
Defines functions tesselation.plot tiles2polygon tessViz scale2range palette.select smooth.viz

Documented in palette.select smooth.viz tesselation.plot tessViz tiles2polygon

#' Voronoi tesselation plot
#' @description Compute voronoi tesselation and visualize ST data as a colored mosaic.
#' @param r Data.frame with grouped x, y values used with geom_polygon.
#' @param datapolyM Convex hull polygon used to mask area outside tissue.
#' @param outline.color Set color of polygon outline.
#' @param bg Background color.
#' @param xlim,ylim Set limits of x and y axes.
#' @param alpha Set transparency of polygons.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_polygon scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous aes theme_void theme element_rect margin
tesselation.plot <- function(
  datapolyM = NULL,
  outline.color = NA,
  bg = "black",
  xlim = c(0, 34),
  ylim = c(0, 36),
  alpha = 1
) {
  if (is.na(outline.color)) {
    outline.color <- r$value
  p <- ggplot(r, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    geom_polygon(aes(group = id), fill = r$value, color = outline.color, alpha = alpha) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits = c(xlim[1], xlim[2]), expand = c(0, 0)) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ylim[1], ylim[2]), expand = c(0, 0)) +
    theme_void() +
    theme(plot.margin = margin(0,0,-0.15,-0.15, "cm"),
          plot.background = element_rect(fill = bg)) +
    guides(fill = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(datapolyM)) {
    p <- p + geom_polygon(data = datapolyM, aes(x = x, y = ylim[2] - y), fill = bg, alpha = 1)

#' Convert tiles and add color.
#' @description convert tile.list object produced with the deldir package into a data.frame structure that is
#' interpretable by geom_polygon.
#' @param tiles tile.list object produced with the tile.list function from teh deldir package.
#' @param v vector of colors representing some value to be visualized.
#' @param xlim,ylim set limits of x/y axes.
tiles2polygon <- function(tiles, v, xlim, ylim) {
  r <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(tiles), function(i) data.frame(x = tiles[[i]]$x, y = tiles[[i]]$y, value = rep(v[i], length(tiles[[i]]$x)), id = rep(i, length(tiles[[i]]$x)), stringsAsFactors = F)))
  pts <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(tiles), function(i) tiles[[i]]$pt)))
  r$x[r$x < xlim[1]] <- xlim[1]
  r$x[r$x > xlim[2]] <- xlim[2]
  r$y[r$y < ylim[1]] <- ylim[1]
  r$y[r$y > ylim[2]] <- ylim[2]

#' Plot tesselated object.
#' @description Sisualize some value on an ST grid using voronoi tesselation.
#' @param object Sbject of class spaceST.
#' @param select.columns Select columns of target matrix [default = 1:3].
#' @param xlim Set limits of x axis [default = c(0, 36)].
#' @param ylim Set limits of y axis [default = c(0, 36)].
#' @param scale.by.column Should columns be scaled independently? [default = FALSE].
#' @param datatype Select target matrix from spaceST object [default = "topics"].
#' @param add.points Should points be added to the plot?
#' @param outline.color Set polygon outline color [default = NA].
#' @param bg Select background color [default = "black"].
#' @param inv.col Invert colors [default = FALSE].
#' @param alpha Set alpha of polygons [default = 1].
#' @param scatter Provide list of data.frames with coordinates to overlay tesselated surface. Colnames
#' have to be c("x", "y") [default = NULL].
#' @param return.list Return list of plots instead of combining them into a grid [default = FALSE].
#' @param cell.col Color of points (spots or scatter) [default = "cyan"].
#' @param cell.size Size of points (spots or scatter) [default = 0.01].
#' @param cell.alpha Color of points (spots or scatter) [default = 0.1].
#' @param palette Select color palette \link[spaceST]{palette.select}.
#' @param max.num.cols Select maximum number of columns to plot [default = 20].
#' @param polygon.mask Logical; Specify whether or not the background should be masked [default = TRUE].
#' @param fill.empty Fill empty array spots with 0 values.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to geom_point().
#' @importFrom deldir deldir tile.list
#' @importFrom grDevices chull
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point aes
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
tessViz <- function(
  select.columns = 1:3,
  xlim = c(0, 34),
  ylim = c(0, 36),
  scale.by.column = FALSE,
  datatype = "topics",
  add.points = F,
  outline.color = NA,
  bg = "black",
  inv.col = F,
  alpha = 1,
  scatter = NULL,
  return.list = FALSE,
  cell.col = "cyan",
  cell.size = 0.01,
  cell.alpha = 0.1,
  palette = "offwhite.to.black",
  max.num.cols = 20,
  polygon.mask = TRUE,
  fill.empty = FALSE,
) {
  stopifnot(class(object) == "spaceST",
            datatype %in% c("topics", "reducedDims", "t-SNE", "expr"))
  all.coords <- object@coordinates
  if (datatype == "topics") {
    stopifnot(length(object@lda.results$omega) > 0)
    all.z = object@lda.results$omega
  } else if (datatype == "reducedDims") {
    stopifnot(length(object@reducedDims) > 0)
    all.z = object@reducedDims$x
  } else if (datatype == "t-SNE") {
    stopifnot(length(object@tsne) > 0)
    all.z <- object@tsne
  } else if (datatype == "expr") {
    stopifnot(length(object@expr) > 0)
    all.z <- t(object@expr)

  # Generate empty marix to fill empty spot positions
  xy <- apply(all.coords[, 2:3], 2, round)
  all_xy <- c()
  for (i in 1:33) {
    for (j in 1:35) {
      all_xy <- c(all_xy, c(i, j))
  all_xy <- t(matrix(all_xy, nrow = 2))

  # Empty list to store plots in
  plot.list <- list()
  for (n in unique(all.coords$replicate)) {
    # Subset coordinates per replicate
    ind <- which(all.coords$replicate == n)
    coords <- all.coords[ind, 2:3]
    x <- coords[, 1]
    y <- coords[, 2]
    y <- 36 - y

    # subset z values per replicate
    z <- all.z[ind, ]

    # Scale data
    if (scale.by.column) {
      z <- apply(z, 2, scale2range, a = 0, b = 1)
    } else {
      z <- matrix(scale2range(as.numeric(z), a = 0, b = 1), ncol = ncol(z))

    # Create polygon from convex hull
    if (polygon.mask) {
      tissue.polygon <- coords[chull(x, y),] %>% apply(2, rev)
      tissue.polygon <- rbind(tissue.polygon, tissue.polygon[1, ])
      rim  <- c(xlim[1],ylim[1], xlim[2],ylim[1], xlim[2],ylim[2], xlim[1],ylim[2], xlim[1],ylim[1]) %>% matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = T)
      datapolyM <- rbind(rim, tissue.polygon) %>% as.data.frame()
      names(datapolyM) <- c("x","y")
      datapolyM$id <- "a"
    } else {
      datapolyM <- NULL

    # Add 0 values to empty spots
    if (fill.empty) {
      all_xy_subset <- all_xy[!apply(all_xy, 1, paste, collapse = "x") %in% paste(round(x), round(y), sep = "x"), ]
      x <- c(x, all_xy_subset[, 1])
      y <- c(y, all_xy_subset[, 2])
      z <- rbind(z, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(all_xy_subset), ncol = ncol(z)))

    # Run voronoi tesselation
    vtess <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(deldir(x, y)))
    tiles <- tile.list(vtess)

    # Plot each column in Grayscale if select columns is not specified
    if (!is.null(select.columns)) {
      z <- z[, select.columns]
      if (length(select.columns) > 3) {
        warning("More than 3 columns selected. Using first 3 columns ...")
      if (ncol(z) < 3) {
        while (ncol(z) < 3) {
          z <- cbind(z, 0)
      if (inv.col) {
        z <- apply(z, 2, function(x) 1 - x)

      # Convert
      v <- rgb(z)
      r <- tiles2polygon(tiles = tiles, v = v, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
      p <- tesselation.plot(r = r,
                            datapolyM = datapolyM,
                            outline.color = outline.color,
                            bg = bg, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, alpha = alpha)

      if (add.points) {
        if (!is.null(scatter)) {
          p <- p + geom_point(data = scatter[[n]], aes(x, y), color = cell.col, size = cell.size, alpha = cell.alpha, ...)
        } else {
          p <- p + geom_point(data = coords, aes(x, 36 - y), size = cell.size, color = cell.col, alpha = cell.alpha, ...)
      inside_plot <- p
    } else {
      inside_plot <- list()
      for (i in 1:ncol(z)) {
        if (i > max.num.cols) {
          warning("Maxumim number of plots exceeded ...")
        v <- z[, i]
        if (inv.col) {
          v <- 1 - v

        # Convert
        pal <- palette.select(palette)
        v <- rgb(pal(v), maxColorValue = 255)
        #v <- grey(v)
        r <- tiles2polygon(tiles = tiles, v = v, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        p <- tesselation.plot(r = r,
                              datapolyM = datapolyM,
                              outline.color = outline.color,
                              bg = bg, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, alpha = alpha)

        if (add.points) {
          if (!is.null(scatter)) {
            p <- p + geom_point(data = scatter[[n]], aes(x, y), color = cell.col, size = cell.size, alpha = cell.alpha, ...)
          } else {
            p <- p + geom_point(data = coords, aes(x, 36 - y), size = cell.size, alpha = cell.alpha, ...)
        inside_plot[[i]] <- p
    if ("list" %in% class(inside_plot)) {
      inside_plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = inside_plot)
  plot.list[[n]] <- inside_plot
  if (length(plot.list) == 1) {
  } else if(return.list) {
  } else {
    cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plot.list)

# Scale values
scale2range <- function(x, a, b) {
  res <- (b-a)*(x - min(x, na.rm = T))/(max(x, na.rm = T) - min(x, na.rm = T)) + a

#' Create palettes
#' @description returns a palette using the coloRamp function
#' @param palette select palette [options: "GnBu", "RdBu", "the.cols", "Spectral", "offwhite.to.black", "viridis", "cividis", "magma", "plasma", "heat"]
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRamp
#' @importFrom viridis viridis inferno magma plasma cividis
#' @export
palette.select <- function(palette) {
  palettes <- list(
    GnBu = colorRamp(brewer.pal(9,"GnBu")),
    the.cols = colorRamp(c(rgb(255,255,217, maxColorValue=255),
                           rgb(65,182,196, maxColorValue=255),
                           rgb(8, 29, 88, maxColorValue=255)),
    spectral = colorRamp(brewer.pal(9,"Spectral")),
    offwhite.to.black = colorRamp(c(rgb(220,220,220, maxColorValue=255),
                                    rgb(0, 0, 0, maxColorValue=255)),
    viridis = colorRamp(viridis(9)),
    cividis = colorRamp(cividis(9)),
    magma = colorRamp(magma(9)),
    plasma = colorRamp(plasma(9)),
    heat = colorRamp(c("dark blue", "cyan", "yellow", "red")),
    RdBu = colorRamp(brewer.pal(9,"RdBu"))

#' Smooth visualization of gene expression patterns
#' @param object Object of class spaceST.
#' @param value Target vector to visualize. This value can be chosen from any slot of the spaceST object
#' containing data linked to array spots.
#' @param type Select dataset where the value can be found [options: "expr", "norm.data", "pca", "topics]
#' @param HE.list List of paths to HE images in jpeg format that should be used as a background for the
#' spatial heatmap.
#' @param overlay.spots Set to TRUE if you want to overlay array spots on the smoothed heatmap.
#' @param set.max.alpha Sets maximum alpha value.
#' @param palette character; SPecify color palette \link[spaceST]{palette.select}.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to geom_point() in the array spot layer.
#' @importFrom grid rasterGrob unit
#' @importFrom akima interp
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_raster aes scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous labs scale_fill_gradientn theme_void annotation_custom guides
#' @importFrom fields interp.surface.grid
#' @importFrom viridis cividis viridis
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @export
smooth.viz <- function(
  type = "norm.data",
  HE.list = NULL,
  overlay.spots = FALSE,
  set.max.alpha = 0.7,
  palette = "spectral",
) {
  # Use the 1000L array
  xg = 33
  yg = 35

  reps <- unique(object@coordinates$replicate)

  # Select proper samples
  if (type == "norm.data") {
    expr <- object@norm.data
  } else if (type == "expr") {
    expr <- object@expr
  } else if (type == "pca") {
    expr <- t(object@reducedDims$x)
  } else if (type == "topics") {
    expr <- t(object@lda.results$omega)

  if (!value %in% rownames(expr)) {
    stop(paste("value not present in", type, "slot"))

  exp.non.zero.list <- lapply(1:length(reps), function(i) {
    rep <- reps[i]
    exp.values.non.zero = as.matrix(expr[, object@coordinates$replicate == rep])
    exp.values.non.zero = exp.values.non.zero[rowSums(exp.values.non.zero) != 0,]
    colnames(exp.values.non.zero) <- paste(round(object@coordinates$x[object@coordinates$replicate == rep]), round(object@coordinates$y[object@coordinates$replicate == rep]), sep = "x")

  flag = c("2x2", "2x3", "2x4", "2x5",
           "3x2", "3x3", "3x4", "3x5",
           "4x2", "4x3", "4x4", "4x5",
           "5x2", "5x3", "5x4", "5x5")

  bc <- c()
  for (n in 2:32) {
    for (j in 2:34) {
      bc <- c(bc, paste(n, j, sep = "x"))
  bc <- bc[!bc %in% flag]

  # Barcodes not part of the dataset
  exp.zero.list <- lapply(1:length(reps), function(i) {
    rep <- reps[i]
    exp.values.non.zero <- exp.non.zero.list[[i]]
    exp.values_zero = matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = (length(bc) + length(flag)))
    colnames(exp.values_zero) = c(bc,flag)
    exp.values_zero[, colnames(exp.values_zero)] = 0
    exp.values_zero = exp.values_zero[,which(!colnames(exp.values_zero) %in% colnames(exp.values.non.zero))]
    exp.values_zero = t(as.matrix(exp.values_zero))
    row.names(exp.values_zero) = value

  pal <- palette.select(palette)
  cols <- rev(rgb(pal(seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)), maxColorValue = 255))

  if (!is.null(HE.list)) {
    grobs.list <- lapply(HE.list, function(im) {
      HE_img <- jpeg::readJPEG(im)
      g <- rasterGrob(HE_img, width = unit(1, "npc"), height = unit(1, "npc"), interpolate = TRUE)
  } else {
    grobs.list <- NULL

  # Overlay spots
  if (overlay.spots) {
    spots.list <- lapply(1:length(reps), function(i) {
      rep <- reps[i]
      exp.values = as.matrix(expr[value, object@coordinates$replicate == rep])
      exp.values <- data.frame(val = exp.values, object@coordinates[, 2:3][object@coordinates$replicate == rep, ])

  # Subset only based on one value's expression
  p.list <- lapply(1:length(reps), function(i) {
    exp.values.non.zero <- exp.non.zero.list[[i]]
    exp.values_zero <- exp.zero.list[[i]]

    genes.barcodes = as.matrix(exp.values.non.zero[rownames(exp.values.non.zero) == value, ])
    genes.barcodes = cbind(t(genes.barcodes), exp.values_zero)

    # Take all x and y values
    x_tmp = sapply(strsplit(colnames(genes.barcodes), split = "x"), "[[",1)
    y_tmp = sapply(strsplit(colnames(genes.barcodes), split = "x"), "[[",2)

    # Prepare data for interpolation
    genes.barcodes = cbind(x_tmp, y_tmp, as.numeric(genes.barcodes))

    x1 = as.numeric(genes.barcodes[,1])
    x1 = x1[!is.na(x1)]
    y1 = as.numeric(genes.barcodes[,2])
    y1 = y1[!is.na(y1)]
    z = as.numeric(genes.barcodes[,3])

    # Run interpolation
    s =  interp(x1,y1, z, nx = xg, ny = yg)
    #image2D(z = s$z, colkey = T, resfac = 10, smooth = TRUE, alpha = 1, box = FALSE, inttype = 1,  NAcol = "black", x = c(1:x), y = c(y:1), xlab="", ylab="", yaxt='n', xaxt = "n")
    z <- s$z
    x <- 1:nrow(z)
    y <- 1:ncol(z)
    gg <- list(x = x, y = y, z = z)
    r <- interp.surface.grid(gg, grid.list = list(x = seq(0, ncol(z), length.out = ncol(z)*20), y = seq(0, nrow(z), length.out = nrow(z)*20)))
    x <- rep(r$x, each = ncol(r$z))
    y <- rep(r$y, nrow(r$z))
    z <- as.vector(t(r$z))
    gg <- data.frame(x, y, val = z)
    gg$val[gg$val == 0] <- NA
    #gg$a <- scale2range(gg$val, 0, set.max.alpha)

    p <- ggplot(na.omit(gg), aes(x, 36 - y, fill = val, alpha = set.max.alpha))
    if (!is.null(grobs.list)) {
      p <- p + annotation_custom(grobs.list[[i]], -Inf, Inf, -Inf, Inf)
    p <- p +
      geom_raster(interpolate = TRUE) +
      scale_fill_gradientn(colours = cols) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 34), expand = c(0, 0)) +
      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1, 37), expand = c(0, 0)) +
      theme_void() +
      labs(fill = value) +
      guides(alpha = FALSE)
    if (overlay.spots) {
      p <- p + geom_point(data = spots.list[[i]], aes(x, 36 - scale2range(y, min(y) - 1, max(y) + 1), color = val, ...)) +
        scale_color_gradientn(colours = cols) +
        guides(color = FALSE)
  cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = p.list)
ludvigla/spaceST documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:43 a.m.