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The goal of knapsack is to find the combination of objects with maximum value without exceeding a given weight. Three approaches are implemented, the brute force algorithm, greedy algorithm and dynamic algorithm.


You can install knapsack from github with:



The knapsack objects used:

#>      w        v
#> 1 3660 4615.520
#> 2 3749 4137.988
#> 3 1145 8544.690
#> 4 3322 1587.847
#> 5 2567 5226.892
#> 6 2077 4039.024

The following code shows how to invoke the three algorithms for knapsack problem.

Brute Force Algorithm

#> $value
#> [1] 12634.27
#> $elements
#> [1] 3 8

Dynamic Algorithm

#> $value
#> [1] 12634
#> $elements
#> [1] 3 8

Greedy Algorithm

#> $value
#> [1] 12634
#> $elements
#> [1] 8 3

mariatreesa/RLab6 documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:35 a.m.