Probably not 100% what we're looking for (as it does not produce an intermediate Rmd to manually edit, though that could be circumvented by allowing more than just plots in the "cells" making up the report) but dank cool nonetheless!

spec <- params$spec
tslist <- params$tslist
global_theme <-, spec$global_tsplot_theme)

for(i in seq_along(spec$plots)) {
  plt <- spec$plots[[i]]

  them <- global_theme
  them[names(plt$theme)] <- plt$theme

  prmtrs <- list()
  spec_prmtrs <- plt$tsplot_prmtrs
  prmtrs[names(spec_prmtrs)] <- spec_prmtrs

  if(!is.null(plt$plot_title)) {
    prmtrs[["plot_title"]] <- plt$plot_title

  if(!is.null(plt$plot_subtitle)) {
    prmtrs[["plot_subtitle"]] <- plt$plot_subtitle

  if(!is.null(plt$window)) {
    prmtrs[["tsl"]] <- lapply(tslist[plt$series], function(x) {
      ar <- plt$window
      ar$x <- x, ar)
  } else {
    prmtrs[["tsl"]] <- tslist[plt$series]
  prmtrs[["theme"]] <- them, prmtrs)

mbannert/tsreports documentation built on May 26, 2019, 2:31 p.m.