
Defines functions tmat_est initial_est

Documented in initial_est tmat_est

#' Commpute initial state probabilites 
#' @keywords internal
#' \code{initial_est} return the initial state probabilities for each level in the passed \code{by_factor},
#' defined as the expectation of the vectors for each level.  These probabilities correspond to Small_Gamma_j,b^(t+1)(q)
#' at step 4 of Algorithm 1 in Woodard et a., 2017
#' @param state_prob An \code{n x Q} matrix of initial state probabilities for \code{n} observations and \code{Q} states
#' @param by_factor A vector of factors (link + time bin) of size \code{n} (a factor for each row of \code{state_prob}).
#' @param subset A vector indexing the rows of \code{state_prob} for which states probabilities are computed using only this subset, defualt is \code{NULL}
#' @details NULL
#' @return An \code{m x Q} matrix of probabilites for the m levels of \code{by_factor}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x = runif(10)
#' x = cbind(x, 1-x)
#' initial_est(x, factor(sample(c("A", "B"), 10, replace=TRUE)))
#' }
#' @references
#' {Woodard, D., Nogin, G., Koch, P., Racz, D., Goldszmidt, M., Horvitz, E., 2017.  Predicting travel time reliability using mobile phone GPS data.  Transportation Research Part C, 75, 30-44.}
#' @export
initial_est <- function(state_prob, by_factor, subset=NULL) {
    # Basic verfication of inputs; stop if any is incorrect.
        stop('state_prob is not a matrix!')
        stop('by_factor is not a factor')
    if(nrow(state_prob) != length(by_factor))
        stop('legnth of factors is not the same is the number of rows of state_prob.')
    if(!is.null(subset) & !is.vector(subset)) # If not null, 'subset' needs to be a vector.
        stop('subset must be  vector.')

    nQ = ncol(state_prob) # Number of states as defined elsewhere
    # Compute a matrix of dimensions nQ x m (m = number of levels: link + time bin), either using the full set of observations
    # or the subset defined in "subset". Each row contains the expected values (in vector form) for the level's
    # initial probability estimates.
        rawinit = vapply(split(state_prob, by_factor),
            function(r) .colMeans(r,length(r)/nQ, nQ, na.rm = TRUE), numeric(nQ), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        rawinit = vapply(split(state_prob[subset, ], by_factor[subset]),
            function(r) .colMeans(r,length(r)/nQ, nQ, na.rm = TRUE), numeric(nQ), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    # Clean and transpose to get the final m x nQ matrix
    return(matrix(drop(rawinit), ncol = nQ, byrow = TRUE))

#' Compute transition matrix probabilities
#' @keywords internal
#' \code{tmat_est} returns the transition state probabilities for each level in the passed \code{by_factor}.  These probabilities
#' correspond to Big_Gamma_j,b^(t+1)(q', q) at step 4 of Algorithm 1 in Woodard et a., 2017
#' @param joint_prob An \code{n-1 x Q^2} matrix of joint state probabilities for \code{n} observations and \code{Q} states
#' @param state_prob An \code{n-1 x Q} matrix of initial state probabilities for \code{n} observations and \code{Q} states
#' @param init_ids A vector of indices of the initial state observation for each trip
#' @param by_factor A vector of factors (link + time bin) of size \code{n} (a factor for each row of \code{state_prob}).

#' @return An \code{m x Q} matrix of probabilites for the m levels of \code{by_factor}.
#' @export
tmat_est <- function(joint_prob,state_prob, init_ids, by_factor){
    # Basic verification of inputs; stop if any is incorrect.
      stop('state_prob is not a matrix!')
      stop('state_prob is not a matrix!')
      stop('by_factor is not a factor')
    if(nrow(joint_prob) != length(by_factor)-1)
      stop('legnth of factors does not match the number of rows of joint_prob.')
    if(nrow(state_prob) != length(by_factor))
      stop('legnth of factors is not the same is the number of rows of state_prob.')
    nQ <- ncol(state_prob) # Number of states
    nQ2 <- nQ^2 # Compute nQ2, the square of nQ, which will be used often
    nObs <- nrow(state_prob) # Number of observations

    # We need to remove the first observation of each trip, except the very first one
    # which is already out.
    joint_prob = joint_prob[-c(init_ids[-1] - 1), ] # removing first obs per trip
    by_factor  = by_factor[-init_ids]               # removing first obs per trip
    # Numerator (num): compute a matrix of dimensions m x nQ^2 (where m = the number of factors)...
    num = vapply(split(joint_prob, by_factor), function(r) .colSums(r,length(r)/nQ2, nQ2), numeric(nQ2), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    num = matrix(drop(num), ncol = nQ2, byrow = TRUE) # ...which becomes a cleaner nQ^2 x m matrix.
    # Denominator (den): compute a matrix of dimensions m x nQ (where m = the number of factors)...
    den <- state_prob[-c(init_ids[-1] - 1, nObs),] # removing last obs per trip
    den = vapply(split(den, by_factor), function(r) .colSums(r, length(r)/nQ, nQ), numeric(nQ), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    den = matrix(drop(den), ncol = nQ, byrow = TRUE) # ...which becomes a cleaner m x nQ matrix.
    # We return the ratio of 'num' over a modified 'den' with each column replicated nQ times consecutively.
    return(num/den[, rep(1:nQ, each = nQ)])
melmasri/traveltimeHMM documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 10:30 p.m.