
#' Two-sample hypotesis tests
#' Performs a  two sample hypotesis tests on two samples of functional data.
#' @param FD1 a functional data object of type \code{funData} of the first sample.
#' @param FD2 a functional data object of type \code{funData} of the second sample.
#' @param conf.level confidence level of the test.
#' @param stat_test the chosen test statistic to be used: \code{"L2"} for the classical L2-distance, \code{"L2_trunc"} for the truncated L2-distance, \code{"trunc"} for the truncated Mahalanobis semi-distance, \code{"mahalanobis"} for the generalized Mahalanobis distance
#' @param p a vector of positive numeric value containing the parameters of the regularizing function for the generalized Mahalanobis distance.
#' @keywords Inference
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \code{statistic} the value of the test statistic.
#' \code{p.value} the p-value for the test.
#' @references
#' Ghiglietti A., Ieva F., Paganoni A. M. (2017). Statistical inference for stochastic processes:
#' Two-sample hypothesis tests, \emph{Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference}, 180:49-68.
#' Ghiglietti A., Paganoni A. M. (2017). Exact tests for the means of gaussian stochastic processes.
#' \emph{Statics & Probability Letters}, 131:102--107.
#' @seealso \code{\link{funDist}}
#' @import
#' graphics
#' stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Define parameters
#' n <- 50
#' P <- 100
#' K <- 150
#' # Grid of the functional dataset
#' t <- seq( 0, 1, length.out = P )
#' # Define the means and the parameters to use in the simulation
#' # with the Karhunen - Loève expansion
#' m1 <- t^2 * ( 1 - t )
#' lambda <- rep( 0, K )
#' theta <- matrix( 0, K, P )
#' for ( k in 1:K) {
#'   lambda[k] <- 1 / ( k + 1 )^2
#'   if ( k%%2 == 0 )
#'     theta[k, ] <- sqrt( 2 ) * sin( k * pi * t )
#'   else if ( k%%2 != 0 && k != 1 )
#'     theta[k, ] <- sqrt( 2 ) * cos( ( k - 1 ) * pi * t )
#'   else
#'     theta[k, ] <- rep( 1, P )
#' }
#' s <- 0
#' for (k in 4:K) {
#'  s <- s + sqrt( lambda[k] )*theta[k,]
#' }
#' m2 <- m1 + 0.1*s
#' # Simulate the functional data
#' x1 <- simulate_KL( t, n, m1, rho = lambda, theta = theta )
#' x2 <- simulate_KL( t, n, m2, rho = lambda, theta = theta )
#' output <- gmfd_test2( x1, x2, 0.95, "L2", 1 )

gmfd_test2 <- function( FD1, FD2, conf.level = 0.95, stat_test, p = NULL ) {
  grid <- FD1$grid
  x <- FD1$data
  y <- FD2$data
  if ( !is.list( x ) ) {
    x <- list( x )
  if ( !is.list( y ) ) {
    y <- list( y )
  n1 <- dim( x[[1]] )[1]
  n2 <- dim( y[[1]] )[1]
  N <- n1 + n2
  P <- length( grid )
  R <- length( x )
  I <- grid[P]

  xm <- list( )
  ym <- list( )
  for ( r in 1:R ) {
    xm[[r]] <- colMeans( x[[r]] )
    ym[[r]] <- colMeans( y[[r]] )

  M <- min( N - 1, P - 1 )				# numero di autovalori stimati non nulli
  k_trunc <- 3
  xR <- NULL
  yR <- NULL
  for ( r in 1:R ) {
    xR <- cbind( xR, x[[r]] )
    yR <- cbind( yR, y[[r]] )

  v1hat <- cov( xR )
  v2hat <- cov( yR )
  cn <- n1 / N
  vhat <- ( 1 - cn ) * v1hat + cn * v2hat

  Vhat <- eigen( vhat )$vectors	* sqrt( P / I ) # autofunzioni di vhat
  dhat <- eigen( vhat )$values * I / P		# autovalori di vhat

  Vhat1 <- eigen( v1hat )$vectors	* sqrt( P / I ) # autofunzioni di vhat
  dhat1 <- eigen( v1hat )$values * I / P		# autovalori di vhat

  Vhat2 <- eigen( v2hat )$vectors	* sqrt( P / I ) # autofunzioni di vhat
  dhat2 <- eigen( v2hat )$values * I / P		# autovalori di vhat

  size <- 10^3
  z1 <- matrix(0, size, n1 - 1 )
  z2 <- matrix(0, size, n2 - 1 )
  x_m1 <- matrix(0, size, P)
  x_m2 <- matrix(0, size, P)

  for (i in 1:size) {
    z1[i, ] <- rnorm( n1 - 1, 0 , 1/sqrt( n1 ) )
    for ( k in 1:( n1 - 1 ) ) {
      x_m1[i, ] <- x_m1[i, ] + sqrt( dhat1[k] ) * (z1[i, k] * Vhat1[, k] )
  for (i in 1:size) {
    z2[i, ] <- rnorm( n2 - 1, 0 , 1/sqrt( n2 ) )
    for ( k in 1:( n2 - 1 ) ) {
      x_m2[i, ] <- x_m2[i, ] + sqrt( dhat2[k] ) * (z2[i, k] * Vhat2[, k] )

  iter <- 100
  T0_1pop_vhat <- rep( 0, iter )	# le statistiche test con i diversi p
  qv <- rep( 0, length( p ) )			# i quantili con i diversi p

  ### per ogni p, trovo i quantili simulando la distribuzione della statistica test sotto H0, con gli autovalori stimati

  dist_H0_vhat <- rep( 0, 10^3 )		# Bootstrap sulle distanze sotto H0 per calcolare il quantile

  if ( stat_test == "mahalanobis" ) {
    for ( w in 1:10^3 ) {
      dist_H0_vhat[w] <- ( 1 / n1 + 1 / n2 )^( - 1 / 2 ) * funDist(grid, x_m1[w, ], x_m2[w, ], "mahalanobis", p = p, lambda = dhat, phi = Vhat)
  #else if (stat_test == "L2_trunc") {
  #  for (w in 1:10^3) {
  #    dist_H0_vhat[w] <- sum(rchisq(k_trunc,1))
  #  }
  else if ( stat_test == "L2" ) {
    for ( w in 1:10^3 ) {
      dist_H0_vhat[w] <- sum( rchisq( M, 1 ) * dhat[1:M] )
  else if ( stat_test == "trunc" ) {
    for ( w in 1:10^3 ) {
      dist_H0_vhat[w] <- sum( rchisq( k_trunc, 1 ) * dhat[1:k_trunc] )

  qv <- as.numeric( quantile( dist_H0_vhat, conf.level ) )

    if ( stat_test == "mahalanobis" ) {
      T0_1pop_vhat <- ( 1 / n1 + 1 / n2 )^( - 1 / 2 ) * funDist( grid, xm, ym, metric = "mahalanobis", lambda = dhat, phi = Vhat, p = p )
    else if ( stat_test == "L2" ) {
      T0_1pop_vhat <- ( 1 / n1 + 1 / n2 )^( - 1 / 2 ) * funDist( grid, xm, ym, metric = "L2" )
    else if ( stat_test == "trunc" ) {
      T0_1pop_vhat <- ( 1 / n1 + 1 / n2 )^( - 1 / 2 ) * funDist( grid, xm, ym, metric = "trunc", lambda = dhat, phi = Vhat )

  list ( T0 = T0_1pop_vhat,
         quant = qv,
         T0_1pop_vhat > qv,
         pval <- 1-ecdf(dist_H0_vhat)(T0_1pop_vhat))
martinoandrea92/dpdistance documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:44 a.m.