
Functions of Analyze Fatality Accidents Data

Author: "Anh Dang (assignment from Coursera)"

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Package Info

This is the instruction for all related functions included in fars package to assess and analyze the data from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Data, including:

Data Info

The functions applied to the data from using data from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Fatality Analysis Reporting System, which is a nationwide census providing the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes.

The package includes the data in 2013, 2014, 2015, named accident_2013.csv.bz2, accident_2014.csv.bz2, accident_2015.csv.bz2 respectively

(1) fars_read

Functions fars_read reads a file with filename in table format to create the data frame.

```{r warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} fars::fars_read("accident_2013.csv.bz2")

## (2) make_filename

Function `make_filename` takes an `year` and create a filename in the format of `"accident_year.csv.bz2"`

```{r warning = FALSE, message = FALSE}

(3) fars_read_years

Function fars_read_years takes a list of years and return the data of specific years, which only remains the variables of MONTH and year. It returns NULL if inputing invalid years.

```{r warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval=FALSE} library(dplyr) fars::fars_read_years(c(2012, 2013))

## (4) fars_summarize_years

Function `fars_summarize_years` summarizes the number of fatal accidents in each `year` by `MONTH`.

## (5) fars_map_state

The figure sizes have been customised so that you can easily put two images side-by-side. 

```{r warning = FALSE, message = FALSE,'hold'}

maianhdang/fars documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:57 a.m.