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The goal of famnet is to characterize a family network, based on having an individual’s ID, and their mother’s and father’s ID.


Install the developmental version.

# install.packages("remotes")


You can use the famnet functions to determine family relation links. For instance, say you a dataset like this:

#>   PersonID FatherID MotherID Sex
#> 1        1       NA       NA   f
#> 2        2       NA       NA   m
#> 3        3       NA       NA   f
#> 4        4       NA       NA   m
#> 5        5       NA       NA   f
#> 6        6       NA       NA   m
#>    PersonID FatherID MotherID Sex
#> 45       45       NA       NA   f
#> 46       46       NA       NA   f
#> 47       47       38       45   m
#> 48       48       38       46   f
#> 49       49       38       46   m
#> 50       50       NA       46   f

And you want to determine sibling relations. You can use:

fmn_siblings(fmn_df, "PersonID", "MotherID", "FatherID")
#> # A tibble: 40 x 3
#>    PersonID RelativeID RelativeType
#>       <int>      <int> <chr>       
#>  1       49         47 sibling     
#>  2       47         48 sibling     
#>  3       44         43 sibling     
#>  4       44         42 sibling     
#>  5       43         44 sibling     
#>  6       42         44 sibling     
#>  7       50         49 sibling     
#>  8       50         48 sibling     
#>  9       49         50 sibling     
#> 10       49         48 sibling     
#> # ... with 30 more rows

Which indicates all the sibling connections in the fmn_df dataset.

lwjohnst86/famnet documentation built on May 30, 2019, 11:41 p.m.