Introduction to this project

This README details how this research directory is structured, how files should be run, and what the different files do. The layout and setup of this project was designed for using RStudio and devtools. It is set up this way to make it easy for others to run your code and analyses for themselves and to skaffold onto devtools (used for R package development) because it is well documented and actively maintained.

Typical commands used in this workflow include:

General folder details

The project directory is generally structured with the following folders:

Base (parent) folder

Contains a few files:

R/ folder:

Contains functions and code used by all subsequent .R or .Rmd files and can be accessed by documents in the vignettes/ by using devtools::load_all(). There are at least four files (probably more):

vignettes/ folder:

Contains (at minimum) the main document file that will present the results of the analysis and likely also other files that may supplement the main document.

data/ folder (optional):

The data folder contains the analysis-specific dataset. Meaning this dataset may be a subset of an original dataset, keeping the data relevant to the research question without keeping the (potentially) larger dataset around.


Since this layout is based on R package development, check out the online book on R package development to learn more about how to make the most use out of this project layout (and why prodigenr structures it this way).

lwjohnst86/seminar2016 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:15 a.m.