
#' Time series cross-validation
#' Computes the forecast errors obtained by applying forecastfunction to subsets
#' of the time series y using a rolling (accumulating) forecast origin. It
#' differs from forecast::tsCV by skipping head of the time series.
#' @param y Time series object.
#' @param forecastfunction Forecasting function. It must be able take ts object as first parameter and h (forecasting horizon) as second parameter.
#' @param h Forecast horizon.
#' @param tail2CV Integer. It specifies number of time series elements for those predicitions will be build.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to forecastfunction.
#' @return A time series object containing
#'   absolute prediction errors.
#' @import assertthat
#' @import forecast
#' @import purrr
#' @export

crossv_ts <- function(y, forecastfunction, h = 1, tail2CV = NULL, ...) {

  n <- length(y)
  # If no tail2CV than simply skip first sample
  # as it is not possible to build a forecast for it
  if (is.null(tail2CV)) tail2CV <- n - 1

  stopifnot(tail2CV < n)

  possible_frcst <- purrr::possibly(
    function(ts, h = h,
             tsend = tsend, ...) {
      ts_short <- subset(ts, end = tsend)
      forecast_fit <- forecastfunction(ts_short, h = h, ...)
      assert_that("forecast" %in% class(forecast_fit))
      # Calculate error
      ts[tsend + h] - forecast_fit$mean[h]
    }, NA_real_)

  e <- map_dbl(seq.int(from = n - tail2CV, to = n - h),
               ~ possible_frcst(y, h = h, tsend = .x)

  empty_ts <- subset(y / y, start = n - tail2CV,
                     end = n - h)

  assert_that(length(empty_ts) == length(e))

  e <- empty_ts * e

malexan/forecastbox documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:44 a.m.