidRow(
          #     valueBox(format(round(optim["Percent agreement"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
          #     valueBox(format(round(optim["Matthews correlation coefficient"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
          #     valueBox(format(round(optim["Youdens Index"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
          #     valueBox(format(round(input$param, 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Current parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="red"),
          #     valueBox(format(round(as.numeric($optimum[as.character(input$optimmethod)]), 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Optimum parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="olive")
          #   ),
          #   fluidRow(
          #     formattable::renderFormattable({
          #       if(!is.null(${
          #         temp1 <-$
          #         temp1<-temp1[c("value","sensitivity","specificity","positive.predictive.value","negative.predictive.value","percent.agreement","matthews.correlation.coefficient","youdens.index")]
          #         names(temp1)<-c("Parameter","Sensitivity","Specificity","Positive predictive value","Negative predictive value","Percent agreement","Matthews correlation coefficient","Youdens Index")
          #         rownames(temp1)<-NULL
          #         opt.table<-formattable::formattable(temp1, list(
          #           "Sensitivity" = fixed_color_bar(color="#FFBBFF",fixedWidth = 100, alpha=0.5),
          #           "Specificity" = fixed_color_bar(color="#FFBBFF",fixedWidth = 100, alpha=0.5),
          #           "Positive predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color="#FFBBFF",fixedWidth = 100, alpha=0.5),
          #           "Negative predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color="#FFBBFF",fixedWidth = 100, alpha=0.5),
          #           "Percent agreement" = fixed_color_bar(color="#A5DBEB",fixedWidth = 100, alpha=0.5),
          #           "Matthews correlation coefficient" = fixed_color_bar(color="#A5DBEB",fixedWidth = 100, alpha=0.5),
          #           "Youdens Index" = fixed_color_bar(color="#A5DBEB",fixedWidth = 100, alpha=0.5)
          #         ), digits = 2, format = "f")
          #         names(opt.table)<-trloc(c("Parameter","Sensitivity","Specificity","Positive predictive value","Negative predictive value","Percent agreement","Matthews correlation coefficient","Youdens Index"))
          #         names(attr(opt.table, "formattable")$format[[1]])<-trloc(c("Sensitivity","Specificity","Positive predictive value","Negative predictive value","Percent agreement","Matthews correlation coefficient","Youdens Index"))
          #       }else{
          #         temp1<-data.frame(Error=trloc("Number of columns must be greater than 2"),row.names = NULL)
          #         opt.table<-formattable::formattable(temp1)
          #       }
          #       opt.table
          #     })
          #   )
          # )
              column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["Sensitivity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
              column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["Specificity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
              column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["Positive predictive value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
              column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["Negative predictive value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow"))
              column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["Percent agreement"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
              column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["Matthews correlation coefficient"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
              column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["Youdens Index"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua"))
              column(width = 6, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(input$param, 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Current parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "red")),
              column(width = 6, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(as.numeric($optimum[as.character(input$optimmethod)]), 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Optimum parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "olive"))
              column(width = 12, formattable::renderFormattable({
                if (!is.null($ {
                  temp1 <-$
                  temp1 <- temp1[c("value", "sensitivity", "specificity", "positive.predictive.value", "negative.predictive.value", "percent.agreement", "matthews.correlation.coefficient", "youdens.index")]
                  names(temp1) <- c("Parameter", "Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")
                  rownames(temp1) <- NULL
                  opt.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1, list(
                    "Sensitivity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
                    "Specificity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
                    "Positive predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
                    "Negative predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
                    "Percent agreement" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
                    "Matthews correlation coefficient" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
                    "Youdens Index" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5)
                  ), digits = 2, format = "f")
                  names(opt.table) <- trloc(c("Parameter", "Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
                  names(attr(opt.table, "formattable")$format[[1]]) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
                } else {
                  temp1 <- data.frame(Error = trloc("Number of columns must be greater than 2"), row.names = NULL)
                  opt.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1)

  output$tbmOptimizeA <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Indicators"), uiOutput("tbmOptimizeASummary")),
              if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                downloadButton("tbmOptimizeADetail_x", "xlsx")
              } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
            column(2, downloadButton("tbmOptimizeADetail_c", "csv"))
        tabPanel(trloc("Graphs"), plotlyOutput("tbmOptimizeAGraph"))

  output$tbmOptimizeASummary <- renderUI({
    dataoptim <- data_optim()
    if (is.null(dataoptim)) {
    } else {
      doptim <- dataoptim$
      optim <- doptim[doptim$value == as.numeric(dataoptim$optimum[as.character(input$optimmethod)]), ]
      # fluidRow(
      #   valueBox(format(round(optim["sensitivity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(optim["specificity"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(optim["positive.predictive.value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(optim["negative.predictive.value"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="yellow"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(optim["percent.agreement"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(optim["matthews.correlation.coefficient"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(optim["youdens.index"], 2), nsmall=2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="aqua"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(input$param, 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Current parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="red"),
      #   valueBox(format(round(as.numeric(dataoptim$optimum[as.character(input$optimmethod)]), 2), nsmall=1), trloc("Optimum parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width=3, color="olive")
      # )
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["sensitivity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Sensitivity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["specificity"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Specificity"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["positive.predictive.value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Positive predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow")),
          column(width = 3, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["negative.predictive.value"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Negative predictive value"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "yellow"))
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["percent.agreement"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Percent agreement"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["matthews.correlation.coefficient"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Matthews correlation coefficient"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua")),
          column(width = 4, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(optim["youdens.index"], 2), nsmall = 2), trloc("Youdens Index"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "aqua"))
          column(width = 6, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(input$param, 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Current parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "red")),
          column(width = 6, shinydashboard::valueBox(format(round(as.numeric(dataoptim$optimum[as.character(input$optimmethod)]), 2), nsmall = 1), trloc("Optimum parameter"), icon = icon("fas fa-heartbeat"), width = 12, color = "olive"))

  output$tbmOptimizeADetail <- formattable::renderFormattable({
    dataoptim <- data_optim()
    if (!is.null(dataoptim)) {
      temp1 <- dataoptim$[c("value", "sensitivity", "specificity", "positive.predictive.value", "negative.predictive.value", "percent.agreement", "matthews.correlation.coefficient", "youdens.index")]
      names(temp1) <- c("Parameter", "Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")
      rownames(temp1) <- NULL
      roca.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1, list(
        "Sensitivity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Specificity" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Positive predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Negative predictive value" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#FFBBFF", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Percent agreement" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Matthews correlation coefficient" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5),
        "Youdens Index" = fixed_color_bar(color = "#A5DBEB", fixedWidth = 100, alpha = 0.5)
      ), digits = 2, format = "f")
      names(roca.table) <- trloc(c("Parameter", "Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
      names(attr(roca.table, "formattable")$format[[1]]) <- trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
    } else {
      temp1 <- data.frame(Error = trloc("Number of columns must be greater than 2"), row.names = NULL)
      roca.table <- formattable::formattable(temp1)

  output$tbmOptimizeADetail_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      dataoptim <- data_optim()
      if (!is.null(dataoptim)) {
        temp1 <- dataoptim$[c("value", "sensitivity", "specificity", "positive.predictive.value", "negative.predictive.value", "percent.agreement", "matthews.correlation.coefficient", "youdens.index")]
        names(temp1) <- trloc(c("Parameter", "Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
        rownames(temp1) <- NULL
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Optimization"), 1, 32), i.rownames = NA, i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbmOptimizeADetail_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      dataoptim <- data_optim()
      if (!is.null(dataoptim)) {
        temp1 <- dataoptim$[c("value", "sensitivity", "specificity", "positive.predictive.value", "negative.predictive.value", "percent.agreement", "matthews.correlation.coefficient", "youdens.index")]
        names(temp1) <- trloc(c("Parameter", "Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index"))
        rownames(temp1) <- NULL
 = temp1, i.file = file,
          i.sheet = substring(trloc("Optimization"), 1, 32), i.rownames = NA, i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"

  output$tbmOptimizeAGraph <- renderPlotly({
    dataoptim <- data_optim()
    if (is.null(dataoptim)) {
      z <- NULL
    } else {
      dgraf <- subset(dataoptim$, select = c("value", "sensitivity", "specificity", "positive.predictive.value", "negative.predictive.value", "percent.agreement", "matthews.correlation.coefficient", "youdens.index"))
      names(dgraf) <- c("Parameter", trloc(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Positive predictive value", "Negative predictive value", "Percent agreement", "Matthews correlation coefficient", "Youdens Index")))
      dgrafgg <- dgraf %>% tidyr::gather(Indicator, Value, -Parameter)
      dgrafgg$Indicator <- factor(dgrafgg$Indicator, levels = names(dgraf)[-1], labels = names(dgraf)[-1])

      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NCOL(dgraf) - 1,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      axis.x.range.original <- range(dgraf$Parameter)
      axis.x.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.x.range.original[1], axis.x.range.original[2], 10, seq(0.1, 10, 0.1), T, F)
      axis.x.range <- axis.x.otick$range
      axis.x.ticks <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks
      axis.x.labels <- axis.x.otick$tickmarks

      axis.y.range.original <- c(0, 1)
      axis.y.otick <- mem:::optimal.tickmarks(axis.y.range.original[1], axis.y.range.original[2], 10)
      axis.y.range <- axis.y.otick$range + diff(range(axis.y.otick$range)) * 0.025 * c(-1, 1)
      axis.y.ticks <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      axis.y.labels <- axis.y.otick$tickmarks
      dgrafgg$Value <- round(dgrafgg$Value, 2)
      p <- ggplot(dgrafgg, aes(x = Parameter, y = Value, color = Indicator)) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_point() +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = axis.x.ticks, limits = axis.x.range, labels = axis.x.labels) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = axis.y.ticks, limits = axis.y.range, labels = axis.y.labels) +
        scale_color_manual(values = colors.palette$colSeasons, name = trloc("Indicator")) +
        labs(title = input$textMain, x = input$textX, y = input$textY) +
        theme_light() +
        theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

      z <- ggplotly(p, width = 800, height = 600)
      # fix popup values
      for (i in 1:length(z$x$data)) {
        z$x$data[[i]]$text <- gsub("Parameter", trloc("Parameter"), z$x$data[[i]]$text, fixed = T)
        z$x$data[[i]]$text <- gsub("Value", trloc("Value"), z$x$data[[i]]$text, fixed = T)
        z$x$data[[i]]$text <- gsub("Indicator", trloc("Indicator"), z$x$data[[i]]$text, fixed = T)


  output$tbSurveillance <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Data"), DT::dataTableOutput("tbsData")),
        tabPanel(trloc("Surveillance"), uiOutput("tbsSurveillance"))

  output$tbsData <- DT::renderDataTable({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      datatoshow <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillance)) {
      datatoshow <- NULL
    } else {
      # Shows the data that's going to be used for mem calculations, plus the seasons to be added to the graph and surveillance
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = input$SelectSurveillance, = input$SelectSurveillance,
        i.exclude = "",
        i.include = input$SelectSurveillance,
        i.pandemic = as.logical("TRUE"),
        i.seasons = NA
      if (length(selectedcolumns) > 0) {
        datatoshow <- format(round(datfile[selectedcolumns], 2), nsmall = 2)
      } else {
        datatoshow <- data.frame(Message = "No data selected", row.names = NULL)
  options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = "600px", paging = FALSE, dom = "Bfrtip", columnDefs = list(list(targets = "_all", class = "dt-right")))

  output$tbsSurveillance <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillance %in% names(datfile))) {
    } else {
        tabPanel(trloc("Week"), plotlyOutput("tbsSurveillanceWeek", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
        if (animationmethod < 4) {
          tabPanel(trloc("Animated"), imageOutput("tbsSurveillanceAnimated"))
        } else {
          cat("animation package + GraphicsMagick or ImageMagic or magick package needed for this function to work. Please install it.
          tabPanel(trloc("Animated"), tableOutput("tbsSurveillanceAnimated_nomagick"))
          plotlyOutput("tbsSurveillanceAverage", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
              if (zip.present() & openxlsx.present()) {
                downloadButton("tbsSurveillanceAverage_x", "xlsx")
              } else if (!openxlsx.present()) {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noopenxlsx", label = trloc("openxlsx not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Rtools not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"), onclick = "'', '_blank')")
              } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
                shiny::actionButton(inputId = "noziplink", label = trloc("Zip not found"), icon = icon("fas fa-file-excel"))
            column(2, downloadButton("tbsSurveillanceAverage_c", "csv"))

  output$tbsSurveillanceWeek <- renderPlotly({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillance %in% names(datfile))) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek)) {
        SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
      } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek %in% row.names(datfile))) {
        SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
      } else {
        SurveillanceWeek <- input$SelectSurveillanceWeek
      if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic)) {
        force.start <- NA
      } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic %in% row.names(datfile))) {
        force.start <- NA
      } else {
        force.start <- input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic
      datamodel <- data_model()
      if (!is.null(datamodel)) {
        e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
        i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      } else {
        e.thr <- NA
        i.thr <- NA
      datfile.plot <- datfile[input$SelectSurveillance]
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NA,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      p <- plotSurveillance( = datfile.plot, = SurveillanceWeek,
        i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr), = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
        i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
        i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
        i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
        i.start = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
        i.end = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
        i.force.start = force.start,
        i.textMain = input$textMain,
        i.textX = input$textX,
        i.textY = input$textY,
        i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = colors.palette$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds, = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
      if (is.null(p)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
        zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbsSurveillanceAnimated <- renderImage({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      outdistAnimated <- NULL
    } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillance %in% names(datfile))) {
      outdistAnimated <- NULL
    } else {
      if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek)) {
        SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
      } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek %in% row.names(datfile))) {
        SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
      } else {
        SurveillanceWeek <- input$SelectSurveillanceWeek
      if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic)) {
        force.start <- NA
      } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic %in% row.names(datfile))) {
        force.start <- NA
      } else {
        force.start <- input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic
      datamodel <- data_model()
      if (!is.null(datamodel)) {
        e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
        i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      } else {
        e.thr <- NA
        i.thr <- NA
      datfile.plot <- datfile[input$SelectSurveillance]
      if (as.logical(input$yaxis0)) min.y <- 0 else min.y <- 0.95 * min(datfile.plot, na.rm = T)
      max.y <- 1.05 * max(datfile.plot, na.rm = T)
      if (as.logical(input$preepidemicthr)) max.y <- max(max.y, e.thr[1], na.rm = T)
      if (as.logical(input$postepidemicthr)) max.y <- max(max.y, e.thr[2], na.rm = T)
      if (as.logical(input$intensitythr)) max.y <- max(max.y, i.thr, na.rm = T)
      n.surveillance.week <- min((1:(NROW(datfile)))[SurveillanceWeek == rownames(datfile)])
      colors.palette <- generate_palette(
        i.number.series = NA,
        i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
        i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
        i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
        i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
        i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
        i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
        i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
      cat("animated gif> begin\n")
      cat("animated gif> creating the frames\n")
      plot.list <- list()
      for (i in 1:n.surveillance.week) {
        p <- plotSurveillance(
 = datfile.plot,
 = rownames(datfile)[i],
          i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
 = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
          i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
          i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
          i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
          i.range.y = c(min.y, max.y),
          i.start = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
          i.end = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
          i.force.start = force.start,
          i.textMain = input$textMain,
          i.textX = input$textX,
          i.textY = input$textY,
          i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
          i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemicStart = colors.palette$colEpidemicStart,
          i.colEpidemicStop = colors.palette$colEpidemicStop,
          i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
 = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
        plot.list[[i]] <- p$plot
      imgfilegif <- paste0(tempdir(), "/animated.gif")
      if (animationmethod == 1) {
        cat("animated gif> using animation package with GraphicsMagic\n")
        requireNamespace("animation", quietly = TRUE)
        cat(paste0("animated gif> creating\t\t", imgfilegif, "\n"))
        animation::saveGIF(for (i in 1:n.surveillance.week) print(plot.list[[i]]), = imgfilegif, interval = 0.5, autobrowse = F, ani.width = 640, ani.height = 480, loop = T, convert = "gm convert")
        cat(paste0("animated gif> saving\t\t", imgfilegif, "\n"))
        cat("animated gif> end\n")
      } else if (animationmethod == 2) {
        cat("animated gif> using animation package with ImageMagic\n")
        requireNamespace("animation", quietly = TRUE)
        cat(paste0("animated gif> creating\t\t", imgfilegif, "\n"))
        animation::saveGIF(for (i in 1:n.surveillance.week) print(plot.list[[i]]), = imgfilegif, interval = 0.5, autobrowse = F, ani.width = 640, ani.height = 480, loop = T)
        cat(paste0("animated gif> saving\t\t", imgfilegif, "\n"))
        cat("animated gif> end\n")
      } else if (animationmethod == 3) {
        cat("animated gif> using magick package\n")
        requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE)
        for (i in 1:n.surveillance.week) {
          imgfile <- paste(tempdir(), "/animatedplot_", i, ".png", sep = "")
          ggsave(imgfile, plot = plot.list[[i]], width = 8, height = 6, dpi = 150)
          if (i == 1) imgfilem <- magick::image_read(imgfile) else imgfilem <- c(imgfilem, magick::image_read(imgfile))
          cat(paste0("animated gif> image\t", i, "/", n.surveillance.week, "\t", imgfile, "\n"))
        cat(paste0("animated gif> creating\t\t", imgfilegif, "\n"))
        anim <- magick::image_animate(imgfilem, fps = 2)
        cat(paste0("animated gif> saving\t\t", imgfilegif, "\n"))
        magick::image_write(anim, path = imgfilegif)
        cat("animated gif> end\n")
      outdistAnimated <- list(
        src = imgfilegif,
        contentType = "image/gif",
        width = 800,
        height = 600,
        alt = "This is alternate text"
  }, deleteFile = TRUE)

  output$tbsSurveillanceAnimated_nomagick <- renderTable({ <- data.frame(var = "magick package needed for this function to work. Please install it.")
    names( <- ""

  output$tbsSurveillanceAverage <- renderPlotly({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillance %in% names(datfile))) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek)) {
        SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
      } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek %in% row.names(datfile))) {
        SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
      } else {
        SurveillanceWeek <- input$SelectSurveillanceWeek
      if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic)) {
        force.start <- NA
      } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic %in% row.names(datfile))) {
        force.start <- NA
      } else {
        force.start <- input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic
      datamodel <- data_model()
      if (is.null(datamodel)) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
        i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
        datfile.plot <- data.frame(datfile[input$SelectSurveillance], datamodel$typ.curve)
        survweek <- (1:(NROW(datfile)))[SurveillanceWeek == rownames(datfile)]
        datfile.plot[-(1:survweek), 1] <- NA
        names(datfile.plot) <- c(input$SelectSurveillance, trloc(c("Lower interval", "Average curve", "Upper interval")))
        colors.palette <- generate_palette(
          i.number.series = 3,
          i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
          i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
          i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
          i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
          i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
          i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
        p <- plotSeasons(datfile.plot,
          i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
          i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
          i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
 = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
          i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
          i.textMain = input$textMain,
          i.textX = input$textX,
          i.textY = input$textY,
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
          i.colSeasons = c(colors.palette$colObservedLines, colors.palette$colSeasons[c(3, 2, 3)]),
          i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
 = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
        if (is.null(p)) {
          zfix <- NULL
        } else {
          z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
          zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbsSurveillanceAverage_x <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".xlsx", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      readdata <- read_data()
      datfile <- readdata$datasetread
      if (!is.null(datfile)) {
        if (input$SelectSurveillance %in% names(datfile)) {
          if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek)) {
            SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
          } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek %in% row.names(datfile))) {
            SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
          } else {
            SurveillanceWeek <- input$SelectSurveillanceWeek
          if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic)) {
            force.start <- NA
          } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic %in% row.names(datfile))) {
            force.start <- NA
          } else {
            force.start <- input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic
          datamodel <- data_model()
          if (!is.null(datamodel)) {
            e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
            i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
            datfile.plot <- data.frame(datfile[input$SelectSurveillance], datamodel$typ.curve)
            survweek <- (1:(NROW(datfile)))[SurveillanceWeek == rownames(datfile)]
            datfile.plot[-(1:survweek), 1] <- NA
            names(datfile.plot) <- c(input$SelectSurveillance, trloc(c("Lower interval", "Average curve", "Upper interval")))
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = 3,
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSeasons(datfile.plot,
              i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
              i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
              i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
     = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
              i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
              i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
              i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
              i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
              i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
              i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colSeasons = c(colors.palette$colObservedLines, colors.palette$colSeasons[c(3, 2, 3)]),
              i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
     = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
            if (!is.null(p)) {
              temp1 <- p$gdata
              temp2 <- temp1 %>%
                select(variable, week, value) %>%
                tidyr::spread(variable, value, drop = FALSE, fill = NA)

              temp2 <- temp2[order(temp2$week), p$labels]
              row.names(temp2) <- p$weeklabels
              temp2$week <- NULL
              names(temp2) <- trloc(names(temp2))
       = temp2, i.file = file,
                i.sheet = substring(trloc("Average curve"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Week no"), i.format = "xlsx"
    contentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

  output$tbsSurveillanceAverage_c <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$dataset, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      readdata <- read_data()
      datfile <- readdata$datasetread
      if (!is.null(datfile)) {
        if (input$SelectSurveillance %in% names(datfile)) {
          if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek)) {
            SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
          } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceWeek %in% row.names(datfile))) {
            SurveillanceWeek <- tail(row.names(datfile), 1)
          } else {
            SurveillanceWeek <- input$SelectSurveillanceWeek
          if (is.null(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic)) {
            force.start <- NA
          } else if (!(input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic %in% row.names(datfile))) {
            force.start <- NA
          } else {
            force.start <- input$SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic
          datamodel <- data_model()
          if (!is.null(datamodel)) {
            e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
            i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
            datfile.plot <- data.frame(datfile[input$SelectSurveillance], datamodel$typ.curve)
            survweek <- (1:(NROW(datfile)))[SurveillanceWeek == rownames(datfile)]
            datfile.plot[-(1:survweek), 1] <- NA
            names(datfile.plot) <- c(input$SelectSurveillance, trloc(c("Lower interval", "Average curve", "Upper interval")))
            colors.palette <- generate_palette(
              i.number.series = 3,
              i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
              i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
              i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
              i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
              i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
              i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
              i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
            p <- plotSeasons(datfile.plot,
              i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
              i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
              i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
     = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
              i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
              i.textMain = input$textMain,
              i.textX = input$textX,
              i.textY = input$textY,
              i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
              i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
              i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
              i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
              i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
              i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
              i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
              i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
              i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
              i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
              i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
              i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
              i.colSeasons = c(colors.palette$colObservedLines, colors.palette$colSeasons[c(3, 2, 3)]),
              i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
     = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
            if (!is.null(p)) {
              temp1 <- p$gdata
              temp2 <- temp1 %>%
                select(variable, week, value) %>%
                tidyr::spread(variable, value, drop = FALSE, fill = NA)
              temp2 <- temp2[order(temp2$week), p$labels]
              row.names(temp2) <- p$weeklabels
              temp2$week <- NULL
              names(temp2) <- trloc(names(temp2))
       = temp2, i.file = file,
                i.sheet = substring(trloc("Average curve"), 1, 32), i.rownames = trloc("Week no"), i.format = "csv"
    contentType = "text/csv"


  output$tbVisualize <- renderUI({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
    } else if (is.null(input$SelectSeasons)) {
    } else {
      toinclude <- input$SelectSeasons
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = input$SelectSeasons[1], = input$SelectSeasons[1],
        i.exclude = "",
        i.include = toinclude,
        i.pandemic = as.logical("TRUE"),
        i.seasons = NA
      if (length(selectedcolumns) > 0) {
          tabPanel(trloc("Data"), DT::dataTableOutput("tbvData")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Seasons"), plotlyOutput("tbvSeasons", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Series"), plotlyOutput("tbvSeries", width = "100%", height = "100%")),
          tabPanel(trloc("Timing"), uiOutput("tbvTiming"))
      } else {

  output$tbvData <- DT::renderDataTable({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      datatoshow <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(input$SelectSeasons)) {
      datatoshow <- NULL
    } else {
      # Shows the data that's going to be used for mem calculations, plus the seasons to be added to the graph and surveillance
      toinclude <- input$SelectSeasons
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = input$SelectSeasons[1], = input$SelectSeasons[1],
        i.exclude = "",
        i.include = toinclude,
        i.pandemic = as.logical("TRUE"),
        i.seasons = NA
      if (length(selectedcolumns) > 0) {
        datatoshow <- format(round(datfile[selectedcolumns], 2), nsmall = 2)
      } else {
        datatoshow <- data.frame(Message = "No data selected", row.names = NULL)
  options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = "600px", paging = FALSE, dom = "Bfrtip", columnDefs = list(list(targets = "_all", class = "dt-right")))

  output$tbvSeasons <- renderPlotly({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    datamodel <- data_model()
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(datamodel)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(input$SelectSeasons)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
      i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      toinclude <- input$SelectSeasons
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = input$SelectSeasons[1], = input$SelectSeasons[1],
        i.exclude = "",
        i.include = toinclude,
        i.pandemic = as.logical("TRUE"),
        i.seasons = NA
      if (length(selectedcolumns) == 0) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        datfile.plot <- datfile[selectedcolumns]
        colors.palette <- generate_palette(
          i.number.series = NCOL(datfile.plot),
          i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
          i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
          i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
          i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
          i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
          i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
        p <- plotSeasons(datfile.plot,
          i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
          i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
          i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
 = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
          i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
          i.textMain = input$textMain,
          i.textX = input$textX,
          i.textY = input$textY,
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
          i.colSeasons = colors.palette$colSeasons,
          i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
 = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
        if (is.null(p)) {
          zfix <- NULL
        } else {
          z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
          zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbvSeries <- renderPlotly({
    readdata <- read_data()
    datfile <- readdata$datasetread
    datamodel <- data_model()
    if (is.null(datfile)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(datamodel)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(input$SelectSeasons)) {
      zfix <- NULL
    } else {
      e.thr <- datamodel$epidemic.thresholds
      i.thr <- datamodel$intensity.thresholds
      toinclude <- input$SelectSeasons
      selectedcolumns <- select.columns(
        i.names = names(datfile),
        i.from = input$SelectSeasons[1], = input$SelectSeasons[1],
        i.exclude = "",
        i.include = toinclude,
        i.pandemic = as.logical("TRUE"),
        i.seasons = NA
      if (length(selectedcolumns) == 0) {
        zfix <- NULL
      } else {
        datfile.plot <- datfile[selectedcolumns]
        colors.palette <- generate_palette(
          i.number.series = NA,
          i.colObservedLines = input$colObservedLines,
          i.colObservedPoints = input$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemicStart = input$colEpidemicStart,
          i.colEpidemicStop = input$colEpidemicStop,
          i.colThresholds = input$colThresholds,
          i.colSeasons = input$colSeasons,
          i.colEpidemic = input$colEpidemic
        p <- plotSeries(
 = datfile.plot,
          i.plot.timing = T,
          i.range.x = NA,
          i.pre.epidemic = as.logical(input$preepidemicthr),
 = as.logical(input$postepidemicthr),
          i.epidemic.thr = e.thr,
          i.intensity = as.logical(input$intensitythr),
          i.intensity.thr = i.thr,
          i.range.y = NA,
 = T,
          i.textMain = input$textMain,
          i.textX = input$textX,
          i.textY = input$textY,
          i.type.threshold = as.numeric(input$typethreshold),
          i.tails.threshold = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.intensity = as.numeric(input$typeintensity),
          i.level.intensity = as.numeric(c(input$levelintensitym, input$levelintensityh, input$levelintensityv)) / 100,
          i.tails.intensity = as.numeric(input$ntails),
          i.type.curve = as.numeric(input$typecurve),
          i.level.curve = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.type.other = as.numeric(input$typeother),
          i.level.other = as.numeric(input$levelaveragecurve) / 100,
          i.method = as.numeric(input$method),
          i.param = as.numeric(input$param),
          i.centering = as.numeric(input$centering),
          i.n.max = as.numeric(input$nvalues),
          i.colObservedLines = colors.palette$colObservedLines,
          i.colThresholds = colors.palette$colThresholds,
          i.colObservedPoints = colors.palette$colObservedPoints,
          i.colEpidemic = colors.palette$colEpidemic,
 = as.logical(input$yaxis0)
        if (is.null(p)) {
          zfix <- NULL
        } else {
          z <- ggplotly(p$plot, width = 800, height = 600)
          zfix <- fixplotly(z, p$labels, p$haslines, p$haspoints, trloc("Week"), "value", p$weeklabels)

  output$tbvTiming <- renderUI({
    tabnames <- input$SelectSeasons
    if (is.null(tabnames)) {
    } else {
        ## Create a set of tabPanel functions dependent on tabnames
        lapply(tabnames, function(s) {
          ## Populate the tabPanel with a dataTableOutput layout, with ID specific to the sample.
          ## Can also accommodate additional layout parts by adding additional call() to call("tabPanel")
          call("tabPanel", s, call("uiOutput", outputId = paste0("tbvTiming_", s), width = "100%", height = "100%"))


  output$uifile <- renderUI({
      fileInput("file", label = h4(trloc("Load file"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), accept = c("csv", "dat", "prn", "txt", "xls", "xlsx", "mdb", "accdb", "rdata")),
      title = trloc("Load file"), content = trloc("memapp is able to read text, excel, access and R"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uiDataset <- renderUI({
      title = trloc("Dataset"), status = "warning", solidHeader = FALSE, width = 12, background = "navy", collapsible = FALSE, collapsed = FALSE,
        column(12, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", uiOutput("uidata"))
      # uiOutput("uifirstWeek"),
      # uiOutput("uilastWeek"),
        column(6, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", uiOutput("uifirstWeek")),
        column(6, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", uiOutput("uilastWeek"))
        column(12, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", uiOutput("uiprocess"))

  output$uidata <- renderUI({
      selectInput("dataset", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Dataset")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getDatasets(), selected = NULL),
      title = trloc("Dataset"), content = trloc("If the format is able to store different datasets, select the one you want to open"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uifirstWeek <- renderUI({
      selectInput("firstWeek", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("First Week")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getWeeksOriginal(), selected = head(getWeeksOriginal(), 1)),
      title = trloc("First Week"), content = trloc("First week of the datasets surveillance period"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uilastWeek <- renderUI({
      selectInput("lastWeek", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Last Week")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getWeeksOriginal(), selected = tail(getWeeksOriginal(), 1)),
      title = trloc("Last Week"), content = trloc("Last week of the datasets surveillance period"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uitransformation <- renderUI({
    transformation.list <- list("No transformation" = 1, "Odd" = 2, "Fill missings" = 3, "Smoothing regression" = 4, "Loess" = 5, "Spline" = 6, "Moving average" = 7)
    names(transformation.list) <- trloc(c("No transformation", "Odd", "Fill missings", "Smoothing regression", "Loess", "Spline", "Moving average"))
        selectInput("transformation", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Transformation")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = transformation.list, selected = default.values$transformation),
        title = trloc("Transformation"), content = trloc("Select the transformation to apply to the original data"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        condition = "input.transformation == 5 & input.advanced",
          sliderInput("loesspan", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Loess span")), min = default.values$loesspan$min, max = default.values$loesspan$max, value = default.values$loesspan$value, step = default.values$loesspan$step),
          title = trloc("Loess span"), content = trloc("Loess span parameter"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        condition = "input.transformation == 7 & input.advanced",
          sliderInput("movavgweeks", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("MA weeks")), min = default.values$movavgweeks$min, max = default.values$movavgweeks$max, value = default.values$movavgweeks$value, step = default.values$movavgweeks$step),
          title = trloc("MA weeks"), content = trloc("Moving Average weeks"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        condition = "input.transformation == 4 & input.advanced",
          # checkboxInput("smregressionoptimum", label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Optimum")), value = default.values$smregressionoptimum)
            inputId = "smregressionoptimum",
            label = trloc("Optimum"),
            value = default.values$smregressionoptimum,
            shape = "curve"
          title = trloc("Optimum"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want SM to chose the optimum smoothing parameter"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        condition = "input.transformation == 4 & input.advanced & !input.smregressionoptimum",
          sliderInput("smregressionsmoothing", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Smoothing parameter")), min = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$min, max = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$max, value = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$value, step = default.values$smregressionsmoothing$step),
          title = trloc("Smoothing parameter"), content = trloc("Smoothing parameter of the smoothing regression"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        condition = "(input.transformation == 5 | input.transformation == 6) & input.advanced",
          # checkboxInput("transfpositive", label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Positive")), value = default.values$transfpositive)
            inputId = "transfpositive",
            label = trloc("Positive"),
            value = default.values$transfpositive,
            shape = "curve"
          title = trloc("Positive"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want to replace negative values with zeroes"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uiwaves <- renderUI({
    if (as.logical(input$experimental)) {
      waves.list <- list("One wave/season" = 1, "Two waves/season (observed)" = 2, "Two waves/season (expected)" = 3, "Multiple waves/series" = 4)
      names(waves.list) <- trloc(c("One wave/season", "Two waves/season (observed)", "Two waves/season (expected)", "Multiple waves/series"))
    } else {
      waves.list <- list("One wave/season" = 1, "Two waves/season (observed)" = 2, "Two waves/season (expected)" = 3)
      names(waves.list) <- trloc(c("One wave/season", "Two waves/season (observed)", "Two waves/season (expected)"))
    # waves.list<-list("One wave/season"=1, "Two waves/season (observed)"=2, "Two waves/season (expected)"=3, "Multiple waves/series"=4)
    # names(waves.list)<-trloc(c("One wave/season", "Two waves/season (observed)", "Two waves/season (expected)", "Multiple waves/series"))
        selectInput("waves", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Waves detection")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = waves.list, selected = default.values$waves),
        title = trloc("Waves detection"), content = trloc("Select the number of waves in the original data or the algorith to separate diferent waves"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        condition = "(input.waves == 2 | input.waves == 3) & input.advanced",
          sliderInput("twowavesproportion", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Minimum proportion")), min = default.values$twowavesproportion$min, max = default.values$twowavesproportion$max, value = default.values$twowavesproportion$value, step = default.values$twowavesproportion$step),
          title = trloc("Minimum proportion"), content = trloc("Minimum proportion of one of the waves to be considered as different from the other one, otherwise, both waves are considered to be the same"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        condition = "input.waves == 4 & input.experimental & input.advanced",
              numericInput("numberwaves", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("No. waves")), value = default.values$numberwaves$value, min = default.values$numberwaves$min, max = default.values$numberwaves$max, step = default.values$numberwaves$step),
              title = trloc("No. waves"), content = trloc("Total number of waves of the whole dataset, set it to 0 if you want the program to autodetect it"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
              numericInput("wavesseparation", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Separation")), value = default.values$wavesseparation$value, min = default.values$wavesseparation$min, max = default.values$wavesseparation$max, step = default.values$wavesseparation$step),
              title = trloc("Separation"), content = trloc("Minimum separation between two seasons to be considered different"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
              numericInput("wavesparam1", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Param. 1")), value = default.values$wavesparam1$value, min = default.values$wavesparam1$min, max = default.values$wavesparam1$max, step = default.values$wavesparam1$step),
              title = trloc("Param. 1"), content = trloc("Multiple waves algorith parameter 1: when a rate is decided not to belong to an epidemic"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
              numericInput("wavesparam2", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Param. 2")), value = default.values$wavesparam2$value, min = default.values$wavesparam2$min, max = default.values$wavesparam2$max, step = default.values$wavesparam2$step),
              title = trloc("Param. 2"), content = trloc("Multiple waves algorith parameter 2: when a set of rates is decided not to form an independent epidemic"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uiprocess <- renderUI({
    # popify(
    #   checkboxInput("processdata", label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Process data")), value = default.values$processdata)
    #   , title = trloc("Process data"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want to process input data, rearrange weeks acording to the first/last week selection and join seasons divided in the input dataset"), placement = "right", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body"))
    # popify(
    #   shinyWidgets::prettyCheckbox(inputId = "processdata",
    #                                label = trloc("Process data"),
    #                                value = default.values$processdata,
    #                                shape = "curve")
    #   , title = trloc("Process data"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want to process input data, rearrange weeks acording to the first/last week selection and join seasons divided in the input dataset"), placement = "right", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body"))
        inputId = "processdata",
        label = trloc("Process data"),
        value = default.values$processdata,
        right = T,
        status = "info"
      title = trloc("Process data"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want to process input data, rearrange weeks acording to the first/last week selection and join seasons divided in the input dataset"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uiModel <- renderUI({
      title = trloc("Model"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = TRUE,
        column(6, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", popify(
          selectInput("SelectFrom", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("From")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getSeasons(), selected = head(getSeasons(), 1)),
          title = trloc("From"), content = trloc("First season to include in the model selection"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        column(6, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", popify(
          selectInput("SelectTo", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("To")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getSeasons(), selected = tail(getSeasons(), 2)[1]),
          title = trloc("To"), content = trloc("Last season to include in the model selection"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;",
          # popify(
          #   selectInput('SelectExclude', h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Exclude")), multiple = TRUE, choices = getSeasons(), selected=NULL)
          #   , title = trloc("Exclude"), content = trloc("Select any number of seasons to be excluded from the model"), placement = "right", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
              inputId = "SelectExclude",
              label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Exclude")),
              multiple = TRUE,
              choices = getSeasons(),
              selected = NULL
            title = trloc("Exclude"), content = trloc("Select any number of seasons to be excluded from the model"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        column(6, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", popify(
          numericInput("SelectMaximum", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Seasons")), 10, min = 2, max = NA, step = 1),
          title = trloc("Maximum seasons"), content = trloc("Maximum number of seasons to be used in the model.<br>Note that this will probably override the rest options, since it will restrict data to the last number of seasons from the selection already made with From/To/Exclude.<br>For influenza it is not recommended to use more than 10 seasons"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  # output$uiSurveillance = renderUI({
  #   shinydashboard::box(title=trloc("Surveillance"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed=TRUE,
  #                       popify(
  #                         selectInput("SelectSurveillance", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Season")), size=1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getSeasons(), selected = tail(getSeasons(),1))
  #                         , title = trloc("Season"), content = trloc("Season you want to use for surveillance applying the MEM thresholds.<br>This season can be incomplete.<br> It is recommended not to use the surveillance season in the model selection"), placement = "right", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
  #                       popify(
  #                         selectInput("SelectSurveillanceWeek", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Week")), size=1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getWeeksFiltered(), selected = tail(getWeeksFiltered(),1))
  #                         , title = trloc("Week"), content = trloc("Week you want to create the surveillance graph for. It can be any week from the first week of the surveillance season to the last one that have data"), placement = "right", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
  #                       popify(
  #                         selectInput("SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Force epidemic start")), size=1, selectize = FALSE, choices = c("", getWeeksFiltered()), select = "")
  #                         , title = trloc("Force epidemic start"), content = trloc("Chose a week to force the start of the epidemic period.<br>The epidemic will start at the week selected and not at the first week over the epidemic threshold"), placement = "right", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body"))
  #   )
  # })

  output$uiSurveillance <- renderUI({
      title = trloc("Surveillance"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = TRUE,
        column(12, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", popify(
          selectInput("SelectSurveillance", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Season")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getSeasons(), selected = tail(getSeasons(), 1)),
          title = trloc("Season"), content = trloc("Season you want to use for surveillance applying the MEM thresholds.<br>This season can be incomplete.<br> It is recommended not to use the surveillance season in the model selection"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        column(6, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", popify(
          selectInput("SelectSurveillanceWeek", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Week")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = getWeeksFiltered(), selected = tail(getWeeksFiltered(), 1)),
          title = trloc("Week"), content = trloc("Week you want to create the surveillance graph for. It can be any week from the first week of the surveillance season to the last one that have data"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        column(6, offset = 0, style = "padding:0px;", popify(
          selectInput("SelectSurveillanceForceEpidemic", h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Epidemic")), size = 1, selectize = FALSE, choices = c("", getWeeksFiltered()), select = ""),
          title = trloc("Force epidemic start"), content = trloc("Chose a week to force the start of the epidemic period.<br>The epidemic will start at the week selected and not at the first week over the epidemic threshold"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uiVisualize <- renderUI({
      title = trloc("Visualize"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = TRUE,
        # selectInput('SelectSeasons', h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Seasons")), choices = getSeasons(), multiple = TRUE, selected=NULL)
          inputId = "SelectSeasons",
          label = h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Seasons")),
          choices = getSeasons(), multiple = TRUE, selected = NULL
        title = trloc("Seasons"), content = trloc("Select any number of seasons to display series, seasons and timing graphs and to apply thresholds from the current model.<br>To delete a season click on it and press delete on your keyboard"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uiThresholds <- renderUI({
      title = trloc("Thresholds"), status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = TRUE,
        # checkboxInput("preepidemicthr", label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Pre-epidemic threshold")), value = TRUE)
          inputId = "preepidemicthr",
          label = trloc("Pre-epidemic threshold"),
          value = default.values$preepidemicthr,
          shape = "curve"
        title = trloc("Pre-epidemic threshold"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want to include epidemic thresholds in the graphs.<br>This is a global option that will work on most graphs"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        # checkboxInput("postepidemicthr", label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Post-epidemic threshold")), value = FALSE)
          inputId = "postepidemicthr",
          label = trloc("Post-epidemic threshold"),
          value = default.values$postepidemicthr,
          shape = "curve"
        title = trloc("Post-epidemic threshold"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want to include post-epidemic thresholds in the graphs.<br>This  is a global option that will work on most graphs"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        # checkboxInput("intensitythr", label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Intensity thresholds/levels")), value = TRUE)
          inputId = "intensitythr",
          label = trloc("Intensity thresholds/levels"),
          value = default.values$intensitythr,
          shape = "curve"
        title = trloc("Intensity thresholds/levels"), content = trloc("Check this tickbox if you want to include intensity thresholds in the graphs.<br>This  is a global option that will work on most graphs"), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  output$uiTitle <- renderUI({
          tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "busyIndicator.css")
        div(class = "shinysky-busy-indicator", p(trloc("Calculation in progress. This may take a while...")), img(src = "ajaxloaderq.gif")),
          "	setInterval(function(){
          if ($('html').hasClass('shiny-busy')) {
          setTimeout(function() {
          if ($('html').hasClass('shiny-busy')) {
          }, %d)  		    
          } else {
          ", 500
      titlePanel(h1(trloc("The Moving Epidemic Method Web Application")))

  output$uiProcedures <- renderUI({
      title = h3(trloc("Procedures"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;}")), width = 12, height = "800px",
      tabPanel(h4(trloc("Check & describe"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;}")), trloc("Check data series, timing and describe the data"), uiOutput("tbData")),
      tabPanel(h4(trloc("Model"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;}")), trloc("Summary, graphs, goodness and optimization of the MEM model"), uiOutput("tbModel")),
      tabPanel(h4(trloc("Surveillance"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;}")), trloc("Surveillance tools"), uiOutput("tbSurveillance")),
      tabPanel(h4(trloc("Visualize"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {font-weight: bold;}")), trloc("Visualize different sets of data with a MEM model"), uiOutput("tbVisualize"))

  output$uiTextoptions <- renderUI({
        title = p(trloc("Text options"), actionButton("resetuiTextoptions", trloc("Reset"))),
        status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE,
          textInput("textMain", label = h6(trloc("Main title"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = trloc(default.values$textMain)),
          title = trloc("Main title"), content = trloc("Change the main title in most graphs"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          textInput("textY", label = h6(trloc("Y-axis"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = trloc(default.values$textY)),
          title = trloc("Y-axis"), content = trloc("Change the y-axis label in most graphs"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          textInput("textX", label = h6(trloc("X-axis"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = trloc(default.values$textX)),
          title = trloc("X-axis"), content = trloc("Change the x-axis label in most graphs"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
      circle = TRUE,
      tooltip = tooltipOptions(placement = "left", title = trloc("Text options"), html = TRUE),
      margin = "0px",
      style = "minimal",
      icon = icon("fas fa-text-height"),
      status = "primary",
      width = "400px",
      right = TRUE,
      animate = animateOptions(
        enter = animations$fading_entrances$fadeInRight,
        exit = animations$fading_exits$fadeOutRight

  output$uiGraphoptions <- renderUI({
    colObservedLines.list <- as.list(c("default", colors()))
    names(colObservedLines.list) <- c(trloc("default"), colors())
    colThresholds.list <- as.list(c("default", rownames(, colors()))
    names(colThresholds.list) <- c(trloc("default"), rownames(, colors())
        title = p(trloc("Graph options"), actionButton("resetuiGraphoptions", trloc("Reset"))),
        status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE,
          selectInput("colObservedLines", h6(trloc("Observed (line)"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colObservedLines.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colObservedLines),
          title = trloc("Observed (line)"), content = trloc("Color of the line of observed data"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          selectInput("colObservedPoints", h6(trloc("Observed (points)"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colObservedLines.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colObservedPoints),
          title = trloc("Observed (points)"), content = trloc("Color of the points of observed data"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          selectInput("colEpidemicStart", h6(trloc("Epidemic start"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colObservedLines.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colEpidemicStart),
          title = trloc("Epidemic start"), content = trloc("Color of the point of the epidemic start marker"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          selectInput("colEpidemicStop", h6(trloc("Epidemic end"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colObservedLines.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colEpidemicStop),
          title = trloc("Epidemic end"), content = trloc("Color of the point of the epidemic end marker"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          selectInput("colThresholds", h6(trloc("Thresholds palette"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colThresholds.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colThresholds),
          title = trloc("Thresholds palette"), content = trloc("Palette used to generate color for epidemic and intensity thresholds"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          selectInput("colLevels", h6(trloc("Levels palette"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colThresholds.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colLevels),
          title = trloc("Levels palette"), content = trloc("Palette used to generate color for intensity levels"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          selectInput("colSeasons", h6(trloc("Seasons palette"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colThresholds.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colSeasons),
          title = trloc("Seasons palette"), content = trloc("Palette used to generate the colors of the lines of the series graphs and other graphs with multiple lines"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          selectInput("colEpidemic", h6(trloc("Timing palette"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = colThresholds.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$colEpidemic),
          title = trloc("Timing palette"), content = trloc("Palette used to generate the colors of the points of pre, epidemic and post markers in timing graphs"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          # checkboxInput("yaxis0", label = h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("y-axis starts at 0")), value = default.values$yaxis0)
            inputId = "yaxis0",
            label = trloc("y-axis starts at 0"),
            value = default.values$yaxis0,
            shape = "curve"
          title = trloc("y-axis starts at 0"), content = trloc("Force y-axis to start at 0 for all plots"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
      circle = TRUE,
      tooltip = tooltipOptions(placement = "left", title = trloc("Graph options"), html = TRUE),
      margin = "0px",
      style = "minimal",
      icon = icon("fas fa-palette"),
      status = "primary",
      width = "400px",
      right = TRUE,
      animate = animateOptions(
        enter = animations$fading_entrances$fadeInRight,
        exit = animations$fading_exits$fadeOutRight

  output$uiMEMoptions <- renderUI({
    method.list <- list("Original method" = 1, "Fixed criterium method" = 2, "Slope method" = 3, "Second derivative method" = 4)
    names(method.list) <- trloc(c("Original method", "Fixed criterium method", "Slope method", "Second derivative method"))
    nvalues.list <- list("30 in total" = -1, "All" = 0, "1/season" = 1, "2/season" = 2, "3/season" = 3, "4/season" = 4, "5/season" = 5, "6/season" = 6, "7/season" = 7, "8/season" = 8, "9/season" = 9, "10/season" = 10)
    names(nvalues.list) <- trloc(c("30 in total", "All", "1/season", "2/season", "3/season", "4/season", "5/season", "6/season", "7/season", "8/season", "9/season", "10/season"))
    validation.list <- list("Cross" = "cross", "Sequential" = "sequential")
    names(validation.list) <- trloc(c("Cross", "Sequential"))
    optimmethod.list <- list("Positive likehood" = "pos.likehood", "Negative likehood" = "neg.likehood", "Aditive" = "aditive", "Multiplicative" = "multiplicative", "Mixed" = "mixed", "Percent agreement" = "percent", "Matthews Correlation Coefficient" = "matthews", "Youden's Index" = "youden")
    names(optimmethod.list) <- trloc(c("Positive likehood", "Negative likehood", "Aditive", "Multiplicative", "Mixed", "Percent agreement", "Matthews Correlation Coefficient", "Youden's Index"))
    type.list <- list("Arithmetic mean and mean confidence interval" = 1, "Geometric mean and mean confidence interval" = 2, "Median and Nyblom confidence interval" = 3, "Median and bootstrap confidence interval" = 4, "Arithmetic mean and point confidence interval" = 5, "Geometric mean and point confidence interval" = 6)
    names(type.list) <- trloc(c("Arithmetic mean and mean confidence interval", "Geometric mean and mean confidence interval", "Median and Nyblom confidence interval", "Median and bootstrap confidence interval", "Arithmetic mean and point confidence interval", "Geometric mean and point confidence interval"))
    centering.list <- list(
      "Highest mean duration-weeks period" = -1, "Highest 1-week period (peak)" = 1, "Highest 2-weeks period" = 2, "Highest 3-weeks period" = 3, "Highest 4-weeks period" = 4, "Highest 5-weeks period" = 5, "Highest 6-weeks period" = 6, "Highest 7-weeks period" = 7,
      "Highest 8-weeks period" = 8, "Highest 9-weeks period" = 9, "Highest 10-weeks period" = 10, "Highest 11-weekss period" = 11, "Highest 12-weeks period" = 12, "Highest 13-weeks period" = 13, "Highest 14-weeks period" = 14, "Highest 15-weeks period" = 15
    names(centering.list) <- trloc(c(
      "Highest mean duration-weeks period", "Highest 1-week period (peak)", "Highest 2-weeks period", "Highest 3-weeks period", "Highest 4-weeks period", "Highest 5-weeks period", "Highest 6-weeks period", "Highest 7-weeks period",
      "Highest 8-weeks period", "Highest 9-weeks period", "Highest 10-weeks period", "Highest 11-weeks period", "Highest 12-weeks period", "Highest 13-weeks period", "Highest 14-weeks period", "Highest 15-weeks period"
        title = p(trloc("MEM options"), actionButton("resetuiMEMoptions", label = trloc("Reset"))),
        status = "danger", solidHeader = FALSE, width = 12, background = "navy", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE,
        h4(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Timing")),
          column(8, offset = 0, popify(
            selectInput("method", h6(trloc("Method for timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = method.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$method),
            title = trloc("Method for timing"), content = trloc("<b>Original</b>: uses the process shown in the original paper.<br><b>Fixed criterium</b>: uses the slope of the MAP curve fo find the optimum, which is the point where the slope is lower than a predefined value.<br><b>Slope</b>: calculates the slope of the MAP curve, but the optimum is the one that matches the global mean slope.<br><b>Second derivative</b>: calculates the second derivative and equals to zero to search an inflexion point in the original curve"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          column(4, offset = 0, conditionalPanel(
            condition = "input.method == 2",
              numericInput("param", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Slope parameter")), value = default.values$param$value, min = default.values$param$min, max = default.values$param$max, step = default.values$param$step),
              title = trloc("Slope parameter"), content = trloc("Slope parameter used in fixed criterium method"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        # popify(
        #   selectInput("method", h6(trloc("Method for timing"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = method.list, size=1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$method)
        #   , title = trloc("Method for timing"), content = trloc("<b>Original</b>: uses the process shown in the original paper.<br><b>Fixed criterium</b>: uses the slope of the MAP curve fo find the optimum, which is the point where the slope is lower than a predefined value.<br><b>Slope</b>: calculates the slope of the MAP curve, but the optimum is the one that matches the global mean slope.<br><b>Second derivative</b>: calculates the second derivative and equals to zero to search an inflexion point in the original curve"), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")
        # ),
        # conditionalPanel(condition = "input.method == 2",
        #                  popify(
        #                    numericInput("param", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Slope parameter")), value = default.values$param$value, min = default.values$param$min, max = default.values$param$max, step=default.values$param$step)
        #                    , title = trloc("Slope parameter"), content = trloc("Slope parameter used in fixed criterium method"), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body"))
        # ),
        h4(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Thresholds")),
              selectInput("nvalues", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Values per season")), choices = nvalues.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$nvalues),
              title = trloc("Values per season"), content = trloc("Number of values taken each season for calculate thresholds. If -1, a total of 30 points are used (30/numberofseasons). If 0, all available points are used"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
              numericInput("ntails", h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Tails")), value = default.values$ntails$value, min = default.values$ntails$min, max = default.values$ntails$max, step = default.values$ntails$step),
              title = trloc("Tails"), content = trloc("Choose if you want to use one-tailed or two-tailed confidence intervals for thresholds"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          column(6, offset = 0, popify(
            selectInput("typethreshold", h6(trloc("Epidemic threshold"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typethreshold),
            title = trloc("Epidemic threshold"), content = trloc("Method for calculating the epidemic threshold"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          column(6, offset = 0, popify(
            selectInput("typeintensity", h6(trloc("Intensity thresholds"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typeintensity),
            title = trloc("Intensity thresholds"), content = trloc("Method for calculating the intensity threshold"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        # popify(
        #   selectInput("typethreshold", h6(trloc("Epidemic threshold"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size=1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typethreshold)
        #   , title = trloc("Epidemic threshold"), content = trloc("Method for calculating the epidemic threshold"), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
        # popify(
        #   selectInput("typeintensity", h6(trloc("Intensity thresholds"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size=1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typeintensity)
        #   , title = trloc("Intensity thresholds"), content = trloc("Method for calculating the intensity threshold"), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
              numericInput("levelintensitym", h6(trloc("Medium lvl"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = default.values$levelintensitym$value, min = default.values$levelintensitym$min, max = default.values$levelintensitym$max, step = default.values$levelintensitym$step),
              title = trloc("Medium lvl"), content = trloc("Level of the confidence interval used to calculate the medium threshold"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
              numericInput("levelintensityh", h6(trloc("High lvl"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = default.values$levelintensityh$value, min = default.values$levelintensityh$min, max = default.values$levelintensityh$max, step = default.values$levelintensityh$step),
              title = trloc("High lvl"), content = trloc("Level of the confidence interval used to calculate the high threshold"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
              numericInput("levelintensityv", h6(trloc("Very high lvl"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = default.values$levelintensityv$value, min = default.values$levelintensityv$min, max = default.values$levelintensityv$max, step = default.values$levelintensityv$step),
              title = trloc("Very high lvl"), content = trloc("Level of the confidence interval used to calculate the very high threshold"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        h4(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Goodness & optimize")),
              selectInput("validation", h6(trloc("Validation"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = validation.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$validation),
              title = trloc("Validation"), content = trloc("Cross: Extracts one season and the model is calculated with the remaining seasons.<br>Sequential: Extract a season and the model is calculated with previous seasons only"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
              selectInput("optimmethod", h6(trloc("Optimization method"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = optimmethod.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$optimmethod),
              title = trloc("Optimization method"), content = trloc("Method to choose the optimum parameter"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          sliderInput("paramrange", label = h6(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Parameter range")), value = default.values$paramrange$value, min = default.values$paramrange$min, max = default.values$paramrange$max, step = default.values$paramrange$step),
          title = trloc("Parameter range"), content = trloc("Range of possible of values of the slope parameter used by goodness and optimize functions"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        h4(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Other")),
          column(6, offset = 0, popify(
            selectInput("typecurve", h6(trloc("Average curve CI."), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typecurve),
            title = trloc("Average curve CI."), content = trloc("Method for calculating the average curve confidence intervals"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          column(6, offset = 0, popify(
            selectInput("typeother", h6(trloc("Other CI."), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typeother),
            title = trloc("Other CI."), content = trloc("Method for calculating other confidence intervals: duration, epidemic percentage, epidemic start, etc."), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          column(4, offset = 0, popify(
            numericInput("levelaveragecurve", h6(trloc("Average curve/Other CI. level"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = default.values$levelaveragecurve$value, min = default.values$levelaveragecurve$min, max = default.values$levelaveragecurve$max, step = default.values$levelaveragecurve$step),
            title = trloc("Average curve/Other CI. level"), content = trloc("Level of the confidence interval used to calculate the average curve and other intervals"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          column(8, offset = 0, conditionalPanel(
            condition = "input.advanced",
              selectInput("centering", h6(trloc("Centering seasons"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = centering.list, size = 1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$centering),
              title = trloc("Centering seasons"), content = trloc("Method for centering seasons to calculate the average curve"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
        # popify(
        #   selectInput("typecurve", h6(trloc("Average curve CI."), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size=1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typecurve)
        #   , title = trloc("Average curve CI."), content = trloc("Method for calculating the average curve confidence intervals"), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
        # popify(
        #   selectInput("typeother", h6(trloc("Other CI."), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = type.list, size=1, selectize = FALSE, selected = default.values$typeother)
        #   , title = trloc("Other CI."), content = trloc("Method for calculating other confidence intervals: duration, epidemic percentage, epidemic start, etc."), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
        # popify(
        #   numericInput("levelaveragecurve", h6(trloc("Average curve/Other CI. level"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), value = default.values$levelaveragecurve$value, min = default.values$levelaveragecurve$min, max = default.values$levelaveragecurve$max, step=default.values$levelaveragecurve$step)
        #   , title = trloc("Average curve/Other CI. level"), content = trloc("Level of the confidence interval used to calculate the average curve and other intervals"), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body")),
        # conditionalPanel(condition = "input.advanced",
        #                  popify(
        #                    selectInput("centering", h6(trloc("Centering seasons"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")), choices = centering.list, size=1, selectize = FALSE, selected =  default.values$centering)
        #                    , title = trloc("Centering seasons"), content = trloc("Method for centering seasons to calculate the average curve"), placement = "left", trigger = 'focus', options = list(container = "body"))
        # )
      circle = TRUE,
      tooltip = tooltipOptions(placement = "left", title = trloc("MEM options"), html = TRUE),
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        enter = animations$fading_entrances$fadeInRight,
        exit = animations$fading_exits$fadeOutRight

  output$uiSupport <- renderUI({
  #manuallocation <- paste0("","technicalmanual.pdf","?raw=true")
  #manuallocation <- paste0("",ifelse(input$experimental,"technicalmanualdev.pdf","technicalmanual.pdf"),"?raw=true")
        title = trloc("Support"), status = "info", solidHeader = TRUE, width = 12, background = "black", collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE,
        #h5(a(trloc("Technical manual"), href = manuallocation, target = "_blank")),
		conditionalPanel(condition = "input.experimental",h5(a(trloc("Technical manual"), href = "", target = "_blank"))),
		conditionalPanel(condition = "!input.experimental",h5(a(trloc("Technical manual"), href = "", target = "_blank"))),
        h5(a(trloc("Submit issues"), href = "", target = "_blank")),
          # checkboxInput("showadvanced", label = h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Show the advanced features tickbox")), value = default.values$showadvanced)
            inputId = "showadvanced",
            label = trloc("Show the advanced features tickbox"),
            value = default.values$showadvanced,
            shape = "curve"
          title = trloc("Show the advanced features tickbox"), content = trloc("Show the advanced features tickbox"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          condition = "input.showadvanced",
          # checkboxInput("advanced", label = h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Show advanced features")), value = default.values$advanced)
            inputId = "advanced",
            label = trloc("Advanced features"),
            value = default.values$advanced,
            shape = "curve"
          title = trloc("Show advanced features"), content = trloc("Show advanced features of memapp"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          # checkboxInput("showexperimental", label = h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Show the experimental features tickbox")), value = default.values$showexperimental)
            inputId = "showexperimental",
            label = trloc("Show the experimental features tickbox"),
            value = default.values$showexperimental,
            shape = "curve"
          title = trloc("Show the experimental features tickbox"), content = trloc("Show the experimental features tickbox"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
          condition = "input.showexperimental",
            # checkboxInput("experimental", label = h5(tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), trloc("Show experimental features")), value = default.values$experimental)
              inputId = "experimental",
              label = trloc("Experimental features"),
              value = default.values$experimental,
              shape = "curve"
            title = trloc("Show experimental features"), content = trloc("Show experimental features of memapp"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")
      circle = TRUE,
      tooltip = tooltipOptions(placement = "left", title = trloc("Support"), html = TRUE),
      margin = "0px",
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        enter = animations$fading_entrances$fadeInRight,
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  output$uiLanguage <- renderUI({
      h4(trloc("Language"), tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}")),
      title = trloc("Language"), content = trloc("Change the language of the application"), placement = "left", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body")

  ### ENDING

  session$onSessionEnded(function() {
lozalojo/memapp documentation built on July 2, 2023, 2:59 p.m.